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cl0udcupidsvz · 6 months ago
gaslighting? you’re crazy!
pranking zoro
includes: zoro
warnings: cursing? zoro calls reader a bitch (not seriously)
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note: just a little something while I try to get inspired.
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cl0udcupidsvz · 6 months ago
“I can’t make you love me.”
in which you don’t believe sanji can change
including: sanji
warnings: angst
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note: this was going to be a break up and make up imagine, but I had no real inspiration (which is why this is so crappy) so I just left it as break up. I’ll probably post the ‘make up’ eventually.
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cl0udcupidsvz · 1 year ago
Making up after a fight
arguing with zoro and then making up
featuring: zoro
warning: angst
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cl0udcupidsvz · 1 year ago
“i want a baby”
telling the one piece men you want a baby
featuring: zoro, sanji, shanks, ace, luffy
warnings; slightly suggestive, language, implied afab
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cl0udcupidsvz · 1 year ago
“i think we should break up”
pranking one piece men by telling them you should break up
featuring: zoro, shanks, ace, luffy, sanji
warnings: reader implied to be female in shanks’, but gender neutral in the rest
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cl0udcupidsvz · 3 years ago
Just a little longer
Fandom: Marvel Universe
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader
Warning: Mentions of sex
Summary: Waking up beside Wanda
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Sunlight flooded into the room through the open blinds, depsite the fact it was winter and snow covered almpst every surface outside. Your body was buried beneath two blankets piled on top of each other to hide from the cold trying to reach you.
Shuffling from beside you caused you to turn and open your eyes. You were instantly in love with what you saw.
Wanda lay clumsily on the right side of the bed, her hair in a tangled mess and her mouth open a little. She looked beautiful.
You smiled, unable to help yourself. Carefully, you hovered your finger over her cheek, following the shape of her face. Whenever she breathed out, you felt small puffs of air on your arm, goosebumps rising on the skin.
"You're staring." She muttered sleepily. You jumped at the sudden sound but quickly recovered.
"Am not." You replied. "I'm simply...admiring something beautiful." Wanda groaned a little.
"It's too early for you to be so sweet." She pouted a little. "I don't want to snap at you because I'm sleepy." You chuckled, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"You really aren't a morning person." She huffed a little. "I'll make you some coffee."
"Wait," She planted a hand on your arm to stop you getting up. "Just stay in bed a little longer."
You lay back down beside her, allowing her to rest her head in your neck. You were fully prepared to just go back to sleep for a little, but all those thoughts left your head when Wanda began to press kisses along your neck.
She smiled against your skin when you groaned.
"I thought you were sleepy."
"I'm always sleepy." She responded. "If I can save the world running on three hours of sleep, I can have sex with my amazing girlfriend after six hours."
"You only had six hours of sleep?!" You exclaimed. "You realise that's not healthy, right? Why don't you go-"
"I'm too horny to go back to sleep." She ran her tongue over the fresh mark on your skin. "I know a way you can tire my out." Her voice dripped in lust.
Sighing, you nodded a little.
"And then you'll go to sleep?"
"If you fuck me well enough, I won't have a choice." She grinned mischeviously as you narrowed your eyes at her. In a split second, she was on her back, giggling.
You pressed your lips to hers, running a hand up to caress her side. She groaned, arching a little into you.
"I love you." You whispered as you pulled apart.
"I love you more." She replied, a little breathlessly, as you began kissing down her body.
You guys didn't make it to breakfast that morning.
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cl0udcupidsvz · 3 years ago
dear parents
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Sirius Black x daughter!reader, Fred Weasley x reader
Warnings: toxic relationships, divorce, parents fighting
Summary: You open up to your dad about why you are afraid to be with Fred
A/N: this is inspired by the song dear parents by sundial because i’ve been obsessed with it for a few days
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You loved your parents. Really. They had raised you well, loving you and making sure you had a good life. It was thanks to them that you were the person you were; confident, smart, kind (and a little cocky, let’s face it. Sirius Black was your father).
You loved them and they loved you.
