chivalrain · 10 months
Xingqiu fidgeted with the petals of one of his silk flowers as Lumine spoke.
"That is a logical conclusion, my liege. If it is so, the plot thickens!" He sounded a bit too excited about it. "We shall track down the culprits and unmask them both. For motive, gold is always a reliable guess, but if they've decided to band together, perhaps it is something else. Why share the earnings?" he mused. "Hmmm, I suppose one group could always be planning cross the other. The foulness found within the depths of there rogue's hearts is not to be underestimated."
With that, he turned to the balloon in need of patching. He picked up the bulk of his gathered flowers, holding them out to her.
"After we take care of this, our adversaries don't stand a chance."
As urgent as the situation was, Xingqiu paused.
"Do you require assistance, or can I finish a chapter while you do this?"
Lumine did not have much luck with her interrogations either - gaining very little valuable information from the elderly people who live in the small villages of Liyue.
However, near the end of her investigation, she did happen to overhear a rather interesting conversation between a lone Treasure Hoarder and a masked man whom she could only assume to be related to the Fatui in one way or another. It was not particularly odd to see those two groups interact, as they already established some kind of business relationship from the Chasm incident onwards. With many Fatui still trapped inside the mines to these days and the Millelith's unwillingness to provide them with the proper supplies, they had no other choice but to turn to the Treasure Hoarders for food and other general goods.
ー So what is to say they are not working together in this situation as well? The Fatui are a vital part of Liyue's international trade, meaning independent traders such as Allan could potentially prove a threat to them if they were to offer the same or similar goods under better conditions.
As much as her fingers were itching to simply grab her sword and go confront the duo directly, the Traveller controlled her temper for now and quietly retreated back to the meeting place to report everything to Xingqiu, who had returned with the Silk Flowers at that point.
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"ーー What do you think? I believe it is a path worth exploring."
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chivalrain · 11 months
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chivalrain · 11 months
Xingqiu mused over her words. He had plenty of silk resources back home, but it would be faster to simply gather a few flowers and not have to explain why he was dealing with such a trifle as a stranger's balloon to anyone at home.
"Alright, that is a sound course of action." He addressed both Allan and Lumine. "I'll go by the inn. We can meet up back here, then."
He found the inn and its view of the country and cliffs to be spectacular, but he wasn't there to sight see. Xingqiu traveled without delay, making small talk without stopping for too long, wondering if there had been any other attacks. The silk flowers were easy enough to find around the base of the tower. He plucked them gently, mind elsewhere.
As it happened, the local regulars didn't know much, but a stranger who'd been pursued by Treasure Hoarders blamed them.
"They came after my cart on the way here," he insisted. "I don't know anything about a balloon, but they'll take anything."
Xingqiu took note, sighing. "They were a prime suspect. That input is helpful, and I will endeavor to right their wrongs." He covered the losses to the man with what to him amounted to pocket change, saying it was nothing. It was simply right.
He returned to Allan with the flowers and waited for Lumine, who he hoped had more of a lead than simply a band of Treasure Hoarders who could be anywhere.
"To make use of these flowers..."
When the Traveller scanned the commission board, there was one name which immediately caught her eye ー Allan. She did in fact know this man, having helped him safely escort one of his transportation balloons in the past.
With the natural environment of Teyvat being the way it is, transportation of goods from one nation to another is not an easy feat, so balloons are often the most convenient way to do so. Their downside? They can easily be destroyed by enemies - or like in this case - those with malicious intents.
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"Ahー There you are. Katheryne told me that you were already on your way to investigate the crime scene, but she figured you could use some assistance."
A heavy sigh fell from her lips, both hands placed on her hips as she gauged the damage. "We will definitely have to patch it up, or it won't be flying again any time soon."
Fortunately, Lumine did have a some experience with construction furniture for her Teapot, so she should be able to handle it.
"We will need some high-quality fabric made from silk flowers first. I have a couple on hand, but I'm afraid we will need more. They most commonly grow around Wangshuu Inn and Liyue Harbor, so I suggest we split up and cover one place each."
On their way, they could ask around in case any of the locals had seen any suspicious individuals.
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chivalrain · 11 months
𓆰 for justice! [Lumine & Xingqiu]
Starter for @lightcffireflies
Allan, a local ranger and trader, is having some issues with his transport balloon. It appears to have been intentionally sabotaged. Pieces of rope have been burnt, holes have been pierced, and wooden boards are just missing all together. Whether done by a band of lost hilichurls or a tactful saboteur, this is malicious to say the least! Please help Allan repair his balloon and if possible, find the source of what caused this heinous crime.
