Classical Satanism
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THE RITES AND BLACK MAGICK ARTS OF CLASSICAL THEISTIC SATANISM New to Tumblr and Wordpress (pretty much new to the Internet in general) but it is on Tumblr and Wordpress I now release my Book CLASSICAL SATANISM, the most complete manuscript on Satanic Rites and the Black Arts ever published. Pictures here are not mind but all Writings are and are copyrighted to me.
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 25 Evoking The Infernal Fortress Of Protection
It is an obvious fact that there are time when the Practitioner of the Black Arts will find themselves under some form of Magickal Attack or Psychic Attack, many people come under such attacks daily that are not even involved in Occult Practices . . . periods of unfortunate events, illness and other misfortune put down to bad luck are often the result of such Attacks as are certain events put down to Paranormal Activity. Those not involved with Magick just think they are have a particularly bad run of ill fortune and will never be able to end such ill favoured runs due to their ignorance regarding Occult Workings and Magickal Power. The Satanist however is well equipped to protect themselves from such malicious Magickal assailants and should always be prepared to do so! The following Rite is designed for the purpose of protecting the Satanist's homestead from Magickal or Psychic Attack calling upon the combined powers of Satan, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Sargatanas and Satanachia to forge a protective fortress around their abode. The only additional requirements upon the Altar shall six Sigils inscribed upon Parchment, these will be the individual Sigils of the aforementioned five Demons and The Bound Sigil Of Fortification which harnesses the Names and Power of all five Demons merged as one. The Satanist should place the five Demonic Sigils at the points of the Inverted Pentagram upon the Pentacle - Satan at the left upper point, Beelzeboul at the right upper point, Asmodeus at the left point, Sargatanas at the right point, the final Sigil of Satanachia should be placed at the bottom point of the Pentagram - The Bound Sigil Of Fortification should be, for now, placed to one side of The Satanic Pentacle. The Satanist begins with reciting the following passage:
"Here before the Sacred Altar of My Infernal Father Lord Satan . . . I seek to fortify my homestead against the forces of Magickal Attack . . . the forces of Psychic Attack and against all other forms of Spiritual machinations worked against me and those loved ones  who I share this abode with . . . I call upon your ineffable Power Lord Satan . . . and the Power of your Infernal Demons Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Sargatanas and Satanachia . . . to aid me in Protecting I and those I love from the forces directed at me by the Enemies I have within the Arcane Arts!"
The Satanist meditates upon the five Sigils placed at the points of the Inverted Pentagram upon The Satanic Pentacle for a short time and then continues:
"Before me Satan and Beelzeboul . . . at my left hand Asmodeus . . . at my right hand Sargatanas . . . behind me Satanachia . . . their Sigils charged here at the points of the Pentagram upon Satan's Majestic Pentacle . . . I Conjure the Infernal Pillars of Fire of each of these Grand Spirits to be erected about this homestead . . . I drive forth the Power of this The Satanic Pentacle that it may rise as the Macrocosm of its Power . . . stretching out before and around this Altar . . . forming the Pentagram Of Gestation around myself and this abode to repel all Magickal assailants against this place and their Occult machinations . . . Ave Satanas!"
The Satanist visualizes the encircled Pentagram upon The Satanic Pentacle reproduced beneath them upon the ground stretching out before and around them, the Red Circle around the Pentagram setting the perimeter of the Working area, the two upper points of the Pentagram reaching out before them. Then the encircled Pentagram is seen stretching beyond this outside of the abode itself and five Pillars of Infernal Flame rising from each each of the points of the Pentagram . . . when ready the Satanist recites the following:
"The Infernal Sphere of Protection is erected . . . the Five Pillars of the Grand Beings Satan, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Sargatanas and Satanachia are erected . . . and the Inverted Pentagram is manifest to seal this Infernal Fortress from all attack!"
The Satanist now takes The Bound Sigil Of Fortification and places it at the center of The Satanic Pentacle saying:
"Behold The Bound Sigil Of Fortification . . . containing the Power of the Five Infernal Spirits summoned here . . . behold that it draws the energy from the Demons of the Five Grand Demons of Protection and becomes as one defending against all who would assail this homestead . . . hear now the Incantation of Fortification . . . Ave Satanas!"
Placing each of the Demonic Sigils one on to of the other upon The Bound Sigil Of Fortification the Satanist now issues the Incantation of Fortification:
"By the Power of Our Lord Satan, Grand King of Hell . . . by the Power of His most loyal Servant Beelzebub . . . by the Power of the Grand Demons Asmodeus, Sargatanas and Satanachia . . . The Infernal Fortress of Protection is erected here . . . as a defense against all forms of Magickal, Psychic or Spiritual Attack . . . may all such attacks sent here be vanquished . . . may all Magickal assaults be banished . . . let the Servitors summoned of these Five Grand Demons immersed within the forged fiery fabric of this Fortress . . . defeat all Summoned Entities sent here against this place . . . let ever Magickal Attack be thwarted and the negative energies sent to harm those who reside in this abode be repelled tenfold back upon the assailant . . . casting upon them the hate and malicious intentions of their attack . . . by the ineffable Sigils of the Five . . .  and The Bound Sigil Of Fortification that harnesses their forces . . .  may all strikes against this homestead in all forms . . . be rendered futile and the those who forged such strikes be the victim of their own intentions . . . Ave Satanas!"
The Satanist takes up the six Sigils and places them within the Black Pouch and places it upon The Satanic Pentacle saying:
"While the Sigils are forged as One then so shall those in this homestead gain protection from those who would seek to move against this abode . . . Ave Satanas!" ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 24 Agrat Bat-Mahlat And The Conjuration To Incite Promiscuity In A Woman
NOTE Agrat Bat-Mahlat is a powerful Demon and a close ally of the Dark Queen Lilith, a Demon who governs the areas of sexuality, violation, fornication and promiscuity, also a wrathful Demon who takes pleasure in violence and all acts of sin. The Conjuration put forth here concentrates on this Demon's love of luring others to commit sins against the dictates of God and is to incite promiscuity in whoever the Satanist is directing the Working toward.
THE GUISE OF AGRAT BAT-MAHLAT Agrat Bat-Mahlat manifests in the form of a beautiful woman with long flowing Red hair, Her eyes are Black, Her lips Ruby Red, Her voluptuous form barely concealed by wraps of Red gossamer. Serpents often manifest with this Demon, either wrapped around Her or about Her on the ground seemingly moving with Her as She walks. This Demon also gestates at times as a frightening hag like woman with unruly White hair, She particularly adopts this form against those who rebuke Her.