And you knew that they loved each other. You had seen that love growing up. They was your dad lit up at the sight of your mum and how she would make sure to take care of him whenever he was stressed due to work.
They loved each other, even after they had split up.
But, that was the problem.
“Hey, love.” A pair of arms wrapped around you from behind, a body pressed against your back. A familiar head of ginger hair appeared in the corner of your eye as Fred rested his chin on your shoulder.
Your dad had told you that you would be staying at the Weasley house for a few days since he heard that Harry and his parents were here. He told you it was so you could hang around with your friends instead of your ‘old but cool dad’. You knew that he just wanted to see James.
“Good morning, Freddie.” You greeted back, fighting the blush that threatened to appear. You tried to focus on making your tea, though the heat from the redhead seeped into your back and was very distracting.
“Always a good morning when I get to see your beautiful face.” He mumbled against your neck. You rolled you eyes playfully at the line, though you couldn’t ignore the wild fluttering of your stomach.
You turned around in his hold, since he refused to take his hands off of you for even a second.
“I’m not wearing makeup, my hair is tangled and I’m still wearing my pyjamas.” You said. “Still think I’m beautiful?”
“You’re always beautiful to me.” He replied seriously, his eyes burning into your face. “Especially when you’re all natural.”
It was impossible to smother the smile that pulled at your lips. Fred noticed and grinned back, kissing your cheek as your dad and uncle entered the kitchen.
“I’ll see you later.” The redhead shot you a wink as he left the kitchen, practically skipping out.
“Not one word.” You warned the older males once seeing your dad open his mouth.
“I was going to say that you should ask him on a date.” You dad insisted, surprising both you and James.
“You were what?” James asked.
“He’s a good kid and I can tell that he cares about you.” Sirius shrugged. “You deserve someone like that.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.” You said.
“Why not?” Your dad frowned, walking over to you. “Do you not like him?”
“Of course I do.” You admit. “I just- I don’t think it would work.” You left the room before either male could say anything else.
Sirius and James shared a look.
“You should talk to her.” James said.
“I will.” Sirius promised. “But she would want it to be just us. If I ask her about it in format of people she’d just joke about it.”
“Sounds like another Black I know.” James snickered as the two left the kitchen.
“Yeah, Reggie really needs to work on that.” Sirius said. James rolled his eyes.
“And then the firework went off. It flew around the room and set George’s bed on fire. Mum was furious but couldn’t tell at us because our ears were bleeding. You should have seen her explaining what happened to the nurse at St Mungos.” Fred laughed at the end of his story.
“Merlin,” You sighed. “How are you two still alive?”
“To be honest, I’m just as surprised as you are.” He grinned up from where his head rested in your lap. You smiled back down, running fingers through his hair.
You two were in the attic, which had been decorated to be more comfortable. You sat on the sofa facing the big window, a blanket thrown over Fred and hot chocolates in your hands.
You turned your attention to the rain hitting the window. You loved rain. When you were younger, your parents and you used to sit at the window seat in your room, your mum reading a book to you as you cuddled into your dad.
It was just one thing from a list of things that had ended when your parents split.
“Are you okay?” You realised that Fred was now sat beside you, watching with furrowed brows, concern shining in his eyes.
“Yeah.” You nodded, forcing a small smile. “I just…I used to do this with my parents.”
“I’m really glad that you decided you could do it with me.” He said. You were grateful he didn’t continue the talk of your parents. “It’s really relaxing.”
“Well, with your life you need to relax a little.” You teased.
“I relax plenty.” He said, faking offence. You raised a sceptical brow and he pouted. “I relax!” He insisted, moving forwards to tickle your sides. “Admit it.”
You squealed, trying to move away from him, only succeeding in making you both fall on the floor. He straddled you as he continued tickling you.
“My dad taught me not to lie.” You managed in between giggles.
Fred paused, letting you catch your breath. He smiled down, admiring your flushed features and shining eyes.
“You really are beautiful.”
You blushed a little as he got off you, helping you up. The two of you were stood barely a centimetre apart, him staring down at you with adoration in his eyes.