Burnt rope end sat in his palm, trailing off onto the ground as he stood back up. Xingqiu frowned as he examined the sabotaged remains of the balloon. It seemed to him that it couldn't have been random. The culprit was still at large, so more merchants' balloons may be in danger.
First, tending to the victim before seeking justice.
"There should be most of the materials needed to replace the basket and rope of the balloon." Xingqiu calculated how much he'd need as he tapped his chin thoughtfully. "As for the balloon itself, hmm..."
He looked up, brightening as he saw someone coming his and Allan's way.
"My liege, just in time. We have an urgent matter to attend to here. You wouldn't happen to know where to find matterial to patch this balloon, would you? If not... we have a troublemaker on the loose to find."
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chivalrain · 11 months
𓆰 loose leaf [Open]
Open Starter for anyone!
He hadn't been so engrossed in a book for awhile.
Though he was free to leave Wanwen Bookshop once paying for his book, he loitered inside among the shelves, eyes fixed on the text before him. The novel he read, one of daring adventures and battles with epic moves to outdo the last, was truly captivating, an inspiration for his own writing.
Eventually, shooed out by Jifang, he left, eyes still on his book. He walked on autopilot through Liyue Harbor, stopping only when he found an adequate bench to continue reading on by one of the many lotus ponds.
Speaking of his own writing,
"Oh no." Xingqiu patted the inside pocket of his jacket where his outlined sequel to A Legend of Sword had been. He'd thought that the papers with the outline haphazardly scrawled on it would be safe, but it must have scattered all over the ground as he'd walked, oblivious to everything but his new book.
He stood up, immediately gesturing to the nearest passerby, keeping his tone as polite yet urgent as possible.
"Wait, noble stranger. I have a favor to ask of you, and one I am willing to repay. Some documents which are of the utmost importance to myself have gotten lost around town, and I would appreciate your confidentiality should you find them. They're all handwritten, and should be around here somewhere. Might you have the time to help me?"
He seemed blissfully unaware that no one could have hoped to read his notes anyway.
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chivalrain · 11 months
𓆰 masked, show your true self [The Wanderer & Xingqiu]
Starter for @hxllowedpuppet
[SUMERU]: During the previous reign of the Great Sages, many festivities and celebrations were banned in the pursuit of complete control and knowledge. As such, it’s about time we revive and create some new special events to be held. One bright student at the Akademiya read about ancient parties held where people would disguise themselves as monsters to ward off lingering evil energies. While dressing up as a Hilichurl or a slime may not be the hip thing amongst the newer generation, the point still stands that you are hereby invited to the first ever Sumeru Akademiya Costume Party Extravaganza!!! Held in the Rtawahist main hall. Snacks will be provided. :)
It was not how he'd planned to visit Akademiya, but there was no way he'd pass up the chance to see the great institution in person. News of the revived festival had managed to spread even to Liyue, and Xingqiu had pulled a few strings to get a perfect costume ready in time.
Too perfect.
He could hold his own, though he didn't want to against fellow travelers and the people of Sumeru. However, he wasn't fond of the idea of taking his costume off either. For what felt like the tenth time, he waved his gloved hands pacifyingly at a terrified civilian.
"Listen," he said, under the full covering of his Abyss Mage mask and cowl. "I mean you no harm! I am not a real Abyss Mage. Surely you can hear my voice doesn't match that of those troublesome rogues. Could you please direct me towards Akademiya?"
He had to admit, it was funny.
Directed towards the main hall, he made his way there in full costume, stopping behind a stranger near the hall. He couldn't tell what this person was dressed as, but surely he would be attending, right? Xingqiu tapped him on the shoulder, smile hidden behind his mask.
"Boo!" He spread his arms wide, striking a pose while holding a replica of an Abyss Mage staff proudly.
With that out of the way,
"What's your costume? Surely you are joining us in this ancient celebration."
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chivalrain · 11 months
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Let me weave you a verse.
Xingqiu RP blog, closed and affiliated with @gnostichymns.
All group rules apply. Mun is 18+ but shipping is strictly SFW, chemistry based. Let me know about tagging triggers/anything else if needed!
Written by: Zhenyu Elf, preferred contact is Discord/group server.
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chivalrain · 11 months
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X | Xingqiu | Genshin Impact
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