Chronicles of Chronair
14 posts
Currently running Wild Beyond the Witchlight as a first time DM. Here we goooooo!
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
Campaign Recap: Session 1
Joe, Sxaxha, and Iora made their way back to the Golden Grotto farm to turn in for the night. Joe left early to make sure her Disguise Self wouldn't fall and reveal her true form. Both Joe and Sxaxha were given guest rooms with proper accommodations.
Joe, being an Elf, awakes from her trance first.
Iora and Madryk wake up first, and make breakfast. Sxaxha then gets up from the smell of food, and Joe can hear him move through the house. She thinks that he hates her, so she stresses about going out there and thinks that she should just leave. But she also can’t because she needs a ticket to the carnival. Bricker-Brack, not thinking, bumbles over, climbs up, and opens the door, while Joe tries desperately to stop him. Sxaxha looks at Joe, who panics and slams the door shut. He says, “I’m going to eat your portion”, which she takes to mean that he is going to eat her.
Sxaxha makes his way down to the kitchen and sits, eager to dig in. Joe, meanwhile, scrambles out the window and manages to land outside thanks to a good Dex save, her wings giving her a little lift to cushion her fall. She bemoans her fate and goes on a dramatic monologue about how she’ll have to resort to a life of crime and end up being arrested by a detective that she’ll have a tumultuous relationship with. Bricker-Brack joins in on the melodramatics. Everyone in the kitchen can hear her voice, but not what she’s saying.
Iora sighs and asks Sxaxha to check on her so she doesn’t hold up breakfast. He does, and comes upon the dramatic scene. Joe sees him and freaks out, trying to hide her bird-like appearance even though it is futile. Bricker-Brack stands in front of her legs, drawing Sxaxha’s attention. He picks him up and asks how he can move, noting that he is cute. Joe immediately forgets her fear and explains that she made him with one of her parents. Sxaxha notes that he likes him, then says that Joe is holding up breakfast. Joe asks if she’s for breakfast, which Sxaxha denies.
Joe and Sxaxha both go to eat breakfast, where spiced pumpkin bread with icing is served. Madryk informs the group that Ellywick has bought the tickets, but they’re being held at the ticket-booth. If they give their names, they’ll get them. Joe asks if things will be okay if she goes, referring to her harpy nature. Madryk says it should be, but he goes to get a trinket for her anyway, just in case. Everyone else finished their meal, although Joe only gets to eat half of hers before Sxaxha asks if she’s going to finish, and snags it anyway.
Sxaxha then plays with Bricker-Brack on his lap, bouncing him and squeezing him. Bricker-Brack enjoys this, until Sxaxha starts to laugh. Because of his curse, he can’t laugh properly and instead snarls, which makes Bricker-Brack tense. Sxaxha feels back and tries to dampen his laughter.
Meanwhile, Joe helps Iora clean up and do dishes. It’s a quiet venture, until Sxaxha joins them and offers to help. Iora says that they don’t need any.
Once that is done, Iora gathers their herbal supplies, and Joe goes up to straighten out her room. This is where Madryk gives her a magic bracelet that will allow her disguise self to last 8 hours, but it only has one charge left. In return, she gives him a felt animal: a brightly designed capybara. He loves it and says he’ll keep it with his treasures. Joe promises to try and get its charge back, which he insists isn’t necessary.
Everyone does one final check to make sure they have everything. Iora grabs their cloak, shield, and hammer. Joe nervously asks if they’ll need that. They respond that the Feywilds are dangerous. Joe then shows off her magic wand, and claims that Bricker-Brack can use a sickle. Sxaxha asks if he is trained to use it. Bricker-Brack makes a coy noise. A successful insight on Sxaxha’s part reveals that he has no training. He then says that he has a knife, rounding out the weapons check.
The party takes off, with Joe using her lengthened Disguise Self, walking to the other side of the city to get to the plains-like outskirts where the carnival is being help. As they get closer, the sky turns to a magically done twilight, and they see a giant blue ribbon encircle the entire thing and carve a river into the land. Sxaxha, who is tall, and Joe, who is jumping, both see Witchlight hands trying to keep the crowd at bay while the finishing touches are done.
As soon as the carnival opens, the crowd goes. Joe managed to use Sxaxha to push the group through the crowd, while Iora kept people from stepping on her. They managed to be about fourth in line.
A goblin, Nikolas Midnight, greets the party and asks how many tickets they’d like, scrutinizing them with his spyglass and earhorn. Joe brings up that their tickets have already been bought, and gives everyone’s names. Nikolas insights her, finds her trustworthy, and gives the tickets. She asks if Bricker-Brack needs one. He says no, but gives him, and the party, a pair of butterfly wings anyway. Joe asks if she can have something else besides the wing. Nikolas obliges, giving her butterly antenna to wear. He says that the wings and antenna either have to be worn or carried. Joe and Bricker-Brack eagerly wear theirs. Sxaxha ties his to his pants. Iora gets bullied into wearing theirs.
