elizabethaura-moved · 10 years
Where am I? Where did I go...
Grunting as she came to, green eyes opened as she pushed herself off of the ground a little to be able to twist her head about before sitting up to massage her forehead with dainty fingers. "What happened? Last I knew, Tesla had started up that... Damnable invention of his..... If that thing has gone wrong and hurtled me backwards or forwards in time or space, the Lord forgive me but I will kill him!" Came her soft melodic voice before she tilted her head up once more and , slowly, began to test her muscles and bone structure.
"Wonderful...... One rib slightly cracked, won't take long to heal, others are healing...." She then twisted her head and great white wings flicked themselves out from behind. "Wings intact, no damage or injury... Thank the Lord for small mercies..." She muttered to herself as she slowly stood up and started to brush down her white dress. However as she shifted her wings whilst straightening her spine, a sharp hiss escaped her lips as her hand flew to her back. "Damnation! Maybe not quite what I had thought..... Nikola Tesla, with the Lord as my witness, I will kill you! Despite your relationship with Dr Magnus!" She growled as she slowly straightened her back.
The formally pristine white dress was now a little dirtied but otherwise was still fully flattering on her form. The bodice hugged her curves and curved over her decolletage but dipped lower in her back for her wings to move about and flap with ease, she had nothing on her shoulders for her sleeves started just off of them before trailing down her arms to a point at her middle fingers, her skirts flowed gently from her hips to the ground so the hems were now starting to get quite dirtied from the ground but Elizabeth didn't mind as she twisted around to get a look at her location.
"I get the feeling that this is not Old City... I see nothing that I recognise... And I dare not take off for fear of what might see me... If I have gone back in time..." Now panic was starting to creep into her as her green eyes widened and her hands cupped her face before her fingers ran through her brown curls. "Ohhhhh... This can not be well at all! Oh Lord above, what shall I do?" She stated as she heard something from nearby and darted into the shadows, a slight limp in her gait for now as she folded her wings in very carefully to better hide herself in the shadows, her wings in particular as she found a large enough tree to hide beneath as well as behind.. "Elizabeth Aura.... What have you gotten yourself now? John, my love, my mate.... Guide me...."
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herunfailingkindness · 10 years
assilat-vojjor said: THAT ANON CAN FUCK OFF.
-loves on u- I'm gonna pay them no attention really. 
wxbslinger said: Well that was a complete waste of time anon. Go mind your own business.
Yep!!! Also, I love you.
cattullystark said: *hisses at anon* While everyone is entitled to their opinion, being rude is uncalled for. If they don’t like your writing they can get the fuck out of here. More room for the rest of us to love you.
-snuggles mama!stark- I love you, thanks!
rangerbeyondthewall said:wow, dumb anon is dumb. You are a brilliant Margaery (and Dacey too!) and you should never listen to stupid anons like that. They’re just jealous of your floral swagger x9000000.
All that floral swag like whattt! Thank you! -loves on u-
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cattullystark replied to your post:cattullystark replied to your post:So ontop of the...
I love it and I’m getting ideas, and if this becomes a thing, please, sign me up.
YAAS good. Okay one person interested. Now we just need more. 
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cattullystark replied to your post:cattullystark replied to your photo:If you’re not...
no one here said anything about forgetting.
i know i know but when she appeared i was like ?!?!?! then she had sex with timothy fucking dalton and i was like !!! then she died and i was like im;cry!!!! and i couldn't more
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cattullystark replied to your post: snoendronningelsa said:✿ ✌ ✿ - Fa...
// That resurrection will happen soon. IT IS KNOWN. Btw, Katherine is almost done. I keep finding things to fix or change every hour.
Yeah, I've been working a lot this weekend, so I haven't gotten much done yet, but I'M GETTING THERE. EVENTUALLY.
