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clair-et-obscur · 6 years ago
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Châtelet, écoute-bien. As you walk through the temporary tunnel, little LEDs light up on the walls, making shapes... are they going to form letters? Are they going to form numbers? As you pass through they fade away, and you notice how arbitrary are the forms that we recognise, and how we try to read and interpret everything.
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clair-et-obscur · 6 years ago
Leaving the wonderful Welcome Home exhibition at the @danisharchitecturecenter. “We want a building to rise from the landscape” said @dorte_mandrup in one of the videos there. (à Dansk Arkitektur Center - DAC)
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
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#Repost @studioolafureliasson ・・・ The Invention of Nature - by Andrea Wulf. "Alexander von Humboldt has been largely forgotten in the English-speaking world. He was one of the last polymaths, and died at a time when scientific disciplines were hardening into tightly fenced and more specialised fields. Consequently his more holistic approach - a scientific method that included art, history, poetry and politics alongside hard data - has fallen out of favour. This connection between knowledge, art and poetry, between science and emotions - the deeply-seated bond as Humboldt called it - is more important than ever.” “It was this approach that allowed him to find connections everywhere in nature. Nothing - not even the tiniest organism, was looked at on its own. When nature is viewed as a web, its vulnerability also becomes obvious. Everything hangs together. After he saw the devastating environmental effects of colonial plantations at Lake Valencia in Venezuela in 1800, Humboldt became the first scientist to talk about harmful human-induced climate change.” “As scientists are trying to understand and predict the global consequences of climate change, Humboldt’s interdisciplinary approach to science and nature is more relevant than ever. Naturgemälde, 1802 - ‘microcosm on one page’ as he called it himself, it has also been dubbed the first infographics. To the left and right of the mountain he placed several columns that provided related details and information, ranging from temperature, gravity, and humidity to the blueness of the sky – again all related to the height of the mountain. #humboldt
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
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An 1889 #dataviz by Emile Cheysson of the gross takings of Parisian theatres and shows between 1878 and 1889 // « Recettes brutes des théâtres et spectacles de Paris de 1878 à 1889 », Album de statistique graphique, 1889.
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
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Work by Hatem Gheribi, Amandine Bach, Vanessa VG, le Collectif pour une autre politique migratoire, Atmf Section du Bas-Rhin and others: carpet of the names of 17306 drowned migrants, at the European Parliament, 2015
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
Drawing lesson @sciencespo with @fryderyk85 @juliusly (à Sciences Po)
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
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Everything looks different in the snow (à Paris, France)
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
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Performance @speap2017 à la @citeinternationaledesarts 2-3 février 2018 inspirées des recherches en cours sur la collecte du sensible dans les hôpitaux
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
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End of the second intensive week @speap2017
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
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CLEAR SIGNS At a Paris hospital as part of @speap2017, we’re conducting user research into care staff and patient experience. We love all the signage ... as art, not as orientation tools. 🔵🔷🔵🔷 #blue #frenchtypography #blackonnavy #orientation #publicservicedesign #hospitalitydesign #parishospital #clairetobscur
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
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Développement agile sauvage — Agile product development in the wild @nic0_dude — Dommage que la borne soit éteinte @velibmetropole (à La Fourche)
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
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Back to school ... The underground lecture hall of the Paris university faculty of pharmacy, waiting patiently lit over the holidays in front of a scrubbed blackboard, seen from the dark pavement on a winter walk. ⚖️📚👩🏼‍🏫 #monday #lundi #rentreedesclasses #backtoschool #amphi #bancsdelafac #universitedeparis #facdepharma #clairetobscur #gribouillis #tag #blackboard #empty #lightsonnobodyhome (à Faculté de Pharmacie de Paris - Université Paris Descartes)
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
My stuff in the reflection of misty England
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
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Things [...] make us the people we are. And they are exemplary in their humility, never really drawing attention to what we owe them. They just get on with the job. But the lesson of material culture is that the more we fail to notice them, the more powerful and determinant of us they turn out to be.  👕👩🏽‍💻💍🚦💽💶🔫 Les choses [...] nous fabriquent. Dans leur humilité, elles sont exemplaires : elles ne nous demandent pas de remarquer ce que nous leur devons. Les choses font ce qu’elles ont à faire. Mais ce que nous apprend l’étude de la culture matérielle est que plus que l’on les ignore, plus elles sont puissantes et déterminantes de qui nous sommes. 🔨🛒📈📊📣 #clairetobscur #magicandmodernity #dannymiller #socialanthropology #stuff #polity
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
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A passager at Montparnasse station, where there are delays and cancellations, this morning on French radio: "There is no signage. We see nothing. We can’t see anything.” 🌑 Entretien avec un passager ce matin sur @franceinter à la Gare #montparnasse : « Il n’y a aucun affichage. On ne voit rien. On ne peut rien voir. » 🙈 Artwork "Monument to change as it changes" (2011) by Peter Wegner 🌑 #clairetobscur #publicserviceannouncement #publicservicedesign #peterwegner #monumenttochangeasitchanges #speap #aveugle #blind #stuck #impuissance #espacepublic (à Paris, France)
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
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The condom placed on the obelisk on the Place de la Concorde by #actup in 1993. “It’s a fight against policies, but it’s above all a fight against how the story is told.” — « C’est une lutte contre une politique, mais surtout une lutte contre un récit. » Philippe Mangeot speaking to #speap at #sciencespo about the assembly and the film #120battementsparminute (à Paris, France)
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clair-et-obscur · 7 years ago
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Our collection of samples of objects brought into two Paris hospitals by the friends, family and neighbours of patients on the 1st November 2017 between 1pm and 3pm. For Brigitte’s daughter, shampoo. For Nadia’s brother, some homemade soup. For Hallouche’s neighbour, nothing. For Fatma’s daughter, an aloe vera drink, her revision book, and a banana. For Marie-Helene’s mother, some dates and some clean sheets. For Anne-Marie’s husband, the newspaper. For Alexandre and Driss’ friend, his 18th birthday cake. Does collecting and arranging them in this way help to understand the significance of these presents and the importance of the visitors in a hospital? — #speap #aphp #hopitalbichat #hopitalbretonneau #hopitauxdeparis #sciencespo #clairetobscur #sickvibe #parisportraits (à SPEAP / Master d'expérimentation en arts et politique)
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