Slowly, he slid a hand to rest on your waist and another to the back of your head. You felt your breath catch in your throat as he leaned a little closer.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered. “I really want to kiss you.”
Your head screamed that it was a bad idea.
“Please.” You heard yourself answer. Fred wasted no time at all before his lips were on yours.
You had heard people say they felt fireworks when they kissed someone. But you felt none of that. It just felt right. Natural.
Fred deepened the kiss for a few seconds and your hand fisted his shirt, returning all the passion. You pulled apart after a few seconds but kept your eyes closed for a while before finally opening them. Fred was staring at you, looking happier than ever.
The full impact of what had just happened hit you.
“I-I-“ You stuttered. You had to get away. “Excuse me.” You practically ran out of the room, hearing Fred call after you and footsteps follow.
As soon as you reached you room, you closed and locked the door, breathing heavily.
“Do I want to know?” You jumped, spinning around at the voice. Your dad was perched on your bed, staring at you curiously.
“Uh, I don’t- you- he-“
“Y/N?” Fred’s voice called from the other side of your door. “Y/N, please open the door. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to pressure you or-“
“You didn’t.” You replied. “I just- can you give me some space?” Your tone was a little harsher than you intended.
“Sure.” Fred said and you hated the sad tone of his voice. You could hear him walk away from your door.
“Ignore my earlier question,” Your dad said. “I want to know.” He made room for you on your bed. You sighed a little as you sat and were grateful he gave you some time to sort your thoughts.
“Fred kissed me.” You said finally.
“And you didn’t want him to?”
“No. I mean, yes. I wanted him to. I really wanted him to.”
“Okay.” You could hear the confusion in your dad’s voice.
“I want to kiss him and go on dates and just be with him.”
“But I’m scared.” You admitted. “I really like him, dad. He’s so amazing and special.”
“So are you, sweetheart.” He said softly.
“I know. That’s not why I’m scared.”
“So, why?” He frowned. You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for what you were about to admit.
“Because of you and mum. The only love I’ve ever really witnessed was between you two. You were so great together at first. You were so in love. But then you started to argue more. I remember you once fought during a Christmas dinner over your job. And that trip we took for my birthday, you barely spoke. What if that’s what happens to me and Fred? I don’t want to lose him.” You looked at him, your cheeks wet. “I don’t want to have a love like you and mum.”
He smiled softly at you, wiping your tears.
“Sweetheart,” He pulled you into his side. “I loved your mum. I loved her so much. But the thing was, I wasn’t in love with her. We only really decided to marry because she got pregnant with you. We tried to make things work but you can’t fake being in love. You and Fred have that. You don’t need to pretend.” He hugged you. “You won’t end up like me and your mum.”
“I’m afraid.” You said quietly.
“That’s a good thing. If your scared, it means you really are in love. James was scared with Lily, and they’ve been together for almost fifteen years now.”
“Were you scared with Remus?”
“Absolutely terrified.” He grinned. “But I had you to support me. Now you have my support.” He kissed the top of your head. “Now go get your man.”
“Never say that again, please.” You laughed a little as you stood, kissing his cheek. “Thanks dad.”
Sirius watched you go with a proud smile. Yeah. He had a great child.
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cl0udcupidsvz · 3 years ago
He's your best friend
fandom: six of crows
including: jesper fahey
Jesper Fahey
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you met jesper at the crow club
he was (surprise) gambling and losing
you had only come in to talk to kaz but once seeing him losing so badly, you felt bad
you had seen him around often
he seemed harmless enough
but, what really drew you to him, was that he seemed fun
so, you approached the table, asking to be dealt in
men around you laughed
they, no doubt, considered you barely knew how to play
well, all men but jesper
he considered you with curious eyes
you walked home with pockets full of coin later that night
and the night after that
and the night after that
finally, on your fourth night at the club, jepser approached you at the bar
"you seem to be remarkably good with cards, love." he had said.
"i wish i could say the same." you hummed, taking a swig of your drink.
he wasn't offended
"i'm jesper."
"i know."
