cinnamon-piastri · 9 months
Night before Christmas - F1 edition🏎️
Hello I haven't written as many stories as I want to because of some health issues but I wish you all a merry Christmas ❤️ and I'll work on them still I promise that, until then here's a little poem.
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'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the paddock,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a stock.
The helmets were hung by the garage with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
Oscar Piastri nestled all snug in his bed,
While visions of podiums danced in his head.
With trophies and triumphs, a season well-spent,
He dreamt of success, a true champion's intent.
When out on the track, there arose such a clatter,
Oscar sprang from his bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the pit lane, he flew like a flash,
Tore open the garage, ready to dash.
The moon on the crest of the virtual waves,
Gave a luster of silver to the cars on the pave.
When, what to his wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
Oscar knew in a moment, it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles, his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name.
"Now, Lando! Now, Lewis! Now, Max and Seb!
On, Charles! On, Daniel! On, Fernando and Esteban!
To the top of the podium, to the victory lane!
Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the housetop, the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of gifts, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, Oscar heard on the roof,
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As he drew in his head, and was turning around,
Down the pit lane, St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in red, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.
His eyes—how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow.
Oscar couldn't believe his eyes, what a sight!
St. Nick was a racing fan, that much was right.
He spoke not a word but went straight to his work,
Filling the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the pit lane he rose.
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But Oscar heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"
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cinnamon-piastri · 10 months
Burnt out star | Charles Leclerc
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A quick Charles blurb for day 5 as I've had a rough day and run out of time to write anything ❤️
Warnings: None just fluff x
Imagine you're working late to make up for Christmas deadlines, and Charles decides to surprise you as he knows how burnt out you've been lately.
• He shows up outside of your workplace to pick you up even though you said he didn't need to. He was smiling as he stood by the passenger door to embrace you in a hug and give you a tender peck on the lips. Mumbling "I've missed you" into your lips as if he hadn't just seen you that morning.
• You sat in the car and noticed your favourite coffee order from Starbucks sitting in the cup holder. A sticky note on it saying "drink me :)" you smiled before giving Charles a kiss on the cheek "thank you my love that's so sweet" him chuckling in response. "If you think that's great you haven't seen the real surprise yet" he replies with a smirk as he starts driving while his hand rests gently on your thigh.
• You arrive home in no time and Charles is already sprinting to open your car door before taking your hand and guiding you up the icy path to your shared apartment, he stops just as he unlocks the door and tells you to close your eyes before you enter. You curiously oblige as he holds his hands over your eyes and guides you into the apartment.
• As soon as you enter there's a familiar smell you work hard to identify, the room smells like a mixture of vanilla and cinnamon and it instantly warms your heart. He continued to guide you until you were in your shared bedroom before he slowly took his hands off your eyes and said "okay open em mon amour"
• As soon as you opened them you were face to face with your bed that had been adorned in rose petals. There were candles burning with the name "Christmas cookie" on the label. On the bed was also a little basket that contained a bouquet of roses, some face masks and skincare products, fluffy socks and your favourite chocolate.
• Your smile lit up the room more than the candles did as Charles admired your face and how beautiful you looked even though you were tired. "I thought I could run you a bath mon amour, and afterwards we can do some facemasks while we watch a Christmas film what do you think?" Charles whispered in your ear as he hugged you from behind, trailing soft ticklish kisses down your neck.
• You turned to face him with a smile. "I'd love that, thank you so much Charles this means the world to me" you confess as you bring him in for a kiss. Charles smiling as you pull back replying "Anything for my love, I know you've been stressed lately and I want to help you relax"
• Charles brings you both hot chocolates as you get out of the bath, laying in bed sipping on them as you both watch Christmas films, before cuddling up and falling asleep on his chest as the snow starts to fall outside. "Good night my star, sleep well"
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cinnamon-piastri · 10 months
Cupcakes and Christmas parties | Pierre Gasly
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Pierre x reader
In a crowded Christmas party yours and Pierre's eyes met but there was one question on his mind, who the hell were you?
Summary: Pierre tries to figure who this mystery girl he met was, and where she came from?
Warnings: None 💙
It was the annual F1 Christmas party and the place was full of drivers and various team members who all had big roles in helping the F1 world run smoothly and then there was you, you were just responsible for catering the small event.
You had planned to duck out shortly after you finished preparing everything as big events weren't really your thing, plus you knew a little bit about F1 and it seemed pretty serious which isn't your type of thing at all.
But you were kindly offered to stick around, so here you were in the corner nursing the one drink you'd said you would have before leaving so you didn't seem too rude.
The place was pretty lively and full of all different types of people who were chatting and laughing, Christmas songs played softly in the background and on the walls hung several types of cute decorations. A lot of work went into this that was for sure.
