classicfics · 2 months
HEARTBREAKING: Poor girl has to get out of the soft warm bed even though she is so so so so comfy
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classicfics · 6 months
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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classicfics · 7 months
ill redo this account one day
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classicfics · 1 year
i got a new phone and it keeps auto capping even tho I turned it off ugh
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classicfics · 1 year
sigma is so trans coded, like you could use any pronoun for them and id say "makes sense" you could tell me hes a transboy and id say "ofc he is he told me himself", you could tell me shes a transgirl and id go "yeah ofc she is i was there when she came out", you could tell me theyre any gender at all and it would fit perfectly, the only thing they are not is cis
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classicfics · 1 year
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classicfics · 1 year
i'm on display for all you fuckers to see
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iodfayfts | shinsou centric - no ship
summary: It's hot in the classroom but fuck Hitoshi doesn't want people to see his scars.
warnings: mentions of self-harm, scars
words: 323
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It's hot.
It's so hot in the classroom. Yamada-sensei told the class at the beginning that the AC was going out and it'd be fixed by next period but it's just so fucking hot Hitoshi can't stand it. They haven't switched to summer uniforms yet either and his blazer sticks to his arms uncomfortably.
He should take his blazer off, only for a moment while he cools down, and then he'll put it right back on again; he doesn't want to violate the dress code again. He moves the slightest to take it off, just his fingers twitch, when a thought crosses his mind. 'They'll see the scars,' he grimaces. 'I'll get sent back to the ward,' And suddenly Hitoshi thinks he'll just deal with the heat but fuck it's so hot and he knows the second he stands up, he'll pass out. God, if only he could cool down.
'Fuck it, I don't care,' And he slowly removes his blazer, sweat drips from his arms and he wants to gag. It's so uncomfortable. Unfortunately, his classmates' eyes have been drawn by his movement, drawn to his bare shirt. It's not like he's the only person in class with their blazer off, why are they looking at him?
'It's the scars,' He feels like he's drowning. 'They're all looking at the scars because they make you look ugly. They're concerned, Hitoshi, you've worried them,' He didn't mean to.
His bare arms might as well be screaming with how much attention they've drawn to themselves and their eyes are just staring, staring, staring, staringstaringstaringstaring- He grabs his sides, the force of his grasp leaves him slightly shaking, but at least most of his scars are hidden now.
Why is everyone looking at him?! Breathing gets harder to do but he can't have a panic attack right now, he's in the middle of class for god's sake.
And Hitoshi finds that suddenly, he does care.
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classicfics · 1 year
fresh regrets, vodka sweats
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fresh regrets, vodka sweats | dazai centric - soukoku
summary: But his left foot has already fallen off the edge, and he can't get back up now.
Dazai yelps as gravity grabs onto him and doesn't let go. The feeling of falling is much more terrifying than he thought it would be, and dread creeps into his stomach. His face contorts into one of fear, and he should feel happy, but he doesn't.
warnings: mcd, double suicide, graphic description of injury, blood
words: 1283
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His pockets keep his hands warm as he fidgets with the cotton lining on the inside of them. He squeezes the fabric between thin fingers and pulls at it hard enough it tears off. Dazai hates the feeling of the stray cotton just resting in his pocket— and occasionally brushing up against his hand — so he picks up the cotton and tosses it out of his pocket before slipping his hand back in and picking at the fabric again
It's quite windy tonight, he notes. The breeze maneuvers the cotton in its grasp and takes it far from Dazai. He hates the wind. It gets his hair all over his face and he has to constantly move it away; the hair tickles at his face and Dazai grimances each time it happens. Why couldn't the wind blow in a different direction? And Dazai hated being cold, which the wind produced despite his grumblings. Or maybe he was cold because he was so high up? Yes, that's probably it. He hasn't stopped staring at the ground, either; it's hypnotizing.
The headlights of cars and lights of buildings, and even the lighting of the companies (such as bakeries) made its way onto the sidewalk, which Dazai gazed upon. His head is pointed straight down and Dazai wants to stop looking, but he can't, not even as his neck is bent at an uncomfortable angle.
He sees people walking that look like nothing more than ants at this height. Even the cars looked small enough to flick with his finger. He smiled at the thought and removed his fingers from the confinements of his pocket. The cold hit his warm hand immediately, he shuddered and wanted to put his hand back, but it was already moving into a position used to flick something; The tip of his middle finger just barely rested on the side of his thumb as he lined his fingers up with a car and flicked at it. He made a woosh sound as he did it. The car didn't move and his finger didn't hurt but it still made the man laugh airly.
