Waiting on KH4.
17 posts
Fandoms: Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Zelda, RWBY, and MDZS.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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So now that they've done three seasons in their current outfits, that means it's time for new character designs in Volume 10, right? Maybe something to reflect the desert environment in Vacuo?
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Ugh. AO3 has seriously spoiled me. I would kill to be able to tag what I want and don't want in published books. I don't know why harems are so frickin' popular but like all trends I wish it would burn out already.
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Really? I always thought they were more like Fai and Kurogane from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. Just with reversed color palettes.
I’ve been wondering who wei wuxian and lan wangji remind me of for the longest time and I just realized it’s doumeki and watanuki from xxxholic
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LITERALLY Winter Soldier!
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W A R    M A C H I N E
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Kingdom Hearts Things.
Things that will never not be funny to me in the Kingdom Hearts series: the heartless eating Mickey's shirt in Aqua's game and that's why he appears shirtless at the end of KH1. Riku starting off with his KH3D haircut in the beginning of KH3 then getting swallowed by the heartless tide and popping out with his KH3 haircut.
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I forget where I read it but I saw somewhere that before they acquired the rights to Spiderman, Tony was going to recruit Antman. The only reason Antman is Team Cap is because Team Ironman got Spiderman so they had to balance the teams.
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WASP WAS THERE!!!!!! ANT MAN AND WASP WERE BOTH GONNA BE TEAM IRON MAN!!!!!!! WASP IS TEAM IRON MAN IS CANON. (She’s They’re fighting Hawkeye, who is Team Cap since start)
No wonder Hope was pissed that Scott fucked off to Germany.
“You wouldn’t have been caught,” she said. Bc IF she were there??? They’d be Pro Accords and Scott wouldn’t be an international criminal. That’s literally canon for if Wasp was there.
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I think a lot of people completely over look the fact that most of our current Avengers are physical Avengers. Even Hulk and Antman who technically have powers use them in a physical way. Thor, Wanda, and Vision (and to a lesser extent Tony with his repulsors) are the only ones with actual superpowers that doesn't involve punching things really hard. But Thor in the first fight with Thanos either couldn't call lightning because they were in the middle of space or wouldn't risk the collateral. Vision was injured. Tony's repulsors didn't have an effect, but I think the only reason Wanda was able to hold off Thanos was the same reason she was able to destroy Vision's stone; her powers are similar in nature to the other Infinity Stones.
That being said I think its hilarious that people completely overlook the fact that she was losing to Promixa and Corvus before backup showed up. Nothing she did fazed them. Just like the fact that she didn't harm Thanos in any way; all she did was keep him at bay for long enough to do something literally only she could do because her power comes from a stone.
Thor, who actually hurt Thanos when he had the advantage of a new weapon and an open battlefield, definitely top choice for Strongest Avenger.
But…people are actually saying that Wanda is the strongest Avenger?
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Are people seriously forgetting about:
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Nostalgic Avengers
So I was going through all my Stony bookmarks and gods, I miss early Avengers headcanons. Just after The Avengers came out in 2012, everyone was writing about how the Avengers would drift back to Stark/Avengers Tower after they split at the end of Avengers and I just...really miss the optimism in the wake of the first movie. Oh, they'll split up for their own movies but they'll come back together and nerd it up in Avengers Tower between those. And that's not what happened at all. Everyone thought that fighting the Battle of New York would bind the Avengers together, that they would realize hey, we're awesome together, we should keep doing this team thing... and the state the team and fandom is in now? It really fucking blows how far back we've come from the wake of the first Avengers movie.
I want Hawkeye creeping around the vents. I want Thor thinking Poptarts are the best thing ever. I want Natasha leaving knives in every room. I want Bruce drinking really obscure teas. I want Tony going on workshop binges to improve all the team's gear. I want Steve to realize that he could have a life that's not mission after mission. I want the whole team holding movie night to catch Steve up on pop culture.
I want the Avengers we thought we were getting after the first movie instead of this sorry state we're in now.
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Genius. Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist.
game time!
every time you see this post you have to reblog with a different marvel quote (no repeats)
i’ll start: “i’m a god you dull creature!”
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KH3 Trailers!
Somethings I want to point out that I haven't seen anyone point out yet: (Which honestly I think we're all distracted by the debut of Aqua-nort and the new renders shown but anyway...)
1. Did anybody else notice King Mickey's hood? You only see it for a second when he and Riku walk into the Tower, but its totally shaped for his ears.