Nikolas explains that having a ticket allows entry into the carnival. Using an attraction costs a punch, and a ticket has eight punches. Having a fully punched ticket only means you can’t go on more attractions, but you can still roam the park and use its free services. He also explains how much the tickets cost, and how a child who didn’t have money previously bartered for one. Then he gives the party a map of the carnival.
As the party enters the carnival, they see the opening ceremony festivities. An adult Treant and a red squirrel and doling out dandelions and sycamore seeds float down on the wind. Joe uses her wings to float the seeds over to a group of kids who can’t quite catch them, and their teenage babysitter picks up kids to help them along, giving Joe a salute due to a failed deception check. Iora and Sxaxha try to catch seeds, but can’t on their own. Sxaxha picks Iora up, and Joe tosses Bricker-Brack on top, who is acle to get three seeds and divies them out, shoving one in Iora’s mouth and handing the other two theirs.
Joe gives hers to a kindly older couple watching the children, who react with joy. Sxaxha gains a 1D4 for an ability check from his. Iora offers their to Joe, who denies it. Then it turns into a gold piece, which prompts the group to talk about buying more tickets. They decide to wait until they need to before doing so.
Red the Squirrel insists the party take dandelions and make wishes on them. Joe is delighted by him and his energy, and he takes to her in kind. Sxaxha he is luke-warm on. Everyone decides to think on their wishes and save them for later.
Joe lets Iora and Sxaxha pick where to go first. Sxaxha wants to go to the dragonfly rides. They go and see a younger treant, Northwind, manning the station. Joe talks to the Treant about the rides, and he mentions that he’s a little to big to get on the dragonflies. Sxaxha nervously asks if there’s a size-limit. Northwind looks him over, and says that he’s well withing the limit. Sxaxha is relieved.
Everyone gets their tickets punched and gets on a dragonfly. A team of goblins straps them all in. Joe and her goblin do an airplane take-off bit together. Iora and Joe get Nat 20’s on handling their dragonflies. Sxaxha fails his, so isn’t able to control it, but manages to please it with good scritches nonetheless.
An incident happens where a dragonfly panics and takes off with an unrestrained Dwarf. Joe unhooks from her restraints and glides over to help calm it, succeeding with a little help from her own dragonfly. The dwarf, while fumbling off the dragonfly, is alright and thanks her. She suggest he go rest up at the Snail races, which he agrees is a good idea. (Mood+1)
Meanwhile, Sxaxha notices a suspicious Kenku in blue robes watching the scene, and showing obvious bitterness when the Dwarf is rescued safely. She then takes off in the general direction of the carousel. Not wanting his day at the carnival to be ruined, he wants to catch her.
When his and Iora’s dragonflies land, he shares that he saw someone suspicious go towards the carousel. Joe agrees that something should be done, but is very flighty. Iora goes along with it. On the way, the two of them get distracted by an inchworm. Joe makes a hat for it, which takes five minutes. It feels like forever for Sxaxha, but the inchworm seems to appreciate it.
Sxaxha managed to wrangle everyone into going to the carousel. Along the way, he sees flickers of the thieves of the coven moving through the crowds and shadows, but never a full look.
Joe gets a weird, uncomfortable feeling of kinship when she sees the person running the carousel, Diana. The carousel goes, revealing that the unicorns seem to come to life and have personalities, including one that gives off a very prideful flair, one that looks ready to retire but is still enjoying itself, and a pair that seem mischievous that Joe speculates are childhood friends who want to take the next step, but are nervous so they get into the same shenanigans they did when they were fillies.
When it’s the party’s turn to go, Diana gets wide-eyed, then nervously asks if Joe’s met with Granny Nightshade too. Joe blanches and eventually says yes. Diana then clears the crowd and puts up a maintenance sign so they can talk. Joe helps by suggesting the group go to the Snail races, which are hopping. Everyone seems to not mind.
With the cat out of the bag, Joe explains to everyone what happened to her, after a lot of mumbling and stuttering. Sxahxa and Iora take it well, not judging her, while Diana offers her condolences and shares her own story. She was a mercenary who strived to help people, but was separated from her warhorse. When she went looking, she came across Granny Nightshade, who offered to reunite the two of them. She finishes with, “And well… Here we are.”
This is when the party realizes she’s a human, not a centaur.
She then goes to explain that she can’t say much about what’s been going on, but that the unicorns of the carousel know. The only problem is, they can’t speak to anyone because some of them gave forgotten their names, and Diana doesn’t remember and isn’t able to figure it out. This is simply because she’s not very smart. But she says that the party can give it a shot, fetching them paint and a brush to do so. The only thing she knows is that the names are themed together. But she says that if they solve the puzzle, the ride will be free, as she doesn’t want to take a hole-punch for something so serious. When Joe asks if that will be okay, Diana reassures that Mr. Witch and Mr. Light aren’t too precious with things like that.
