chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
as "Vanessa" (& Fight Choreographer)
Directed by Michael Villalobos
Written by Axel Estrada
Produced by Leah Gaydos
Director of Photography: Nihal Dantluri
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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One Night Only. Come see me and some of the funniest people I know in a Zoom-Staged Reading of George Zahora's "Christmas Comes But Once A Year" with Oak Park Festival Theatre. Last night, we had tech, and we all realized how much we'd MISSED tech. Overcoming problems as a group, the hilarious things that happen when everyone's trying to get on the same page but you're not quite there yet, and just those moments of lag where the strangest inside jokes happen. It was three hours of dipping our toes back into that kind of human collaboration we're missing so hard right now. And it's a really nice thing to hang onto. Photo by Paul Stafford
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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"Stunt Chloe" - first SAG Stunt Job. Thank you to Chris Nolte, Rick LeFevour, and the whole team for this incredible experience and opportunity. Whole crew got tested five times before we got on set. A bright ray of sunshine. Really, really thankful. (at Cinespace Chicago Film Studios)
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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Step 1: Wear Mask. 👹 Step 2: Kick Ass. ⚔️ (In a controlled environment with choreography and an awesome coordinator after 2 more COVID tests.)
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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A Rogue Teen. 6/28/2019.
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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This was such a fantastic experience. First TV credit and got to do my own stunt! Many thanks to Stewart Talent Chicago, PR Casting, and Sarah Wisterman my even-more-evil twin. I love how much collaboration goes into EVERYTHING in this industry. We're an ecosystem, we rely on each other, and I'm really thankful to be surrounded by wonderful, empathetic artists that bring out the best in me.
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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Imogen is NOT having it. But Chloe is. Thank you for inviting me to work with/nerd out in class yesterday with Chicago Shakespeare Theater - we're all a little lost in the woods right now but, after 20-odd years on this earth, Shakespeare's seen me through enough that I'd practically call playing with his work a coping mechanism. If anyone's in a mood, tell me about it and I'll send you a Shakespeare monologue that matches your mood cause you should feel seen today.
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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I was on set professionally for the first time since before the pandemic began this past weekend. We had a COVID safety officer. We wore masks. We mitigated risk. We union-ed. It was incredible. To be in the room, to connect with a partner and a team, to feel, to be full and to be artistic and to create together. I can't share any photos yet, but I can't wait for you all to see what we've made. ❤️🤺 All of this to say there is hope and to offer a small piece of it this cold Friday. And you can never forget how to be an artist, I promise. Also, look at this delightful mailbox. Save the post office. Off to buy stamps. Photo by Steven Batsch 📷
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
I know how this sounds, but watch til the end. 🦆 Paul and I have been testing his new pieces of equipment by making little sketches. 🎬
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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"I dare you." Paul levelled up our scrappy filmmaking game using PVC and skateboard wheels this weekend. This is how we do it. One piece at a time.
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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Create. Use your voice. Share your perspective and humor and depth. Love yourself fully so that your fullest self shows up to do the work. Know that your perspective is one of many and Collaborate. Share. Listen. Repeat. 🎥 by Paul Stafford
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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If you want to be a hero, you might need a mask. ⚡ 📷 by Paul Stafford
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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And Happy Mother's Day to all of my pretend moms ✨❤️ both onstage and off, family and friend, the wealth of ladies I have in my life that I get to look up to is massive. 📸 Liz Lauren(at Goodman Theatre)
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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Restart (2020) This was one of those things where everything just comes together in exactly the right way at the right time. Still really thankful that this stellar crew accommodated my new SAG status as we figured out the contracts together. So damn happy I got to fight in my own fight as a choreographer. It was fun to get to play to my strengths and sensibilities. It's a beautiful, intriguing film. And like all projects that mean the most to me, it's really most about the amazing people I got to meet. Fingers crossed for our festival circuit 🤞 and just so happy we all came together to create something we care about. 🎥 Prod. @leahgaydos Dir. @m.villxlobos D.P. @nihal_dantluri Written by @m.villxlobos & @axestradaa ⏳
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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Teaching 30 min. of Basic Mandarin at 10AM CST Monday on Insta Live. 🇨🇳 For all ages, and anyone is welcome! I can't believe I was in Beijing only six months ago. It was such an amazing trip, and I hope someday I get to go back there to be in a film or go to Xi'an or both or more. If you're in, let me know in the comments! (at China)
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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Lone Wolf Supernatural Vampire Witch Detectives Assemble. 📷 Paul Stafford
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chloenoellebaldwin · 4 years
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You say witch like it's a bad thing. ✨🍳 📷 Paul Stafford
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