2. Sora swimming while not a merman?! I think the reason I was so taken aback by him swimming and fighting under water (while not a merman) was because you couldn't swim on Destiny Islands waaaaay back in KH1 and in KH3D you were weighed to the ocean floor and didn't really swim. It just looked so much smoother than the days of fighting in Atlantica.
3. Larxene wondering if Elsa is a new Princess of Heart?! Her saying there will be new 7 new Lights?! Does this mean we will be doing away with the old Princesses of Hearts (though probably not Kairi) which are the older "Disney Princesses" (except for Kairi and Alice) so that the "new" Princesses will become the Princesses of Heart? Does this mean Rapunzel, Anna, and Elsa are potentially the "new" Princesses of Hearts/7 Pure Lights?! Why are you making canon more confusing Nomura?!
4. Have we seen any Final Fantasy characters so far? There's been a lot of focus on all the Pixar content and the "new" Disney Prinesses. So far no Marvel or Star Wars which I think is a good call because neither are individual "worlds"; both are fully fleshed out universes that would take a lot to fold into the Kingdom Hearts universe. (Which is also why I think a Treasure Planet world would be hard but anyway...) Thinking about the trailers though I don't think we've a single Final Fantasy character either; they've all been Disney or Pixar or original Kingdom Hearts characters. Ienzo was shown in Ansem's lab in Radiant Garden but we haven't seen the Radiant Garden Restoration Committee react/interact with the Somebodies that returned in KH3D and time (though how much is up in the air) has passed between KH3D and KH3. I find it hard to believe that the Restoration Committee would just up and let the Somebodies have free reign of Ansem's lab even if they are the original occupants. Where is Leon? Aerith? Yuffie? Cloud? Cid? Tifa? Merlin? Are they getting new outfits? Is Leon going to join the plaid parade? Is Cloud? Are the Gullwings still around? Is Seifer and the gang still in Twilight Town? Is Kingdom Hearts no longer a Disney/Final Fantasy crossover now that they have all these original characters and all the Pixar content to add?!
Annnnnnnnd that's all I can think of for now. May add more after whatever event they have going on tomorrow.
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Avengers Ice Cream
Quick question: Has anyone come up with the rest of the Avengers' line up of Ben and Jerry's flavors?
Iron Man: Stark Raving Hazelnuts
Hulk: Hulk-a-Burning Fudge (?)
Everyone else:?
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KH3 Release Date
So, I know this is a little late after the KH3 promotional event but I don't think I've seen it come up yet. We're getting a release date next month supposedly but I wanted to point out that usually Japan gets the game three or four months ahead us. Do you guys think that will be the case for KH3 or do you think the release will be worldwide? I just... am trying to image how much fans are going to be chomping at the bit if Japan gets the exclusive release first.
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To be honest I want JARVIS back enough to be completely ok with them killing Vision.
very hilarious and bold of marvel to expect me to give one single fuck about whether vision lived or died 
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I think it was sort of explained though? Gah, I can't remember if Joshua is the one who said it but either he or Young Xehanort said that what seems to be happening to the two of them is almost like two people dreaming of similar events. Later on Young Xehanort tells Riku that when Riku saw the old version of him in the brown coat in the tutorial/beginning of the exam, Riku instinctively dove into Sora's dreams in an effort to protect him. That's why Riku's had the dream eater symbol on his back; technically he is a dream eater protecting Sora's sleep instead of the sleeping worlds.
I'm not sure it was said in so many words but I think basically Sora is the one who is visiting the sleeping worlds and unlocking their keyholes and Riku is visiting the sleeping worlds through Sora's dreams and protecting him from nightmares. The world this seemed most obvious in to me was the Country of Musketeers when Riku, from backstage, prevented the trap from dropping down on Sora and gang.
It makes my head hurt trying to figure out if they are somehow visiting the worlds simultaneously, when logically Sora would have to visit a world first in order for there to be a world for Riku to be in. However, in BBS, the logical thing would have been to space the story according to the actions of Terra, Aqua, and Ven, by which I mean Terra supposedly is the first person to each of the first three worlds, even though Ven and Aqua leave almost directly after him. For the game's sake, though they each have a different starting world even when that clearly doesn't work in terms of the overall story. So sometimes in order to progress the game things get a little handwavy in the storytelling.