Before going to solve the puzzle, Sxahxa asks about a kenku. Diana thinks on it, and says that the man running the Hall of Mirrors, Candlefoot, has mentioned a kenku and would know more. Joe also asks if there’s any way she can return the favor. Diana says no, if she simply manages to undo her own curse, she will be happy because she’s found a good life with the carnival. Joe seems dubious, but gives her a felt shetland pony, which is appreciated.
The party then goes to solve the puzzle. Pair 1: Fortune, B___ (Bold), Pair 2: Pr___ (Pride), Fall, Pair 3: Stone, M__s (Moss), Pair 4: _i (Toil), Trouble
Sxaxha makes an above twenty intelligence check and finds the following information: The colors don’t mean a lot, but each pair has a theme. Pair 1 is golden and silver, pair 2 is red and purple, pair three is slate gray and green, pair four is ashen black. He also deciphers how many letters are in each missing name. From here, he realizes that Stone’s partner is Moss. Joe figures out that Fortune’s partner is Bold. Iora figures out that Trouble’s partner is Toil. Joe and Sxaxha work together to figure out that Fall’s partner is Pride.
Joe writes all the names. It’s really bad for Elf handwriting, but good for everyone else. Once they tell Diana that they’re done, they get on. Joe gets on Stone, Sxaxha gets on Trouble, and Iora gets on Pride. Diana then turns on the ride.
The wooden unicorns rear to life with triumphant whinnies and the road starts, faster than normal. Stone thanks Joe telepathically for her help in finding her partner’s name. Then she shares some information: Granny Nightshade and her two sisters are currently in Prismeer, the land ruled by Zybilna. They staged a coup and froze her in time. They then carved up the land and each rule a different piece of it, because they’re so distrusting of each other that they can’t work together.
Meanwhile, Sxaxha asks Trouble if he can talk. He can, does, and claims to know that Sxaxha lost something and wants it back. He also says he knows who has it. He tells Sxaxha that a hag named Bavlorna Blightstraw took his smile, for no apparent reason other than she’s a hag and hags are the worst. She lives in a ramshackle house on stilts in the middle of a boggy swamp. And she’s allergic to seeing someone run widdershins.
Iora gets told about Endelyn Moongrave.
After the ride, Joe excitedly relays the information she learned, and asks Sxaxha what he learned. He says he learned about a woman he has to meet. Iora shares that they learned about Endelyn Moongrave, but doesn’t share what they learned. Joe says that the plan right now seems to be to go to Prismeer, save Zybilna, deal with the hags, and shares that there might not be a chance to take care of Sxaxha’s task because all she knows is that Sxaxha is after some woman. Sxaxha reassures her that it’s fine, then reminds the group that they need to track down the kenku. His mood is a little soured because of what he learned.
The party head off to the Hall of Mirrors, where they see a monochromatic human, Candlefoot, awkwardly attending to it. Nobody seems to want to go in. There’s a glass cabinet near the entrance that Joe almost gets distracted by.
Sxaxha addresses Candlefoot, which prompts him to stare and gesture to his throat. Sxaxha huffs and asks if he can talk. Candlefoot gestures for writing tools. Joe hands a pen and her notebook, where Candlefoot sees her drawing of sad Diana and shows amused sympathy. Using this journal, he writes, “I used to talk. What’s up?”
From here, Sxaxha asks about the Kenku. Candlefoot reveals that her name is Kettlesteam and that she stole his voice. She’s not happy with the carnival for some reason, and has been causing trouble. He doesn’t know why she’s not happy, and isn’t quite sure where she’ll pop up next. But he asks the party to check on the star singer of the carnival, Palasha, because she’s a prime target. They agree, and also offer to get his voice back for him.
Joe asks where the previous singer, a siren named Corrin Poranite, is. Candlefoot grimaces and says that some unfortunate business made her disappear. Sxaxha gruffly asks for specifics. Candlefoot reluctantly admits that the story is that she was kidnapped by a fan. Joe asks if she was rescued and simply left afterwards. Candlefoot grimaces even more, and Joe understands that no, she is still missing, and is saddened. She asks how long ago it was. He says it was a little under ten years.
Joe then has the horrible thought that she was fused with Corrin. She can’t decipher if she fully was or not.
As some modicum of reassurance, Candlefoot says that her son is still with the carnival. Joe asks where he can be found. Candlefoot says that he’s probably prepping for his first big performance in the dressing room tent near the big top. He blatantly says that the two laziest Witchlight hands are guarding the tent for some reason, so it shouldn’t be too hard to get in.