You glanced around the room recognising a few famous faces before your eyes locked with one in particular, it was none other than Pierre Gasly who was smiling in your direction.
He smiled at you curiously, there was something captivating about the way you looked. The way your soft smile beams through the crowd, the way your hair cascades down your back, and that adorable red dress you were wearing.
Pierre was sure he hadn't seen you before, and he was sure he needed to meet you so he excused himself from Charles and Max for a second as he headed in your direction.
You had originally thought he was just smiling politely but as he started slowly approaching you, you started to mentally freak out wondering why on earth he was coming over. As he stopped in front of you he smiled extending his hand out to shake yours "Hey there I'm Pierre"
You reluctantly reached yours out to shake his hand as you flashed him a smile back. "Hi there Pierre good to meet you, so uh are you enjoying the party?" You asked him as you tried to be polite and keep the conversation flowing, talking to other people wasn't really your forte.
Pierre shook your hand taking a mental note of how soft it felt, your smile was enough to make anyone melt. "Yeah it's pretty good, even better now I'm talking to you" he boldly stated in an attempt to flirt. "What about you? I don't think I've seen you around before" Pierre asked you with a curious expression.
You were taken aback by his attempt at flattery, was he really flirting? You thought to yourself. "Uh yeah it's alright, it's the first time I've come along to one of these I was actually planning on heading out soon" you confessed, it wasn't entirely a lie it was your first time here and probably last.
Pierres gaze softened as he heard you planning on leaving. "Aw you can't leave so soon the parties barely started, and I'm sure people will be disappointed to see you leave" he said with a grin.
You couldn't help but chuckle, "in all honesty I don't think anyone even knows I'm here but thanks for that" she said as she shook her head laughing.
"I noticed, the minute I saw a beautiful woman standing alone I knew I had to come introduce myself" Pierre said with a smirk, you were still in disbelief why he was choosing to flirt with you of all people. "Well you best keep looking for her then" you said with a chuckle trying to lighten the mood.
Pierre scoffed and shook his head. "Very funny but you know exactly who I'm talking about" he said with a smirk as he eyed you up and down before gazing back into your eyes. "What's your name anyway? You never told me" he asked softly with a curious smile.
You were torn between telling him your name as he might use it to find you on social media, it's not that you didn't like Pierre but he was well out of your league and you had planned to run off home already if you wasn't stuck in this conversation.
"Oh you can just call me Cupcake" you said with a smile as you mentally cursed yourself for thinking of such a rubbish name, you could have picked literally anything else.
Pierre couldn't help but laugh at your response. "Cupcake? I'm guessing you made that up just now, I don't think you would actually be called that" you simply shrugged. "You never know maybe my mum really liked cupcakes"
Pierre chuckled again "does she really?" He asked with curiosity as he was interested in the answer. You shook your head "not really she prefers it when I make her biscuits" you confessed with a laugh. As far as conversations go this was actually an enjoyable one.
Pierre couldn't help but laugh, "alright biscuit it's good to meet you, but you should definitely stick around I'd love to get to know you" Pierre confessed with a genuine smile.
You chuckled at his nickname, still a bit bewildered that he was actively talking to you. "Oh really? All the people at this party and you picked the generic one?" You said with a chuckle. Pierre looked a little saddened by your comment as he stepped closer towards you and gazed into your eyes. "Madame that's nothing generic about you trust me. You're probably the most interesting person in this room right now, I bet you have fun stories to tell in that little head of yours"
You were shocked by his kind words, noticing his sudden closeness as a blush started to creep onto your face, dang it he was cute you had to admit it. You were about to speak before you noticed someone beckoning Pierre over.
Pierre glanced over and smiled as he noticed it was Charles, he started to walk before he turned back to you and smiled. "You should come along biscuit! I'll introduce you to everyone" he said as he offered his hand out to you.
You gazed at his hand reluctantly, nerves getting the better of you. "Uh maybe, but I don't want to interrupt" you stuttered out worriedly. Pierre just looked at you with a soft expression as he noticed your nerves, he still offered you his hand. "You won't interrupt trust me, everyone's really nice" he assured you.
You sighed and reluctantly agreed as you took his hand and let him guide you over to where the monegasque stood, there were a few other famous faces you recognised too. This party was definitely way out of your depth.
Charles greeted Pierre as you both wandered over before turning to face you with a smile. Charles extended his hand to shake yours which you gracefully accepted. "Hi there I'm Charles and who may you be?"
Before you could respond Pierre butted in "This is cupcake but please we're all friends here so call her biscuit" he said with a smirk causing you to feel embarrassed, and making Charles erupt into a fit of laughter. "Biscuit? Okay what an interesting name well it's good to meet you biscuit" Charles said with a chuckle.
