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25 | vegan | INSTAGRAM @clarrotsgarden
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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Stay hungry. Stay vegan. Its for the planet, it's for the animals, it's for yourself. Think about it. 🌈🌿 🍏 🍎 🍐 🍊 🍋 🍌 🍉 🍇 🥑 #soup #dinner #vegan #govegan #fortheanimals #fortheplanet #foryourhealth #smile #beautiful #vegansofig #veganfood #gogreen #vegangirl #whataveganlookslike #fitness #love #nodifference #colours #nature #love #food #veganlifestyle #veganlife #eathealthy #eatclean #italy #thinkaboutit #animalrights #animals #choice (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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BRUSCHETTA. 🇮🇹 (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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GOOOODMORNING!! Today is holiday here in Italy! 🇮🇹 We're having one of my fav combos!! Tahini and jam!! Tahini is awesome for your body! It's a cream made out of sesame seeds (and if you read me, you know I love it!) it's high in healthy fats and amino acids, a great source of essential vitamins & minerals, and it helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol AND it tastes like heaven!!! A big and nutritious breakfast is the best way to start your day!! That and a smile of course!! No animal killed/exploited for my happiness!! Think about it!! 🌈🌿 (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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DINNER IS SERVED!!🍽 Fried tofu with broccoli(again, why the hell there's no broccoli emoji? 🙉) and sesame seeds, guacamole🥑, toasted bread 🍞and mixed rice 🍚(forbidden-brown-jasmine). Healthy and full of proteins!! 💪🏻 I bet you're hungry!! Think about it! 🌈🌿// LA CENA È PRONTA!! 🍽Tofu fritto con broccoli (niente emoji per i broccoli, molto triste)e semi di sesamo, guacamole 🥑, pane tostato🍞 e mix di riso 🍚(Venere-integrale thai-profumato al gelsomino). Un piatto sano e pieno di proteine! 💪🏻Vi è venuta fame?! Pensiamoci! 🌈🌿 (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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This is my new all time fav pic! 🙉Met Pablo and his owner yesterday going to the farmers market. How amazing is he?? 🐐His daddy pulled out the back seats of his car so he can bring Pablo with him! Seeing him literally made my day!! Animals are our friends, no matter what size or kind! They just want LOVE!! ❤think about it!! 🌈🌿// La mia nuova foto preferita for ever! 🙉Abbiamo incontrato Pablo e il suo papino andando al mercato ieri!!🐐Lui ha letteralmente divelto i sedili posteriori della sua macchina per poterselo portare in giro! Incontrarli mi ha messo una felicità incontenibile addosso! Gli animali sono nostri amici, senza distinzione di taglia o tipologia!! Vogliono solo AMORE!! ❤ Ancora non ci state pensando?!! 🌈🌿 (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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Best things in life are cruelty free!! Spaghetti aglio(garlic)oGlio(oil)e peperoncino(🌶) 🍝 🇮🇹 YOU DON'T NEED TO KILL ANYONE TO EAT AMAZING FOOD! Think about it! 🌈🌿 (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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FOOD SHOULD BE FUN!!! If you haven't noticed, I’m a girl. Food is always a sensitive topic for us. The other day I was out and I accidentally overheard two girls talking about food and exercise. I had to stop myself from going there and tell them they were completely wrong. How many times we hear models/actresses saying they eat what the hell they want and we’re like “oh of course!!”?. I used to think it, they had to be liars. I always had a bad relationship with food, I used to starve myself so I could be “prettier”, I used to count my calories obsessively like if that number could define me as a person. I used to hate my body, my legs,my belly. Society puts us in the condition of thinking that the less we eat, the hotter we are gonna be. They show us the ideal of beauty and then they don’t give us the right informations to pursue that image, so it can stay an ideal for ever and never become reality. I tried dieting a lot, ending every single time binging and hating myself even more. This is what society wants from us. They want us to fail. They want us to look at those women asking ourselves