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evilboobsxo · 10 years
dw bb, I keep yours in a seperate folder ~~ (though my main folder might have a few that were yours I got out of gif hunts?? Idk how I'd tell)
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tarotreadinglyanna · 10 years
dibs *cough*imeanwhat
send me a ‘dibs’ if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner
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herunfailingkindness · 10 years
greatofdeath said: holy shit that’s not good cattullystark said: // omfg no! level up your foot so it doesn’t swell much - in case it’s really broken - and apply ice. After 15 to 20 minutes remove it, and slowly try to move your toe to test it.
Well good news I don't think it's broken anymore, but it's scraped pretty bad. Ugh... never running after dog ever again. (I will tho... the next time he gets out.)
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cattullystark replied to your post:So ontop of the zombie!verse, I’m thinking of a...
You had me at sci-fi westeros au.
Cat as political advisor to both her husband who is head of a planet that gets covered in snow a lot. Not always snowing, but there's a lot of snow. It's clearly further back from the sun than say, Dorne.
And Winterfell is the capitol. 
And White Harbor is their space port. 
And if/when she could become Lady Stoneheart a space outlaw 
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cattullystark replied to your photo:If you’re not watching Penny Dreadful you should....
Sir Malcolm for king of everything.
yeah but are we forgetting the fact that anna chancellor happened in that show?
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allthejoyhadgone-blog · 11 years
cattullystark replied to your post “cattullystark replied to your post:srsly though i will pay you in...”
Sadly the fandom as everyone knows doesn't take kindly to women, and Lysa is always labelled as 'insane' which she's not. She has her flaws but madness is not one of them.
She is a presh baby that was screwed over in a major way at every turn.
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tarotreadinglyanna · 10 years
The Queen and her Lady-in-Waiting || cattullystark
Lyanna lounged in Catelyn's private chambers, resting in an arm chair with her legs draped over the side. Her Queen was in a private meeting with some sod from down south and had asked to speak with Cat privately. While she always respected the wishes of her oldest friend and the Queen in the North, she hated being alone. For all of her years, Lyanna had always been in Catelyn's shadow. She always had a place with her friend, her sister. But now that she was queen - and Ned was away on some sort of "kingly" business - Cat was left to rule the entirety of the North on her own.
Suddenly the door open and she shot up from her seat, it wasn't until she saw the frowning face of Catelyn that she relaxed and flopped back in the chair. "Well, you look as though you were having a grand ol' time with that big oaf. What did he want anyway?" Looking up at her friend's face again, she rose from her chair, gathered her skirts, and held out her hands. "Give me the crown. I'll put it away so you no longer have to wear it on your head."
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bywordordeed · 11 years
"Define family"
          Family is difficult. Family is a list of names, tied together by nothing more than blood. Family is a man willing to parade his son in honor. Family is a mother, so defiantly protecting her children that her peers mock her. That the women who surround her are no longer friends, but suspects. Family is a willingness to do anything and everything, throw away your own needs for the sake of those you've grown with.
          But family is also sacrificing selflessness. Family is being selfish, and caring so deeply that you will yourself to consume the relationships. To hold someone for so long that your arms grow numb, that they complain of being too warm and yet you continue on, holding tight until you absolutely cannot any longer.
           I want to say family is easy. That the ties we build are unbreakable, but the truth is family requires effort. Family takes everything you have, destroys your sanity, and leaves you far beyond your wit's end. That, Lady Stark, is a family.
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cattullystark replied to your post:cattullystark replied to your post:cattullystark...
In some weird way she reminds me of other of my muses when she talks about how old/ancient she is half the time. But yes, she needs to be quiet about it if she doesn’t want a scandal on her hands, and Tywin won’t like that.
She'll calm down, it's just the separation being too recent and she's all sad about it buuh. At least Dorne's cool for her, agencyyyyy
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cattullystark replied to your post:wand: red oak, phoenix feather core, 12 3/4...
basically we’re all on pottermore checking this out.
might as well go to the source. part of me is bummed dany didn't get dragon heartstring. but then i remember a girl who walked into fire and was reborn a queen soooo
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