Joe asks if the party going into the Hall of Mirrors will repay the favor for the information. Candlefoot says it’s fine, he completely understands why people don’t like it. The place gives him really bad vibes and he’s only there because he’s stuck watching it until the Big Top Extravaganza. When asked why it’s so off, he says he doesn’t know for sure. But the party is free to investigate if they want. Sxaxha asks if they can go in for free. Candlefoot gestures for a persuasion check, and thanks to inspiration and his D4, Sxaxha passes. Candlefoot agrees, not really caring.
The party asks him what the cabinet does. He says he’s not sure, it’s magic bullshit that he doesn’t want to touch. But they’re free to go mess with it.
Joe does not recognize that Tasha, the figure in the cabinet, also went by the name Iggwilv.
Joe is nervous to handle it, and after some struggle, Sxaxha reluctantly approaches. He fails the wisdom save and starts snarling, unable to physically laugh. Joe panics and hides behind a sign, picking wildflowers in hopes that they will make a good apology and thinking the very sight of her is pissing him off. Iora manages to go in, succeed the save, and pull Sxaxha out. The two of them then reassure Joe that it was magic and that Sxaxha is fine. Joe is curious about what kind of magic, so she steps close, and fails her save, falling into a fit of laughter.
Sxaxha doesn’t want to go in to save her, so Iora does. They get a Nat 1 on their second save, falling over into a fit of high-pitched, snorty, cackly giggling. Everyone is pleased by the sound of their laughter, but Joe has to drag them out of the radius.
When the magic wears off, Joe notes that Iora’s laughter is one of the most delightful things she’s heard. Embarrassed, they hide their face in their cowl. Joe then puts the pieces together and asks if Sxaxha had been laughing. He says yes. Then she succeeds an insight and realized that the only time he’d ever been mad was right after the carousel, every other time, he’d either been fine or pleased. Joe asks if he’s cursed, which prompts Sxaxha to reluctantly admit that he had his smile and his laugh stolen. Joe expresses sympathy, which he doesn’t like. When she offers compassion and the flowers, he accepts.
Before the group can go, they hear laughter. They see two halflings, Ween Sundapple and Rubin Sugarwood. Rubin is on one knee with a ring, while Ween is laughing, standing right in front of the cabinet. Rubin looks like he’s about to cry.
Joe springs into action, pushing the two out of the way and explaining that it’s magic. Ween manages to sober up and agrees that the magic got to him. Joe plays music while looking away respectfully, Sxaxha throws flower petals to get rid of them, Iora casts guidance on Rubin to not be left out, and the proposal gets a do-over. Ween accepts, and after lots of love and affection, the two of them thank the party for clearing up the air and helping them when they really didn’t have to. Joe claims that it’s no skin off her back, and that it’s not the best times that prove if a marriage will pull throw. Rubin agrees and says that the lowest moments really show it. With more thanks, the two of them skip off. (Mood+1)
Joe traces a circle around the cabinet, while Candlefoot, who’d seen that entire debacle, gets a paper sign and writes ‘MAGIC- WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH’. His seems more sour, which Sxaxha notices, so Sxaxha asks him what’s wrong. Candlefoot writes that proposals are just a bit of a rough spot for him. When Sxaxha asks why, Candlefoot writes, “Okay, personal question. But it’s because my voice got stolen during mine.”
Joe wonders if maybe Kettlesteam stole his voice because she likes him. Candlefoot says that it’s unlikely because he’s never seen her before. But that doesn’t exclude a stalker situation! Joe then says that the party can go explain things to his girlfriend and ask who it was. He finally reveals that it’s Palasha, and that’s part of why he’s so worried. Joe speculates that Kettlesteam could use his voice to lure Palasha somewhere, which Candlefoot never realized before and he becomes very visibly worried.
The party decide to check on Palasha first before going into the Hall of Mirrors, since she might be in danger, the Joe asks if they can visit Kyn afterwards. The party agrees, after Sxaxha confirms that their free visit into the Hall of Mirrors won’t expire. Candlefoot agrees with a little prestidigitated shower of sparks.
Joe, nervous about her circumstances, asks Iora how much they know about fey magic. Iora says they know a good bit because their patron is Fey and asks what she wants to know. She asks if there’s any chance that she was fused with Corrin when she made her wish to Granny Nightshade. Iora frowns and asks if she remembers the exact wording.
“I want to be a beautiful singer just like the one I saw!”
Iora thinks on it, then tells Joe that while the possibility isn’t ruled out, it sounds most likely that the hag simply took inspiration from the bird-like singer to turn Joe into a harpy. ‘Like’ isn’t the same as ‘the same as’. Their belief is that it might be connected, but they don’t think she was fused with her. Joe is somewhat reassured by this, and the party goes on their way to check on Palasha.
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
Campaign Recap: Session 0
Joe and Sxaxha made their way from their respective homes to Central City, where they’d heard the Witchlight Carnival was going to set up sometime soon.