what kinda secret they have. Let me tell you, there’s no secret. If you wanna have a fit body, workout. This is the second rule. The first? If you workout but you eat crap (like processed meat, dairy or any junk food), you’ll never gonna get there. It’s 80%nutrition and 20% workout. It is difficult to find the right words, there are so many things I would like to share with you. I’ll discuss this topic again, it’s kinda the hardest thing we girls have to face in life, being accepted and at peace with our look. Food has to be a friend. You have to feel happy after a meal, and if you’re eating a clean and plant based diet, there's no chance for failure. I am the proof of this. After years of liking myself one day out of 30, now I am so happy when I see a full plate in front of me and i know afterwards i’m not gonna hate myself. There are no side effects to a vegan diet. You’ll have more energy, you’ll digest better. I promise you, it will change your life. It is the best choice for the planet, the animals, the starving children and yourself! Think about it🌈🌿 (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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Mango🍊🥕🍋 and Monday doesn't scare me anymore!! Have a great week! And of course, think about it!! 🌈🌿 oh and why there's not a mango emoji?👌🏻🙈 (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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All I want is a rainbow in my plate. Have an awesome Saturday!! Think about it!! 🌈🌿 (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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🇬🇧 IF YOU EVER WONDER WHAT VEGANS EAT!! Good morning to everybody out there, to those who believe in a better future, to those who live their life with passion and compassion, to those who everyday try to make a difference, as small as it may seem. And also, good morning to those who live in denial, to those who pet their animal and are not able to understand how naive it is, to those who think that it’s never gonna change, and to those who simply think it’s stupid. May this day be the one that drives you even just on youtube to reach out for information and change your life. Let’s think about it. 🌈🌿 • • • 🇮🇹 I VEGANI MANGIANO SOLO INSALATA!! Buongiorno a tutti!! A coloro che credono in un futuro migliore, che vivono la vita con passione, ma soprattutto compassione, a chi cerca ogni giorno di fare la differenza, per quanto insignificante possa sembrare. E buongiorno anche a coloro che vivono nel diniego, a quelli che accarezzano il proprio animale senza ancora riuscire a capire quanta incoerenza ci sia in questo gesto. Buongiorno a loro che pensano che niente cambierà mai, e a voi, che pensate che sia solo una cazzata. Possa oggi essere per voi il giorno in cui finalmente deciderete di perdere una banalissima ora su youtube e cambiare la vostra vita. Ve lo auguro col cuore. Pensiamoci. 🌈🌿 (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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🇬🇧 IF YOU EVER WONDER WHAT VEGANS EAT!! Good morning to everybody out there, to those who believe in a better future, to those who live their life with passion and compassion, to those who everyday try to make a difference, as small as it may seem. And also, good morning to those who live in denial, to those who pet their animal and are not able to understand how naive it is, to those who think that it’s never gonna change, and to those who simply think it’s stupid. May this day be the one that drives you even just on youtube to reach out for information and change your life. Let’s think about it. 🌈🌿 • • • 🇮🇹 I VEGANI MANGIANO SOLO INSALATA!! Buongiorno a tutti!! A coloro che credono in un futuro migliore, che vivono la vita con passione, ma soprattutto compassione, a chi cerca ogni giorno di fare la differenza, per quanto insignificante possa sembrare. E buongiorno anche a coloro che vivono nel diniego, a quelli che accarezzano il proprio animale senza ancora riuscire a capire quanta incoerenza ci sia in questo gesto. Buongiorno a loro che pensano che niente cambierà mai, e a voi, che pensate che sia solo una cazzata. Possa oggi essere per voi il giorno in cui finalmente deciderete di perdere una banalissima ora su youtube e cambiare la vostra vita. Ve lo auguro col cuore. Pensiamoci. 