Indi RP Blog for the Tyrannosaurs Rex from Jurassic Park
Last active 2 hours ago
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🚕 my most embarrassing roleplay moment
🔥 my hot take about the roleplaying community
🖼 my favorite types of characters
My most embarrassing moment. Nothing really spring to mind, to be honest. I think the closest thing I can think of is when I replied to something, and it was riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes. This was years and years ago, and it's part of the reason why I reread my responses before I post them.
As for a hot take, I think the RP community has gotten a little too...picky? Likey, nobody really seems to be interested in crossovers like they used to back in the day. Everyone just kinda sticks to their clicks and don't venture out. I could go on and on, but I'll just keep this short for now.
Lastly, my favorite kinds of characters are I've honestly liked the 'gentle giant' stereotype. The big hulking dude who is actually a sweetheart deep down? It's chef's kiss perfect.
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❤️ my first roleplay memory
My very first roleplay memory was actually made on Steam of all places. It's how I got my start, even if I was kinda thrown into it. One person I met on a game (I don't remember which) they added me, and we just kinda started roleplaying. I had absolutely zero idea what I was doing, but I am thankful for that interaction as It led me here. :)
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In the beginning, there was nothing. Only warm primordial blackness. And for the longest time, there was only silence. An insurmountable amount of time had passed before something broke the deafening silence. It was low and muffled, like something was moving. The sounds grew louder and clearer as time passed. Then, there were loud snaps as joints began to form and take place. There was a new sensation, a sharp stabbing one. It felt...pain, real agonizing pain. And it only got worse as the snapping grew louder and louder, reaching an all-time high as an agonizing ache filled its...head? A firey streak pentetrared its skull, trying to force its eyes open. It was at that moment that it felt something new. Something other than the blackness of the void. A faint, rhythmic thumping of a heartbeat., She was alive.
Her eyes snapped open, the sudden burst of light nearly scorching her freshly grown retinas. With her first real breath, she threw her head into the heavens and bellowed. When the tyrannosaur roared, it was terrifying, like a scream from some other world. Her vision was blurred. She blinked a few times, trying to process what was happening. A moment passed as she got her bearings. Once she had finally regained control of her newfound sight, she looked around her immediate surroundings. The only thing that stood out was a small, horned creature. It had a blue coat and a big set of horns on its head.
Unsure of what to make of it, she took a few awkward steps forward, her legs wobbled like they were made of jelly. Then, the animal's big head leaned down closer to it. It seemed like it was saying something to her, but she couldn't quite tell what. The animal's head tilted to the side as she tried her best to comprehend the current state of events. Who was this creature? Why was she here? Perhaps this thing was the answer, and she had every intention to find out.
Creating monsters was becoming second nature for him. Grogar had crafted dozens of creatures already to bring destruction to everypony in their path. But the sorcerer knew there was always room for more. Each monster was an experiment—a test to see just what he could do. And now he was looking to go even bigger—scarier. So with horns alight in their yellow and black magic he concentrated.
Tendrils of black and yellow sprouted from the earth, twisting and binding to begin to form a mass. First were long legs and a tail, the body sprouting upwards to reach the sky, small arms—Grogar knew they wouldn't be as needed as their jaws—and then the large head with an elongated maw. The teeth would be this creature's prime weapon as well as feet and tail. Once the body was formed the magic melted from the beast's form. Large, reptilian, and overall frightening. He grinned up at his latest masterpiece. He was very proud of this one.
❝ Magnificent... ❞
He admired her for a moment longer, giving her a moment to process her new surroundings before he addressed her directly. ❝ Do you know why you have been created? ❞
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🍷 a character i want to write but never made a blog for
Ok, so I have an actual answer for this. While there are a bunch of characters that I would love to write for, there is one that I am actually heavily considering making a blog for. And it might be one that people might not expect...
Look, my daughter and I have been watching MLP recently, and this guy is such a goofy goober. I think he'd be so much fun to write for.
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MY EXPERIENCE IN THE ROLEPLAYING COMMUNITY * send me a symbol and i'll tell you...
