claimmedic · 4 years
Another COVID Plague: Big Surprise Medical Bills For Survivors
With the rise in the novel coronavirus cases today, many people here in the USA need help with Paying COVID-19 Medical Bills. Coronavirus does not just cause medical stress but also creates a lot of financial burdens. It is not surprising that many families are not able to cope with the enormous medical bills they face for the treatment in the wake of this virus.
Choosing the right healthcare providers is not negotiable because it has an impact on the treatment and outcome. Then there is the length of stay in a hospital, rates of readmissions, isolation ward charges, ventilators, and costly medications. All these add up to the medical cost. On top of that, medical errors tend to create a financial hazard.
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Payments towards the hospital systems and other fees are a maze. The new disease makes it impossible to compare the treatment options. Many of these changes have caused an adverse financial impact on COVID patients who have got successful treatment and survived.
The COVID plague is dangerous, but the surprise medical bills for those who survived have put them in financial debt. And this is where there comes the need for medical claim specialists like ClaimMedic who take care to lower your medical bills and get you out of some financial stress.
Medical Claim Specialists Who Are They
Are you struggling with paying your huge COVID 19 hospital bills? The skilled medical claim specialists come into the picture. They use their knowledge in the medical field and dig deep to find errors in the medical bills. They then apply the medical laws to reduce your bill. With their expertise, they can give you results faster and save you from financial stress.
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claimmedic · 4 years
Can’t Afford Your Medical Bill? Here’s What You Can Do
A medical bill is the last thing that one needs after going through painful medical procedures. But medical bills are inevitable parts of human life. The major concern arises when the bills handed by the doctor or the billing department exceeds your expectation.
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claimmedic · 4 years
Contact Us to Get Total Assistance For Covid-19 Medical Billing
Are you looking for Covid financial assistance for medical bills? Then contact our experienced team to negotiate and settle for lower amounts for Covid-19. We ensure that your credit history is not harmed when you discuss bill settlement for Covid treatment. We will also navigate and negotiate through the medical billing process on your behalf. In case your claims are denied, then our experts will help you solve issues with your medical bills so that your claim is passed successfully. Visit our site or call our experts to know more.
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claimmedic · 4 years
Medical Debt: What to Do When You Can’t Pay
Many of our fellow Americans might have noticed this - The cost of treatment in the US, be it accidents, pregnancy, or illness, can reach almost five figures. You may have enough insurance coverage, but you may still be left with a lot of dues. It makes it impossible for you to handle your medical bills.
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You may be young and healthy, but that does not make you immune to a medical emergency. You could be stuck with a whopping bill at any time. At times there could be a dead end with no indication of how to pay off the medical bills. And this is where you will need help with paying medical bills.
You have to pay the medical bills. There is no escape here. However, medical debt is an issue and if you feel trapped with the medical debt, then here is what you should do about it.
Medical Debt Is Not Uncommon
If you cannot pay off your medical debts, then this is not a cause of failure. Some people in the US cannot pay off their health bills only because they cannot afford to settle them. A majority of people in the US face financial hardship to clear off their medical bill dues. And the surprising thing about it is that not only the low-income group but also those who enjoy the robust income and insurance may have to face this turmoil.
People end up paying towards their medical bills by delaying vacations, holding on to purchases, or working more. Are you going through the pain of having to clear off your medical bills? Here are some tips to minimize the effect. It can help you to sort out your finances, your health as well as your future.
Medical bills are a concern. There should be no shame if you are not able to pay off your medical bills. You may have an income and be well insured, but exorbitant medical bills could be a cause of concern for anyone.
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claimmedic · 4 years
Helpful Tips On Negotiating Surprise Medical Bills
Medical bills are one of the least wanted things by the people around the world. This is because, most of the medical expenses are unexpectedly high, meaning they have the capacity to stress out an average person.
Even CNBC reported that at least one-third of the working-class Americans have medicals bills. And almost every person in this statistic owes a minimum of $10,000 in medical bills. Point to be noted; these figures were taken based on people who do not even have medical insurance.
So, it is fair to conclude that many Americans know the pain that comes with giant medical bills.