You honestly thought the ground would swallow you up right there and then. "It's nice to meet you too Charles" you said back with a polite smile. "So what brings you here biscuit? What team are you with?" Charles asked with an interested smile. Pierre still held your hand, locking his fingers with yours.
"Oh I'm not with a team I'm just here by myself you know winging it" you said with a chuckle. Charles laughed along with you as Pierre cocked an eyebrow slightly, if you weren't part of any team who were you here with?
Charles smiled before continuing the conversation "well it's a great party lots of good company and some really lovely you should try it" you nodded and smiled "yeah it's not bad I guess" you said with a silent chuckle as Charles had referenced your catering.
Not long after Max was calling Charles over for something "Charlie!" "I'm on my way" Charles yelled back before smiling at you both. "It was good to meet you, no doubt I'll see you both later" Charles said with a grin as he walked away, leaving you Pierre alone once again.
You turned to face the man with a smile, he was still holding your hand and he looked down at you gazing into your eyes with a curious expression. "So biscuit, would you care to join me for a dance?" He asked with a smirk as he pulled you slightly closer.
You felt the nerves wash over you once again, "oh I'm not much of a dancer" you stutter back which causes him to chuckle. "Don't worry you'll do fine" he assured you as he wrapped his arms softly around your neck and lower back, before placing yours on his shoulders and starting to sway you both slowly.
"So biscuit, are you ever going to tell me your real name? Where you work? Anything? I've been dying to get to know you all evening, and I can't just ask for your number if I don't know your name" Pierre whispered into your ear with a smirk which caused you to shudder.
You pulled back slightly to gaze into the Frenchman's eyes and sighed. Why must he be so pretty? Why was he persistent? And why did you actually feel like letting your guard down and allowing him into your heart.
Pierre smiled as he caught you staring before he spoke up again. "You know what I think?" You raised an eyebrow in curiosity and encouraged him to continue. "I think you're a lovely lady who didn't plan on being here tonight, parties aren't your normal thing no definitely not. But you're having more fun than you thought you would, and I think you may even like me more than you care to admit" Pierre ended with a grin as he awaited your response.
"You know what I think Pierre? You might be smarter than you look" you said with a chuckle as his eyes widened in shock. "How dare you!" Pierre said with a laugh as he pretended to be offended.
He smiled as he stared into your eyes, inching closer and closer as he brought a hand up to caress your cheek. You were shocked by the sudden closeness, was he really making a move?
"I like you, and I'm sure you like me too" Pierre said before leaning in closer. The smell of his cologne and his breath on your face causing you to blush slightly. "Tell me I'm wrong" he said as he inched even closer, his lips barely brushing yours.
You didn't tell him in fact, you didn't say anything. You simply leaned in and closed the gap, kissing his lips softly and tenderly. Pierre kissed you back as he cupped your face pulling you in closer, his touch so gentle as if you would break.
Kissing you felt as amazing as he thought it would, and he savoured every second of it before you both pulled away slightly. "Tell me your name, please" Pierre practically begged in a whisper as he gazed into your eyes. "It's Y/N" you replied quietly.
"A gorgeous name for a gorgeous woman I love it" Pierre confessed with a smile as he continued to caress your face. "Please let me take you out to dinner some day Y/N, I'd love to get to know you more" Pierre asked with an eager smile, you simply nodded.
"Okay yeah I'd love to" your response came as a shock to Pierre but he was so over the moon to hear you say it. He pulled you in closer to plant another kiss to your tender lips, smiling as he pulled away. "So could I ask for your number now then?" Pierre asked with an eager grin.
You chuckled as you nodded before reaching into your pocket and handing him a cute business card with your number on it. Pierre's eyes widened as he saw the writing on it "The cupcake cottage" you didn't work for any F1 teams, you were the damn caterer.
Pierre chuckled as he looked down at the adorable card before looking back up at you and smiling. "Thanks cupcake" he teased with a grin as he pulled you in for another kiss.
Several years later and you still hadn't shaken the nickname, not even at your wedding.
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cinnamon-piastri · 10 months
Chilli evening by the fire.
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Did somebody say Carlos smut by the fire? Okay! I hope I can do this justice as I haven't written anything like this for a longggg time 🤣 but i'll do my best.
Summary: You and Carlos curl up beside the fire
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it) established relationship, some good old slow fireside sex.
It was a cold winters eve and you and Carlos were both returning home from a walk you had decided to take to the christmas market. All around you snow was beginning to fall softly, the once noisy city was now silenced by the sheet of ice. The only sound you could hear was the crunching of it beneath your winter boots.