He turned around on the ledge, careful to watch his footing so he didn't trip and fall too soon. Speaking of, he needed to jump soon, and fast, before he started paying attention to his feelings. Dazai was exhilarated to finally commit, his palms were sweating and he was shaking with excitement. He closed his eyes and spread his arms out, spreading his weight to his upper body so it began to tip over. But it was too late, and a former partner of his already popped up in his mind.
Dazai furrowed his eyebrows and frowned at the image. He began to think about their time together and a certain memory of them talking about the future appears in his mind. Dazai’s mood drops. In the memory, they're talking about getting married and growing old together. Chuuya's dream house was a small cottage in the middle of the woods. He said so because it would be funny to watch over police frantically trying to figure out how long it's been since he died, and Dazai laughed and agreed.
But his left foot has already fallen off the edge and he can't get back up now.
Dazai yelps as gravity grabs onto him and doesn't let go. The feeling of falling is much more terrifying than he thought it would be and dread creeps into his stomach. His face contorts into one of fear and he should feel happy but he doesn't. For a moment, he's confused but the ground is getting closer— he can hear it, and he has no time to be confused. He etches a smile on his face in a desperate attempt to feel okay again, to feel a bit normal again but it wipes off just as quickly.
Fuck, why is this happening? He's supposed to be happy about this! Why does it always go wrong for him? Dazai wants to cry but he'll reach the ground before tears appear.
The shout is rushed and panicked. Dazai turns his head to the side to see a flash of black and red run to him. But it only takes a moment's glance to realize it's Chuuya. The ginger doesn't have his hat on, he must've been in a rush for that to happen. Dazai wants to make a snarky comment. Something like, "You came all this way for little ol' me?” but a blitz of air makes its way into his throat before words come out. It makes Dazai cough, then choke on his own cough.
Pressure hits Dazai in the side and it almost knocks the air out of him. Chuuya slammed against him in the air, and managed to disrupt his fall. Dazai feels hope rise in his chest but it's out his ass once he sees his own ability undo Chuuya's. Panic engulfs him. If Chuuya doesn't let go of him, he's going to die too. Dazai can't have that, his death wasn't supposed to be a burden on anyone. He struggles in Chuuya's grasp, kicks and punches at him as best as he can— but Chuuya's grasp prevails and Dazai screams at him. "Fucking— Fucking let go!” Chuuya's grasp on him only tightens. "Shut up, Dazai! Let me have this!”
Dazai can feel tears well up in his eyes and he looks over and sees Chuuya's eyes in similar condition. "Chuuya stop it!” His hits weaken. "Please let go, please go save yourself,” Chuuya's death was never supposed to be on his hands. He wanted his lover to die from old age, away in a small cottage like they had always discussed. He wanted to laugh with his lover in heaven as they watched law enforcement figure out they were part of the mafia when they were younger. They weren't supposed to die like this— especially not Chuuya. Dazai's had his fate written since he was younger but not Chuuya! Chuuya's death wasn't supposed to be by suicide.
"Fuck, Dazai, let me do this for us!” Their tears spilled over at the same time and how much Dazai hated being the reason behind Chuuya's sadness. "Let's be happy together, okay? Let's live in our small fucking cottage in heaven and laugh at the police! You know? Like we always wanted?!” A smile played on Chuuya's lips but Dazai could tell it took everything in him to keep it there. It contradicted the tears flowing on his cheeks. Dazai reached out a hand to wipe the tears off Chuuya's face but the gravity was pulling his hand down, and it was a struggle to even lift his fingers. "Okay,"
Chuuya hugged him tightly "I love you." Dazai tried to sniffle. "I love y-"
Their bodies met hard asphalt and blood soaked the road. It smeared across the paint job and faintly, Dazai heard screaming. He couldn't feel the vibrations of himself doing it and across from him, Chuuya's mouth was only slightly open. Their eyes were solely fixated on each other.
Were they dead? No, Dazai is still thinking and Chuuya's hand is still grasping him as much as he could.
