claraharris · 6 years
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1. leave me alone 2. !!! 3. girl power 4. puppy love 5. a mood 6. inspo
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claraharris · 6 years
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Graham was currently pulling apart an old Ford that a man had brought in earlier that month to get junked, trying to salvage what he could from it before he had the crusher do the rest. It was the work of several men, but he was by himself, on the tail-end of that terrible cold. The hacking and snot finally died down to just the occasional sniffle, his fever was down to a manageable temperature, and he was feeling a lot better physically. Which was why he got outside today to finally take care of what he’d been putting off. Jaming the tire arm down again, he exerted all the effort he could, the vein in his neck standing out briefly, before the metal finally gave away and came clean off with a grunt. “Gotcha,” he smirked, exhaling a long breath as he dropped the tire iron and wiped his forehead– definitely dirty and greasy in that moment, and considering a shower or a beer. Maybe both. Graham turned when he heard the sounds of approaching steps, figuring it was probably another damn cop that he might have to run off his property, but was surprised to find Clara Harris staring him down. Of all people. He idly scratched away a bead of sweat on the side of his face as she asked him something he’d thought was clear to everyone by now. “It’s been twenty years, Clara,” the man said then, a bout of fatigue in his tone, because he’d had to speak of it so many times and even recently, too. “You read the papers, you know.” Graham bent to retrieve a cloth that was dirtier than his hands, yet used it to wipe the grime from them regardless as he regarded the younger woman. “Something else I can help you with?” He wasn’t known for being a very nice man, honestly. Especially not since this all happened to him and he got branded the stigma of a killer. But Clara wasn’t a normal girl– woman, now, actually– and something about her always made him feel a bit put on the spot. 
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“Exactly,” Clara huffed out, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, “It’s been twenty years.” Twenty years of not knowing the entire truth of her own sister’s death. Twenty years of being led to believe that the man before her had nothing to do with it. “Graham,” She reached out to grab his arm, her nails digging into his flesh. Not enough to hurt, but enough to leave a sting. Enough to let him know that she was not there to get brushed off like she was any regular person. She immediately regretted it as she looked down at the grime that she picked up from him, “I deserve to know more, don’t ya think?” Her eyebrow raised with her question. The memories that Clara had of her sister were not the fondest. Most of the two girls’ interactions normally ended in a screaming match. Emily never saw Clara as anything other than her annoying little sister. Their very last conversation entailed yelling and door slamming. She needed something, anything, that she could hold on to. “Did you love her?” Clara took a small step forward, reaching out for his arm once again. She probably could have figured out the answer to that question without him. Everyone loved Emily. “Did she love you?” The question came out harder than the last. It was more difficult to imagine her sister, a golden girl, feeling anything for the man pegged as a malefactor. 
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claraharris · 6 years
“But obviously,” He continued on, noting the deflate in the woman's stance as he tried to brush off his actual thoughts. Those were the kinds of things he would tell scared news reporters. Clara was different “Obviously every angle is going to be looked at” he concluded as he stood up straight. Adrian wasn’t phased much by this death, not in the way he should have been. Frank was a respected man by most of the town but that didn’t mean he didn’t have his faults. It was hard to feel sorry for a man who might have deserved it “Which is why you’re gonna be a doll and get me those tests by tomorrow?” Not impossible but also not the easiest things in the world “For an old friend”
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Clara rose to her feet, gazing down at the body in front of her. Her eyes filled with wonder. If the detective wanted results by the next day, she needed to begin her work right away. She could not wait to get back to her lab and begin examining on the body privately. Trying to conceal her excitement, she pressed her lips together firmly, nodding. “Once I graciously get these tests results to you tomorrow, I expect my old friend to take me out. Preferably for dinner, but just a drink would suffice.” 