Joe hitched a ride with Ellywick Tumblestrum, who was there specifically for her, traveling from the Solan City of Eclipses to Central. Along the way, Ellywick saw her without her disguise, but treated her with the same kind, fun-loving demeanor. They shared stories and played music along the way. When they got to the city, Ellywick told Joe she’d find a way to get her a ticket to the Carnival, though its wouldn’t open until tomorrow. She then took her to the Golden Grotto Farm, where she promised a friend would be able to keep her until then.
Sxaxha discovered his knack for burrowing underground, and used that to sneak through the shortcut tunnels used to deliver ore and metals to the rest of the world. Pierwhit, a faerie-dragon familiar, ended up having to follow him the whole way after just barely missing him in Terramine. When they made it to the city, Sxaxha finally noticed that he was being followed and, intrigued by the faerie-dragon, agreed to be led to the Golden Grotto farm with the promise that it would help him regain his smile.
This is where Joe and Sxaxha met, after Joe spent some time being unable to see him thanks to his stealth. It was revealed that they were both brought here for a specific reason, to help one Madryk Roslof with a task. Joe vaguely recognized the name, Sxaxha did not. While Joe is more than ready to go inside and hear Madryk’s request, Sxaxha doesn’t trust this situation, prompting Pierwhit to fetch Madryk and bring him to the front gate to talk.
Joe managed to quickly win Sxaxha over with her penchant for rambling and her fun personality. He thinks she is incredibly funny and likes her already.
Sxaxha intimidates Joe. She is unable to tell when he is in a good mood versus when he’s genuinely unhappy with something. But she views them as friends.
Madryk shows up and watches the conversation until there’s a natural lull. Here, he relays his request: help him find his Warlock patron, the archfey Zybilna. As his magic is tied directly to her, and he’s getting along in age, it is rather unlikely that he would succeed should he try to undertake the task himself. He says that if they follow the path to finding her, they will find the people responsible for their respective curses. He also reveals that he knows exactly who the two of them are. He’s friends with Joe’s parents and has spoken with Fevni.
Upon Madryk’s request, Joe and Sxaxa follow him inside the house, where they both can tell that he is very well-off. Joe is taken in by the largest painting in the room: one of  a gorgeous Wood Elf named Valissa Goldenbow. He tells her that Valissa was his wife, and that even though she is gone, she left him with a wonderful gift. Sxaxha understands this to mean a child.
Madryk talks more about Zybilna and points out her painting. Upon seeing it, both Joe and Sxaxha recall a memory of her where she provided some comfort during hard times. For Joe, she brought a plethora of books and smiled at her through the window. For Sxaxha, she gave him a cupcake and promised that he’d find his joy again, even if he couldn’t show it. Both of these memories are fleeting, but provide a sense of comfort.
Sxaxha demands proof that this set-up isn’t a trap. Madryk can’t offer any, but offers Iora as collateral instead, since he intends to send them along anyway and he knows his own intentions are pure, guaranteeing their safety. He says they can heal, which will keep them alive. Sxaxha agrees to this deal, but says that he would like to meet Iora first before fully accepting. The last thing he wants to do is travel with another stranger. He does offer a kindness to Madryk by offering to get him something before he goes, though.
Joe, overwhelmed by all the information she’s been given, goes out for a walk-and-talk with Bricker-Brak. She leaves a feather on her chair, which Sxaxha notices. While on this while, she comes across Iora, who’d just smashed a pumpkin to paste with their hammer. Bricker-Brak wheezes, making Iora laugh despite themself. This is the scene Sxaxha comes upon.
With the three finally converged, Joe suggest doing ice-breakers. Sxaxha asks Iora’s intentions. They answer honestly and say that they want to find Zybilna and get home as quickly as possible. Iora asks Joe’s and Sxaxha’s intentions. Joe wants something to eat. Sxaxha wants to get into the Carnival and take care of his business. Iora accepts these answers and prompts Joe to ask her ice-breaker question.
After a tangent, Joe asks what Iora’s and Sxaxha’s biggest regrets would be if they died right then. Upon seeing the looks on their faces, she wonders if she should’ve asked for favorite colors instead. Iora answers yellow. Sxaxha answers purple. Joe says she loves all colors.
After some more conversation, the three of them decide to get snake-on-a-stick together. Joe runs off to recast Disguise Self. She also goes through everything with Bricker-Brak and asks if she’s over her head. He reassures her that she can do this. Meanwhile, Iora ran off to check with Madryk and, seeing how Sxaxha and Joe kept making them laugh, grab their cloak so they can hide their face.
The three find a popular cart run by Goldenscale and Goregut: a talkative, exuberant dragonborn with a love for loud cheer and his quiet but just as excitable wife who cooks all the food. Joe, after screaming at the top of her lungs, earns a discount and orders the best thing on the house along with a bag of bugs. That earns her three huge hunks of anaconda.
