non selective indie SarahManning please read all important pages before following Not saying the C-word, Alison´s rule
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Angst Starters! Send me one of these to see how my Muse reacts.
“I need you.”
“Stay close to me.”
“Don’t leave me!”
“Please stay with me…”
“Hold me..”
“Leave me alone!”
“Let me go!”
“I-I surrender!..”
“I’m so sorry..”
“Stop following me!”
“I’m scared.”
“I don’t want to do this!”
“I wont hesitate.”
“Keep it away!”
“Don’t point that thing at me!”
“Please, put the gun down.”
“Put. The knife. Away.”
“We can settle this, please.”
“Talk to me.”
“Stay with me, okay?”
“Stay awake!”
“No one needs you.”
“No one wants you.”
“You’re so useless!”
“I hate you!”
“But i loved you..”
“I’ll kill you!!”
“Pl-Please, i don’t wanna die!”
“Please believe me!”
“How could you?!”
“I trusted you!”
“Please, kill me, please..”
“I said i was sorry.”
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#or what I tend to say -herr lass hirn regnen-#which basically means lord let it rain brain#xD#mun stuff
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definitely has a lot of muse for her spy oc
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If anyone´s interested in chatting or plotting or rping on discord, feel free to like this and I´ll message you my username <3
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Well. This was a surprise. Though Eric wasn’t quite sure if it was a positive one. Too much time had passed since he had last seen Sarah, last talked to her - last touched her. Kissed her… He swallowed, tried to keep his features firm, although all he wanted to do was throw his arms around her and pull her into the deepest, most desperate kiss. She didn’t deserve that, though, did she? So he stayed silent. “Protect me?” he choked out. “I don’t need…protection. Ye jus’…jus’ left, without a word. No note. Gone, from one day ta the next.”
She didn´t expect him to fall into her arms. To tell her he missed her. To tell her he loved her. He was angry. He was hurt. Oh, how much she would love to touch him, though. She wanted to hold him, to kiss him and tell him how much she missed him. That she loved him. But she kept her distance. She gave him space. As if they didn´t have enough space the last few months. “I...didn´t have a choice.” She wasn´t sure what to tell him. She didn´t want to put him in any more danger. It was already dangerous just being here. She was a little at a loss for words. “I just...couldn´t let you get hurt because of me. You deserve better than me, Eric. You don´t need my shite.” Tears filled her eyes, but she tried to hold them back. “How are you? Are you okay?” She knew it sounded stupid. But she had to know. She had to know if he was okay. How he was doing.
#kldfkjldfkjldgfjkgf#this is totally okay :D#I also had this plot idea#where sarah visited ian one time while she was gone#to get info about eric#and I just picture it funny af#and scary for sarah xD#and I kinda want this#xD#ericbrandonrp
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Confess something to my muse!
It doesn’t necessarily have to be about them.
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“Protect me?” scoffed Richard, those few words drowning with bitter hurt. He didn’t want to be mad. He wished he could shed off the anger, the betrayal, the heartache he was feeling. Richard wished he could take the sight of Sarah wandering about the confines of his familiar flat with nothing but unabashed joy and relief. And yet…
“Two years,” hissed Richard, taking a bold step forward, doing his best to ignore the shivers running down his legs. Christ, his knees felt like they were about to buckle at any moment. “Two bloo’y years, Sarah. For two years I grieved for ye’. For two years ye’ made me believe ye’ were dead. All of those sleepless nigh’s…. Fuck…. I buried ye’. I stood at an empty grave. Do ye’ have any idea how I felt when I had to attend yer’ bloo’y funeral? Do ye’ have any–….” His words began to crack. The Scotsman stole back a shaky breath, or perhaps a wince. Were those tears building on the brim of his tired eyes? “No secrets. Don’t ye’ remember? Ye’ and I made a promise some years back tha’ we would have no secrets between us, and tha’ wha’ever comes our way, we deal with together. Wha’ happened to tha’ promise, Sarah? Wha’ exactly did ye’ have to protect me from? And why lie to me? Give me the truth. It’s the least ye’ can do…”

Every word that left his lips was like a sharp pain to the brunette. She knew two years ago that she´d hurt him, hurt herself and that was exactly what had happened. She´d broke her own heart and she broke his. But seeing him like this, it was even worse. She wanted to touch him, to hold him and never let go, tell him it would be okay, that she loved him. But she just stood there, listening to his words, not daring to move or say something. What could she possibly say? He was right, they made a promise to each other and she couldn´t keep it. Because she was too afraid that he would get hurt because of her. Because of the dangerous people trying to hunt her down. Because of Rachel. She left to keep him safe, but she still hurt him. Even though she wanted to protect him. A tear rolled down her cheek and when he asked her for answers, it took her a lot of strength not to break down. “Richard, you know what I had t´protect you from.” Her voice was weak and she ran a hand through her messy hair. “You know about the dangerous people in my life. I didn´t want t´leave. I didn´t want t´leave, but I had no bloody choice.” She wiped the tears away. “I had to leave. They threatened you. They wouldn´t stop hunting me and they threatened you. I had to keep you safe. I couldn´t let you get hurt because of me. I couldn´t.” She shook her head, tears filling her eyes, again. “If something happened t´you because of me...I couldn´t bear it. So, I did what I had to do.”