Your and Carlos had linked arms as you walked back, taking caution not to slip on the icy roads as you did so. Soon enough you had arrived at the front door of the little wooden lodge you were staying in. Adorned by multicoloured christmas lights that twinkled under the moonlight.
You soon made quick work putting away the various goodies you had both found, as Carlos pulled off his coat and rolled up his sleeves before going to start up the fire. You had just about packed everything away before he came up behind you, gently tugging off your coat as he whispered in your ear. "I got the rest amor why don't you go get warm by the fire" He offered softly as he planted a kiss to your neck.
You turned around to face him, smiling softly as you did. "Are you sure babe? there's not much left to do" You assured him as you grabbed his face and started softly stroking his cheek, he wrapped his arms around your back and softly pulled you closer so you were now gazing into each others eyes. "Of course I'm sure mi amor, how about I make us some hot chocolates while you get comfy hmm? Wouldn't want you to freeze" he said as he leaned forward to peck you on the lips, the act bringing shivers down your spine.
You made your way over and sat on the plush rug next to the crackling fireplace, it's warmth embracing you like a hug. You admired the room which was dimly lit by the twinkling lights of the tree, various ornaments hung from the fireplace and wall and the snow was still falling outside.
Carlos made his way over not long after and placed 2 mugs of hot chocolate on the little table right beside it, he sat down next to you and smiled as he admired your face. You couldn't help but notice his white shirt still had its sleeves rolled up, and his top button was undone showing off a tiny bit of his muscular chest.
You caught yourself looking for a little bit too long as Carlos finally caught on to where you were gazing, his eyebrow raised ever so slightly in curiosity. "Mi amor are you staring?" He asked with a smirk snapping you out of your trance. "Uh yeah maybe" you replied feeling a little embarrassed that he noticed.
His smirk slowly changed into a more curious look at your confession. He leaned closer to you as he wrapped an arm behind your neck and gently guided you till you were laid against the rug. "If you want to skip straight ahead to dessert then who am I to say no?" Carlos whispered into your ear with a smirk as he leaned down to kiss your neck, lightly nibbling at the skin with his lips.
His hands had started to wander in the process and were now slowly sliding up your shirt as he raised his head to gaze into your eyes with a smirk. Before he could say anything you brought him down for a kiss, letting your hands roam around his upper chest before undoing the rest of his shirt buttons.
"So needy, what's the big rush cariño? Let's take our time" Carlos said between kisses as he pulled his shirt off. He broke the kiss to pull your shirt over your head, leaving you laid there in just a bra. Carlos smirked at the sight in front of him as he brought his lips down to nibble at your neck, enticing a gasp from you as he did.
You brought your hands up to feel his muscular biceps which made Carlos raise his head, a smirk forming as he lent down to plant another kiss on your lips. This one was more greedy than the last, quickly growing more passionate as he softly pried your lips apart with his tongue before his own slipped in your mouth.
You moaned at the feeling of his tongue against yours, and his hands slowly moving their way up to unhook your bra. He tossed it to the side before pulling away to start planting kisses down your neck, making his way closer and closer to your breasts.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you raised one hand to run through his fluffy hair. You gasped as he took one of your breasts in his mouth, slowly swirling his tongue over your nipple. "So good" you said with a soft moan which only spurred Carlos on.
One of his hands kept him upright while the other started to make its way under the hem of your trousers. He brought his fingers down to rub over your clothed pussy and feel how wet you were already, your breath hitching in your throat as he did. "So wet for me already mi amor? So much for taking it slow" Carlos said with a groan as his fingers dipped under your panties to slowly start rubbing circles on your clit, finding it straight away.
You moaned softly at the feeling, bringing a hand down to dip under the waistband of his trousers and feel the hard outline of his member through his boxers.
"Such a little slut for me aren't you Y/N?" Carlos whispered softly as he moved his fingers to push your panties aside before slipping two of them in you with ease. You moaned out at the feeling as he slowly started to pump them in and out of you. "Yes always a slut for you Carlos, just you" you said in between gasps.
"Thats my girl" Carlos said with a smirk as his fingers picked up their pace, curling to hit that spot inside you that had you seeing stars. He lent down to kiss your neck as you groaned, still palming at his trousers. Your breathing got heavier and the knot building inside you got more intense with every second, like a volcano you felt yourself closer and closer to erupting before Carlos withdrew his fingers, leaving you groaning.
He sat up gazing at you hungrily and licking his fingers clean as you watched, feeling yourself melt at the sight. Afterwards he slowly started to pull his trousers and underwear off in one motion, still gazing into your eyes with lust as he jerked himself a few times with a groan.
He grabbed a blanket and pulled it over the both of you as he leaned down to whisper in your ear. "I think I'd rather make you cum with my cock what do you say?" He raised his eyes to gaze into yours smirking as he awaited a response. "P-please Carlos I need you" you practically begged as you stared into his eyes.