"Grand Demon of Seduction . . . Demon of Promiscuity and Harlotry . . . lover of Sin and Debauchery . . . Mistress of Serpents . . . Enchantress of the Wanton Grail . . . I Conjure your Power this night . . . summon forth your lascivious energy . . . call upon the currents of fornication which flow from your decadent form to possess and change the woman named (Name) . . . may she be lead by your ineffable power to become promiscuous . . . to become embroiled in countless sexual encounters . . . let (Name) become obsessed with sexual union with both men and women . . . desperate to be satisfied constantly within her insatiable loins . . . let her thoughts, motivations and objectives be consumed only with the constant need to be immerse herself in the pleasures of the flesh . . . I summon forth your debauched forces Grand Demon Agrat Bat-Mahlat to engulf the one named (Name) . . . leading her further and further along the path of sexual deprivation . . . Hail Agrat Bat-Mahlat!"
©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 23 Unsere And The Conjuration To Ensure Safe Pregnancy
NOTE Unsere is an Infernal Spirit closely associated with the cycle of conception, pregnancy and birth for She governs the protection of the infant during those phases as well as the Mother. She is also a Demon of Healing and Fertility concerning children and women and also brings fertility to the land and ensures good harvests. The Conjuration given here focuses on the former areas of Unsere's Power and calls upon that Power to ensure that the one the Conjuration is being carried out for will gain safety and health during their pregnancy.
THE GUISE OF UNSERE Unsere appears as a pale skinned woman with long Black Hair and dark eyes, she wears either a gossamer cloak or gown, sometimes the garment is of a velvet material, either way it is always Green in hue. Her hands are noticeable for Her long slender fingers and She at times manifests appearing pregnant. On occasion Unsere appears heavily pregnant and naked, an aura of Gold surrounds her full belly.
"Grand Demon of Hell . . . Unsere, Infernal Spirit of Birth and Fertility . . . Giver of new Life . . . protector of the unborn . . . nurturer of the human not yet formed . . . I Conjure your Power this night Unsere to guard and protect the life that gestates within the woman named (Name) . . . to nurture and bring growth and health to this gestating fetus . . . to ensure its development within the one known as (Name) . . . encircle this new life with the protective, fertile and healing forces of your Infernal Energy Unsere . . . protect this unborn life . . . aid it in completing its cycle of gestation . . . guiding it to ascend and transition into that which it is destined to be . . . bringing it full term and ensuring its safe passage into this World . . . by your Power Unsere may the journey of the awaiting Mother (Name) and her unborn Child be without trauma and protected from all harm . . . Ave Unsere!" ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 22 The Dark Glass Of The Seer Conjuring Agaliarept
We now introduce the first of the Seership Workings within this Book, that of ‘The Dark Glass Of The Seer’ … a Scrying Practice Conjuring the Aid of the Grand Demon Agaliarept who holds power over gazing into the past, present and future as well as into other worlds. The only additional requirements upon the Altar are a large Parchment Sigil of Agaliarept and their Scrying Journal and a Pen, the Devotional/Petitioning Candle Should have been dedicated to Agaliarept also. Before the Altar the Satanist starts the Working by reciting the following words: “This night I would see beyond the veil … to see that which lies hidden in the past, the present and the future … I would seek answers that lie within the locked chambers of my subconscious and within those of the outer Realms … which lie hidden between Worlds … I would seek knowledge to the questions that plague my mind and messages that may be delivered through the Black Mirror of the Scryer … and to aid in that quest … I Call upon the Grand Demon Agaliarept … Guardian of the Portals and Guide of the Infernal Seer!” The Satanist takes the Parchment Sigil and places it upon The Satanic Pentacle and then continues: “Before me lies the Sigil of the Grand Infernal Spirit Agaliarept … Dark Demon of the Realms and Spheres beyond the physical plane … placed upon The Satanic Pentacle that it may be awakened … empowered … given life by the infinite Power of Our Lord Satan … awaken Grand Sigil … that which holds the essence of the Demon Agaliarept … awaken and and make open to me the shades of that which have been and those which may be … awaken and draw the hidden curtain which conceals the secrets held within the subconscious of the human mind and the subconscious of Satan from which all manifests … Ave Agaliarept! … Ave Satanas!���
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The Satanist now removes the Sigil from The Satanic Pentacle and places it in front of it, they then take The Black Mirror and place this upon the Parchment Sigil and begin the practice of Scrying. Staring into the darkness of the Mirror’s surface, letting their sight be consumed by the impenetrable stygian realms of the darkened glass they slowly begin to let the eyes become unfocused. The darkness of the Mirror now seems to encroach upon their sight and after a short while they allow their eyes to close, the dark rectangle of the Mirror appears upon the already abyssian canvas of their inner mind reflecting that inner gate which lies within them, the gate which is as a portal to enter into the seemingly endless void of their own subconscious. They visualize that inner gate which becomes as one with the imprinted doorway upon the vista of the mind’s eye and then slowly allow their eyes to open again and focus once more on The Black Mirror. The Sigil of Agaliarept has joined the outer and inner gates leaving the inner mind open to the secrets, messages and visions which may be transmitted through them. Gazing upon the Mirror the Satanist allows the depths of the Mirror to reveal its Mysteries, swirls of mist may begin to form within the surface of the Mirror and from this shapes form, images may appear either upon the darkened glass or upon the black canvas of the mind’s eye. Symbols may form, words may enter the Satanist’s mind or names … all these things should be noted in the Satanist’s Scrying Journal at the time of the session or later after the Working is complete if their memory is reliable to store the information being relayed. Even if images and symbols appear that seem to make no sense still make note of them … the subconscious mind speaks often through the language of symbols and they may be deciphered at a later time. When the Satanist feels that the Scrying session is becoming stagnant and all messages from the Scrying Tool have been exhausted they should remove the Black Mirror from the Sigil of Agaliarept and put it back in its usual place upon the Altar. The Sigil is now placed upon The Satanic Pentacle again  and the Satanist places their energy hand over it saying: “I have consulted The Black Mirror … ancient Scrying Tool of the Satanists … the Witches of Old and the Dark Sorcerer … the veils have been parted this night by the ineffable power of the Demon Agaliarept … His Sigil has been as a Key unlocking the Doorway which leads out into the Abyss of Creation …  and inward onto the darkened paths of my subconscious … my gratitude and honour Agaliarept are always yours … as is my unyielding allegiance … Ave Agaliarept!” The Satanist now folds the Sigil and seals it with wax from the Devotional Candle and continues: “The Sigil of my honoured and revered Demonic ally Agaliarept shall remain with me till seven nights from now … and through its charged power may other revelations yet be made manifest to me … during the hours of waking … and yet gestate upon the dreamscape of my sleeping hours … Ave Agaliarept … Ave Satanas!” The Sigil should be kept close to where the Satanist sleeps and carried upon their person by day for the duration of one week, at this time the Sigil should be committed to the Earth to charge the land and dissipate back into the natural energies of the planet. ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 21 The Path Of The Infernal Seer
The Path of the Infernal Seer is one of great Power, I have had Students who show little interest in this Path preferring to delve into the Magickal Practices and ignore the Ancient Arts of Satanic Scrying and Divination. This should never truly be the case as the use of Satanic Seership is not only powerful and aids in developing Communion with the Demons of Hell, it also develops Psychic Ability (which can only help in Magickal Workings) and can provide great guidance in upon the Satanist’s life path. I can say without any doubt that without the aid of such Practices that I probably would not be writing this today, as such Practices have aided me in avoiding possible death on three occasions. To each Initiate of these Arts there shall come a time when they find the Practice that fits them best … it may be the use of the Crystal Ball, the Black Mirror, Pyromancy (Scrying by flame), Hydromancy (Scrying by Water) or even Aeromancy (the Art of scrying within clouds). These Arts of been undertaken for centuries, we even find it dating back to the Ancient Romans who sort their messages in the entrails of animals. My personal preferred methods of Scyring are through the use of Capnomancy, Cartomancy, Pyromancy and Catoptromancy but I would recommend that new Satanic Initiates try all forms of Scrying until they find the one which they feel natural with and one which gives them the best results.