Where was I going with this...right, so when things diverge in the story of 3D it's because they both are and aren't visiting the same worlds because the game demands similar but different story lines. In the case of Frollo, when Sora visited the world he died closer to the terms of the movie because that's how Sora interacted with the world. When Riku visited the world in Sora's dreams, he interacted with the world differently but because Sora knows Frollo died, he had to die in Sora's dream. But I think essentially the Dream Eaters can move between the two versions of a world because they're two realms of dreams. By going from Sora's version of a world to Riku's version of a world it would be like going further in sleep...I think. Kingdom Hearts logic is a bit twisty.
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so here’s something weird about this game. maybe it’s exclusive to La Cité des Cloches, i haven’t seen enough of the other worlds to know
earlier in the game, when going through Traverse Town, it’s explained to us (insofar as anything in KH is explained) by Blonde Genesis that while Sora and Riku seem to be on the same world, they’re actually on two entirely seperate ones that just happen to be occupying the same space. two copies, distinct, but parallel
this seems to be true of La Cité des Cloches as well, because we see events unfold differently across Sora and Riku’s journies, and due to this, we actually see Judge Claude Frollo perish in two entirely different ways
in Riku’s version of the world, Frollo loses his footing when the giant Not-Heartless he commands swoops up behind him. he plunges to streets below, presumably to his death, but because he’s been more or less eaten alive by the oh-so-tempting power of darkness, he dies assured that he’s won anyway
in Sora’s version, on the other hand, events play out more or less identically to how they do in the movie, with Frollo being dispatched seemingly by Notre Dame herself, ostensibly being made subject to the judgment of God that the archdeacon warned him he could not escape
the two sets of events seem to unfold independently, which makes sense if Blonde Genesis was telling the truth about Riku and Sora journeying across parallel planes of reality- but the thing that’s really interesting to me is that the Not-Heartless seem to be able to cross between either plane, or at least are connected in some way
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Riku’s version of La Cité des Cloches ends in a fight with Frollo’s massive Not-Heartless, Wargyle, atop the cathedral, a battle which culminates in Wargyle plummeting to the streets below, shedding its wings, seemingly defeated…
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… and then subsequently (or not, depending on the order in which the player completes the stories) appears in Sora’s version of La Cité des Cloches, falling from the top of Notre Dame, wingless and seemingly injured, but otherwise ready to fight
the Not-Heartless being able to move freely between realities while Riku and Sora themselves cannot is an interesting idea. so interesting, in fact, that i bet it will never be fully explained or utilized, because Nomura is a hack like that
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So I've been replaying KH3d and that scene where Lea and a few other Org. 13 become Somebodies again came up. I vaguely remember Xehanort implying/saying that those who had become Somebody again weren't worthy of his power aka hadn't been Norted. This, plus Saix/Isa and Xigbar/Braig being Norted, implies to me that all the Org. 13 that didn't appear back in Radiant Garden as Somebodies are now Norted/part of the 13 Seekers of Darkness. (Although it is possible that those that became Somebodies merely reappeared where they became Nobodies, like Lea's group. And since we don't know when and/or where members what 9-12 became Nobodies we don't know when or where they would turn up again.) Ignoring that, if those that didn't appear back in Radiant Garden as Somebodies are now Norted that means we'll probably end fighting: three or four incarnations of Xehanort, Xigbar, Saix, Luxord, Larxene, Marluxia, and... Demyx. So be honest. How many of you would cry if a Norted Demyx was the final boss?
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People talk about how Disney movies give girls unrealistic goals for hair and/or bodies growing up, but to me the most important unrealistic expectation is of...pets. I don't know a single pet that's as smart or insightful as a Disney pet.
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Tony and Steve
So, I was watching The Avengers the other day and that infamous catfight scene came up. You know, Big man...Genius, billionaire, etc. that one. And it was the first time I really paid attention to it since the Hydra!SHIELD revelation in Winter Soldier. Here's what hit me: Steve saying, "I've seen the footage. You only fight for yourself." Now my point being, does anyone else think it's possible that Hydra, not SHIELD, picked what footage Steve saw? Like deliberately edited it to make Tony look selfish, so Steve would have a bad impression of Tony from the get go? Handpicked the information given to Steve about the man who, without any training or testing of an experimental suit of armor beyond one flight test, flew into a warzone to rescue a camp of refugees from the same men that attacked him, left him scarred physically and mentally, with no information beyond what he glimpsed on a news report and no backup, who has already made the sacrifice play once by having Pepper blow the reactor to stop Stane/Iron Mongerer, while he was right there in the line of fire, who gave up the profits of being a weapons maker in the middle of a war, to pursue something better, a better legacy than death and destruction being all he's known for, so that Steve wouldn't trust or want to work with him? Am I reading too much into this?
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