Carlos couldn't help but chuckle at your neediness. "Since you asked so nicely mi amor" he teased before he pulled your trousers and underwear off agonisingly slowly, you whimpered at the cold air that touched your legs before Carlos climbed on top of you pulling them apart.
He lent down to stare into your eyes, smirking as he slowly pushed his cock into you. You let out a whine at the stretch, closing your eyes in pleasure. "Mierda you're so tight Y/N" Carlos cursed as he finally bottomed out inside you. "I think I'm going to take it nice and slow" he said with a groan as he slowly rolled his hips back before slamming them hard into you causing you to cry out.
Carlos lent down to kiss and nibble at your neck as he kept up his slow but steady pace. It was slower than his usual method but you were in no way complaining. You moaned out at the feeling, leaving little scratches down his back that would definitely be noticeable tomorrow.
Carlos brought a hand up to softly grasp your neck. "Look at me mi amor I want to look into those pretty eyes" he asked in between thrusts, as he gave your throat a gentle squeeze. You obliged, your eyes slowly fluttering open to meet his lust fueled expression. "Just like that princess, I want to see your pretty face as you cum" Carlos said, the pure filth from his mouth making you moan out as he continued his slow pace.
Every thrust was slow but hard, hitting that one spot inside of you every time that had you whimpering and clenching around him. "More, n-need more" you breathed out needing just a bit more to tip you over that edge.
Carlos chuckled as he brought a hand down between you both to softly rub circles on your swollen clit. "So greedy mi amor, but how can I say no when you beg me like that" he said before leaning down to kiss you deeply, his fingers still continuing their assault on your clit as he kept up his relentless thrusts.
Soon after you felt that familiar knot building in the pit of your stomach, you pulled away from the kiss to mutter "fuck babe I think I'm gonna" Carlos shushed you before you could finish your sentence, leaning down even further so he was practically on top of you as he stared into your eyes. "Cum for me Y/N I got you, I want to see that beautiful face of yours as you cum on my cock" Carlos groaned out as he kept his gaze on you.
The words were enough to send you over the edge, your orgasm washed over you your hips bucking up against him as you moaned out his name, clenching around him which had Carlos seeing stars but still he kept his gaze on you.
Your clenching and moans had Carlos following quickly after you, a string of curses and mutters of your name as he came. He buried his face in your neck, nibbling at it as he continued to thrust slowly and shallow until you whimpered and squirmed from the overstimulation.
Carlos slowly pulled out which had you whimpering at the loss of contact before he rolled you both over so your head was now on his chest, he adjusted the blanket to cover you both as he planted a kiss to your forehead. "I love you mi amor" "I love you too"
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cinnamon-piastri · 10 months
Christmas cookies and kinder bars | Lando Norris
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A shorter little blurb about Lando Norris for day 2 of my Christmas fics, I was running sort of behind today but I still had fun writing a whole thing about Lando based on watching him eat kinder on stream 🤣
Summary: You ask him to get you one thing from the supermarket
Warnings: None 🧡
"Oh no how am I supposed to make Christmas cookies now!" You shouted out from the kitchen as you were kneeling on the counter and digging through the cupboards desperately searching for the cinnamon.
Not long after, Lando came walking out to find out what the crisis was. "What is it babe what can't you find?" He asked with a chuckle struggling to take the situation seriously, as the image of you trying to reach the top cupboard was too entertaining.
"I thought I had cinnamon in here somewhere but I can't find it, and I can't make my cookies without it" you said with a pout as you got off the counter and faced your boyfriend.
"Do they need cinnamon?" Lando asked as if he was seriously suggesting you just skip the cinnamon. "Yes of course if they don't have cinnamon then they're just plain cookies and I can't take those to the work christmas party tomorrow" you said in a panic as your boyfriend approached you.
Lando slowly pulled you in for a hug shushing you. "It'll be fine, do you need me to go get you some?" He asked you with a smile.
"Yes please it's very important" you said as you put on your best puppy dog eyes to try and convince him. He simply laughed "alright I'm here to save the day, I'll grab you some cinnamon little lady don't you worry" he said with a proud expression.
"Thank you so much babe you're my hero" you said as you kissed him on the nose. "Hang tight baby I'll be right back!" He assured you as he grabbed his wallet and headed out of your shared apartment.
He arrived quite some time later with several shopping bags full of various snacks and treats. "Lando what is this?" You asked him almost shocked.
He smiled widely as he placed the bags down. "I got us a few extra bits while I was there, I got your favourite tea, those little chocolate biscuits you like to dip in it before bed, did you know they actually sell kinder Buenos in there!" he said holding up the box with an accomplished expression. "That's more than a few extras babe that's a whole cupboard" you said with a chuckle.