"do i get to know your name?"
"buy me a drink and we'll go from there."
"maybe i could get you to teach me a few of your tricks."
you'd laughed at that
"you'd have to buy me more than one drink for that."
your friendship blossomed from there
you spent every minute of every day together, much to kaz's annoyance
you were perfect together
he was loud, dramatic,a very in-your-face person, and impulsive
you were calm, silent and preferred to watch from afar, thinking things through
you were the yin to his yang
you two would spend hours talking about cards over drinks
and you did teach him some of your tricks
the dregs always acted annoyed when you two were together
but they were secretly glad jesper had someone who could handle him
plus, he seemed to actually calm down with you
and he brought you out of your shell
so, all things considered
your friendship could not have been more perfect
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cl0udcupidsvz · 3 years ago
They're Your Best Friend
Warnings: None, maybe one swear word
Including: Kaminari, Sero, Jiro, Momo
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You and Denki were the friends that confused everyone else
You had a LOT of inside jokes
People would often stare at you two when you were in the middle of your laughing fits where you would both add things that made you laugh harder
People were also a little freaked out by how you two could read each others minds
You could communicate without words and it was generally creepy
Everyone was on edge when you and Denki were together since you enjoyed pranking everyone
No one was safe
But there were parts of your friendship people didn't get to see
You let people think of you as the fun, careless duo
But when you were alone you talked a lot
You knew everything about each other
Denki knew your worst fear and you knew he didn't like short circuiting because he was scared he would stay that way
If you were ever upset, Denki knew and would be at your dorm with snacks and your favourite movie
You loved the fun part of being friends with Denki but you also loved the intimate moments only you two shared
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Sero is the therapist friend
You can always count on him to listen to you when you needed it
You would go to his room when you were sad and Sero would immediately wrap his arms around you tightly
You would listen to his problems too
He didn’t really talk about what was wrong much, he sometimes avoided how he really felt altogether
You would be sad he didn’t trust you enough to tell you but he assured you he just didn’t understand what he was feeling and that he trusted you more than anything
You and Sero were usually found in his room, you reading or listening to music as he got high
Sero was a pretty chill guy normally and when he got high it was a whole new level
Most of the time he’d just lay on his floor, mumbling to you whatever weird thoughts came to his head
You, like a good friend, listened and added to his thoughts when you thought about it
No matter what you did with Sero, you were always relaxed and calm, both of you
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You were the friends who weren’t together all the time
In fact you were more apart than together
But it didn’t change how close you guys were
You could not talk to her for a month but next time you were together, it would be like you only say her yesterday
You two didn’t really go out to spend time together
Both of you were perfectly fine with spending the day inside listening to music or watching a movie
At first, people would be really confused when you two would not talk to each other for a while and think you two were arguing
But then the next time they see you, you would be talking about a new song or something and they were even more confused
You and Jiro loved it when people did get confused
Sometimes you would stop talking just for them to think you were no longer friends, only to talk for hours together in front of them
You two liked fucking with people
Still, even after all the time you and Jiro spent apart, you would always be best friends
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You and Momo were the polar opposites
Momo was rich and sophisticated
While you were often found eating cold pizza from the previous night in clothes you weren't sure you'd washed
Momo still loved you, though
She would often invite you over to stay at her house for the night
You, of course, agreed
I mean rich remember? And because you loved Momo, of course
It was strange for you at first
Going from eating cereal for dinner to the fancy meals Momo's chef cooked up
Momo would often surprise you with presents
She'd buy you things ranging from clothes to jewellery to whatever the latest technology was
You were grateful, no doubt
But you sometimes declined her gifts
After all, they were nice, but you only really cared about spending time with Momo
She would be confused when you declined
Didn't you like her presents?
But then she'd see how happy you seemed when she suggested doing something
So, overtime, she would learn to just offer to take you out for dinner at the old, mostly horrible, diner you seemed to enjoy so much
You got her to learn she didn't always have to buy someone's affection
And she taught you things too
Like, maybe, sticking to a healthy diet is beneficial
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cl0udcupidsvz · 4 years ago
A/N: In this imagine your quirk is Banshee
Warnings: Talk about hearing voices, mentions death
Including: Todoroki
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You really were trying to listen to Aizawa. He wasn’t as boring as other teachers and was actually your favourite. He had been since the first days of school when he showed up to class in a sleeping bag.
