churchflower-blog · 7 years
"You help me go on, day by day..." He hadn't meant to say it out loud like that, hadn't meant to let his thoughts slip out of him... but she had her ways of getting him to talk, one arm around his neck while the other played with his hair. He shifted, then a kiss pressed to her jaw, her neck, then to her bare collarbone, the SOLDIER resting his head on her chest for just a moment, taking in her heartbeat as his own hand ran over her side lazily until it rested on her hip, thumb running over it.
@kunselxknows !!
Her fingers still as his words pierceher very heart. She lifts her head, looking at him with a sort offrown. Not because she helps, but because his days are still day byday. How his job was taxing, how Zack worried about that too. Thekisses are warm and she leaned into each one but the thought doesn'tleave her mind at how troubling it is that he still feels this way.How she made it better but for her that wasn't good enough. Shedoesn't think too much on it for now, looking down at the idlegestures the SOLDIER takes comfort in.
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                                “I'llbe here till my last one, promise.”
She brushed her fingers against hischeek. Making a promise that no mortal can keep truly.
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
She was anxious, he could tell even if she wouldn't admit it. A picnic, that was the idea - but he'd hate to have her spend the entirety of it on edge for his sake. So, once they found a nice clear spot in the forest with the sky visible only through the foliage, Kunsel suggested that she lay down, close her eyes - 'a surprise' being his answer should she ask why. He took a moment to fondly stare at her before carefully crawling on top of her to press a small kiss to the tip of her nose.
@kunselxknows !!
The sky is scary. She holds his hand sotight its a wonder she doesn't have the super human strength. But hedoesn't let go, just like she's asked. He's good about that, he'sgood to her. She cant feel the uneasiness settle when she's notlooking up. When she's focusing on the smile he's got plastered onthat face. If she doesn't look at the sky, she'll be fine. He won'tlet it eat her. He won't let anything bad happen to her. She's a bitstartled by his suggestion but she does it, slowly. Only catching aglimmer of the sky beyond the trees before she shuts her eyes. Auburnhair flares out around her head and she can almost feel the shift inthe ground, his knees against her dress and the gentle kiss to hernose.
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He's blocking the sky, but it's framinghim. The blue compliments his eyes and suddenly the sky isn't...soscary anymore. Not because it's blocked but because the sky could tryit's damnest to take her. Kunsel would find her.
                          “This isnot a very good surprise.”  she commented finally in jest. Butcupped his face,  leaning in to give him a proper kiss.
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
Kisses her cheek, and her nose and each eyelid softly. "You keep me grounded when I am losing myself... It is hard to think of how I lived before you were a part of my life."
@sonofprodigy !!
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Soft lips for such a rough being. For amurdererfor a weapon. She smiled so fondly at him, resting her
head against his shoulder after thekisses have met their mark.
                                   “Ionly wish I'd been here sooner.”
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
Oh no, he's wrapped an arm around her while asleep. Now she's going to be his sleep hostage foreverrrrrr...
@kunselxknows !!
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She was just about out of bed too!!There’s a noise of protest, squirming,
                             “Kunsel get uppp!”
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
Rate me 😽😉
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours: not accepting@kunselxknows
    repulsive ― hideous ― ugly ― not attractive ― unappealing ― not unattractive ― meh ― no preference ― ok ― mildly attractive ― nice looking ― cute ― adorable ― attractive ― pleasant on the eyes ― good looking ― hot ― sexy ― beautiful ― gorgeous ― hot damn ― would tap that ― perfect ― godlike ― holy fuck there are no words
    grating ― irritating ― frustrating ― boring ― confusing at best ― awkward ― unreasonable ― psychotic ― disturbing ― interesting ― engaging ― affectionate ― aggressive ― ambitious ― anxious ― artistic ― bad tempered ― bossy ― charismatic ― appealing ― unappealing ― creative ― courageous ― dependable ― unreliable ― unpredictable ― predictable ― devious ― dim ― extroverted ― introverted ― egotistical ― gregarious ― fabulous ― impulsive ― intelligent ― sympathetic ― talkative ― up beat ― peaceful ― calming ― badass ― flexible
    not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending ― fuck no! ― never ― no way ― not likely ― not sure ― indifferent ― i’m asexual ― maybe ― probably ― it depends ― fairly likely ― likely ― yeah sure ― yes ― would tap that ― hell yes ― fuck yes! ― wishing that could happen right now ― as many times as possible ― we are already having sex
    never in a million years ― worst of enemies ― enemies ― rivals ― indifferent ― neutral ― acquaintance ― friendly toward each other ― casual friends ― friends ― good friends ― best friends ― fuck buddies ― bosom buddies ― practically the same person ― would die for them ― true friends ― my only friend
    i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
    i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
    worst kisser ever ― terrible ― bad ― awkward ― just okay ― alright ― pretty good ― good ― makes me moan ― excellent ― exciting ― oh god they’re good ― i dream about it ― fucking amazing ― absolute perfection ― we haven’t kissed
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
He sees her in such a dream like trance. Considering such a late hour it was the perfect moment to gently scoop the brunette into lengthy arms and make way to her bedroom, carefully tucking the cetra in without disturbing the silence. With that, the male decides to sit on the edge of the bed, weak smile across lips.