AEROMANCY Scyring by the divining of clouds or other atmospheric conditions such as storms.
ALEUROMANCY Scrying with flour.
AMATHOMANCY Seership by the use of sand.
ANTHRACOMANCY The Art of Scrying within hot coals.
CAPNOMANCY Scrying by smoke.
CARTOMANCY Scrying/Divining through the use of  Playing Cards.
CATOPTROMANCY Scrying with mirrors.
CINEROMANCY Divining by the use of the ashes of a fire.
CRYSTAL GAZING Seership with the aid of the Crystal Ball.
DEMONOMANCY A form of this (merged with Cartomancy) is given later in Classical Satanism.
HIEROMANCY Scrying within the entrails of a Sacrificed animal.
LITHOMANCY Divining by crystals/gemstones.
NECROMANCY Scrying/Divining by communicating with the dead.
PALLOMANCY Scrying by the movement of a pendulum.
PLUMBOMANCY Scrying by observing the shapes molten lead manifests when dripped into water.
PYROMANCY Seership by flame or fire.
There are many other methods which one may look into such as Scrying within the remains of a Wax Candle, by the pouring of ink or blood upon water or the ancient Art of augury, divining the flight of flocks of Birds. The Arts of Divination are also many such as the use of Tarot Cards, Runes, the I Ching and the casting of dice or bones. Examine well these diverse and mysterious methods of Scrying and Divining they will serve you well upon your Infernal Path.
©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 20 Alastor And The Conjuration To Bring Death To An Enemy
NOTE Alastor is one of the most Primal of all the Demons in The Ruling Legion, known as Lord Of Bloodshed and The Executioner Of Hell few Demons carry with them the force of death, anger and bloodlust in the way of Alastor. It is with this in mind that below Conjuration is put forth to bring death upon an enemy of the Satanist, a death that will be swift enough but last long enough to cause what many have said to agony in ‘the most unnatural of manners’ … this Demon is the Chief Torturer and Chief Assassin in Hell and should not be summoned lightly. Before using this Conjuration the Satanist must be sure of two things, firstly that they genuinely want this individual to die, and secondly that there is no remorse or guilt within them over the act. Alastor acts on violence, hatred and pain and has no time for such emotive weakness as guilt, compassion or remorse.
THE GUISE OF ALASTOR Alastor appears as a Grey/Black skinned Demon with long Black unruly hair, its head is dominated by a large nose, ears and chin and pitch Black eyes surrounded by a circle of Gold, the large mouth when open contains razor sharp teeth. The Demon is naked all but loin cloth type garment of deep Scarlet, His feet bear razor sharp talons. Alastor always appears bearing weapons, either Axes or Knives and His skin is usually smeared with the blood of His victims as are His weapons. THE CONJURATION OF ALASTOR TO BRING DEATH TO AN ENEMY TO BE USED WITHIN THE WORKING ‘THE MASTER RITUAL OF DEMONIC CONJURATION’ “Grand Executioner of Hell … Alastor, Assassin of the Demonic Legion … Lord of Bloodshed … Chief of Torture and the realms of endless pain … I Conjure your Power this night Grand Demon of Hell … Conjure the Power that is feared by so many but Honoured by me … bring forth your shroud of darkness upon the one named (Name) … let the bloodied blades of your weapons strike pain into their rancid body … ravage their flesh … rip at their insides bringing agony and terror as your war of pain is waged upon their being on all levels … Alastor, bringer of fatal wounds and pending death … cast the shadow of execution upon (Name), condemn them to be their final days … days which will be tormented with fear, pain and assault … until it last the final blow of your Curse is delivered wiping the one named (Name) from this mortal realm … Ave Alastor!” ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 19 Naamah And The Conjuration To Incite Adultery In Another
NOTE Naamah is one of the Nine Demons of the Infernal Monarchy, often known as The Princess Of Seduction She is a Demon of Great Power ruling over the areas of lust, desire, wanton sexuality, fornication and sin. The Conjuration put forth here concentrates on Naamah’s ability to incite a woman to desire sex with men other than their partner, to crave sexual experiments and encounters - in short to commit adultery. I have seen the force of Naamah in this aspect personally and it is very very powerful. When the Power of Naamah is Invoked into a woman or directed at a woman it will incite in her sexual excess and desires to fornicate with others apart from their own partner and develop an insatiable hunger for sex.