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But, did you ever think that your medical bills can have a few discrepancies?
Well, yes, a few do.
So, if you have a got a surprisingly high medical bill, then it is time to dig deeper and advocate medical billings before you end up paying the amount.
Let us see how you can do that.
1 Request an Itemized Bill:
Most patients have no idea of what they are paying for. So, the first step must be to request the billing department to provide you with an itemized bill. It is always good to know what treatments, medicines, and equipment were used to treat the patient or you.
Plus, getting an itemized bill can help you to have a proper insight into what procedures were performed during the treatment, giving you the benefit of questioning against unnecessary listed items on the bill.
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claimmedic · 4 years
What Happens If You Can’t Afford To Pay Your Medical Bills In America?
An ordinary man stays away from two dreadful things, one being the court cases and the second being the medical care. The only reason for staying away is that the expenses for both these things are too high. In fact, a person may fall into debt in order to get rid of those bills.
And if you are one of those people who are unable to take care of the medical bills due to financial hardships or limited resources, then don't worry; you aren't alone.
CNBC stated that almost 137 million Americans struggle to keep up with their medical bills.
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But, if you are handed with the medical bills by the hospital authorities, and you are struggling to pay the amount, then there will be certain consequences.
Well, don't worry, no one will arrest you, but you may get dragged to court. But before that, there are few things that may happen. Let us take a look at the radical measures the hospital authorities may take for unpaid medical bills.
1 They Will Charge You Late Fees:
The more delay you do in initiating the payments, the more expensive your bills will get. If there is a particular due date mentioned and if you miss that, then you may be subjected to interests or late fees.
Even though medical providers are banned from charging penalties or fees but again, the ban is applicable only in certain states. So, cross-check with your hospital about their penalty regulations.
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claimmedic · 4 years
Can’t Afford Your Medical Bill? Here’s What You Can Do
A medical bill is the last thing that one needs after going through painful medical procedures. But medical bills are inevitable parts of human life. The major concern arises when the bills handed by the doctor or the billing department exceeds your expectation.
Well, if that is the case with you, then trust us, you aren’t the only one. It is estimated that the US’s treatment cost—be it a single illness, accident, or even pregnancy can cost in the five-digit figure. And even if you have an impressive insurance plan, you may still have a significant outstanding balance to payout.
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Even though paying out the bills is a moral obligation for everyone, being ashamed of the mounting debt isn’t fair. We understand how stressful it can be for you.
So, today we will discuss with you a few options that you can use as a medical bill negotiator for the bills that you cannot afford.
1 Check For Accuracy In The Bill:
One of the reasons that make medical care so expensive is improper data management. Medical centers see thousands of people on a daily basis, meaning they prepare bills, certificates, medical files, and what not, multiple times a day.
And amid these working hours, the possibility of making mistakes is higher. Many times the billing department may add details of services and procedures that you might not have received. You might be charged for full service even if you get discharged in the morning. So, make sure that you cross-check the bill multiple times to stay assured that no mistakes are made in it.
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claimmedic · 4 years
Suggest Me A Name Of A Company That Can You Negotiate Hospital Bills?
If you wish to negotiate your hospital bills, go ahead with ClaimMedic. We can you negotiate hospital bills and have them done for numerous clients. We know how difficult it is for our clients to pay some an amount. We will evaluate the medical bills and ensure that you do not need to pay such a hefty amount. Our website will guide you on how you should get in touch with us and the services we offer. We believe in delivering the service at the specified time.
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claimmedic · 4 years
Facing Difficulty With A High COVID-19 Hospital Bill? Check Here!
ClaimMedic can help you with a high COVID-19 Hospital Bill. They are highly experienced and can handle denied medical claims. They have an experience of 30 years and have received many erroneous bills. As a result, they can evaluate your medical bills and negotiate the billing process. Getting in touch with them is easy, and they also offer budget-friendly prices. With that, you can relax and be stress-free while we take care of all your medical bills. They are proud to be a part of the Patient Advocate Certification Board.
