cleverlittlerose · 8 years
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11K notes · View notes
cleverlittlerose · 11 years
outofroses;; so, I'm back! I'm slowly coming off of hiatus. I just did my first post back and I am super excited, because I feel ze muses flowing! If you want to roleplay with me, or to continue roleplaying, hit me up! 
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
The young rose moved into an upright position, sidling closer to her betrothed. Her eyes flickered with excitement and passion, knowing that what he said was true. Their life would be nothing short of an adventure, she was certain of it. Together, they would reshape the future of Westeros. And if things continued the way that they were, she knew that she would cherish every moment with Jon. How could she not?
"I think that would be a beautiful way to honor both the Stark and Targaryen blood that flows within you." She placed her hand on his leg, smiling up at the man beside her. "And our children will bear the sigil proudly." In the past, Margaery had never welcomed the idea of wearing the sigil of another house. She was a Tyrell; the blood of the Reach was within her and she would not forget it. However, she and Jon were creating a new line and that too was exciting. 
She shook her head, her long brown hair moving with her. "You mustn't worry about that," She whispered softly, leaning into his shoulder. "It will not be easy, but in time, they will come to trust you, and love you, just as I do." 
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Full Circle
"A faint memory? Hardly. Every moment with you is a well-cherished memory to me." His lips curled into a smile before he shifted on the bed and drew a hand up to stroke his beard a bit. "…I’ll find a way to combine both." Truly, Jon had never known to be terribly fashionable. After all, he had chosen to dress in all black for a bit of his life. It would be a welcome change to his life to mix the red and black of the Targaryens with the grey and white of the Starks.
He then lowered his hand and looked over to the door that lead to the rest of the Red Keep. As a King who was actually for the people and who was raised a proper man, he would be the one to set the bar for the Kings to come. Of course, he would also be the start of an age of peace without families plotting his demise. That, at least, is what he hoped would happen.
Jon then sat up fully and ran a hand through his long brown hair and furrowed his brows. “…The more I think about the future of Westeros with me as a King, the more I get nervous. I know I won’t be as bad as Joffrey or Aerys the Mad, but I still wonder if the people could ever trust their monarch again.”
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
outofroses;; sorry for my absence. I've just started back to school, and I'm also designing costumes and makeup for a touring production at my school. If you'd like to continue threading, please let me know. Also, if you want my skype, I'll gladly give it to you via message! 
Thanks, loves! 
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
The young woman moved gracefully about the throne room, a cheerful countenance upon her face. She stopped every so often, taking care to compliment the work that was being done. Handmaidens and servants of the crown alike had been elected to work with the queen-to-be to prepare the room for upcoming nuptials. Margaery took one girl's hands and gave them a tender squeeze as she looked at the marvelous bouquet of golden roses that the handmaiden had prepared. 
The warm aroma of fresh roses filled the room, wafting into her nostrils. She closed her eyes, smiling. It reminded her very much of Highgarden. Margaery wanted to bring a touch of her home into her ceremony, and perhaps into the Red Keep permanently. That would come in time, certainly. 
The voice of Tywin Lannister pulled her away from her thoughts. Turning to face him, a kind smile stretched across her face. "My lord," She inclined her head politely. "I must say, I rather enjoy the work. It is all more than worth it, I know." There had been something about the man before her that had been unsettling in her mind. Perhaps it was the fact that his face was permanently void of a smile. Her grandmother had warned her that he was a cunning and clever man, and she took the woman's knowledge to heart. 
It reeked. The entire room reeked of roses, even when one was away from all vegetation, it smelt of nothing but the opening petals of wet, fresh roses.  Perhaps it was good, for the king at least. His bride to be had a penchant for softening those around her, 
Cersei had nothing but disdain for the girl. Little wonder, there, Margaery was more clever than her, more attuned to the game. The Tyrells never seemed to be above anything, though they could remain aloof, they didn’t seem to be impolite, even to the lowest commoner. It was an interesting tactic. To take root in the dirt, spread their roots and grow like the most stubborn weed, no matter where they had taken up residence. Even now, Margaery’s influence in the throne room was seen in the preparations for her impending nuptials. 
He could hear her voice. His future granddaughter by marriage. He turned to see her, and forced on a less sour face, though it didn’t even closely resemble plesant. “I see you’ve been quite busy.”