NAAMAH’S GUISE Naamah may appear in a number of guises but the most popular I have found is that of a beautiful pale skinned woman with long Red hair and mesmerizing Green eyes, Her lips are deep Crimson as are Her fingernails. She at times appears completely naked and on occasion with large Bat like Violet hued Wings, more often She appears without the Wings and clad in a gossamer gown of Purple which barely hides the beauty of her form. To those who rebuke Her or are Pious by nature it is said She may manifest more akin to a Harpy, Her top half female but with Eagle like Wings and legs, and dark steel looking talons, the features of Her face more feral. THE CONJURATION OF NAAMAH TO INCITE ADULTERY IN ANOTHER WOMAN TO BE USED WITHIN THE WORKING ‘THE MASTER RITUAL OF DEMONIC CONJURATION’ “Naamah … Grand Demon of Lust … Enchantress … She who incites sexual wanton behaviour and the power of seduction in others … Infernal Spirit of Fornication, Desire and the excesses of the flesh … I Conjure your Power here this night Naamah … that you may cast your Enchantment of sexual promiscuity and wanton desire over the woman known as (Name) … raise within her the insatiable lust for sexual encounters … imbue her with the wanton desire to betray her lover … and seek out fornication with many other men … guide her to offer herself to any man who seeks to join with her … make her void of guilt … imbue within her an ineffable enjoyment in deceiving her partner and giving of her flesh for the pleasure of other men … Grand Spirit Naamah … let (Name) be devoured by hunger for the penetration of all men but her true love … driving her ever further into debauchery and adultery … Ave Naamah!” ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 18 The Black Cord Of Satan And The Serpent Of Torment
Here we focus on a Black Magick Working which is one of mystery, diversity and insidious intent. It is focused on and empowered by the projection of will, the Power of Satan, a revised type of Image Magick and Hexcraft and I know of it being utilized in at least three different ways. The form in which it is put forth here is to Ritually Charge the Black Cord as a Serpent of ill intent which is then to be buried near the home of the intended victim, the Cord is to be Charged with the Power of Satan and forged of the energy of the Serpent Power which runs through the Spiritual Bloodline of Our Infernal Father. That Bloodline is the Leviathanic Bloodline, the Serpentine Bloodline of the Demonic Legion. Despite Leviathan being spoke of as a Sea Monster or giant Demonic Serpent it is in fact an energy source which runs from Satan, through His Demons and all things cultivated from those Demons. Even elements of the World upon which we live holds this Leviathanic Power source, the Ley Lines within the earth, the Mandragora Root and other sources of natural and elemental power contain this Serpentine energy which is the Infernal Bloodline made manifest. The idea of Leviathan as a Sea Monster is a misconception, the sea it occupies is the sea of the bloodline both physical and spiritual and also the sea of the subconscious which is the microcosm of the subconscious of Satan, Lord of that Bloodline. The additional elements required for this Working upon the Altar are a length of Black Cord (this should be eighteen inches long) and a Parchment Sigil of Our Lord Satan. The Devotional/Petitioning Candle is not required for this Workings as Satan is summoned within the Opening Rites always, the third Candle instead should be left unlit as it is to be used as a summoning of the aforementioned Leviathanic Power. Before The Satanic Altar the Satanist commences the Rite with the following recitation: ��I Call this night upon the Darkened Force of the Bloodline of the Demonic … the Infernal Bloodline of Our Lord Satan … that which is the Leviathanic Bloodline running through the Demonic Legion and all that is made manifest from it … the Infernal Current which fuels the Black Flame of Hell … the Infernal Current which runs through the Ley Lines of the mortal dominion and the Spiritual bloodstream of those forged of the Dark Soul … the Infernal Current which rises within the Orgone and from the blood spilled in honour or fury!” The Satanist now lights the central Candle upon the Altar and continues: “I kindle this flame in Honour of that Infernal Bloodline … the Leviathanic Current which is the Bloodline of Our Father Satan Himself … I light this flame in reflection of the Black Flame of Hell which burns eternally forged from this Bloodline … Ave Satanas!” Taking the Black Cord up from the Altar the Satanist coils it upon and around The Satanic Pentacle and then places at the center of the Coiled Cord the Parchment Sigil of Satan, they focus their intention upon that Sigil allowing it to burn deep within them and they then close their eyes to witness the Sigil burnt upon their inner mind. They visualize the power from the Sigil seeping out into the Cord, awakening it with the Leviathanic Force of Satan’s Bloodline, visualize the Cord itself becoming awakened as a Black Serpent, coiled about The Satanic Pentacle … when ready they place their energy hand upon the coiled Cord and over the Sigil and recite the following words: “Awaken Serpent of Satan … born of the Bloodline of Our Infernal Father … this Cord imbued with the Power flowing forth from the Sigil of Our Father and from The Satanic Pentacle which lies at the heart of our Workings … is given transition … it becomes as the manifest Serpent of the Power of the Infernal … and within it the venom of hatred for those who are adverse to the true Monarchy of Hell is potent … awaken Dark Snake of Death … arise Black Serpent of Hexing … for your power shall soon be committed to the earth … and the venom of cursing shall run through the sphere of the one I hold in contempt … the one named (Name) … poisoning the the energy lines that run through their abode … giving access to the power of the Infernal … allowing my attacks upon (Name) to increase and take many forms … Ave Satanas!” The Sigil of Satan is removed from within the coiled Cord and placed on the Altar, then the Candle lit to summon the Leviathanic Power is placed at the center of the coiled Cord instead, the Satanist now picks up the Sigil and says: “I commit this Sigil to the flame Devoted to and in Honour of the Sacred Bloodline of Satan … as it burns may the energy of its Power be drawn into the Cord before me … into this Cord awakened as the Leviathanic Serpent … that its venom shall be as my own … and the Hexes I cast against (Name) … be harsh and swift in their gestation … Ave Satanas!” The Satanist now touches the Parchment to the flame of the Candle and allows it to drop into the Metal bowl upon the Altar saying: “The Power of the Leviathanic Bloodline is released … the Venom within the Serpent unseen shall strike out at the one named (Name) … and the visions of my imagination shall feed that Venom to give it manifestation … in the times it assails my victim (Name) … Ave Satanas!” The Satanist now uncoils the Cored from around The Satanic Pentacle and holds it before them, entwines it around their hands and embraces it as one would hold a Serpent, visualizing the Cord as the Black Serpent of Satan’s Power … when ready the Satanist recites the following: “The Cord is transformed … into the Serpent of Satan … when next the Moon falls Dark … and night veils the land … I shall release this Serpent into the earth … the earth that surrounds the homestead of (Name) … and from this Infernal Nest … shall the Serpent strike forth time and time again … by the Power of Satan and the insidious Workings of my will … Ave Satanas!” The Black Cord Of  Satan is now prepared and should be kept in a safe unseen place until the next night of the Dark Moon when it should be buried near the abode of the intended victim. Once buried the Cord acts as a Conduit for the Hexing and insidious intent of the Satanist, this can be carried out without Ritual just using the powers of imagination, visualization and channeled anger. Visualize the Serpent leaving its earthen nest and entering the home of the victim, wrapping itself around the victim’s neck as they sleep choking them …  striking out at them with venom bringing pain to the visualized part of their anatomy … entering their body coursing under their skin spreading pain and torment. Visualize it wrapped around their brain, tightening and causing agony, disabling the ability to think or concentrate. The imagination of the Satanist is the only boundaries with this Working, for the Hex shall become a constant source of torment to the victim as the Satanist wills it to be so. ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 17 Rimmon And The Conjuration To Heal The Self
The Demon Rimmon is known as The Grand Physician Of Hell and is an Infernal Spirit with great Healing Powers. All of its areas of influence concern the arts of healing, medicine and, to a lesser extent, science. The Conjuration here is summoning this Demon’s immense powers of healing to rid the self of Malady and disease, to aid the Satanic Initiate’s renewed health, while it will not vanquish terminal illnesses or life time conditions it may lessen the effect of them. What it will do is raise the immune system of the Satanist and lessen the effects of viral attacks and illnesses within their body. Other Healing Workings will be given later in this Book which are of a more powerful but intense nature for those dealing with chronic illness.