@tenshcu !!
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She'smoved, she can feel it in that sleepless statebut she doesn'trealize it at first. She can feel strong armsscoop her up andpull her from the uncomfortable positionimmediately curling intofonder bodies and warmer arms. She almost purrs, a low hum asshe's set to bed but put away from the warm grasp. Emerald'sreveal themselves, fluttering openonly partially to gaze upon theginger head. She sleepily reachedup, fingers brushing against hischeek with the warmth and loveshe had for him.
                       “I wastrying to stay up...”
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
Her thin fingers toyed with the chain around his neck before tugging on it slightly, adjusting before she firmly pulled on it, bringing their faces together, her breath hot on his cheek before she reached up to kiss him. He loved her, so much, a smile spreading across their connected lips.
@kunselxknows !!
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Dog tags. Something to tell anyonewho would found the body who they were.They were helpful, butsad. Looking at Kunsel's name upon them, running her fingers over theengraved words with a solemn look about her. What would she do if allshe got back were these dog tags? She never got Zack's though thatwas a story for another time. She pulled the chain bringing himcloser to her. She paused her pull as their lips touched closing hereyes after a close second and letting a kiss pepper his lips. Shecould feel the smile. It warmed her heart but worried her heart. Whatdestiny was in front of them, she couldn't think about it long. Shehad to focus on his smile, her world.
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
Well her dress was ruined, but it thankfully didn't ruin the mood itself - if anything, it only added to it between her laughter and her slightly more exposed self. Even if Aerith was nowhere near heavy enough to push him down, Kunsel laid back as she leaned on him, crawled on top of his chest, tongues meeting as they resumed what he had accidentally interrupted, a hand of his almost greedily pulling her in for a deeper kiss while the other continued lightly brushing against her exposed back.
@kunselxknows !!
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Books always depicted strong menripping dresses off with manly feats of strength. Aerith honestlycouldn't see it as anything but hilarious, the idea of it at least.Kunsel actuallyripping her drips – almost – off was far less ridiculous and allthe more jarring. A fir reminder that Kunsel was strongand yet so incredibly gentle with her it made her heartsing. The chill at her back only stalled by warm, but light, touchesfrom normally texting hands was a further reminder of feather lighthe could be. How it sent a wave of tension over her person and causedher to crawl over the SOLDIER with intent.Happily accepting those kisses with passion to match the greed.
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
Kunsel was aware that there were buttons on her dress, felt them as his hands ran over her back, and they were doing the job of holding the dress together, even as he lightly gripped the fabric while Aerith continued captivating his attention with the weight on his lap and her mouth on his. But then she shifted, and Kunsel adjusted his grip... a bit too forcefully, suddenly feeling bare skin underneath his fingertips as the buttons and the dress itself ripped apart. #SOLDIERdatingproblems.
@kunselxknows !!
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Perhaps she should have been payingmore mind to just how much pressure she was putting on him. She justdidn't quite understand what sort of power she held. She would neveruse it deviously, though she tended to tease him about jealousy andother things. These warm affections were muchdifferent. She was slow about them, let him guide mostly. She was alittle awkward when she took the lead and maybe did things thatwere innocent shift of thehips because it felt right but caused the sound of fabrictearing to echo in the quiteroom. Aerith paused, pursing her lips as she felt the chill catch hershoulders. She let the laugh trickle into her voice as she shylyrested her head against his shoulder, laughing off the awkwardsituation with the jeer of affection.