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john wick, kill bill assassin secret organization trope pls
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She took a long look at her surroundings. It´s been some time since she´d been here and it felt a little unusual. But she was happy to be back and she was happy to see the other again. Although she wasn´t sure how they´d react, yet. Hazel eyes on the other now again, she threw them an unsure look. There was silence between them and she didn´t like it. “There´s a good reason why I had to leave town”, Sarah started, her voice low. “I had to protect the people close to me. I had to protect you.”
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Hey, it’s Sarah. … I’m back in town.
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Hey guys!!! It´s been awhile, with my laptop broken and being a little stressed with rl and stuff I had to take a break with writing but I wanna start slowly again and I still love my dumb ass Sarah and I´ve missed you all so much :3 <3 Thanks for being still here <3 I might be a little slow but I´ll start with threads and memes and stuff again, anything to get my muse back in the game xD Feel free to message me whenever you want to chat or plot or whatever <3
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send “…didn’t know where else to go…”
for your muse to show up at my muses doorstep one night during a thunderstorm, shivering, bleeding & soaking wet.
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Sentence Starters — to cheer up / talk with sad muses.
( Change pronouns as needed! )
’ You’re not usually like this. What happened? ‘
‘ Are… are you crying? Oh my God, what happened? Are you alright? ‘
‘ Don’t bullshit me. I’ve never seen you cry before. Of course something is up! ‘
‘ I know we fight a lot, but I still don’t like seeing you crying. ‘
‘ No. No! That’s enough. They won’t be hurting you any longer. This was the last straw! ‘
‘ Oh, please don’t cry. Come here, come… please don’t cry. ‘
‘ I know you’re in there! Please let me in. ‘
‘ I can hear you crying, you know? Do you want to open this door to talk or… ‘
‘ You want to be left alone, I know. But would you mind if I stayed near you anyway? Quietly, of course. I just want to be nearby to make sure that you’ll be fine. ‘
‘ Cry it out, it’s alright. Yeah, just like that. Just cry it out. ‘
‘ Please tell me what happened. I want to help you. ‘
‘ I’m here! It’s alright, I’m here now! ‘
‘ Hold my hand; we’ll get through this. Together. ‘
‘ I’m certain they’ll come back. They would never abandon you. ‘
‘ Come on now. I thought I was supposed to be the emotional one here? ‘
‘ You’re not stupid for being sad. You’re stupid for not letting yourself be sad. ‘
‘ I knew we couldn’t trust him. I will make his life a living hell for doing this to you. ‘
‘ I got your jacket; let’s go to your favourite place. You look like you need to get distracted. ‘
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Symbols for the mun
💝 I ship our muses, but we’ve never interacted
✨ I think your portrayal is on point, but it also intimidates me
💍 I want to be exclusives with you
⭐️ We don’t rp, but I desperately wish we did
☀️ I want to rp with you, but I’m not sure how
💔 We’ve rp’ed in the past, but now we don’t
🎂 I’m new to your blog, and I want to be friends
🎉 We’ve been mutuals for ages, and this makes me so happy!
💡 I have a thread idea for us!
💌 I just think you’re amazing
💥 We’re not mutuals, but I wish you’d notice me
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