But the whispering inside your head distracted you.
You massaged the side of your head to try and soothe the pain. But the voices wouldn’t stop. Aizawa paused when he noticed you clutching the sides of your head, causing the rest of the class to turn to you too.
The class was training outside and weren’t cramped in a classroom, meaning everyone had a clear sight of you. If you weren’t in so much pain, you would be embarrassed.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Kirishima asked from beside you. You didn’t answer as Aizawa approached.
“Go.” He said simply. You immediately took off and went inside, travelling to your dorm where you turned in relaxing music.
You calmed down after a while and there was a sudden knock on the door. Slowly, you answered and saw Shoto on the other side, his face twisted into one of worry.
He rushed forwards as soon as he could see. Shoto never really showed his emotions but he couldn’t help panic when he saw you in pain earlier.
“Is everything okay? Are you hurt?” He scanned you for any sign of pain.
“Fine.” You answered with a small smile as he pulled you into your room and rested with you on the bed. “Just my quirk.” You shrugged.
“I thought you had that under control.” You could practically hear the frown in his voice.
“Sometimes it just gets worse.” You whispered.
“Maybe we could train.” He suggested. “Learn more about your quirk and find out how you could contro-”
“No.” You denied.
“Y/N, you can’t carry on like this.” You sat up.
“My quirk isn’t like yours, Shoto.” You didn’t mean to yell or sound so mean, you didn’t blame him, but that’s how it came out. “I don’t wave me hand and make fire or ice appear. I just have voices in my head. Voices telling me people are going to die and I can’t do anything about it.”
Shoto stayed silent, understanding you needed to get this out of your system. He understood what it was like to be afraid of your quirk and knew sometimes you just needed to rant. He didn’t know what your quirk was like. The only one who knew was your mother, who you got your quirk from, and she was halfway across town. So he was quiet and patient as you spoke.
“I’m so scared, Sho. I find dead bodies I’m not looking for. I get told how and when people are going to die. I’m terrified that one day it’ll be Kirishima or Sero or you. I’m afraid that one day I’m gonna find someone I care about dead. Especially with everything that is happening with the LOV.” Tears began falling down your cheeks. “I don’t think I could handle that.”
Shoto grabbed your hand, pulling you into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, placing kisses on your head.
“I’m here.” He reassured. “Kirishima is here. Sero is here. None of us are going anywhere.” He promised. “Besides, I can’t die before Bakugou. If I live longer than him I win a bet.”
You giggled through your tears and Shoto smiled.
“It’s just,” You sighed. “Sometimes the voices make me want to scream.”
Shoto pressed his lips together in thought. He suddenly stood up, pulling you with him out of your dorm and into the training area, which was now empty.
“What are we doing here?” You wondered.
“You said sometimes you just want to scream.” Shoto told you, moving behind you and leaning closer to your ear. “So scream.”
“I can’t.” You whispered. “I could-”
“You can’t hurt anyone.” He assured. “And I’m pretty sure this area is sound proof because of Present Mic.” You giggled again before taking a deep breath.
A long, loud scream fell from your mouth and knocked a few pieces of equipment back. You screamed for a few more seconds before falling to your knees. Shoto was by your side instantly.
“Feel better?” You smiled and nodded tiredly before snuggling into his chest.
“Thanks, Sho.”
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cl0udcupidsvz · 4 years ago
Watching a horror movie
A/N: This is shorter than the Bakusquad one because I wanted to get it out. Sorry.
Warnings: swearing, horror movies, mentions of death
Including: Shinsou, Todoroki, Midoriya
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Does not give a fuck.
He could watch a guy get torn to shreds and wouldn't even bat an eye.
He thought horror movies were pointless, predictable and they weren't even that scary.