"Did you even get what I sent you for?" You asked genuinely before he nodded in response. "Yeah! It's in here somewhere....." He said sheepishly as he glanced down at the bags trying to remember which one it was in. You simply chuckled and pulled him down for a kiss. "I love you" he smiled widely at you. "I love you too babe, now let's get those cookies baking so we can relax with a hot chocolate".
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cinnamon-piastri · 10 months
24 days of F1 Christmas masterlist.
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Its time! I've been working on fics in the background for a few days as I aim to make as many as I can but realistically it might be a mix of fics, blurbs, edits etc. Feel free to request anything I'm up for suggestions ❤️
(F = Fluff. S = Smut)
Day 1: Daniel Ricciardo - You'll never be alone fic(F)
Day 2: Lando Norris - Christmas cookies and kinder bars blurb(F)
Day 3: Carlos Sainz - Chili evening by the fire fic(S)
Day 4: Pierre Gasly - Cupcakes and Christmas cookies fic(F)
Day 5: Charles Leclerc - Burnt out star blurb(F)
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cinnamon-piastri · 10 months
Ok another request this time Daniel with (it’s okay to cry)
Also I loved the Alex Albon fic ❤️
Hello! Sorry this has taken a little while lovely but I'm so glad you liked the last one! ❤️ I've decided to incorporate this one with the F1 Christmas theme I'm going for so if you want it again but normal just let me know ☺️
You'll never be alone | Daniel Ricciardo
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Danny ric x reader
Warnings: None ❤️
Summary: For the first time you're not going to make it home for the holidays but thankfully you have Daniel by your side
Daniel entered the living room of your apartment with a huge grin upon his face. He gazed at the winter wonderland you had both been working on all day for your first Christmas together, as he saw your figure sat under the soft glow of the tree lights he noticed a quiet sadness in your eyes.
"Baby? What's wrong?" Danny asked you concerned as he noticed you looking down at your phone. He approached you with a gentle hand on your shoulder and a soft reassuring smile.
You looked up at him with tears in your eyes as you shared the weight in your heart. "I'm so sorry babe I just miss my family most during the holidays, it's the first year I won't be able to make it home and it brings back all the memories"
Daniel understood the depth of your emotions more than anyone, thinking back to the year he wasn't allowed to fly back home to his family. You were his saviour through that dark period and he was there to return the favour.
Daniel pulled you into his comforting embrace. "It's okay to cry. But I'm here for you, Christmas is about being with the ones you love and we can create our own memories"
You hugged him tightly as he soothed you, before carrying you into your shared bedroom. "Now you need a nice long bath while I go get you a surprise, don't come out until I get you okay?" He asked before putting you down and placing a kiss on your nose.
"okay baby I love you" you said giving him a quick peck before heading off to your ensuite to run yourself a bath, you slowly climbed in feeling the warmth of the water relax your muscles.
Some time later you had gotten out and was now sat down drying your hair as you saw Daniel enter the room with a huge grin on his face. "Okay it's ready!" He said with an excited chuckle.
You couldn't help but giggle. "Danny what have you been doing for the past hour?" You asked him curiously, wondering what the heck he's been up to.
"Oh you're about to find out" he said as he helped you stand up. "but you've got to close your eyes i want it to be a surprise" he instructed as he held his hands over your eyes and guided you to the living room"
"okay babe" you said with a chuckle as he walked you to the center of the room before lifting his hands away. "Okay open em!" He said really excited as he watched you slowly open your eyes and gaze around the room. Which was now adorned with lots of decorations, the table full of familiar snacks and your favourite Christmas song on the radio.
"Oh Danny, this is amazing" you said with tears in your eyes as you turned to face him. He still had a huge grin on his face "I changed the lights on the tree to those warm white ones you always talked about, but I left the star off cause that was always your job at home, although I'll have to lift you up so you can put it on" he teased with a laugh as he pulled you in for a tight hug.
"I got all your favourite snacks too so we can have them while we watch a Christmas film and bake cookies. I was going to surprise you with all this on Christmas eve but I figured you needed it now. I hope you like it" he said as he planted a soft kiss to your forehead before smiling hopefully at you.
"I love it baby thank you so much, this is the best Christmas present I've ever had" you said with a big smile as you peppered kisses all over his face, hugging him tightly.
He hugged you tighter bringing your head to rest on his chest as he whispered in your ear "you're not alone love you'll never be. old traditions or new ones, we can do them both together and I'm grateful to make new memories with you"
And that's just what you both did, having the best Christmas you've ever had.