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
"Are you certain we need all this for lemon tarts? I was under the impression it was simply lemons and pie crust.... though I suppose that wouldn't make much sense."
@sonofprodigy !!
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She laughed quietly, picking up some gelatin off the shelf, the clearstuff. With a shake of auburn locks,
                                      “No, silly... It takes a lotmore than just lemons and pie crust.                                                              It would be way too sour!”
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
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          He allows a rather mischievous glance at her, begging her to tug down the corner of that mantle that hides his lips.  His voice that follows is stony, almost comically so ( though it would be difficult to tell if you were not already acquainted with him ).
                              “What is a smile?  Demons from                                 the  depths  of  the  earth  have                                 never heard of such a word.”
          He’s dodged her question, yes, but that makes the game all the more amusing.
She felt like sometimes she and Vincent had their own moments. The others didn't understand. Maybe it was because Aerith didn't feel so isolated and strange. Maybe they were cut from the same cloth but di...fferent. Aerith batted at his cowl, narrowing her eyes at him with a playful edge.
              “I can hear it in your voice.”
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Even as he kept his voice in such an emotionless drawl, his usual drawl she could hear the jest. It was...Vincent's kind of jest. Something not easily got or understood. But something Aerith had gathered in their time together.
              “Oh, sorry, do demons from the depth grin or smirk then?”
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
                                                                               heels are dragged against ground when he walks  ,  laziness evident even in his steps  ;  his back slouched  ,  one hand in the pocket of his suit pants  ,  the other raised to hold a cigarette  .  rarely was he sent to missions such as these ones  ,  not because he was bad at keeping watch  ;  but his speed was often needed elsewhere  .  things had been different today however as many of the turks had been sent off  ;  or were simply busy with matters of their own  .  reno   had been the only one without an assignment to his name  ,  and was therefor sent to watch over   aerith  .  (   not that he minded  ,  this mission meant less running around  .   )   he exhales  ,  dropping said cigarette onto the ground   and   stepping on it  .  the church did look old  ,  but something made it look holy still  ;  reno   could not keep the thought from slipping through his mind  .  but he burried it quickly when he entered  .
                                                                                once inside he spots her  ,  well  ;  it would be difficult not to  ,  besides from the flowers  ,  she is the only other thing to bring colour to the church  .  she does look like the picture he had been provided with  .  the brown slightly curled hair that appears to provide a fitting frame for her face   and  hergreen eyes that look as if they’re sparkling  ;  even   reno   can admit that she is cuter than the picture had shown  .  but he leaves the thought at that  ,  raising his left hand to greet her  .
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                   “     yo   —     “
                                                                                   before another word can leave him  ,  she speaks   and   reno   looks at her with surprise within his oceanic hues  ;  she made him a sandwich  ?  he doesn’t quite grasp why she would do it  ,  but  –  reno   also does not find it in him to ask  .  instead takes what is offered to him  . nodding his head  ,  crimson eyebrow raised to question it  .  should he be suspicious  ? but then again  ,  if would be apart of it he would have heard it from   tseng  . 
                   “     thanks ?     “
                                                                                     looking around  ,  he searches for a place to sit but in the end decides to sit by the flowers instead of on any of the old benches that stand around  .  he takes a bite of his sandwich  ,  eyebrows raising as he chews  ;  it really doesn’t taste bad  ,  no  ,  it’s  –  delightful  ?  he takes another bite  ,  and   speaks with his mouth full  .  (   reno  ,  where are your manners  ?   )
                   “     tiff’ if goof .    “
Her true mother might have scolded her decision to rationalize with her bodyguards. But Aerith felt that fighting fire with flames wasn't an effective way. You had to be the oxygen the fire needed to live. Not that Aerith was being malicious in any shape or form. But she was showing them kindness. If they were going to watch her, every day, for the rest of her life then they might as well admit to it. Might as well be friends while they do it. Their presence wasn't a secret to her, it never was. The planet was very talkative about the lives the turks had taken. But that didn't scare her, in fact, it made her feel safe. Because she knew they would never let anything happen to her. No monsters, no villains... So why not be friends... why not take extra care of the people who were giving their time to her?
It just made sense to the Cetra.