He still watched them though because he liked the way you would hide in his chest when it got particularly scary.
He also liked creeping you out by suddenly whispering in your ear or ghosting his fingers against your bare skin.
When he's had a pretty rough day he would put on a horror movies just so he had a reason to cuddle you.
If you ever got too scared to sleep because of watching a movie, he would wrap you tightly in his arms and tell you he'd watch over you as you slept.
He didn't really sleep anyways. Sleep is for the weak.
Eventually, after all the movies you'd watched, you stopped being freaked out and Shinsou had to find a new way to get cuddles.
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Todoroki is smart enough to know what happens in the movies didn't really happen in real life.
Sure, some quirks could be creepy and evil did exist in the world but horror movies sometimes took things to a point where it became unrealistic.
When watching the movie, he wouldn't be that fazed.
He would watch with a straight face but when a gory seen came on, he would turn away and look at you instead.
If the class was watching a movie they'd already seen or one Todoroki found a little boring, he would stare at you.
You got so invested in those movies and they were usually long enough for you to move to rest your head on his lap.
He liked those kind of nights.
Your e/c eyes would be focused on the tv whilst Todoroki would run his fingers through your hair.
You didn't get nightmares because of horror movies, mostly because when Todoroki held onto you, you knew nothing would ever hurt you.
Todoroki would watch horror movies for a chance to hold you close and for the snacks provided by Kaminari.
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Despite what most people would think, Midoriya wouldn't get that freaked out watching a horror movie.
Since starting at UA, he's some more shit than anyone could imagine so a weird looking killer in a movie didn't faze him.
Instead, he would mumble about how the bad guy in the film attacked and make notes in his head.
When it was just you two, you found it kind of cute and let him mumble away until it got a little frustrating.
You'd sit up and give him a look that told him you were getting a little annoyed.
Immediately, he would apologise and bring you into his chest to cuddle with you for the rest of the movie.
If you were with the whole class when it happened, he would barely be mumbling for 30 seconds when Bakugou would explode and threaten to turn his life into a horror movie if he didn't shut up.
Midoriya would quietly apologise and remain silent for the rest of the movie, feeling guilty for talking over the noise from the tv and disturbing his class.
You'd grab his hand, planting a small kiss on it to silently tell him it was okay before cuddling into his side and relaxing.
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cl0udcupidsvz · 4 years ago
How you spend time with the Bakusquad
Including: Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari, Sero, Bakugou
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Eijiro Kirishima
Between training to become heroes and wanting to spend time with your friends you and Kirishima rarely got to spend time with just you two.
You had gone on a few dates but that was more at the start of your relationship and as training became tougher, neither of you really had the energy to go on dates.
Besides, your dates were usually interrupted by people recognising you as UA students from tv and interrupting you.
On those rare occasions you could be alone you settled for staying in.
You would go to either one of your rooms or Mina would force everyone to leave the common area so you and Kirishima could be alone.
The pair of you would cuddle under a blanket with snacks as some movie played on the tv.
It was easy for you to pick a movie because the both of you would plan it together days before to save time.
As the movie went on, the two of you would make comments.
“Don’t go that way!”
“I like that guy.”
“Well that was stupid.”
“That was so manly!” Was something Kirishima said often.
“You’re manlier.” You would grin.
He would melt and pull you onto his lap to cuddle you tighter.
When the movie you were watching got too boring, Kirishima would kiss your cheek before travelling to your lips.
The two of you would forget about the movie and the rest of the world. Until someone else ( Kaminari ) would interrupt the two of you, you would only focus on each other.
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Mina Ashido
Alone time with Mina was something you both enjoyed.
You two would go to the mall and shop for hours, going into every store at least twice.
When you got back to UA with at least ten bags full of clothes and shoes everyone would just know you wanted alone time.
The two of you went into Mina’s room, rearranging things so you had enough space for a fashion show.
You would each take turns strutting around her room in outfits, the other one rating it and when it could be worn.
When you were both tired out a few hours later you would rest on Mina’s bed with music playing in the background.
Every now and then you would plant a kiss on the other before settling again.