RIMMON’S GUISE Rimmon appears as an average sized figure clad in a long Black Robe, His head Reptilian in features and the hands when visible are scaled also, its eyes are similar to those of a Snake but with a certain human quality to them. The Robe is long with a lengthy trail and sometime Rimmon appears holding a Serpent styled Golden Staff or Paper Scrolls. This is the guise I have known Him to adopt most although on occasion He has appeared as Spirit forged of Gold and Purple hued flames. RIMMON AND THE CONJURATION TO HEAL THE SELF TO BE USED WITHIN THE WORKING ‘THE MASTER RITUAL OF DEMONIC CONJURATION’ “Rimmon … Grand Physician of Hell … Infernal Spirit of the Ruling Demonic Legion … Healer of the sick … Master of Medicines … I Conjure forth your Power here, summon forth the healing Demonic Currents that are in your possession … drive from my body the ailments that assail me Grand Demon … strengthen immunity within me that the viruses and maladies that would seek to take hold of my body … are repelled by the ineffable force of your Demonic Energy … cleanse my body of infiltrating germs which would weaken and lessen my strength … Rimmon, Infernal Physician of the Kingdom of Hell … banish from me the ailments that may seek to ravage my health … and lessen the maladies which may already be within me … that the effects of these parasites may be weakened and eventually defeated … that I may rise in rejuvenation and strength … Ave Rimmon!” ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
In the Arts of Classical Satanism, Devil Worship and Traditional Satanic Witchcraft the use of the Mandragora Root was quite prolific, particularly in the latter of those three Paths. Over the years many of these Workings have been lost but one that has remained and was past onto me by a former Teacher was The Black Root Of Evil Working which was predominantly a Hexing Rite, over the years I revised this to utilize it as a Desecration Rite which - while still remaining a form Hexing - is focused on the De-Consecration of Holy Ground by regenerating the energies of the area with Infernal Currents. The only addition required on the Altar for this Rite are a full Mandragora Root, The Sigil of Desecration inscribed on Parchment, a razor blade and a small knife.The Devotion Candle for the Demons being Petitioned should be dedicated to Satan, Lilith, Beelzebub and Ashtarot. Before the Altar the Satanist begins with the following: “It is the Unholy Work of the Satanic Initiate to corrupt the power of the Religions of Light wherever possible … to invert the energies of the God of Oppression and his son of decay … to use the Arts of Magickal Inversion to desecrate their Holy land and dedicate it instead to the Majestic Power of the One True Lord … Satan … here before the Sacred Altar of My Infernal Father I now begin such a Working!” The Satanist picks up the Mandragora Root from the Altar and places it upon The Satanic Pentacle and continues: “Before me lies the Sacred Root of the Black Magician … the Malefic Root of the Satanic Apostle … the Mysteries of this Root have long lay hidden … for only the Satanic Initiate knows truly what lies within this Unholy offering of the Earth … this night I prepare this Root as a Fetish of Infernal Power … which shall be returned to the Earth to Desecrate the hallowed lands of the False Father … Ave Satanas!” Taking the small Knife the Satanist cuts a small incision in the torso of the Root, and then returns the Knife to the Altar and takes up The Sigil Of Desecration saying: “Behold the Sigil Of Desecration … alive with the Power of Our Lord Satan, King of Hell … with the Forces of the Dark Mother Lilith and the hatred She holds for the Religions of the Pious … with the Power of the Demon Lord Beelzeboul, sworn enemy of the Nazarene, Lord of Possession … and the Alchemical Energies of the Grand Demon Ashtarot … She who holds the Power of gestation and the birthing of Infernal Servitors … combined the Powers of these Demons shall blacken the land where the Sheep gather to Worship … combined their Power shall infest that land with the Spirits of Infernal Servitors … Ave Satanas … Ave Lilith … Ave Beelzeboul … Ave Ashtarot!” The Satanist then rolls the Sigil into a small scroll and inserts it in the incision of the Mandragora, at this point the Satanist takes the razor blade and cuts themselves allowing blood to drip onto and seep into the incision of the Root also and recites the following: “I give of my Bloodline to this Root … a Bloodline which runs deep with the Infernal … the Bloodline of the Satanic Acolyte sworn to allegiance with Our Lord Satan and the Demons of Hell … may my hatred and contempt for the Church of Oppression … a hatred which runs deep within me be transferred to this Root that it may breed that hate … within the land to which it shall be interred!” The incision within the Mandragora is now sealed with wax from the Candle of Devotion after which the Satanist should meditate for a short while on the powers of the four Demons called upon gestating within the core of the Root.When ready the Satanist recites the following: “Born is this the Mandrgora Root as a Hex of Desecration … it is born as The Root of Evil … carrying within its core the Grand Sigil of Desecration … the Unholy Powers of the Grand Spirits Satan, Lilith, Beelzebub and Ashtarot … and the blood of my own veins which run with antipathy for the Church of the God of the Lamb … this Root shall be buried within the land of the accursed Church known as (Name Church) … and from it shall gestate the adversity of Our Lord Satan … the wrath of the Dark Queen Lilith … the power of the Dark Lord Beelzebub and the gestating Unholy forces of Ashtarot … the land where it is buried shall become unhallowed … the foul Church which rests upon that land infested with the Succubi born of Lilith … and the Servitors born of Ashtarot … the Holy energies of its Rites inverted to Curse all who attend them … and as the Root decays so shall the congregation who gather upon this land … in worship of the Nazarene and the Virgin Whore … meet with strife and loss … Ave Satanas!” The Satanist now wraps the Mandragora Root in a cloth of Black material and places it to one side upon the Altar declaring: “My Work this night is complete … as shall the gestation of this Working be once the Root of Evil is interred within the land of the Holy … Ave Satanas!” The following night the Mandragora Root is taken to the grounds chosen and buried within the earth, even if found and removed its power shall still be released and the one who removes it Cursed in a most Unholy fashion. ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM  TEXT 14 Satanachia And The Conjuration To Seduce Another
NOTE Satanachia is a Grand Demon of Enchantment within the Ruling Demonic Legion, powerful in the arts of seduction and enticement as well as protection and the Workings of Sigil Magick. The Conjuration put forth here draws on the seductive powers of this Demon on a sexual level and may be used by any gender on any gender, I am at times asked if such Magick will work if it is attempting to make a heterosexual person lust after someone of their own gender and the answer I give is obvious, unless the person being Worked on has a modicum of bisexual facets to their nature - no! It would take an enormous amount of Magickal Power by a very proficient Magus to even attempt such a thing but I doubt even then if  it would work if there is not sexual interest from the victim in their own gender on at least some level.