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cinnamon-piastri · 10 months
Ok this is totally something I have done before 🤣 so can we the people get this prompt "They meet when they see Y/N walk into a street sign" Alex Albon please and thank you 😊
Absolutely! I could picture it in my head clearly 😄
A sign of things to come
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Alex x reader
Summary: You walk into a stop sign and Alex Albon happens to be watching
Warnings: None!
In the bustling streets of Monte Carlo Y/N strolled, her mind consumed by thoughts of her upcoming job interview. With her gaze on her feet, and her mind focused on remembering all the small details about the company she was applying for she continued navigating the busy sidewalks with long strides.
She gazed down at her phone, taking in the route google maps was suggesting she follow. She eventually came past a cute little cafe where Alex Albon was standing outside with a coffee in his left hand and his phone in his right.
As Alex looked up from his phone he caught a glimpse of the cute woman heading straight for a street sign? Oh no.
"Oh hey watch out for-" Alex tried to yell at you but it was too late the collision was inevitable. With a comical thud, you walked right into it, causing a chorus of laughter from onlookers.
You took a quick glance at your surroundings, noticing the blonde man with an adorable grin on his face.
Embarrassed but undeterred, you managed a sheepish grin in his direction. Alex, amused by the mishap, offered a friendly laugh. "Looks like you took the corner on turn 7 a bit too wide there," he teased.
You couldn't believe your eyes, it was none other than Alex Albon the F1 driver. And he just witnessed you walking into a stop sign, the irony of it stopping you in your tracks wasn't lost on you.
"Oh and you would know all about that wouldn't you Mr Albon" you managed to tease back with a smirk.
Alex pouted at your words, holding a hand over his chest pretending you had insulted him. "Hey I'm actually quite uh okay at my job I'll have you know" He said with a chuckle which had you laughing along with him.
"So what's got you walking into street signs? You in a rush or is it a new hobby of yours?" He teased which had you scoffing before you let out a chuckle, "I'm supposed to be going to a job interview actually, I was so focused on looking at Google maps I didn't see the uh stop sign" you replied embarrassingly.
Alex chuckled at your response, his face turning into a cute cheshire grin. "It's not a job in navigation is it? Because for some reason I don't think that would work out" he teased while still laughing.
"Do you need a hand finding the place? I might be able to walk you in the right direction" he offered with a sincere smile.
You laughed at his response, "no no it's not navigation thankfully, I'm terrible at that around here all the streets look the same" you confessed with a chuckle. "Are you sure? I would definitely appreciate the help if you have the time"
Alex smiled at your response, nodding his head "yes" eagerly. "Of course! I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to help a damsel in distress, what's your name by the way? You obviously know mine"
You chuckled at the idea of him thinking of you as a damsel. "Oh it's Y/N" you told him with a wide smile.
"Well it's nice to meet you Y/N, let's see if we can get you where you need to be shall we?" He asked with a smile as he offered his arm out for you to link yours with like a true gentleman.
You graciously accepted and soon you were both making your way down the road. "Soo when you're not bumping into things what do you like to do for fun?" Alex asked with a grin as you both walked.
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cinnamon-piastri · 10 months
Cozy Cuddles | Esteban Ocon
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Pairing: Esteban x reader
Summary: You love your boyfriends stubble
(or I saw these GIFs of estie today and I can't get them out of my mind so need to make a quick fic x)
Warnings: Pure fluff 💙
There's fewer things better than cuddling up with your boyfriend on a chilly Sunday night and tonight was no exception. You guys were curled up on the sofa watching films with Esteban laid behind you resting his chin on your shoulder.
"oh gosh that tickles" you giggle as he leans to plant a small kiss to your right cheek, his stubbly beard brushing your cheek in the process. He's grown it out recently now sporting practically a full beard instead of his usual clean shaven look.
Esteban chuckled as you squirmed from the touch. "Sorry babe I could always shave it off" he suggested with a goofy grin. "No!" You practically yelled as you turned to look at him. "You can't do that"
"And why's that?" Esteban questioned with a smirk as he gazed at you. "Because I like it" you admitted as you brought a hand up to stroke his stubbly cheek.
"You just like stroking it" Esteban said with a chuckle. "Wait, thats why you always caress my face at night!" He said with a smirk. Recently you would stroke his chin as you fell asleep together, and it's only been happening since his beard started coming in.
"What no I don't" you said defensively. "Okay maybe a little bit" you admitted a little embarrassingly. Esteban chuckled at your defensiveness. "Babe it's okay I don't mind it's quite cute actually" he admitted with a grin. "I didn't realise you'd like it that much but I guess I have to keep it now" He said with a shrug.