Kirishima would knock on the door after a while, not entering since he recognised you two wanted to be alone. He told you two they were ordering food and that he would bring what you wanted to your room when it arrived.
Like Kirishima, Mina enjoyed spending time with her friends and wanted to make sure she did that but she adored alone time with you.
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Denki Kaminari
When he was around others, Kaminari was always crazy and energetic. He was the one who always made his friends both laugh and regret ever befriending him.
But when it was just you two he was a lot calmer.
You would stay in his room and listen as he played the guitar.
He would either play one of his favourite tunes or come up with something new.
You would sit across from him and watched as he strummed. He looked so calm and in-the-zone it was almost weird.
When he noticed you staring he would send you a flirty wink and grin.
You giggled everything he gave you a flirty comment wink suggestively. After all, it was still Denki.
“Your lips look lonely would they like to meet mine?”
“Are you McDonalds? Because I’m loving it.”
He would smirk proudly until you gave him one back.
“Out of all the curves you have your smile is my favourite.”
He would blush and lay his guitar on the bed, moving over to hide his face in your neck.
“That was supposed to be my line.” He mumbled
You laughed, pulling his head back so you could kiss him. He would melt into the kiss and when he pulled back, he had a entranced loom on his face.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered. Now it was your turn to blush.
After a while, he would lay down with you on his chest. He would play with you hair whilst thinking about how lucky he was that you agreed to go out with him.
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Hanta Sero
Alone time with Sero wasn’t calm like Kirishima or Kaminari.
He would play music and give you dance lessons.
At first, you would sit back and watch as he moved to the beat so naturally.
After a while, he was pull you up with him and teach you how to move.
Once you could remember the moves and dance almost as well as Sero, he would switch it up.
The music would e face paced and the moves would be harder.
When you messed up, Sero simply chuckled and picked up, spinning around with you in his arms.
“You’re so cute.” He would compliment, planting a gentle kiss on your lips.
When you were too tired to continue dancing, he would carry you to the kitchen so the both of you could eat.
Neither of you could cook really well so you would see if Bakugou would make you something.
The blonde would scoff and claim you dumbasses needed to get lessons before giving in anyway.
You and Sero would go back to his room to enjoy the meal whilst sharing stories and jokes.
Alone time with Sero was a lot fun even if your muscles did ache the next day and people would assume things.
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Katsuki Bakugou
Alone time with Bakugou was even rarer than any of the others.
He was always training to be the best and you never really had time to be together.
When you did though, he would often ask for you to train with him.
Your quirk was probably not as strong as his but it was pretty powerful.
More often than not you ended up losing.
When you did win though, Bakugou would be proud, but he would never admit it.
When you weren’t training with him, you sat outside UA and Bakugou would share his earphones with you.
His music was a lot calmer than what people would expect.
He liked it when you cuddled into his side but would never initiate it.
The two of you would watch everyone around you from whatever tree you sat under and occasionally imagine what they were talking about.
When you pressed sweet kisses to his cheek and neck Bakugou was putty in your hands.
No matter how cold Bakugou seemed or however you spent your alone time, he always treasures those moments with you.
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cl0udcupidsvz · 4 years ago
He turns into a child
A/N: This is the first time I’m doing any kind of writing so please be nice :)
Warnings: Swearing
Including: Bakugou
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You were in the common area, half watching tv and half scrolling through your phone. Kaminari had his head resting on your lap, your fingers brushing through his blonde hair every now and then.
Your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugou, and his best friend, Kirishima, had gone to collect food for the Bakusquad movie night.
It had been a few hours since they left and you were getting a little worried. Bakugou never really stayed away for too long. He was like a clingy puppy.
A sigh from Kaminari caught your attention and you looked down to him.
“Where are those guys?” He wondered. “If they don’t get here soon my stomach might eat itself.”
At that moment the door swung open and Kirishima strolled in. You and Kaminari both sat up, looking over the back of the couch. The redhead at the door sent you a sheepish smile and your eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“So, don’t freak out.” He mumbled before stepping to the side.