❤️ my first roleplay memory
🍪 my favorite roleplay memory
🌵 my worst roleplay memory
🎁 what platform i started roleplaying on
☎️ my first character i ever roleplayed
🚕 my most embarrassing roleplay moment
🎭 a blog i miss writing with
🏆 how long i've been roleplaying for
🎾 what type of genre of roleplay i prefer to write
🍷 a character i want to write but never made a blog for
🔥 my hot take about the roleplaying community
⭐️ my roleplay pet peeves
🌸 the blog/s that most inspires me
🍄 my favorite original character blog
🐠 why i love (or hate) this hobby
🦄 the best thing that's happened to me in roleplay this year
🦁 my favorite ships
🎹 the worst roleplay trend i ever saw
🚙 the one thing i will never do in roleplay
🛳 my opinions on DNI lists
⛱ my opinions on anon hate
🏛 my opinions on softblocking
🖨 my opinions on callouts
🔑 my favorite type of threads
📫 my favorite type of ships
🖼 my favorite types of characters
📒 three blogs i couldn't live without
🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me
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The big animal was getting frustrated as the small dinosaurs seemed to ignore her first warning. They chirped and cried as they got closer. Their tiny beaks snapped at the air, each one eagerly wanting to snip at the young human. In a moment of frustration, the tyrannosaur reared her head back and took a deep breath. Then she rolled her head and roared. The sound was terrifyingly loud. The compy's immediately scattered away in fear, disappearing into some nearby foliage. After they vanished, the dinosaur let out snort as she turned her attention back to the small human to make sure she was alright.
Skylie startled a bit when the Tyrannosaur stepped in front of her. She did not like the predatory look in the little things' eyes. Skylie moved to stand underneath her new large friend, seeking protection. It seemed the rex was warning the little compies to stay away. Whether or not they heeded that warning remained to be seen.
"G-go away!" she yelled at the compsognathus. Skylie did her best to try and look taller, puffing out her chest a little. But good lord she was scared...
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After a while, the tyrannosaur's feast came to an end. She had eaten just about everything, save for the various amount of scraps that were scattered about during her frenzy. A low satisfied growl rumbled in the dinosaur's throat. She was feeling much better now that she had eaten her first meal in days.
The big head of the animal rose back up from the ground. Her attention then turned to the young woman who had provided her with the feast. She had perched herself on top of a nearby rock and looked to be observing the big beast. The tyrannosaur stared back at her. Though there was no sign of aggression, she was just watching. This would now be the second time this human had aided her ever since she came to this place. But she couldn't understand why. Where she came from, she was feared by many, and they would run at the mere sight of her. But this brave young woman chose to help instead. Why?
The tyrannosaur tilted her head to the side as she observed the small human. Her tiny forearms making slowly clawing motions in the air. The animal was just as curious as she was. Her chest could be seen slowly rising and falling as they exchanged a profound, unflinching stare.
WAS SHE BEING SELFISH? The question ran through her mind as she observed her beast from afar. 'Rega,' Mari called her. Something about it meaning 'Queen' in another language. (Or perhaps she misheard Kyle. She wasn't sure.) Though Rega was titanic in size, her frame had certainly seen better days. She was skinny—famished—walked with a limp and her leathery hide was littered in scars. To have endured so many battles should make her worthy of high regard, yet Mari could easily tell she wouldn't last much longer unless something was done.
And yet . . . the rider still couldn't stomach the idea of involving the Scriveners, or the Guild for that matter. So, she swallows down her fear for now, trying to focus on matters present rather than the future. "Okay. Definitely, definitely an obligate carnivore." She thinks aloud, before fetching her handbook and journal from their respective pouches.
The rider takes perch on a nearby rock, sitting her rump down as she fishes out a charcoal pencil. "Jot that down . . . the teeth were pretty telling. Jaw strength is . . . exceptionally adequate." Considering the force and mass of Rega's bite, it seemed apparent that her jaws were a key player in how she hunted and defended herself. Bone-crushing force was essential for taking down bigger prey.
"Puny forearms. Probably useless. Strong hind legs . . . so definitely a species of Brute Wyvern . . ." She mulls, briefly tapping the pencil to her cheek as she takes notes. "No signs of a particular element displayed yet. Might not have one . . ."
Dropping the pencil into the crease of the journal, Mari continues to think aloud as she watches the monster eat. "You look like an anjanath but you don't breathe fire. Your hide's more smooth and leathery like a deviljho, too. But you don't seem to share its aggressiveness so . . . what exactly are you?"
Mari plants her head in one hand. What a conundrum.
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I do apologize for the low activity. I've been putting in a lot of overtime at work, and it has left me exhausted. Replies and such are going to be slow for a little while till I can get some proper rest. Thank you for your patience :)
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The sound of running water filled the air as the tyrannosaur leaned down for a drink. Her last hunt was once again unsuccessful, leaving her rather parched and exhausted. The predators of this ecosystem were a far cry from what she was used to. Every time, her efforts to find food were thwarted by another apex predator. Leaving her battered and brusied, and even sometimes burnt. Now, the only way she could sustain herself was eating the scraps left behind from other creature's meals. The dinosaur was covered in cuts and scars. Her once bulky shape had shrunken down, her ribs a bit more noticeable than ever. She also walked with a slight limp, a result of one of her very first encounters, which had thankfully been attended to.