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claimmedic · 4 years
5 Resources for Help Paying Medical Bills
Medical debt is the biggest concern in the U.S. Even the person who has an impressive health insurance policy isn’t immune to medical debts. This is because, when the medical bills are extreme, even the insurer refuses to offer the coverage.
Although it isn’t clear how many people go bankrupt due to budget-breaking medical costs; it is quite clear that hospital bills are one of the reasons for thousands of yearly bankruptcy filings.
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So, what can an average person do to get rid of exceeding medical bills? Or how can someone get financial assistance for health care during COVID-19?
Well, we have the answers to these questions. Let us take a look at a few resources that can help you to pay off your medical bills effectively.
1 Payment Plan:
Almost all medical providers offer payment plans nowadays. So, whenever you opt for medical attention, be it at the physician, dentist, or even at the hospitals, make sure that you ask the billing department for payment plans.
The department can recommend you with monthly installments on zero interests. Many healthcare centers even offer discounts on bulk payment, so ask for that too. Make sure that you read or gain knowledge of every terms and condition that come with the payment plans so that you do not end up getting in financial distress down the line.
2 Medical Credit Cards:
If the medical provider you chose has no particular payment plan or discounts, then see if they can accept medical credit cards. These cards are specially designed for certain medical procedures, meaning the billing department may have applications ready.
A normal medical credit card has a 12-month interest-free period. So, check your total expense and see if you would be able to clear the debt within the given period. If you are unable to do so, then avoid the medical credit card at all expenses because then you will be stuck with a more expensive bill.
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claimmedic · 4 years
How to Pay For Coronavirus Medical Expenses - Surprise Medical Bill
Medical facilities in the United States of America have been looked at with scorn in recent decades. The increasing prices of medical administrations, hospitalization, and overall facility are among the biggest concerns for most people.
Besides, the COVID-19 pandemic is so overwhelming that getting the right medical aid needs proper financial backup. Even for those who have medical insurance, getting the right medical assistance is not possible most of the time.
The reason behind this is that many insurance providers do not accept the claim. Apart from denying the request, other things affect it, like miscategorization of the claim and so on.
The denial of the claim or partial acceptance of the request can be mentally stressful for most of us. Also, for someone who has not been well for some time, going through the hassle of getting the claim passed can add to the worries.
The medical billing companies are the best to approach. They can make sure that you have the right resolution within the right time.
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Here are some points that make consulting a medical billing company a viable option as they can negotiate medical bills.
1 They Get the Complete Claim Approved
One of the biggest worries of everyone who has been hospitalized and has been handed an enormous sum is the high amount to pay. Complete denial of the claim or partial approval is a daunting concern for such a person.
Some medical billing companies like ClaimMedic are known for their strong foothold in the market. They negotiate medical bills effectively. Once you hand over your invoice to them, they can look and easily make out the best way to deal with it.
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claimmedic · 4 years
COVID-19 Has Made Paying Medical Bills Difficult For Some, but There's Help
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a halt to all the business activities and many commercial activities worldwide. Due to the Coronavirus's highly contagious nature, the lockdown is regarded as the ultimate method to avoid the spread of the disease.
Hence, many firms are forced to carry out their transactions online as a business contingency measure. This process has proven to be an impediment to some firms, as their business nature does not allow them to go digital. Financial institutions like banks are not easily accessible due to the lockdown.
Due to the pandemic, there are numerous cases of COVID-19 discovered on a daily basis. People have to visit medical facilities like hospitals, clinics, and laboratories, to get the proper checkup and medical assistance.
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Getting the right medical aid needs the use of funds in the transactions. However, due to the lack of finances, people would otherwise miss out on health care services. Fortunately, there are feasible options that can help you continue getting medical help without any worry.
The medical billing facility is one of the most opted-for services for any health-related concern like hospitalization and the involved costs. Below are some details on how the medical billing process helps those who need help with COVID medical bills.
1 Attempts To Get A Denied Claim Passed
For some patients, hospitalization is the only option. Being in a hospital for an extended period of time, like two weeks, can be even more problematic. One of the biggest nightmares amid the COVID-19 situation is the refusal of the claim.