🌈🌿 (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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You know it's gonna be a good day when you're having coffee and carrot cake🥕🥕🥕!!! Go vegan!!!! And good morning 😊🌈🌿. (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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This is what HIGH CARB-LOW FAT looks like! CARBS ARE OUR FRIENDS!!! I drink at least 3-4 lt of water per day, I try to sleep at least 8 hrs per night, I exercise 5-6 times a week and I eat A LOT!!! Be able to do all the things I want is amazing!! Have an awesome Sunday!! And think about it!! 💪🏻🌈🌿// I risultati di una dieta ad ALTO CONENUTO DI CARBOIDRATI e BASSO CONTENUTO DI GRASSI! I CARBOIDRATI SONO NOSTRI AMICI!! Io bevo 3-4 litri di acqua al giorno, mi alleno 5-6 volte a settimana, cerco di dormire come minimo 8 ore a notte e mangio come un elefante (abbastanza letteralmente visto che mangiamo solo vegetali entrambi!). Essere in grado di fare tutto ciò che voglio è la più bella sensazione di sempre!! Buona domenica a tutti!! Pensiamoci!! 🌈🌿 (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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RAW VEGAN CHEESECAKES!! And in 10 minutes!! Still can't believe how good they taste!! For the crust you'll need 200gr of chopped dates and 200 gr of any type of nuts you like (I used almonds). You blend aaaaall together, you squish one spoon at a time into your muffin pan and flat. The crust is officially done! Now for the cream you can really make them how you want (mango or coconut or idk!), I flavored them with peanut butter so there's a tbs of it, then two tbs of coconut milk, a teaspoon of soy butter, some maple syrup, again any kind of nut you want (I used 100gr of cashews soaked into water for 5 mins) aaaand that is really it!! You now top your crusts with the cream and put it into the freezer for 6 hours! Delish!! The planet is full of options, we don't need to eat animals, or anything that comes from their exploitation!! Think about it!! 🌈🌿// CHEESCAKE VEGANE IN 10 minuti!! Per la base frullate insieme datteri e un qualsiasi tipo di frutta secca (io ho usato le mandorle). Prendete il composto ottenuto e distribuitelo sul fondo dei vostri stampini per muffin(meglio se di silicone). Per la crema io ho utilizzato il burro di noccioline, ma potete anche qui usare quello che più vi piace (frutta, marmellata). Insomma, c'è un cucchiaio di burro di arachidi, un cucchiaino di burro di soia, due cucchiai di latte di cocco(sostituibile con ogni altro latte vegetale:soia, cocco, avena), un po' di sciroppo d'acero (per sostituirlo se non ne avete, zucchero sciolto in acqua andrà benissimo!), e un po' di anacardi (100gr, usate quello che vi pare, noci, nocciole!). Vi basta versare la crema sui dischetti e mettere in freezer per sei ore! Sono buonissimi, con pochi grassi (e quelli che ci sono, sono tutti grassi buoni!) e non c'è traccia di prodotti animali!! Le alternative ci sono, basta volerlo!! Pensiamoci!! 🌈🌿 (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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Casual mushrooms pasta. No cruelty in my kitchen, no cruelty in my heart. Live and let live. Think about it!! 🌈🌿.// Penne ai funghi! Niente crudeltà nella cucina, niente crudeltà nel cuore! Vivete e lasciate vivere! Pensiamoci! 🌈🌿 (presso Rome, Italy)
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clarrots-garden · 8 years ago
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Aaaaand since we're 🍝 -addicted (like every 🇮🇹 on earth), we eat VEGAN LASAGNE for dinner! 💪🏻🍽 they're super simple to make!! I did a veggies ragù using zucchini ,🍆 , 🥕, well you can really add whatever you love!! After a while In the pan, I added some organic 🍅 sauce and let it cook on his own for 40mins! Then I simply assembled the lasagna aaaand et voilà!! In the oven 40mns at 170C. You can see that I also topped it with sesame seeds. I love them!! Not only they are an excellent source of copper and manganese, but they are also a good source of calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, and maaaany others!! In addition they contain two special substances: sesamin and sesamolin. Both have been shown to have a cholesterol-lowering effect!! What are you waiting for?!? THINK ABOUT IT AND GO VEGAN!! 🌈🌿 (presso Rome, Italy)
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