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claraharris · 6 years
In the days following the recent murders, Clara’s found her job to be especially exciting. Being that the latest victim was the Chief of Police, the police force urged her to perform her duties faster than she normally would. The sense of urgency took away from her usual excitement. After an especially long day in the lab, all she wanted was a chance to clear her head. Once delivering the toxicology reports to the police department, she parked her car at the local park, changed into running clothes, and laced up her shoes. Nothing cleared her mind like a run. She was not entirely certain where she was going. Before she knew it, she was at a junk yard. She knew exactly who the junk yard belonged to. Clara’s jaw tensed the moment she laid eyes on Graham Simmons. Just like it always had, that sensation in her stomach started up. Who would have thought that after so many years and so much tragedy it would still be there? Part of her had always believed that he was somehow involved in her sister’s murder. She learned out about their love affair the same way the entire town did - in the newspaper, days after Emily’s body had been found. There were a million questions she had that had gone unanswered for so long. Memories of her sister’s murder plagued her train of thought every day. What if she hadn’t been involved in an affair? What if there was no frivolous rivalry between her sister and the Townes girl? But each day she was forced to remind herself that no amount of what ifs would bring her sister back. She steadily approached the older man, her eyes fixated on his. “What was going on between you and Emily?” Trying to keep her tone as amiable as possible, she crossed her arms over her chest as she stepped closer. 
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claraharris · 6 years
“I’ve seen my fair share of brutal over the years” It wasn’t a competition, really. At least that’s what he told himself in instances like these “Normal?” He snorted a little, knowing what she meant but the body that was laid out in front of them was close to home. Too close for Adrian’s tastes “This is a little more high profile than an overdosed junky on Hastings street” The man shrugged. Adrian bent back down, taking a couple more photos of the already decaying corpse that he thought might be important. Something about this rubbed him the wrong way. It seemed too cut and dry for his tastes “The person who did those is locked away. My guess is some sick copycat having a little fun during this time- seems to perfect to line up with the anniversary, you know?”
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Clara’s mouth opened to respond to Adrian and then quickly closed in fear that she would let something slip that would ultimately hurt her friend. Out of respect, she simply nodded once. She assumed that he was hurting. Who wouldn’t be after finding out that their boss was brutally murdered in front of the entire town? Clara’s eyes shifted. She had been in the courtroom when William Lewis received his sentencing. Even then, there was a feeling deep in her gut that the true perpetrator had never been caught. But she did not mention that to the detective, or anyone else for that matter. The people of Deercreek had felt safe for however many years believing that the serial killer had been caught. Who was she to question the authorities? “If you say so,” she trailed off, trying her best to sound convinced by his theory. 
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claraharris · 6 years
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claraharris · 6 years
obscure asks
what’s your favorite way to dress?
if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
what movie/game/etc. helps you calm down?
what does your room smell like?
do you like to organize?
what kind of music would you listen to if you could only choose one?
what song is your aesthetic?
what color do you think goes best with your personality?
do you believe in auras?
what do you wish you hated, but actually like?
vague about your crush(es)
is there someone you have mixed feelings towards?
talk about an au or story you came up with
do you like makeup?
do you prefer space or the ocean?
if you could pick any planet besides earth, where would you live?
what form of government do you like the most? (capitalism, socialism, etc.)
what animal would you keep as a pet, if you could?
what do you think our purpose is in the universe?
do you believe in god(s)?
is there a song you can’t handle listening to, even though you like it?
what ex do you miss the most, if you have one?
do you like soft, fluffy blankets or rough/smooth blankets?
what is your favorite thing to learn about?
what country’s history do you find the most interesting?
what do you think about genderbent ____ (insert someone here)
what breakup was the hardest, if you had one?
do you have someone where you can’t decide if you like them romantically or just as a friend?
what do you think about tumblr discourse?
what instrument do you wish you could master?
how easy is it for you to be honest?
do you have any strange interests?
do you have any strange fears?
what food do you binge on when you’re lazy?
when you get angry, how do you show it?
do you have any impulsive movements? (twitches, ticks, flapping, etc.)
what do you listen to music on?
are you left brained or right brained?
earbuds or headphones?
do you like light blankets or heavy blankets? 
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claraharris · 6 years
The cue to look up was when everyone started screaming. Alex had been too intrigued by the random text message he had just received to notice what was going on the stage until the body was out and people were yelling bloody murder. His eyes desperately searched for his fiancée, trying to find her among the crowd. Instead, his sight landed on an unfamiliar brunette. She looked way too interested in the dead body hanging from the rope, it was fucking creepy. He tried not to stare at the woman, but it was hard prying his eyes away from her when she looked so… Interested. He couldn’t find a better word for it. “What the fuck,” he muttered out loud, unable to help himself.