As the animal raised her head from the river, a strange smell wafted her way. She turned her head and to her surprise she saw the young woman who had nursed her burnt leg. She was carrying something very large with her, and it smelled absolutely delightful. The tyrannosaur approached slowly, a soft growl rumbled in her throat as she eyed the large slab of meat. She waited for the woman to set the hunk of meat down. Then with her massive hind leg, she pinned it to the ground and immediately engorged herself. She tore off large chunks and quickly swallowed them before going back in for more. Clearly the animal had been starved for a while, like it was her first real meal in days.
SHE HAD PLENTY OF REASONS TO BE AFRAID, she felt. Mari looked upon the situation with nervousness bubbling in her stomach. Having to determine the monster's region of origin and species was inevitable, but she didn't want to fathom the possibilities that came with making the guild and the Scriveners' Lodge aware of its existence.
It left Mari torn on a moral question; what was best for her people versus what was best for the animal? Obviously, finding where it came from and relocating it to its natural habitat would be ideal, but what if that wasn't the outcome? What if she was a subject of study, or capture? Just like Mari's dear rathalos had been?
The beast would be able to sense her uncertainty as she drew near, even past the comically sized hunk of aptonoth meat she had procured as an offering to it. "Hey girl," She said with a huff as she set it down. "Brought dinner for ya . . ."
@cleverxgirl liked!
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Crickets chirped, and the melody of nearby birds mingled with the wet tearing and snapping bones. The distant cries of other creatures echoed through the air. It was a graphic yet peaceful symphony. But then a new sound reverberated through the ground. Low ominous footsteps sent vibrations through the earth. A nearby puddle of water rippled with each step. The smell of blood was attracting something very big and hungry.

Trees cracked, and branches snapped as the sound grew closer and closer. Then, a huge scaley hind limb burst through the foliage and slammed into the ground. A large pebbled body pushed through the brush as the Tyrannosaurus revealed herself. She growled as she approached. The sweet aroma of blood flooded her nostrils. When the tyrannosaur roared, it was terrifying, like a scream from some other world. She stood tall as she inched closer, using her size to intimidate the other creature. She wasn't looking for a fight, but she was willing to risk it for a free meal.
The sound of snapping bones and wet tearing were only punctuated by the low, excitable yips of the hulking beast that loomed over the heap of gore. Crunching through sinew and bones with as much ease as soft flesh, it readily protected its meal from any wouldbe scavenger. Its entire head was covered in blood, but the beast hardly seemed to mind at all.
It had its meal, it wouldn't go hungry tonight.
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you should come within biting range. no reason
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I really need to get new icons one of these days. I've been using the same ones since 2015. And half of them are stuck on my old pc that I don't have access too :/
#I'd be nice to have some nice shiny new icons#Once I get a new computer that'll be the first thing I do#notadino#ooc ramblings
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Soldan gave an excited hiss, currently in her cursed beast form. Slithering up, giving a gentle poke with the tip of her tail. "Hi! It'ss been a while, ya'know?"
The tyrannosaur spun around as she heard the familiar voice of her friend. However, she wasn't prepared to see the massive serpent standing before her. The dinosaur let out a startled growl as she took a step back. It took a moment, but when she finally calmed down, she started to slowly recognize that this creature was indeed her dear friend.
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"Oh-" Oh this one was MUCH bigger than the little lizards she'd fed earlier. Hope takes in the appearance of the Tyrannosaur, noting the dagger-like teeth. Maybe... Maybe this one would also respond favorably to a food offering? "Hey there, big fella- Do you want some fish too?" She says calmly, motioning with one hand to the pile of fish beside her. If things went south here, she may be able to use the stream behind her for a quick escape.
The ground shook as the tyrannosaur lumbered toward the young woman. A low growl rumbled in her throat. As she got closer, the dinosaur noticed the large pile of fish right next to her. She stopped in her tracks, her large frame now towering over the small human. She stared directly down at her and then looked to pile of fish and then back to her. It looked like the big animal was weigh her options. Like she was deciding which one would be a more appetizing.
A big puff of air expelled from her nostrils as the tyrannosaur took a bounding step toward the big pile of fish. Her big head came down toward it. She took a couple of wiffs, and then her jaws opened wide. The dinosaur began to chow down as chunks of meat and half eaten fish flew everywhere.
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Independent Roleplay Blog for the Tyrannosaurus Rex from JURASSIC PARK
Graphic created by rathalascendant
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[Not the fanciest promo out there but here it is.]
One lady, a billion universes!

[Hit the ♡ or ↻if you'd like to interact with an oc who can fit in with almost any setting, but is predominantly fandomless.
Mun has over 13 years of writing experience on tumblr, is over 30 and the blog is semi-selective.
Very friendly to OC's of all identities and orientations, canon/canon divergent muses as well as self-inserts.]
[Pari's Info Carrd with Guidelines!]
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the aging queen of hell creek
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