SATANACHIA’S GUISE Satanachia has a number of guises that it may appear in but from experience the most likely of these is of a tall figure in either Black or Red Robes with the head of a Ram Skull. On occasion I have seen this Demon appear with a full Ram’s head and even the head of a Ram seemingly carved from stone, it also at times wears a Hooded Robe. The most regular manifestation however does reveal the figure with the head of the Skull of a Ram. SATANACHIA AND THE CONJURATION TO SEDUCE ANOTHER TO BE USED WITHIN THE WORKING ‘THE MASTER RITUAL OF DEMONIC EVOCATION ’“Grand Demon Satanachia … Weaver of Seduction … Enchanter of Charms … Sexual Sorcerer of the Arts … you who manipulates the mind of others with the desires of the flesh … I Conjure your power this night … to raise such desires within the one named (Name) … that this person may become enchanted with the concept of sexual union with me … that their thoughts will be continuously plagued by the need to share carnal embrace with me … paint the dreams of (Name) with images of us as lovers … brush the vistas of their waking mind with visions of our lovemaking … let a hunger build in (Name) Grand Demon Satanachia … an insatiable hunger to submit themselves sexually to me without reservation … be it against the will of others or their own … let (Name) reside in torment until they have satiated their lust for me and mine for them … Hail Satanachia!” ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 13 Abaddon And The Conjuration To Destroy The Life Of Another
NOTE Abaddon, often known as Prince Of The Desolate Pit or Lord Of Desolation, is one of the Nine Demons of the Infernal Monarchy, one of the most powerful and insidious of Demonic Spirits, only the Satanist who has given of themselves fully to the service of Our Lord Satan and the Demons of Hell should Conjure Him or His Power. The Conjuration given forth here draws upon the dark desolation that is the realm of Abaddon to bring strife, fear, torment and eventual destruction to the life of another, particularly an enemy of the Satanist. Only carry this Conjuration out if it is your true desire for once Abaddon is summoned He will cast the Hex of His desolation one way or another. ABADDON’S GUISE Abaddon almost always appears as a tall slender male figure completely draped in a Black Hooded Robe, the only things visible - stark against His dark apparel - are the ghostly pale face and hands of the Demon, at times the face of this Spirit is also concealed. The face is almost without features with the exception of the large pit like Black eyes, so deep that they almost appear as the empty sockets of a skull, the nose is indiscernible, the mouth no more than a pencil thin grimace, the cheekbones are pronounced giving the face an even more skull like appearance. The hands of the Demon too appear skeletal, thin and bony and covered with a fine layer of White pallid skin etched with violet veins. On occasion Abaddon appears as only the Hooded face of the Demon, floating silently and watchful amidst dark swirls of heavy smoke. THE CONJURATION OF ABADDON TO DESTROY THE LIFE OF ANOTHERTO BE USED WITHIN THE WORKING ‘THE MASTER RITUAL OF DEMONIC CONJURATION’ “Lord Abaddon … Prince Of The Desolate Pit … Lord of Isolation … He who delivers the most severe of tortures upon the mind of His victims … Grand Demon of Oppression … deliverer of the Shade of Death … I Conjure your Power this night to bring forth your darkened Shadow over the one known by the name of (Name) … bring torment, misery and loss upon their life … rob them of contentment … deprive them of love and compassion … may their every waking hour be tarnished with despair, loneliness and failure … bring all of the hopes to a futile end … let obstruction defeat all of the plans and desires of the one named (Name) … let restful sleep abandon them and the vitality of life be submerged in apathy … drive them, Lord Abaddon, down into a spiral of endless loss … until the life and all that was once cherished in it by (Name) are vanquished … leaving only the vestiges of pain and fear … Ave Abaddon!” ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 12 Lilith And The Conjuration To Cause Miscarriage In Another
NOTE Lilith, the Dark Consort of Satan and one of the Nine Demons of the Infernal Monarcy, Her Power is Dark and Formidable especially in the areas of preventing childbirth, the seduction and slaying of the pious and the realms of Seership. She is also upheld as the Mother of Incubi and Succubi. This particular Conjuration draws upon Lilith’s power to interfere with the cycles of Procreation and is even more powerful when carried out during the phases of the Waning or Dark Moon, it is to bring miscarriage upon a woman with child, a most powerful and insidious Conjuration.