She knew most of them were incredibly hesitant to her advances. The ginger haired one almost never talked to her. The tall bald one seemed a little less hesitant but remained more stoic. She found her luck best in this one and the quiet leader. Despite everything, Tseng seemed to be almost the easiest to speak  to. Very good at listening too, which was good because Aerith could talk anyone's ear off if they gave her the time of day.
The brunette sat back, watching him inspect the sandwich with a wrinkle to her nose. Shaking her head as if to assure there was no tampering done to the sandwich. Well, other than the experimental jam, Aerith had all the time in the world to test new things but very little friend to try them on. She tried not to look too anticipated for his answer, afraid to scare him off if she looked to excited to hear his next batch of words. Aerith turned to a bloom, trying to distract herself as she heard him chomping down on the mid-day snack.
Angels couldn't light up brighter than the slum flower's face, smiling widely as the emeralds above caught every last sparkle of joy that radiated off her person.
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         “Really? Be honest, it wasn't too sweet? I was hoping so, I told mom I knew what  I was doing with the sugar, she didn't believe me.” she seemed satisfied, grinning, “I'll bring you another one next time... do you have a favorite?”
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
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“Who?” he asked, more out of reflex than anything else. After all, it was a rather large world; the odds of him knowing some random guy he happened to resemble seemed pretty slim.
Even knowing that, the urge to try to help nagged at him. She sort of looked like she was going to start crying, and it was a bit hard not to feel like it was his fault just then.
The woman's emerald eyes turned up toward her king feeling the sinking feeling again. The I shouldn't say anything but I have to feeling.
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       “His name was Zack Fair, he was king's guard...”
Saying his name came with a quiver, an emotion that shouldn't overcome her in front of his majesty but she was so worried. Why was she so worried?
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
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After only narrowly dodging her, he’d be remiss to just go on and mind his own business. Reeve relieved her of the heavier looking bag, tucking it into the crook of one elbow while supporting it with his other hand. “It’s no bother. I can’t resist a good sale on bowling balls, either.” His smirk spoke of lightheartedness and pleasantry, but truly, it was impressive to see such a lithe girl attempting to haul so much weight in the first place. He shifted the bundle against his suit jacket, finding that his initial grip on it hadn’t even been sufficient for the awkwardness of the size and weight. “Which way are you headed?”
People in the slums normally minded their own business. She was surprised to say the least that he stopped to help her. But not...too surprised. She was a little surprised that whoever was watching her today decided to let her flounder instead. Maybe they knew this gentleman was going to come help her because honestly he didn't look like anyone she had come across before. And Aerith knew almost everyone in the slums.
         “Close...But not quite...”
There was soil in the bags, and maybe a few actual bricks. She could only afford a few with what little money she had gotten on her first flower adventure. But a little money was enough to maybe spruce up the flower patch and give it a little extra protection.
                    “Right, it's this way. Watch your step there are some pipes...”
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While it was muscle memory for her, she made sure to keep an eye on the stranger to make sure he didn't get tripped up by any of the stray pipes that got uprooted from the mud due to several factors. The desolate church wasn't too far from where he found her, but it was still a few minutes away.
                    “I'm Aerith, by the way.”
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
Kunsel was mystified by her awe, his own brief melancholy washed away by genuine interest on her part at the device he gave her, at the picture on the screen and what he had called his home. It was strange, almost, the girl acting like she’d never seen an open sky. Of course, he knew that she’d lived her entire life underneath the plates, but had she never gone above them, walked towards where the plates had gaps, the light showing through? Looked up at the sky thought the hole in her church?
Didn’t she feel… closed in?
His wondering is interrupted by her voice, still with that wistful and almost incredulous tone to it - and a tentative smile returns to his face. He didn’t exactly come from that part of Costa, but it was the one that they were sent on vacation, so it worked about the same.
“From my old house, you could see the ocean in the distance from one side.” Kunsel shifted back into his previous disposition, almost, but he caught himself, shaking his head at himself. Instead, he focused back on Aerith, humming in agreement briefly – “If you’d like to, though we’d have to wait until I got another vacation to use up.”
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In truth, this was all daydreaming on his part also - oh yes, vacations were still a thing even under Heidegger’s control, but he was a stingy bastard with them. It was then that Kunsel realized, that maybe, offering to take a girl he barely knew across the world could be considered… weird.