Your eyes widened at the sight of the young blonde boy you recognised from childhood photos Midoriya had shown you.
As his crimson eyes landed on you, Bakugou ran around the room, jumping in the middle of you and Kaminari, who hadn’t stopped staring at the child.
“Y/N!” Bakugou exclaimed excitedly, bouncing whilst gripping your arm.
“What happened?” You turned to Kirishima.
“He got hit with a de-ageing quirk.” The redhead rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry. I figured you were the best person to take care of him. Recovery Girl said it wouldn’t last more than a few hours.”
Bakugou yelled, the three of you looking at him. He pouted, obviously upset with the lack of attention from you. He practically threw himself onto your lap, looking at you with the most innocent look you’ve ever seen on Bakugou.
“Who would’ve guessed Bakugou was so...cute?” Kaminari wondered as he reached out to touch the toddler.
Bakugou frowned, snapping his head forwards as he tried to bite the other blonde.
Kaminari yelped, jumping back and glaring at the young boy. You and Kirishima were highly amused.
“Demon.” Kaminari grumbled. “Good look Y/N. You’re gonna need it.” He moved to pat your head, something he did more often than necessary. The toddler in your lap smacked his hand violently before burying his face into your neck.
“I don’t think you’re allowed to touch her.” Kirishima chuckled. Kaminari grumbled under his breath as he left the room, Kirishima following soon after, leaving just you and Bakugou.
Said toddler stared at you with innocent eyes. He obviously recognised you but couldn’t quite place where from.
“Are you hungry?” You asked. You had no idea how to take care of a child but your mom had told you a few things. She was more excited than you about the day you have kids.
Bakugou babbled incoherently and patted his stomach. You took that as a yes and stood to go make him a meal.
You’d barely gotten two steps when Bakugou whined for you. When you turned, you saw him reaching out for you with tear filled eyes.
With a small sigh, you picked him up, resting him on your hip as you walked to the kitchen. He continued to babble as he played with your hair.
You placed him on the counter as you started to make curry, something Bakugou ate often. You weren’t as skilled as him in the kitchen but he had been teaching you when you had some spare time.
Halfway through, you heard sniffling. You looked at Bakugou to see him stretching his chubby fingers towards you.
“And I though you were clingy when your grown.” You teased, standing in front of him and leaning down to rest your elbows either side of his body.
He giggled, reaching out to touch your face. You smiled at the gesture. The toddler tapped your face before leaning forwards to kiss your nose.
Older Bakugou had once told you his mom used to kiss his nose as a silent ‘I love you’. You couldn’t help but smile at the fact he did the same to you.
“If only you were this sweet when your older.” You mumbled, pushing his hair away to plant a kiss on his forehead before turning back to the food.
An hour later Bakugou was fed and watching cartoons, babbling to himself as you watched with a smile.
You looked away for a moment to check your phone, which had been buzzing as Kaminari sent you message after message.
When you looked back, Bakugou was fast asleep with his body resting against the arm out the couch. You smiled to yourself as you picked him up. He snuggled into your chest as you walked to put him to bed.
You entered his room and tucked him in before going to leave. When you reached the door, you paused when there was a cry from the bed. Bakugou was still sleeping but he was reaching out for something to cuddle.
Deciding you didn’t want to leave him alone, you slipped your shoes and jacket off, climbing into the bed next to him. You were careful not to wake him and you placed him on your chest. You fell asleep soon after.
“Wake up, dumbass.” Someone whispered in your ear, stirring you from your sleep. Your eyes opened and you saw Bakugou was still laying on your chest, only now he was grown again.
You sent him a sleepy smile.
“You were adorable.” You muttered, making him scowl.
“Never fucking call me that again.” He growled. “And I’m not clingy.”
“You are a little.” You teased. He huffed and rolled his eyes.
You giggled before placing a hand on the side of his face, making him look up. You leaned forwards and pressed your lips against his. He responded eagerly, his hands snaking to your back in order to pull you closer.
The two of your parted and stared at each other for a second.
“Yep. You’re still adorable.”
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