"Chu- Chuuya…” Chuuya's eyes prompted him to go on, and Dazai was surprised he could still speak. Chuuya's hand grew weaker and the ginger’s eyes fought to stay open. “I don't… wanna die…”
They stared at each other as their eyes lidded over and their grip on each other completely loosened. They would always have each other, through life and death, always and forever. Well, that’s what the ring on his finger told him.
Neither have ever felt so human.
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classicfics · 1 year
im a better writer thsn thst last ff shows i swear that one was written a while ago
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classicfics · 1 year
im only gonna post the ffs of mine thst i like
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classicfics · 1 year
though the truth may vary, this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
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tttmvtswcobsts | kazuha centric - no ship
warnings: mcd, drowning
summary: kazuha doesn't plan for it. he simply enjoys watching the waves and letting himself relax. he didn't have time to plan for it.
words: 749
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kazuha watches as calm waves control the surface, the ones that slowly rock the boat he sits on. he watches his feet swing back and forth, not of his own will, but the gravity that controls the ship. he tightens his grip on the railing as a particularly harsh wave comes in contact with the boat. the water slightly splashes onto his feet. his frown deepens; he sighs. kazuha looks up at the stars, they all shine brightly, some more than others. he examines them. from the ones barely seen to the ones that blind the others. he studies the constellations, not that he knew most of them, but they were pretty in person.
his arms buckle inwards as another wave rocks the ship. kazuha leans over to look at the doors to the beds. the lights are still on, he can only assume they’re having a drinking game. beidou had confirmed hours before that there wouldn’t be any storms tonight, so they weren’t at fault. looking back over the water, the poet breathes in the aroma of the water. it’s not a pleasant smell, it’s one of fish and salt. kazuha hunches in on himself and runs a hand through his hair. he looks at the waves to come, decides they’re calm enough, and takes his hands off the railing. the only thing keeping himself balanced now are his legs.
but perhaps he shouldn’t trust his judgement anymore, since as soon as he closes his eyes, let’s himself relax for a moment, a thick wave comes and tumbles into the ship. his lack of balance allows the wave to take his body underneath the ocean. he scares himself alert as he falls, only a small shout of surprise escapes him before the waters devour him.
his mouth is open as water surrounds him, water fills his mouth and nose. it’s disgusting, he despises the taste. his eyes shoot open as the cold water numbs him, it’s not a smart choice. the bacteria from the water burns his eyes but he does not dare to close them. he can’t see anything but the blurring lights of the ship but he cannot bring himself to shut them.
he sees air bubbles escape from his lungs and into the water and only then does he realize he can’t breathe. he almost inhales in a panic, but he stops himself and resorts to flailing around. he knows he can’t swim, he never had the chance to learn in inazuma, and he knows flailing will only make him sink faster, but he can’t help it; he’s panicking. kazuha makes the mistake of looking down and he accidentally inhales. he chokes before he can scare himself with the dark waters. but because he’s choking, he inhales more water. he brings his hands around his neck and squeezes tight, like he’s being hanged, his legs violently kick underneath him and he falls faster.
his mind is clouded, he can't think straight. his eyes squeeze shut and he tries to let out a scream, it doesn't leave his throat and it only makes him choke more; his eyes shoot open for a moment before closing again. water fills his lungs and it’s so incredibly painful that he’s sure tears are being mixed with the ocean’s salty water. he wishes the god’s would take him already so he doesn’t endure the agony. the belt around his waist tightens painfully with every spasm his body produces. ‘is this how tomo felt in his final moments?’
kazuha does not remember opening his eyes again but he can’t tell if the darkening spots in his vision are the ocean or he’s losing his sight. he can’t feel his body anymore, the cold water has completely numbed him. he spasms, and the hands around his neck loosen.
is… he dying?
he reaches his hand out towards the ship with any strength he could muster, but the waves above him do not allow him to move. the water is using kazuha's lungs as another place to rest, he realizes. he wants to move again, but the searing pain is coming from everywhere. he can’t breathe, can’t move, can’t see.
he spasms in his last moments. he thinks about tomo. what his friend must’ve felt and thought during his final moments.
just before his eyes shut for good, he imagines tomo reaching out to him in the water. he desperately wants to reach out to him but he cannot move.
his eyes shut.
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classicfics · 1 year
yeah why not
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classicfics · 1 year
should i post my fics here
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classicfics · 1 year
yay it changed
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classicfics · 1 year
why wont it let me change my pfp im getting violent
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classicfics · 1 year
i am new to tumblr what the fuck how do i use this app
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