There can be a number of reasons as to why a claim gets denied. Besides, there are complete and partial denials. In either case, the patient would be left with no option but to pay for the costs from their pocket.
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claimmedic · 4 years
Medical Billing Advocates Of America
The COVID-19 is one of the most significant pandemics in recent times that has affected a lot of things. It has impacted the economy of the country a lot. It has also made people jobless. Besides, the economy is not likely to see an upsurge for years.
Apart from the financial loss due to not being able to continue with employment or business, other things affect the economy on a micro-level. Managing daily expenses, buying commodities, and so on are some examples.
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The ever-present fear of contracting the illness is causing extreme stress to many of us. Those who have contracted the disease are very negatively affected, financially, physically, and mentally.
Having medical insurance is one of the reliefs one can think one has. However, it is not really an option for many of us. Many people’s insurance claims get rejected for several reasons. Incomplete documentation is one of the commonest; timeliness is another reason for the rejection of the request.
Fortunately, a medical claim advocate is someone who can make sure that your claim gets approved. Several medical billing companies have been in the field for years. ClaimMedic is one such firm that has been in the industry for over thirty years.
Consulting the right medical billing firm is the ultimate resolution for a denied claim.
Here are some points these medical billing firms follow to make sure that your claim gets approved.
1 They Pursue the Matter with a Better Understanding
Most insurance companies deny claims by demanding excessive details about everything. You need to get the right information, like the costs and types of the tests and diagnoses, the exact details of medicines, injections, and procedures, and minute details like the dates, the precise amount of everything you have paid, and so forth.
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claimmedic · 4 years
Smart Ways to Negotiate Medical Bills for Less than You Owe
A balance bill is a term that is used with a surprise bill. However, the two times is a bit different. In balance billing, insurance pays part of the bill, and the patient pays the remaining half. Get in touch with ClaimMedic- a service that knows how to negotiate medical bills with insurance.
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claimmedic · 4 years
Are You Facing Difficulties With Huge Covid-19 Bills?
The right expert who can negotiate on behalf of you for huge Covid-19 bills is ClaimMedic. We have seen how patients were facing issues with the sudden increase in medical expenses during the pandemic phase. For assistance with Covid hospital bills, we can review your medical bills and negotiate so that you do not need to pay more. We have experience of almost three decades so you can trust us for this service. As a result, our clients get to save a lot of money by appointing us.
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claimmedic · 4 years
Are You Worried About Your Huge Medical Bills?
If you are concerned with your increase in medical bills, get in touch with ClaimMedic. They can help with huge medical bills by reviewing and negotiating them so that you can pay less. With that, you no longer need to pay a high amount. Their audit experts are skilled and experienced and have helped many patients to pay a reasonable amount. If you wish to collect more information about them, schedule an appointment today for free. They will advise you what needs to be done next.
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claimmedic · 4 years
Uninsured with COVID-19: How Hospital Bills Get Paid
The COVID-19 situation is one of the most economically detrimental crises seen in decades. Due to the highly contagious nature of the Coronavirus infection, the disease’s virulence is very rapid. Also, there is no known cure for the pandemic due to a lack of the proper trace of the virus.
Due to these concerns, the only safety measure we can take is to maintain social distancing. The governments across the globe have imposed strict lockdown to avoid people coming in contact with each other as much as possible.
Due to this, unfortunately, many people cannot continue with their regular chorus, including work. Hence, they are not able to earn their livelihood and have to shell out of their savings.
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For those who fall prey to the pandemic, going through the hospitalization process is daunting. Once diagnosed with the disease, a patient may have to get hospitalized for up to two weeks. For someone who has breathing difficulty, being on an artificial respirator and other similar medical procedures are inevitable.
Things like these add to the total hospitalization cost. Due to the economic loss and dwindling financial resources, the hospitalization cost can wreak havoc on some people.
Medical insurance can be the ultimate aid that can take care of the total hospitalization and procedural cost. However, it is not always a plausible option. Many people have to live with the denial of medical insurance. It adds to the frustration and may even affect their overall recovery time.
The medical billing companies can help you get the insurance claim approved. Below are some points that will help with covid hospital bills.
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