chridys-space · 14 days
Was talking with a friend today about how my gender identity might be shifting to a more nonbinary position, and they said that when I first talked to them about maybe being trans, that I said I was/might be nonbinary.
I have no memory of this 'xD
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chridys-space · 29 days
Hey remember when US and Russia was all like “We’re the best!!! We’ve won the space race!!!!” But India sent a kick-ass space probe to Mars and the whole mission was fuel efficient, costed less and a roaring success in the first try and then they were like “…..wait no that can’t be true” and still have the audacity to call us “underdeveloped” or only view us as a ‘third world country’? :)
For anyone who needs more info, the probe was called Mangalyaan (which literally means space probe vehicle) or Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) and you can also get more information here and here
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chridys-space · 1 month
Today I discovered that she created a blog in my name and with my picture and she writes the same posts as me except that she makes donors believe that they are donating to the Nesma campaign (My campaign and my family) which is verified by @el-shab-hussein here and @nabulsi here then she puts a link to her campaign. I contacted her asking her to explain the reason for what she did with the utmost politeness, and I was about to forgive her if she gave me a convincing reason, but she responded by blocking me from her account and continuing to defraud everyone with my name and picture. I did not expect the war to hurt me like this. I did not expect my people to stab me like this with their fraud and lies to everyone, so I ask you all to be careful and not to throw your money at those who do not deserve it. This is my main account @nesmamomen this is Amal’s fraudulent account @nessmamomen here . Please report her account and mention the @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi
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@fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain @just-browsing1222 @mothblossoms @aleciosun @serica-e @fluoresensitive @katherineonline @khizuo @lesbiandardevil @transmutationisms @schoolhater @timogsilangan @appsa @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada @palestinegenocide @orbleglorb @sar-soor @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @visenyasdragon @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @theropoda @tamarrud @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @tamarrud @skatezophrenic @awetistic-things @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @nabulsi
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chridys-space · 1 month
PLEASE for the love of the universe read anti-colonial science fiction and fantasy written from marginalized perspectives. Y’all (you know who you are) are killing me. To see people praise books about empire written exclusively by white women and then turn around and say you don’t know who Octavia Butler is or that you haven’t read any NK Jemisin or that Babel was too heavy-handed just kills me! I’m not saying you HAVE to enjoy specific books but there is such an obvious pattern here
Some of y’all love marginalized stories but you don’t give a fuck about marginalized creators and characters, and it shows. Like damn
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chridys-space · 1 month
I honestly cannot believe how far T(W)ERF rhetoric has spread on this site. They used to be the ONLY ones I saw openly mocking the concept of identifying as queer, the ONLY ones I saw referring to people as ‘kweer’ in a mocking way.
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chridys-space · 1 month
Please help me by donating and sharing. The situation for me and my child is very catastrophic. I want to meet the needs of my family and my child 🙏🏻💔
please donate and share!
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chridys-space · 1 month
One of the things that sucks about being an animation nerd is having to live with the fact that, from a technical standpoint, the Hotel Transylvania movies are absolutely ground-breakingly staggeringly incredible.
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chridys-space · 1 month
i feel like people are skimming over the uk riots in a way that makes me want to tear my hair out. muslims in the uk are in active danger. immigrants in the uk are in active danger. refugees in the uk are in active danger. people of colour in the uk are in active danger. asian communities in the uk are in active danger. black communities in the uk are in active danger.
there are massive far right riots throughout the country right now and people like fucking elon musk and nigel farage are inciting it and still have a platform to speak. people have used three young girls deaths, people's genuine grief in southport, to try and gain traction for their own racist bullshit and it's working.
a lot of refugee charities have been forced to close leaving many people without support, homes, funding, food, etc. if you aren't able to donate please consider sending a message via the conversation over borders campaign! it will send a hopeful, welcoming letter to a refugee in the uk. there is also a guide to staying safe here.
please do your own research and donate to refugee charities, anti-islamophobia charities, mosques who are trying to rebuild after being destroyed, counter protesters, here are some i've heard positive things about but the list is extensive; southport strong together (support for the southport victims and their families), emergency unity fund, southport mosque rebuilding, riot repair fund, middlesbrough vulnerable residents, nasir mosque rebuilding, hull help for refugees, bristol welcomes migrants,
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chridys-space · 1 month
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I learned in a Latin Studies class (with a chill white dude professor) that when the Europeans first saw Aztec cities they were stunned by the grid. The Aztecs had city planning and that there was no rational lay out to European cities at the time. No organization.
