chrisismy · 1 day
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Yeah I use my own way to represent the scene from the movie 😌
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chrisismy · 2 months
Please help them
Hello dear
I appeal to all the free people of the world who sympathize with the oppressed everywhere..
We in the Gaza Strip write this letter to you while we are in the most difficult moments of suffering, pain and misery.. The war has destroyed the Gaza Strip and displaced families and killed children, women and the elderly.. Those who remained alive suffer from hunger, thirst and lack of medicines and hospitals..
My family in the Gaza Strip consists of 30 children and women.. The war has deprived the children in my family of safety, going to school and playing like any other child.. Rather, they have become subject to daily suffering to secure food and search for water and medicine..
My family was displaced from the northern Gaza Strip and moved to the southern Gaza Strip and now lives in tents made of cloth and plastic in very difficult and complex tragic conditions.. They do not even find a mattress to sleep on, nor cooking gas, nor any of the necessities of life..
Your help and donations to us are a rescue and an effective contribution to alleviating these harsh conditions..
I am also trying to collect money in order to try to get the family out of the Gaza Strip and escape To Egypt when Rafah crossing opens..
Please help us by donating any amount and contribute to saving us from the hell in the Gaza Strip or help us reach the campaign and spread it widely by reblogging and sharing it with your friends
Thank you for your sympathy
This campaign is completely legitimate and aims to save my family
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chrisismy · 2 months
Hello dear🌹
I am Maria from Gaza I am an eight-year-old girl. I was waiting for her to start school, but the occupation deprived me of it. Please help us. Read our story in the link pinned on the page and share. Please, may God bless you.🙏
I’ve share the link and I hope your situation will get better…I wish I can help you and your family a little more🥲and I think you can attract more attention by means of posting your story with more details and pictures not only in the donation websites but also in your tumblr’s post! Don’t feel ashamed for asking for help in this way.Free Gaza!
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chrisismy · 2 months
Share please please 🙏
Help us donate, read my story in the link, we are in dire need of help, may God bless your lives and make you happy.
Please help us get out of life's crises and the woes of war.
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chrisismy · 2 months
We live on a dangerous battlefield, and our lives are threatened ❗❗
My name is Abdul Rahman Al-Habil. I am 21 years old, graphic designer. I am communicating with you from Gaza. I am stuck in Gaza with my family and my father has been suffering from heart disease for a year due to conflict, hunger and disease.
I was supporting my family financially because my father was sick with heart and cartilage disease and could not work.
Our family situation:
We are a beautiful family of 7 members. My mother, father, and four sisters and I survived several massacres during this period, but now we are fine and living in a refugee camp. We were strong and still trying to survive in the hope that we could leave for Egypt
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As for me:
I was working freelance in the field of graphic design for a short period before the conflict, but I did not have a beautiful stage in my field because the conflict stole everything I owned, such as my computer, my room, and my friends at work. I lost a lot.
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It is a year, the mountains cannot bear a quarter of this burden and worries, we are losing hope little by little 💔❗
Call for help:
Our campaign goal is 120 thousand. We will use 45 thousand to go out to Egypt (coordination) and 20 thousand to treat my father (surgery and hospital fees). We used about 35 thousand to buy food, water, tents and treatment for my parents in the last 6 months.
How can help you :
I'm sorry and I feel very ashamed to ask for help in this way, but I really need your help and humanity. I believe in your kindness and compassion to help us get out of annihilation to safety and help my father get treated and survive. I know some of you can't help financially, but sharing our story on your account will do well.
Vetted by : operation olive branch line 81 master list ✅
Vetted by : butter fly effect project line 625 ✅
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your donations and continued efforts. We can give my family hope and strength to get through this horrific time and start over.
Instagram TikTok X
@90-ghost @nabulsi @el-shab-hussein @abdullahgaza @appsa @sar-soor @vetted-gaza-funds @northgazaupdates2 @riding-with-the-wild-hunt
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