LILITH’S GUISE Lilith invariably appears as a beautiful woman with Raven Black hair and dark eyes, Her skin is pale, her nails sharp like talons and sometimes Black, she often has a Snake entwined around Her naked body and at times other about Her feet. On occasions Lilith may take this form but with huge dark wings akin to those of a Bat and the legs and clawed feet similar to those of an Owl. On occasion in dream I have seen Lilith in the form mentioned here first but looking more feral, Her hair (usually sleek) wild and unruly, Her eyes pitch Black, Her expression bestial. THE CONJURATION OF LILITH TO CAUSE MISCARRIAGE IN ANOTHER TO BE USED WITHIN THE WORKING ‘THE MASTER RITUAL OF DEMONIC CONJURATION ’“Lilith … Consort of Our Lord Satan … Infernal Queen of Hell … Dark Mother of the Incubi and Succubi … I Conjure your Power this night … summon forth the dark energy of your Hex to fall upon the one named (Name) … she who is with child … carrying the life of the new born in her foul womb … I Conjure your wrath upon this woman Dark Queen of Hell … cast the deathly veils of your Power Lilith … cast it upon the one named (Name) … that the life within her fails … lying dead within the womb of gestation … slay this child that breed within (Name) Infernal Queen … let the blood of its dead fetus … fall as crimson from the loins of this woman and the hopes of Motherhood fall with it … by your ineffable Power Lilith … may the burden of miscarriage be cast upon this woman (Name) … who has incurred my hate … Ave Lilith!” ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo 
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 11 Satan And The Conjuration To Command Authority
NOTE Satan is the all powerful Ruler of the Demonic Legion and any Conjuration calling upon His Power is one of intense force. This particular Conjuration utilizes the influences of Command and Authority which Satan holds power over, its objective to instill into the Satanist the air of authority and command which demands respect and compliance from those the Satanist comes into contact with in all walks of life. This is will not include those who are Kindred however as no Satanist should ever seek to command another unless it is in the most dire situation where all else has been tried.
SATAN’S GUISE It goes without saying that the most popular form, the most familiar guise in which Satan is recognized is that of Goat Headed Lord. The top half of the body that of a man, the legs and cloven hooves of a Goat, also the head of a Goat, the familiar appearance He took at the Witches Black Sabbat (although at times He appeared to the the Witches as a bipedal Goat or a Horned Demon of Crimson coloured flesh). Whenever He has appeared to me (be it in Ritual, dream, vision or meditation) it has nearly always been as the Goat Headed Lord so often associated with Satan and the Devil. The few occasions He has not appeared in this way He has appeared as a figure in a Scarlet Hooded Robe with the skull of a Goat. THE CONJURATION OF SATAN TO COMMAND AUTHORITY TO BE USED WITHIN THE WORKING ‘THE MASTER RITUAL OF DEMONIC CONJURATION’“Lord Satan … Infernal Father of Darkness … Mighty King of Hell … Dark Master of the Kingdom of Shadows … Monarch of the Unholy … and True Master of this World … I Conjure your Power this night … to imbue me - your sincere and devoted Apostle - with the forces of authority and command … with persona and power of leadership … with the will and fortitude of the one who must be obeyed … Lord Satan raise in me that power to command authority over all that I encounter that are not of my Infernal Kindred … that the denizens the pale masses of this World have no choice … but to answer the dictates of my will … the command of my words … the authority of my presence … Infernal Father who rule in Hell … grant me these gifts through your unyielding force that all may fail to challenge my position … Ave Satanas!” ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 9 The Master Rite Of Demonic Conjuration
We now begin to explore the Art of Demonic Conjuration, one of the most raw and primal forms of Satanic Black Magick. The Ritual put forth here is designed to Conjure the Power of a specific Demon in aiding the Satanist to attain a certain personal goal or desire or to aid them in Workings which will benefit the Greater Work of the Demons themselves. Throughout this Book Conjurations shall be given of all of the Demons listed in The Ruling Demonic Legion along with descriptions of their most consistent guise to aid in the Visualization of the Demon during this Ritual. It is important to understand that it is the Demon’s Power you are Conjuring not the Demon itself and so visual manifestation of that Demon will not occur, although in truth it rarely does even when performing direct Evocation of the Demon itself which we shall examine later in the Book. The only additional implement needed upon the Altar is a Parchment Sigil of the Demon, this will be burnt within the Rite but the Satanist should not feel any resentment in this for it is the Power of the Demon being Conjured as said and not the Demon, by burning the Sigil the Satanist is merely releasing the raised power to bring about the desires manifestation and intention of the Workings and releasing the power the Demon back to is original source. The third Devotional Candle lit toward the end of the Gestating The Satanic Sanctum Working shall have been dedicated to the Demon being Conjured. The Satanist should stand before the Altar and begin by reciting the following passage:
“The Black Arts of the Satanic Sanctum … those gifted by Our Infernal Lord Satan … are ineffable in their Workings … holding the Power to bring change on many realms … and to make manifest the desires and objectives of they who are Initiates of those most Sacrosanct Arts … here within the Sanctum Gestated and before the Grand Altar of the King of the Infernal … I seek to carry out The Master Ritual Of Demonic Conjuration … to call upon the immense Power of the Demon N … that I may bring change to that destiny which lies ahead and make manifest that which I desire … Ave Satanas!”
Taking up the Parchment Sigil from the Altar the Satanist places it upon The Satanic Pentacle and continues:
“Behold the Sigil of the Grand Demon N … the sacred Mark of its ineffable Name … carrying within it the Infernal Current of the Demon itself … Grand Demon of Hell by this your Sigil I Conjure your Power this night … Call forth the inexpressible force of your Infernal Current to gestate that desire which now burns within my mind and within the core of my Spirit!”
Holding their energy hand above the Sigil the Satanist visualizes - if they wish - the form of the Demon within their mind and when ready continues with the following recitation.
“By the Covenant of Alliance between the Infernal Initiate and the Demons of the Legion of Hell … I Petition your Power this night Grand Demon N … Mighty Spirit of the Dark Realms of the Kingdom of Shadows … encircle this place of Magick with your ineffable Power that my objectives shall be made manifest upon the realms they are destined to effect … Ave N!”
The Satanist now reads aloud the specific Conjuration of the Demon to attain their desired objective. Upon completing the recitation of the Conjuration the Satanist now removes the Sigil from The Satanic Pentacle and says:
“I now commit this Sigil to the flame of the Candle lit in honour of the Demon N … for now the power raised here is contained within this Sigil … and yet by its burning I am returning that power to the source of its creation … to the eternal fire of the Grand Demon N … the eternal fires of Hell … that the bequest made here may rise upon the smoke and carry forth to the realms of Hell where its intention shall gain gestation!”
Touching the Parchment to the flame the Satanist watches it begin to burn while saying:
“Released is the power raised this night … that it may sew the seeds of my desire upon the realms of the Kingdom of Hell … Ave Satanas!”
The Sigil is dropped into a small metal container and allowed to burn and the Satanist continues:
“The Ineffable Sigil of the Demon N … is consigned to the flame … to the fire from which the Demons of Hell are given form … the smoke that rises from this flame is as the rising phoenix of legend … and that phoenix is the seed of my desire taking flight … journeying to the realms of gestation that there they may be sewn and birth my objectives upon the realms they are intended to alter … upon the realms where the harvest of my Workings here shall become manifest reaping that which my desires have sewn … Ave N!”