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
Her lips curled into a gentle smile as his head nuzzled against hers. She took his physical instruction, allowing herself to lay down on the bed. The blankets were cool against her back, even though she was still donning her silk dress. The pale green gown bore a low-cut neckline, the fabric crisscrossing over her torso, exposing a hint of flesh. His lips met hers and she wrapped her arms around his neck, longing to pull him even deeper in the kiss.
There was passion in his touch; something she had never experienced before. Margaery had not been expecting to find such a connection in her husband-to-be. Love was a fairy tale, she'd been told. Even in  romantic Highgarden, her grandmother told her that love would be something that would come after years of marriage, if fortune favored her. Her own parents did not love each other, not truly. 
Her heart raced in her chest, and had she not possessed the slightest bit of restraint, she would have thrown caution to the wind and given in to the temptations. Alas, Jon separated his lips from her own. She did not return to an upright position, rather rolling on her side, her arm holding her up. "It could not come soon enough. And yet, once we are wed, this will all be a faint memory." 
The question he proposed was an interesting one. There were many different ways to look at it. Margaery had expected that he would wear the Targaryen colors, though it could be seen as an insult to his Stark raising. "You owe your childhood safety and care to the Starks," She started after a moment of thought. "But your crown to the Targaryen blood in you." 
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Full Circle
He smiled at her as she spoke to him. He nodded, tilting his head to nuzzle her. Slowly, he nudged her to lay on her back as his lips claimed hers. His kiss was loving, soft, and yet? It held a certain edge of lust to it. Perhaps it was by his desire for her that had slowly grown from when he first saw her. Love and lust danced in his eyes as he broke the kiss moments later. “Margaery…” He trailed off as her name left his lips.
"Thank you." He offered a warm smile as he looked down to her. Though they were still dressed in simple yet full clothing, he could not help but feel like that was not true. Her silken touches were something he never wanted to stop feeling. To see those brown eyes so full of love every day. "…I cannot wait for us to be wed, my beloved. Each day is going to drag on." He chuckled a moment before shifting to sit up on the bed. He would resist temptation until the night they were wed, but it still bit at his mind.
He pursed his lips a moment before looking to her. “I do have to wonder what would be more respectful or proper…to bear the colors of a Stark or the colors of Targaryen?” His brows furrowed together a moment. “…or to mix them.” He paused at that idea and chuckled. Mixing the dragon with the wolf would be an interesting idea, no doubt.
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"What do you think?"
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
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Alright, my lovely little minions. You know what time it is! Giveaway time! That’s right, bitches! I got my first one hundred followers on this blog, and to celebrate, I’m going to give a bunch of you stuff. Pretty original, eh?
Rules & Such:
Since this is a follower celebration, you have to be following me. {thetruekhaleesi} If not, the wrath of my dragons shall be released upon you, and you’ll automatically be disqualified. Sarreh. 
Likes don’t count, because…they just don’t. Reblogs only, please. Also, I know I’m great and all, but please don’t spam the dash. Das just rood. 
Roleplay blogs only, please. Since most of these prizes will only pertain to roleplay blogs, it just makes sense. 
All winners shall be messaged, and the “official” announcement will be posted in my tag: thetruekhaleesi
I will venture to get the prizes done as quickly as I can, but please don’t heckle me about it. I will keep an update post as I progress through the prizes! 
If I don’t hit at least 500 followers by the end of this, all of this is null and void. Period.  Jokes, jokes. I’d like for this to at least get thirty notes, if that’s alright. 
Contest ends August 17th, 2013 (the day before my birthday holla~), so get in as many reblogs as you can! 
There will be:
eight →→→ third place winners →→→ one prize to be chosen five   →→→  second place winners →→→ two prizes to be chosen three →→→ first place winners →→→ three prizes to be chosen
Prizes are:
→ A 600+ word drabble written by me. (I have the right to deny any requests, should I not feel comfortable enough to write about the fandom/character. Why waste a giveaway prize on something that’ll be shit, anyway?) →  at A theme re-do. This includes all graphics needed to complete the theme. (Satisfaction guarantee! If you don’t like it, it will be redone.)  → 30-50 count icon pack.  → Graphics made by me. → A custom thread/verse with your character. This can be as detailed as you’d like it to be.  → One book from the A Song of Ice and Fire series. (Non-repeatable prize, and there will be a cap placed on it if everyone chooses it. They’re cheap books, but there are 16 potential winners, so.) → A friendship bracelet. (Colors of your choice.) For the last two, you must be comfortable giving me your mailing address.  →  A graphic/promo to be displayed on this blog (and my one on one) at least twice a week for a month. 