The three new ‘friends’ sit down and dig in. Joe pulls out utensils and starts eating like the delicate elf she is, while Sxaxha pulls from his dragon instincts and horks his portion down. Iora borrows a fork and pulls apart theirs with their fingers. Once Joe loses all delicate sensibilities, though, they swiftly join and eat like a messy dragon too. The three of them talk, have a good time, and share the bag of bugs, finding amusement in Joe eating a giant millipede and becoming slightly paralyzed in the mouth. Afterwards, they head out for candied apples.
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
Meet the Party: Iora
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Full Name: Iora Roslof
Race: Half-Elf
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 19 Years
Class: Cleric, Twilight Domain
Iora is the only child of one of the world’s greatest warlocks: Madryk Roslof. In the prime of his adventuring days, he fell in love with a beautiful Wood Elf ranger. When the two of them found out they would have a child, they were delighted. Unfortunately, the happy family was not meant to be. Iora’s mother died during childbirth, while they themself were incredibly sickly and weak. With nowhere else to turn, Madryk begged for aid from his patron: Zybilna of Prismeer.
She whisked the child off to her domain in order to better help them. By the time she had returned, Iora in hand, thirty years had passed on the material plane. Madryk, being fully human, suffered through those years and had already started showing his age. But after all that time, he was delighted to have his child back. Except there was a caveat: Zybilna demanded that in repayment for her kindness, that Iora be raised to worship her as a Godmother, holding no other in higher regard, not even the standard Gods of the world. Madryk agreed, kindling Iora’s devotion and love for her, not only as a Godmother, but as a member of the family.
However, from a young age Iora was keenly aware of how little time they had left with their father. They refused to go out on their own, instead believing that they needed to stay home with their father or else risk more time being lost from them. These fears were only exacerbated by their duties as Zybilna’s first follower: once their father dies, they’re to leave their peaceful life of farming to become a prophet for Zybilna, journeying the material plane in her name and acting on her behalf. In order to stave this off, Iora took up herbalism, creating different tinctures for their father to boost his declining health.
Sometime shortly after Iora’s eighteenth birthday, Zybilna stopped all communication. Now they have to guide two ‘adventurer’s’ through Prismeer in order to find out what happened. And they’re not ready to leave...
Character Design and Backstory: Me!
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
Meet the Party: Joe
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Full Name: Josephine Scarborough
Race: Sun Elf (Transformed into Harpy)
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 18 Years
Class: Bard
The daughter of Noble Sun Elf diplomats, she lived a charmed life for the early years of her life. When she was eight, her mother and her two fathers took her to the Witchlight Carnival while it was stationed in the Feywilds. Joe partook in the festivities and marveled at the Carnival’s star singer: a gorgeously feathered Peacock Siren of warm, summer-like hue. After the show, she slipped from her parents’ watchful gaze and wandered off, lured by dancing lights through the forest.
Far from the prying eyes, she met a kindly old lady who seemed to take interest in her excited ramblings about all that she saw. At the end of her story, the old woman gave her a smile, a pat on the head, and said that in repayment for that wonderful story, she would grant her one wish. Without a second thought, Joe said, “I wish to be a beautiful singer like the one I saw at the carnival!” Slowly, the old woman’s smile turned sinister and her skin gave way to old, harsh wood. As she cackled and cast her fey magic, Joe passed out. When she awoke, she’s been transformed into a harpy. Granny Nightshade had gotten another victim.
Her parents, fearing for the reaction their daughter’s monstrous form would earn from High Elven society, locked her away in the attic of their home in the City of Eclipses, and claimed that illness had struck her. While mostly isolated, they all did their best to show love for her, and taught her to make her own companionship in plush animals. One of these, an aardvark/anteater named Bricker-Brack, even gained sentience from her arcane power. Still, Joe was well aware of the stress and tension that her curse caused her parents, and longed for the day where she would be able to change the course of her fate, if only for their sake.
As soon as she heard word of the Carnival coming to Chronair, she grabbed her most important items and took off. Any lead is a good lead, and she isn’t willing to stay cooped up in the attic any longer.
Character Design and Backstory: Her Player (Who Isn’t on Tumblr)
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
Meet the Party: Sxaxha
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Full Name: Sxaxha, Son of Fevni
Race: Half-Dragon (Purple)
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 20 Years
Class: Rogue
For the first five years of his life, Sxaxha was raised by his mother, Fevni the Swift, an adult purple dragon with a notable reputation for collecting maps from the villages she’d raided. She took decent care of him and reveled in him being her little spawn, instilling in him a sense of higher worth thanks to his draconic lineage, while refusing to tell him about his paternal lineage. The two of them lived in comfortable isolation, deep in the bowels of the earth, surrounded by nothing but darkness and Fevni’s hoard.
One day, a group of Dwarves, accompanied by bodyguards and mages, came across Fevni and Sxaxha. They bound Fevni to the cavern and pried Sxaxha from her in a misguided attempt at a rescue. Bringing him back to Terramine, they placed him with a Dwarven foster family that tried to completely disassociate him from his draconic blood, including corrupting his name to the more Dwarvish sounding ‘Sasha’. These attempts only served to fuel divide Sxaxha from his care-takers and sew the seeds of resentment. Being forced to work in the mines and care for the thirteen other children in the house didn’t help.