And slightly creepy. Though it could be just him overthinking it.
“I mean - it’s totally fine if you don’t want to go, I get it, and we barely know each other. I’m sure that once Zack get’s back, we can sweet talk him into bringing you along with him.” Not that Zack would need a lot of convincing…
The smile was a small victory. Maybe even if Aerith didn't feel entirely comforted by the idea of the ocean and the sky being in one place. The vastness of it all almost felt more terrifying than the sky alone. She was just looking at a picture and she could feel the phobia crawling into her chest, grasping her heart tightly and squeezing. It felt terrible, being afraid. Aerith could dodge monsters in the slums, run on rickety pieces of plate, and move around a generally unsafe and unkept church. But the idea of the sky captured her so... She knew she wasn't normal but it seemed backwards coming from the outside looking in. That she would be afraid of something deemed beautiful. Something that brought a smile to the SODLIER's face.
She wondered for a moment if SOLDIER's ever stopped working. She knew Zack didn't. Even in their time together she had grown to hate the sound of his phone. The ring it made in the middle of the silent church. She had to be good. Be understanding. Word was important. Zack did an important job. So did Kunsel. The short time he'd been filling in the empty space was... comforting. But he had the same – sort of – jingle. The sound of a phone was becoming her least favorite thing on the planet. But  in those times. It always felt like work called every day to take them away. Something came up, something needed doing. A giant army and they needed the only two people who bothered to give her the time of day.
Even now...
Aerith watched him for a long moment, feeling the love sickness creep into her chest and build self doubt. The fact that Zack had been gone so long already made her feel...replaceable. It was akin to the feeling the phobia. The tightness in her chest that made her feel sick and tired all at the same time. She couldn't control her face falling a little. She turned away, feeling the emotion getting the better of her much like Kunsel a moment before, she snapped into another mood.
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              “But you'll take me sooner, right?”
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
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          He shrugs her hand off his shoulder.  Contact…definite no.  Years without a human touch left one alienated to such warmth–it seemed almost…inhumane, ironically.
                              “…Aerith.  It isn’t as if you’ve                                 k     i     l     l     e     d    me.”
          Ah, another joke, though this time one of a more private and far darker nature.  Indeed, what is a door compared to a gunshot wound?
                              “–I  should  worry  more  for                                 Cloud, if you were going to                                 hit  him  with  that  sort  of                                 force.”
The girl still looked sheepish, drawing her hands back to her person as the true elder rolled it off as if it were unwanted. She cursed herself for overstepping again and even took a half step to give him space. She often forgot herself among others, only wanting to be there and cater to the group that had adopted her in.
Her face paled at the thought, not that Vincent would be taken down by a door or her at the least. But it still wasn't pleasant. She let a smile grace those pale lips, trying not to laugh.
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                        “I said I didn't mean it.”
She offered in a chiding, friendly tone,
                                          “Besides, doors aren't his biggest fans to begin with, it's the sword.”
You know, getting stuck.
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churchflower-blog · 7 years
“ & i will remain at your side until it has been decided       that you no longer rely upon my help… “
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The air smells of fragrant flowers, of fresh & rich soil. A tranquility she does her best to not disturb. She will request titan’s aid upon keeping it healthy, perhaps, just for praying to Shiva above all others. A Deity known as a guardian & helper. Known to women to be more powerful in her element than most. For the cold only has itself to keep it company.             “  worry has seeped itself upon your brow. . if                                    perhaps that is why you called upon my being. I might be                                       of aide sooner – rather than allow you to deplete yourself. “ The ice seeps to where her form lands beside the praying. Fingers ease atop the others, pulling her out of such a trance with a nod of her head.
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She feels weak. Maybe it's just the tired that was melting into her bones every day a greater task asked of her. Every breath was another step forward into darkness. She could feel it. Maybe she had given up hope because this was the path that chose her. Shiva needn't give her false hope. She saw the visions, knew the lies that spilled from her own mouth on the daily.
                                       “I couldn't bother you with something so inevitable.”
the oracle smiled, just fond to be in the presence of a heart warmer than her skin. The gods may have damned her, but that didn't make it feel like Shiva cared any less. The cool touch to her own hands is almost welcoming.
“I could just use a friend...”
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