So, that’s it! Have fun, and good luck! 
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
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stronglikemyladymother said: {I have yours in the drafts. I will get to it, I swear}
((Take your time! There's no rush! :D))
0 notes
cleverlittlerose · 11 years
My Absence and Threads
outofroses;; I'm sorry that I've been MIA lately. I have been ridiculously busy with school right around the corner. I haven't forgotten you guys.
However, I would like to know if you still want to continue our threads. If you don't, that's fine. I won't be offended. Please just let me know. 
  Thanks! :D I will be lurking and working on drafts! 
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
Pressing her to the rough bark of the tree, his lips pressed to Margaerys as his calloused hands roamed to her hips, tugging her by the fabric of her dress into him. Lady Margaery was known for her rather scandalous choice in gowns, revealing much of her while hiding the good bits. This served their goal well, uncomplicated and easy to pull up and off of her, exposing every curve and detail. With her permission, he filled her eagerly, grinding and thrusting her up against the tree.
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
Send me anonymous smut.
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19K notes · View notes
cleverlittlerose · 11 years
"I would be happy to ask one of my ladies to fetch a cup for you. And you would be correct in your assumption. I must admit sleep will likely not come easily tonight."
"I am terribly sorry to hear that, Lady Catelyn. Perhaps a cup of tea will help you?" 
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
outofroses;; damn. I lost 8 followers! That's insane. I must have pissed someone off...
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
"I am terribly sorry to hear that, Lady Catelyn. Perhaps a cup of tea will help you?" 
"Sleep eludes me this eve."
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
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Alright, my lovely little minions. You know what time it is! Giveaway time! That’s right, bitches! I got my first one hundred followers on this blog, and to celebrate, I’m going to give a bunch of you stuff. Pretty original, eh?
Rules & Such:
Since this is a follower celebration, you have to be following me. {thetruekhaleesi} If not, the wrath of my dragons shall be released upon you, and you’ll automatically be disqualified. Sarreh. 
Likes don’t count, because…they just don’t. Reblogs only, please. Also, I know I’m great and all, but please don’t spam the dash. Das just rood. 
Roleplay blogs only, please. Since most of these prizes will only pertain to roleplay blogs, it just makes sense. 
All winners shall be messaged, and the “official" announcement will be posted in my tag: thetruekhaleesi
I will venture to get the prizes done as quickly as I can, but please don’t heckle me about it. I will keep an update post as I progress through the prizes! 
If I don’t hit at least 500 followers by the end of this, all of this is null and void. Period.  Jokes, jokes. I’d like for this to at least get thirty notes, if that’s alright. 
Contest ends August 17th, 2013 (the day before my birthday holla~), so get in as many reblogs as you can! 
There will be:
eight →→→ third place winners →→→ one prize to be chosen five   →→→  second place winners →→→ two prizes to be chosen three →→→ first place winners →→→ three prizes to be chosen
Prizes are:
→ A 600+ word drabble written by me. (I have the right to deny any requests, should I not feel comfortable enough to write about the fandom/character. Why waste a giveaway prize on something that’ll be shit, anyway?) →  at A theme re-do. This includes all graphics needed to complete the theme. (Satisfaction guarantee! If you don’t like it, it will be redone.)  → 30-50 count icon pack.  → Graphics made by me. → A custom thread/verse with your character. This can be as detailed as you’d like it to be.  → One book from the A Song of Ice and Fire series. (Non-repeatable prize, and there will be a cap placed on it if everyone chooses it. They’re cheap books, but there are 16 potential winners, so.) → A friendship bracelet. (Colors of your choice.) For the last two, you must be comfortable giving me your mailing address.  →  A graphic/promo to be displayed on this blog (and my one on one) at least twice a week for a month. 
So, that’s it! Have fun, and good luck! 
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
You’re it! Rules are: copy this message to 10 other beautiful blogs who you think deserve it. Keep the game going and make everyone feel beautiful.
//You're so sweet! So I will comply! 
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cleverlittlerose · 11 years
outofroses;; goodnight peasants my dears. I hope you all have a great evening/morning/day/whatever time it is where you are. I shall return in the morning with responses, hopefully. Or just mah pretty face.
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