At age twelve, Sxaxha snuck away from the house and made it all the way to the Witchlight Carnival, where he managed to get in without a ticket. Delighted by the fey-like merriment, he had the time of his life until he found himself without his smile or his ability to laugh. When he returned home and told his care-takers, they refused to believe him and simply spun his curse into a pointed attempt by him to prove his unhappiness. The following years were a self-fulfilling prophecy of misery, but they didn’t crush his spirit. Despite losing both his smile and his laugh, he found unorthodox ways to convey them that often get misconstrued as anger.
Now on the verge of adulthood, he’s decided to go back to the carnival on its return to the Material Plane to find out what happened to his smile and how to get it back. Then he’s going to accomplish his ultimate goal: reuniting with his mother. And he won’t let anyone get in his way.
Character Design and Backstory: @snailanimations​
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
The Locations of Chronair- The Lunal Taiga
The Lunal Taiga is located on the northern edge of the world. While mostly made of snow-covered tundra, there is a large ice-sheet with no earth underneath it on the western portion of the country.
This is the homeland of the Moon Elves, who’ve taken to the fact that the tundra knows no true daytime, and instead has a dawn that lasts for about four hours before the moon rises again.
The Capital City for Moon Elves is the City of Eclipses. This is, technically, half of a city. Its counterpart lies in the Solan Desert in the south, where the Sun Elves reside.
The City of Eclipses is perched on top of a large glacier at the north of the taiga. Most of it us just under the surface of the earth, but you can its astronomy towers from miles away.
Residents of the City of Eclipses can easily pass through to its counterpart with the Penumbral Gate that lies in the center. The Penumbral Gate is a 50ft tall archway made of gold with black tungsten filigree, powered by strong teleportation magic so that people who pass through are transported to its partner gate.
The Lunal Taiga is known for its prowess with astronomy and research into the heavens. Their observatories are known to be the best in the world, and all are invited to visit and learn. Most Wizards and Clerics journey here at least once in their lives to expand their crafts.
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
The Locations of Chronair- Solan Desert
The Solan Desert is located on the southern edge of the world. While mostly made of golden sands, there are several canyons and gorges that provide relief from the heat and the wind.
This is the homeland of the Sun Elves, who’ve taken to the fact that the desert knows no true night, and instead has a dusk that lasts for about four hours before the sun rises again.
The Capital City for Sun Elves is the City of Eclipses. This is, technically, half of a city. Its counterpart lies in the Lunal Taiga in the north, where the Moon Elves reside.
The City of Eclipses is carved into the side of a large gorge at the south of the desert, with several parts hanging over large caverns that stretch downwards.
Residents of the City of Eclipses can easily pass through to its counterpart with the Penumbral Gate that lies in the center. The Penumbral Gate is a 50ft tall archway made of black tungsten with gold filigree, powered by strong teleportation magic so that people who pass through are transported to its partner gate.
The Solan Desert is known for its prowess with diplomacy and philanthropy. Many portals to other towns, planes, and even worlds exist here, usually needing to be activated by a dedicated Portal Master. Bards and Rogues are common, making up a lot of the diplomatic-force.
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
The Locations of Chronair- The Roaring Forests
These forests cover the eastern portion of Chronair, immensely dense and only clearing up only as you hit the shale, rocky coast or the fields in the middle of the world.
Most Humans call the coastal villages their home, their capital being Eastfield, a well-populated port town that serves as a trade and fishing hub.
The forests are notoriously difficult to travel. If you stray from the path you are on, there is no guarantee that you will end up where you want to go. Fey magics run deep, pulling unsuspecting travelers from one end of the forests to the other, or even teleporting them to other parts of the world.
Inside the forest proper, reclusive Wood Elves have developed a city called the Unseen Wood. 
While they’re not too stringent about who can visit, it is considered a bad sign if you seek them out and are led astray by the fey magics of the forest.
The skies above the forests are constantly overcast. Thunderstorms happen fairly often, though the trees provide a little protection from the rain.
Both Eastfield and the Unseen Wood tend to draw in those who wish to bridge progress with the untamed natural world. Most druids and rangers are either born, raised, or end up here. And they’re often the only ones who can safely navigate the forests alone.
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
The Locations of Chronair- Brogdir’s Spine
On the western-most coast of Chronair, this towering mountain range/peninsula serves as the homeland of Dwarves. 
The peaks closer to the heart of the land are far greater than the mountains that cut into the ocean.
All towns and villages are developed underground. The most prominent of these is Terramine, which lies deep in the heart of the tallest peak, Mt. Stali. While not the capital, it is the most well-known to the rest of the world.
