City and Children Studies
18 posts
is an interdisciplinary masters program at Kadir Has University that explores the relationship of children and caregivers to urban environment. This blog registers the applied research and projects of students and teaching partners.  
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city-and-children-studies · 4 years ago
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HOP’u hop diye kurmak için gereken her şey!
Seyyar Oyun Parkı Düzenleme Kılavuzu çıktı. Bernard van Leer Vakfı desteğiyle Superpool tarafından hazırlanan kılavuz, seyyar oyun parkı düzenlemek isteyen başta belediyeler olmak üzere herkesin yararlanabileceği bir kaynak olmayı hedefliyor.
Everything you need to set up HOP in a hop!
The Guide to Setting up a Pop-Up Playground is out. The guide that was prepared by Superpool with support from the Bernard van Leer Foundation aims to become a source for everyone who wants to set up a pop-up playground, and first and foremost municipalities.
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city-and-children-studies · 4 years ago
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city-and-children-studies · 4 years ago
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The first events of HOP pop-up playground were realized in Avcılar and Ümraniye, in collaboration with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Social Services Department and Park, Garden and Green Areas Department and Istanbul Volunteers.
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city-and-children-studies · 4 years ago
Kitap çevrimiçi erişime açıldı! / The book is now reachable online!
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city-and-children-studies · 5 years ago
The intervention is a joint program of Maltepe95, the Bernard van Leer Foundation’s İstanbul95 program in Istanbul, in partnership with Maltepe Municipality, SUPERPOOL and NACTO Global Urban Design Initiative.
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city-and-children-studies · 5 years ago
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city-and-children-studies · 5 years ago
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Apply now for Kadir Has University's Interdisciplinary Master's Program City and Children Studies! Application deadline is January 10th. For more information:
Kadir Has Üniversitesi’nin disiplinlerarası İngilizce, tezsiz yüksek lisans programı Kent ve Çocuk Çalışmaları için başvuru fırsatını kaçırmayın! Son gün 10 Ocak. Ayrıntılı bilgi için:
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city-and-children-studies · 5 years ago
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city-and-children-studies · 5 years ago
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Şehirde Oyun’un kitabı çıktı!
Kent ve Çocuk Çalışmaları müfredatı için kaynak olarak hazırlanan Şehirde Oyun Kitabı’nın editörlüğünü Pelin Derviş ve Selva Gürdoğan gerçekleştirdi, kitap Superpool tarafından yayıma hazırlandı.
Bernard van Leer Vakfı’nın desteğiyle de ücretsiz. Mine Göğüş Tan’ın çocukluk tarihini özetleyen makalesi, Simon Nicholson’un Bağımsız Parçalar Kuramı ve Helle Nebelong’un Risk Olmadan Kazanç Olmaz’ının da aralarında bulunduğu 13 makalenin yer aldığı kitap, kolaymış gibi görünen bu özel konuyu yeni perspektiflerle tekrar düşünmeye çağırıyor.
Şehirde Oyun book is published!
Superpool’s Şehirde Oyun, edited by Pelin Derviş and Selva Gürdoğan, has been prepared as a reference book for the City and Children Studies with the support of Bernard van Leer Foundation.
Şehirde Oyun is a compilation of the views of world-renowned experts, some of whom were guests at our Urban Playspaces Conference. The book brings together 13 articles including Mine Göğüş Tan’s article summarizing the history of childhood, Simon Nicholson’s ‘Theory of Loose Parts’ and Helle Nebelong’s ‘Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained’ invites you to rethink with new perspectives this specific matter that may seem easy to deal with at first sight.
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city-and-children-studies · 5 years ago
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Zümrütevler Meydan Dönüşüm Provası | Zümrütevler Square Interim Implementation Fotoğraf: Pınar Gediközer
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city-and-children-studies · 5 years ago
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Never before has being a pedestrian been so safe in Zümrütevler!
The first pilot-trial for an intersection conversion in Istanbul was held on 18 October 2019 at Zümrütevler Neighbourhood. 
The trial was performed with the aim of increasing pedestrian safety and encouraging slower traffic. For this end, roads were painted and sitting areas where children and caregivers can comfortably spend their time, and low-cost play furniture were designed. The project was coordinated by Maltepe Municipality Strategic Planning Director Bahadır Keşan, who is also a student at the Master of Arts in City and Children Studies program, and realized within the scope of Maltepe95 carried out by Maltepe Municipality and the Bernard van Leer Foundation, with consultancy from NACTO’s Global Designing Cities Initiative and in collaboration with Superpool.
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Zümrütevler’de yaya olmak hiç bu kadar güvenli olmamıştı!
İstanbul’un ilk kavşak dönüşüm provası 18 Ekim 2019’da Zümrütevler Mahallesi’nde yapıldı. Yaya güvenliğini artırmayı hedefleyen provada, trafiğin yavaşlamasını teşvik için yollar boyandı; çocukların ve bakımverenlerinin rahatça vakit geçirebileceği oturma alanları ve düşük maliyetli oyun elemanları tasarlandı. Kent ve Çocuk Çalışmaları Yüksek Lisans öğrencilerinden Maltepe Belediyesi Stratejik Planlama Müdürü Bahadır Keşan’ın koordinasyonuyla gerçekleşen proje, Maltepe Belediyesi ve Bernard van Leer Vakfı’nın birlikte yürüttüğü Maltepe95 kapsamında, NACTO Global Kent Tasarımı İnisiyatifi danışmanlığında ve Superpool işbirliğiyle gerçekleşti.
Hava çekimleri: Emre Dörter
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city-and-children-studies · 5 years ago
Specialists from across the world gather for the global curriculum of City and Children Studies!
The Urban95 Curriculum Development Workshop took place at Kadir Has University on 20-21 June 2019. Educators from different departments of Boğaziçi, Columbia, Edinburgh, Hebrew, Kadir Has and Mimar Sinan Universities assessed previously developed lesson content for the Urban95 program and developed new course structures and themes. A work plan was formed to develop an open source, global Urban95 curriculum for broader access.
Kent ve Çocuk Çalışmaları’nın global müfredatı için dünyadan konunun uzmanları toplandı!
Urban95 Müfredat Geliştirme Çalıştayı, 20-21 Haziran 2019’da Kadir Has Üniversitesi’nde gerçekleşti. Boğaziçi, Columbia, Edinburgh, Hebrew, Kadir Has ve Mimar Sinan üniversitelerinin farklı disiplinlerinden gelen birçok eğitmen, Urban95 programı için daha önce geliştirilmiş ders içeriklerini değerlendirdi, yeni ders yapıları ve temaları tasarladı. Daha geniş bir erişim için açık kaynaklı, global bir Urban95 müfredatı üzerine bir çalışma planı oluşturuldu.
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city-and-children-studies · 5 years ago
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city-and-children-studies · 5 years ago
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city-and-children-studies · 5 years ago
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city-and-children-studies · 6 years ago
Urban Playspaces Conference, organized as a part of Istanbul95 program, focuses on children’s urban experiences and play opportunities and will bring together speakers from the world of arts, politics, architecture and academia.
Istanbul95 is an initiative of Bernard van Leer Foundation and invites designers, planners and policy makers to look at Istanbul from 95 cm, the height of a healthy 3-year-old child, and asks the simple and bold question ‘what would you do differently?’. Urban Playspaces Conference will take place at Kadir Has University on September 21st and 22nd and is open to public.
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city-and-children-studies · 6 years ago
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