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The sight of the Police Chief’s body hanging brought back memories of how her sister was murdered twenty years ago. While she never saw her sister’s body, she read enough news articles and reports over the years to know exactly how it happened. After a few moments, the brunette woman managed to draw her eyes off of the body and shot a glare at the man standing beside her, staring. “Do you need something?” Clara nearly sneered out her words. She didn’t appreciate being stared out like she was the one who had just been murdered in front of the entire town. 
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claraharris · 6 years
“I’ve heard the story but I missed the show” This was going to be a struggle for all of them. Losing one of their own always was but he was working on keeping himself in check. Acting like this was any other victim on any other day “Hung by his neck from one of the light fixtures” He stood up, head tilting back to follow the rope which was now limp “The problem is getting him there- Frank’s not a small man” Adrian looked down at the smaller woman, head bobbing in a bit of an awkward nod as she did her best to be empathetic “I’m fine” he was for the most part. More than he could say about his partner “We’re going to need stomach contents once he’s done here. Maybe check for any signs of drugging” He couldn’t see the usual signs of a struggle but then again, Frank was covered from head to toe so who knew “Are you okay?”
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“Consider yourself lucky. It was pretty brutal,” Clara’s eyes wandered, “I’ll get right on the tests and let you know when the labs come back.” She wondered how the Chief of Police’s death would affect the town. There was no doubt in her mind that most people would be on their toes for the next few days - or maybe even weeks. “Oh yeah, I’m a-okay. This is a normal day’s work for me.” It was only a partial lie. It wasn’t everyday that she saw someone die before her eyes. She hadn’t seen that sight since her days as a doctor at the local hospital. She tried her best to not sound too enthused. All of the commotion made her excited and attempted to hide her exhilaration. Clara bit down on the side of her cheek, “The recent... murders,” She figured it was best to call them what they were, “Do you think it’s the same person from twenty years ago?”
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claraharris · 6 years
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claraharris · 6 years
This case, whether it was linked to the other recent murders or not, had become much too close to home for most of the local force. Working around the body of their boss wasn’t the easiest thing even for a man who prided himself in being able to stomach the worst. “Hey,” Adrian greeted the familiar face, crouching down next to the woman who was working away completely unphased. He chalked it up to her job and the fact that she saw worse than this on a daily basis. His camera was brought to his eye, another of a million snaps taken to document the case “What can you tell me about the body so far?”
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Clara’s gaze was broken at the sound of a familiar voice. She looked up at her old friend. “Hey,” she glanced back at the Chief’s body and took a few steps away, allowing the detective to take more photos with his camera. “I can tell you that he’s dead,” Clara said matter of factly, “You did see it, didn’t you?” The cause of death was clear. There was no need for an autopsy. She had seen it happen first hand with everyone else at the event. With a deep breath, she took a few steps back. She looked at her friend with sympathetic eyes and rested a hand on his shoulder, “Are you okay?” The body in front of them was the one of his boss. That would be hard for anyone.
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claraharris · 6 years
UNKNOWN #: Maybe there's a little killer in you after all
CLARA: Trust me, there's not.
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claraharris · 6 years
Similar to a car accident, Clara could not look away from what was happening before her. She dealt with dead bodies on a daily basis, but she had never seen a person die in front of her like that. Only in movies, never in reality. While most people expressed outrage and turned their heads from the incident, she did the exact opposite - choosing to fully take in everything that was happening. She closely studied the Chief of Police’s body and all of the surroundings. There was almost a hint of excitement in her eyes.
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claraharris · 6 years
UNKNOWN #: The person who is going to make your job interesting.
CLARA: I think this is making me scared.
CLARA: Or excited. I can't tell.
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claraharris · 6 years
UNKNOWN #: Bacon, anyone?
CLARA: Who is this?
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claraharris · 6 years
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claraharris · 6 years
I’m a very private person. You don’t ask, I don’t tell.
Unknown (via wordsnquotes)
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