A series of specially made tunnels link the highest ore-producing towns with others across the world. These tunnels are carefully maintained and use of them is supposed to be strictly regimented. Only those who are authorized are allowed to traverse them.
Brogdir’s Spine has fair weather above ground. However, the underground is often frequently victim to earthquakes and tremors. Very rarely do these cause trouble, has most towns have metal reinforcements keeping most of the buildings stable.
While most people take on jobs to do with mining, metal-work, or jewel-crafting, several towns, including Terramine, have a rich culture in shows of strength and combat. 
Fighters and barbarians often pass through or even settle here, switching between wooing the crowds in battle and putting their muscles to work in the mines, either as bodyguards or miners themselves.
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
The Locations of Chronair- Central City
A city in the center of the world that was built hundreds of years ago. It is a central hub for people of all races and serves as the world capital. 
It, and the plains it resides in, are considered permanently neutral territory if war were to break out amongst the countries of Chronair.
Central City is the only prominent settlement in the plains it resides in. There are no other named settlements, simply collections of farms and rolling fields.
It is the single-most populated settlement in the world, having nearly double the people as the second most populated settlement.
Most Tieflings and Aasimar are born here as opposed to other parts of the world.
Sorcerers and paladins aren’t uncommon, usually serving as part of the guard. Warlocks also tend to flock here, either being sanctioned by the Counsel as heroes or using the crowded cities and dark underbellies to their advantage for nefarious purposes.
Central City tends to have fair weather, though residual changes from the different corners from the world aren’t uncommon. Light snow, rain, small tremors, and the occasional gust interrupt the typical idyllic state of the city from time to time.
The city is ruled by a counsel that consists of diplomats from each country of Chronair.
Most natives to Central City worship Valortia, the Goddess of Light and Dark.
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
Pantheon of Chronair
The world I built has a small pantheon of Gods that most people know of and worship to some extent. So here they are!
Brogdir- Dwarvish God of the Earth (Lawful Neutral).  It is believe that his whole body is what makes up the land, metals pulled out of the earth are his bones, and jewels are pieces of his soul. These are gifts that he expects his people, dwarves, to make good use of and share with the rest of the world. Mining, welding, and jewel-crafting are revered practices for people who worship him, and most are expected to take on one of these crafts, even non-dwarves who have made their home on dwarf lands.
Seriteris- Elvish Deity of the Heavens and head of the Pantheon (Chaotic Good). Due to differing dialects of Elvish, when the world was first made, two sets of Elves had a disagreement about the name and nature of this god. The beliefs drove a wedge between them and they went their separate ways, eventually becoming Sun and Moon Elves. Very few know about the true name and origin of this god, instead worshipping one of two derivatives.
Serit- The Celestial Ray. They are responsible for the warmth that comes to the world during the day and the ability to feel it. Sun Elves are expected to share that warmth to all the lands over, so that all may know and rejoice in it.
Teris- the Celestial Beam. They are responsible for the sanctity of nighttime and the ability to see beyond the scope of normal understanding. Moon Elves are expected to invite people to share in this ethereal splendor and learn from it.
Valortia, Infernal Goddess of Light and Dark (Lawful Good). She’s in charge of balance in the world, striving for darkness to be understood and for light to not be misused. It is within the laws of her religion that she always be depicted with all her Infernal features: horns, cloven hooves, forked tail, and a distinctive pair of bat-like wings. Unlike most gods, people of her bloodline can either come out as Tieflings or Aasimar. If lineage can be proven, both are equally revered.
Cain, God of Life and Spirit (True Neutral). While human in appearance, he is more often worshipped by Wood Elves than by humans. He is the least worshipped of the gods, simply because he only wants people to pay respects to the lands they live on and doesn’t care for intense worship. He is content this way, and people who worship him pay respects by either being one with the forests that he is claimed to have grown, or by going to other lands and helping them reach their full potential of life.
Krokna, Draconic Goddess of the Sea (Chaotic Neutral). She is believed to be the only one of the gods to still roam the planet, living deep in the bowels of the oceans that surround Chronair. She is rarely worshipped by anyone outside of the Dragonborn that live on the Scattered Scales, although many are quick to blame her for sunken ships or unfair weather during sea voyages. Nobody is sure what color her scales are, so she is often depicted with a rainbow-like visage. It's considered deeply disrespectful to depict her as only one color.
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
First official session went amazingly! Everyone had a lot of fun and I think I've found a good bit of confidence~
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
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A map of the world I built to kick-start the campaign. It’s a relatively young and small world in the multiverse, separated into six ‘countries’. This map only shows the borders as well as the capital/important cities. When the Witchlight Carnival visits, it usually posts up near the eastern end of Central City.
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chroniclesofchronair · 2 years ago
First Post
I’m about to run the Wild Beyond the Witchlight as a first time DM, so I thought I’d make a blog to kinda journal the whole thing. Let’s see how this goes!
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