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chridys-space · 1 month
Link to video
Link to linktree in Polly's bio
There's SO much great stuff in her linktree, especially for USAmericans.
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Link to GFMs hosted on Polly's bio: Rawan, Abedalrahman, Abood and Fatima,
Link to Uncommitted Movement: TikTok, Web
Link to Operation Olive Branch: TikTok, Linktree
Link to GFMs vetted by OOB
Much appreciated if someone could do the video transcript.
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chridys-space · 1 month
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My mom decided to weigh in on this, on the side of the Italian boxer, thinking I'd allow her to repeat bullshit talking points for some reason (never have allowed that shit, especially not from someone who raised me not to tolerate racism or anything that ends with someone being put down)...I made her stay on the line until she admitted she was wrong.
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chridys-space · 1 month
A good video that accurately explains why stud is a term used for black lesbians only, not white, not poc, BLACK
I’m not even going to say please. Respect black identities and labels, they are ours for a reason.
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chridys-space · 1 month
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I’ve never been so taken out by a response
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chridys-space · 1 month
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The list goes on and on –> (x)
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chridys-space · 1 month
I was like "I love you" to my partner and they said "I love you" and I was like "Prommy?" And they were like "I pr--" and then they physically recoiled from me and looked at me like
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chridys-space · 1 month
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oh snap
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chridys-space · 2 months
this website - the "everyone here is notoriously already broke" website - has been funneling thousands of dollars to various gaza gofundmes. and then the "required" amount per person got raised, and then gofundme and the finance sites wouldn't release the money, and then the crossing got destroyed and no one can get through. and even when something reaches its goal, I've never actually seen a "success story" about someone getting out or getting their family of rafah because of it
serious question, has any of this mattered? did anyone actually get out because of a fundraiser? have we been doing anything at all other than laundering money for corrupt border guards? is this a better use of donations than, say, the esims? or donating to aid orgs? or any other way of trying to help?
"and i know the gofundmes here can be overwhelming"
here's the thing. fuck being overwhelming, fuck getting exhausted seeing the fundraisers every day, none of that matters. my only question is, have people actually been benefiting from it? not in a "I think someone is impersonating people and scamming us" way (I trust the verification work people have been doing), but in a "is this actually going somewhere" way. if every single "$5000 x number of people" fundraiser got filled up to the maximum, would it make a single bit of difference?
most of the families that made it to egypt before the border was destroyed by israel did so through funds raised by gofundme, including ahmed @90-ghost on tumblr, at least four people i know personally, and maybe hundreds more i know through acquaintances or i've seen on twitter. if you donated to these campaigns you would know this because they usually post updates saying "good news! we were able to get x out of gaza, but now we're trying to get the rest of our family out, so we've upped our goal to x."
most of the campaigns remain open because they will try to get the most vulnerable members of a family out first, after which they will try to get the rest out.
since the border was destroyed right now people are being displaced internally, which means instead of the money going to corrupt border guards it is used to buy tents, buy medical supplies, buy food, or rent some of the few units still standing in different areas within gaza. basic foodstuffs in gaza now can cost up to 200USD. and it is only getting worse and more extreme.
the only entries and exit are through israeli crossings now that egypt has no control over. egypt could be bribed. israel can't. they have a small list of injured children they occasionally evacuate through israel-controlled crossings and airbases, but just so you understand how this is also part of the genocide and how israelis use any excuse to allow more people from gaza to die, netanyahu froze one crossing as a 'retaliation' for the bombing of (syrian, arab) children in majdal shams that no one has actually taken responsibility for.
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other crossings were out of use for weeks because israel allowed settlers to block the aid trucks going into gaza, until the rafah border was destroyed and these blockades were no longer necessary.
they also consistently close the single humanitarian corridor, kerem shalom crossing. yesterday it was open to deliver 80 bodies of unidentified dead palestinians to be buried in a mass grave, today the "humanitarian route" is closed until further notice.
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if the border was still open, you would have more feel-good stories and you would be confident your money was going to evacuate people (also known as ethnic cleansing. i hope you understand that this best-case scenario you're referring to, this hope you want to cling to, is forced displacement of people who have lost their homes and who may never be able to return.)
but israel destroyed the border. people are still raising money to register their families for once it does open, but there is no guarantee of when that will happen, and most of the money ends up used so they can survive their current displacements within gaza.
there's a lack of feel-good stories because it's a genocide. that's all. this has been nothing but ten months of torture and slow death and closing every avenue for survival to gazans. now you know what that means.
anyway you should donate to e-sims for gaza because those are also running out
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