Now the Satanist resides in silent meditation for a moment upon the desires which have been rooted in the gestating realms of Hell before raising their hand in Satanic salute and concluding:
“My eternal and infinite gratitude Grand Demon N … for the Power you have bestowed upon my Workings this night … for the Benediction/Malediction you are to cultivate … that my desires be satiated … ever am I your Servant and open to you as a Gateway into the dominion of mortals … Ave Satanas!”
The Candle dedicated to the Demon is now extinguished to symbolize that the flaming seeds of desire have now been consumed within the dark spheres of Hell where they silently gestate the intention of the Satanist. After Workings the Candle remains are buried within the earth near to the Satanists abode to gestate and Consecrate the land to the Demon Conjured.
©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 7 The Keys Of Consecration
All Tools to used in Satanic Ritual and the Arts of Black Magick should be Consecrated using the following Working titled ‘The Keys Of Consecration’ … there are in fact two Keys in Consecrating objects for use within Infernal Rites, the first is a Sigil forged upon the Kamea Square of Saturn drawing upon Satan’s force to empower and Consecrate all things with His ineffable Demonic Power (this known as The Sigil Of Consecration), the second Key is ‘The Benediction Of Consecration’ ~ a form of Incantation to seal the power of the Sigil within the Instrument being Consecrated. The only additional item required on the Altar for this Working is 'The Sigil Of Consecration’ inscribed upon Parchment. The Satanist standing before The Satanic Altar begins by taking up the Instrument to be Consecrated and the speaking following recitation: “Upon the The Satanic Pentacle I now prepare to Consecrate this (Implement) in the Power, Infernal Energy and Demonic Current of My Infernal Father Satan … to Empower and imbue this Instrument of the Arts … with the ineffable force of He who reigns as King of Hell!” Placing the Implement upon The Satanic Pentacle (if it is the Pentacle being Consecrated then it is placed upon the Altar) the Satanist continues: “I seek to transform this (Implement) … to give it transition from the mundane to become a Sacred Tool of the Black Arts of the Infernal … to become an Implement of Power within the Grand Rites of Satanism … this shall be achieved through Twin Keys of Consecration … The Sigil and Benediction Of Consecration … which by Power of Word, Sigil and the most glorious Name of Our Lord Satan … shall give transformation to this (Implement) … ensuring its place upon the Altar of the Infernal … Ave Satanas!” Taking up the Sigil Of Consecration and holding it against the Implement being worked with the Satanist says: “Awaken (Implement) … become empowered through the Sacred Sigil of Consecration … its power flows from the living flesh of its making … the ineffable Power of Our Lord Satan … and by that ineffable force is this (Implement) empowered … and by the Benedictions Of Consecration … shall it now be Consecrated … Ave Satanas!” The Satanist now issues The Benediction Of Consecration over the Implement: “By the Power of the Infernal King of Hell … by the Sacred energy of Our Lord Satan … by the unyielding Decree and Unholy Bloodline of He who is True Master of the Earth … I imbue this Implement with the energy of Hell … this (Implement) empowered by the Sigil Of Consecration … shall at this time take its place upon the Altar of Satan … for it is now Consecrated in His most Majestic Name … and through His most Ineffable Power … Ave Satanas!” The Consecrated Implement is now placed upon the Altar as the Satanist concludes: “It is done!” ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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classicalsatanism-blog · 6 years ago
CLASSICAL SATANISM TEXT 6 Withdrawing The Satanic Sanctum
As ‘Gestating The Satanic Sanctum’ is performed before all Infernal Practices so is ‘Withdrawing The Satanic Sanctum’ performed at the end of all Workings, for they are respectively the Opening and Closing Rites of the System of Magick held within Classical Satanism. When all planned Workings have been completed the Satanist again resides before the Altar and begins with the following recitation: “The Black Arts and Ritual Workings undertaken have reached their end … and it is now time to withdraw back from this place of Communion … to Withdraw The Satanic Sanctum and deactivate The Satanic Pentacle once more … before this can be commenced … the Incantation Of Manifestation must be spoken … releasing all Magickal energies here to their chosen objective … so that which has been given birth to here before the Satanic Altar … may gain growth within the realms of gestation … and manifest that objective into the physical World!” The Satanist now recites The Incantation Of Manifestation: “Seeds sewn of desire … objectives born of intent … they have been released from here … to take hold upon the darkened regions of creation which lie within the heart of Hell … by the power of My Infernal Father Satan and the Demons who hold Power within the Monarchy of Hell … may those seeds gain gestation … may the Infernal force of Satan and the Demon(s) N yield the intentions of my desire … may the embryonic raptures of the dark realms of Hell … forge a grand harvest from these seeds … declared by word before Our Lord Satan’s Sacred Shrine … and that harvest yield its gifts here within the realm of the physical World … by the Power of My Infernal Father and the Demons of His Legion … may this be so … Ave Satanas!” The Satanist now takes up the Candle Snuffer from the Altar and says: “Grand Demon(s) N … my deepest gratitude and eternal allegiance I vow to you … I thank you for your assistance this night … offer gratitude for the bestowal of your ineffable Infernal Power within my Workings here … ever shall I hold alliance with you … ever shall I remain a Disciple in your Service … for as all Infernal Apostles … I am a Doorway into this World for your entrance … and an Acolyte given to your Darkened Work … I withdraw now back into the realms physical but ever honour the Covenant between us … Ave N!” The Satanist now extinguishes the Devotional Candle and lays the Candle Snuffer back upon the Altar, standing for a time in silent meditation on what Workings have been carried out and the intention of those Workings the Satanist then places the Key of The Seal Of The Sigil Of Nine back upon The Satanic Pentacle and continues with the following words: “The Satanic Pentacle shall now be withdrawn, its power kept within itself …  charged and sealed by The Key Of The Seal Of The Sigil Of Nine … the Sanctum of the Infernal Workings slips back into the Shadows … and once more the surroundings of the physical World become unveiled … My allegiance and Honour eternally are yours My Infernal Father … Grand King of Hell … may that allegiance … that Covenant sealed by my Infernal Oath … ever grow in power … and our Alliance make manifest the objectives of those of the Infernal Legion … both within the Realms of Hell … and here upon the mortal dominion … Ave Satanas!” The Satanist will then extinguish the Altar Candles first of all before putting away the Ritual Implements and finally extinguishing the Candles of Illumination. ©copyright2018 Brother Nemo
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