Your face lit up as you continued stroking his face now with both hands. "Yay! I mean yeah sure that would be nice" you said with a wide grin. Esteban planted a soft kiss to your lips before chuckling "gosh you're too adorable you know" he said shaking his head.
"Now come on we're missing the film" Esteban said, acknowledging the fact you guys haven't paid attention for a long time now. "Yeah yeah in a second just a bit longer" you said as you continued to stroke his chin softly, grinning up at him.
Esteban laughed as he shook his head. "Fine a few more minutes" he said as he pulled you in for a hug and laid you both down before giving you a kiss on the nose. "what are you like huh?" He asks with a smirk, bringing his hand up to rest on the one you had placed on his face.
Neither of you cared about the film, you could both stay in this moment and each others arms forever.
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cinnamon-piastri · 10 months
Sweater weather
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A little blurb where you and Oscar take a walk and you get a little cold ✨
Pairing: Oscar x femreader
Warnings: None!
For Oscar there's nothing he'd rather be doing more than spending his winter break with you. And tonight you both found yourselves wandering down the chilly streets of London looking at Christmas lights. It very soon became evident that the thin jumper you had put on in a rush wasn't going to cover it.
"Are you cold? You're shivering" Oscar asks looking down at you, your teeth clattering slightly as you hold your arms in a desperate attempt to warm them up. "Maybe a little but I'm fine" you reply back trying not to make a big deal out of the situation.
Oscar simply rolls his eyes "a little? If you squeeze yourself any tighter you might pop" he replies with a smirk before offering his hoodie to you. "Go on put it on, that jumper can't be doing you any favours" You smile at him as you put his hoodie on, instantly feeling warmer and comforted from his scent.
"Any better?" Oscar asks as he looks down at you, admiring how cute you look in his baggy hoodie. "Much better thank you babe" you reply before giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. Oscar smiles "I still don't know why you thought that would keep you warm" he said shaking his head and laughing.
"I didn't think I'd need a thicker one, it wasn't meant to be this cold" you admitted with a shiver. "Well it's a good job you got me to keep you warm then isn't it" he said with a chuckle before gently pulling you in for a hug, he kissed your forehead and gazed down at you with a loving smile.
"It really is beautiful out here" you said as you admired the bright lights that brought the streets to life, snow slowly starting to fall. "Not as beautiful as you though" Oscar confessed, still gazing down at your face and admiring how it lit up in excitement.
"Cheesy" you said with a chuckle as you looked up at him. Oscar chuckling back before lifting your chin up slightly and bringing you in for a soft kiss, admiring your little red nose as he pulled away before planting a kiss on it. "We best get you home before you turn into a snowman" Oscar says with a laugh. "How does hot chocolate and a movie in bed sound?"
"That sounds absolutely perfect" you admit with a grin before planting another kiss on his lips. "Then we best get going" he says smiling before wrapping an arm around you and walking you both home.
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cinnamon-piastri · 10 months
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(This is my F1 fic side blog, interact via @l4ndown-under 🧡)
• Carlos Sainz
• Charles Leclerc
• Oscar Piastri
• Lando Norris
• Alex Albon
• George Russell
• Lewis Hamilton
• Esteban Ocon
• Pierre Gasly
• Max Verstappen
• Lance Stroll
• Daniel Ricciardo
• Nicholas Latifi
---- PROMPTS ----
01. "You look cute in my shirt"
02. "You've been quiet"
03. "It's okay to cry"
04. "Can I join you?"
05. "I'll keep you safe"
06. "You're the love of my life"
07. "It's cold out here"
08. "You drive me wild"
09. "I can't get enough of you"
10. "Stop teasing"
11. "Participating in Y/Ns hobby even though it doesn't interest them"
12. "Y/N giving them a back massage after a race"
13. "Giving Y/N a piggyback ride"
14. "Comes home to Y/N ill in bed"
15. "Y/N moving in with them for the first time"
16. "Constantly kissing Y/N when they can, because they love the taste of their Chapstick"
17. "They meet when they see Y/N walk into a street sign"
18. "Playing with Y/Ns hair while they sit on the couch"
19. "Them and Y/N being intimate for the first time together"
20. "Laughing so hard at Y/Ns hiccups until they also get hiccups"
21. "Trying their best to be quiet while Y/N is napping"
22. "Teaching Y/N to kiss"
23. "Picking Y/N up after being asked to go get them"
24. "Them leaning into whisper something dirty in Y/Ns ear"
25. "Them falling asleep together on the sofa together"
26. "Y/N hanging out with their crush"
27. "Visiting Y/N in hospital"
---- END NOTE ----
I'll continue adding prompts as time goes on but feel free to request whatever comes to mind! This is just to help you if you're unsure, please specify whether you want Fluff, smut etc. I'm happy to write anything x
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