cara had to give it to her, she was right. she had been the one to drag this woman into a back room completely free of charge and without giving her much of a chance to say no. she allowed to other to pull her closer and with a smirk pulled away and threw the skimpy dress she was wearing to the other side of the room. now just in her bra, thong and heels, cara moved back over to her companion and turned to face away from her, she found the volume buttons for the music and turned it up, swaying her hips and moving back to sit on the other’s lap with her hips still moving to the music. “usually i say no touching but honestly you can touch me wherever you want.”
cara smirked back at the woman as her and her friends sat, she only had eyes on her. everyone else seemed to disappear from the room. she danced like she hadn’t danced before, showing the woman in front of her exactly what she could do. she used the pole as a prop to showcase her very best moves and she looked up with a smile as she caught the woman’s eye again. “come closer.” she mouthed, she wanted her to see it all up close and she could just tell that this woman was enjoying what she saw. cara stopped for a moment, sipping her drink whilst maintaining eye contact with the beautiful woman, she wanted to know her, she wanted to take her off into a private area and make sure it was just her eyes on her. she nodded towards the back rooms suggestively hoping the woman wouldn’t think she was just trying to get extra money out of her. if she paid for a private dance she’d give her the money back later, she wanted to do this.
alex kept her eyes on the woman, not really bothering to look around to see if there were anyone else worth her time there. the woman in front of her was intoxicating enough. seeing the woman mouth for her to come closer, alex couldn’t really help the smirk forming on her lips. she ran a hand through her hair as she got up, making her way over to the other at her friends’ amusement. she gave her a small nod as the woman gestured towards the back rooms, soon standing in front of the other. “let’s go then.” alex husked, finishing her beer and placing it on a table beside them.
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melodie smiled into the kiss, this was everything she could’ve hoped for and more and she felt the happiest she’d been in a long time in that moment. she sighed in contentment as caden’s hands came to her ribs and she knew that she needed more. melodie reached for the bottom of caden’s shirt now and pulled at it to get it over her head and with a smirk she stood back to admire the other’s body. “has anyone ever told you just how gorgeous you are? so perfect.” she pulled the other back in and kissed her with way more passion than she had ever kissed anyone and she knew in that moment that she didn’t have to worry about coming back from this because they could move forward and she wanted to move forward with caden by her side.
melodie was torn, they would never be able to go back to how they were after this and that worried her a little but what she felt when she had kissed caden was like nothing she had ever felt before. she smiled and nodded in agreement. “we should never stop.” she couldn’t help but chuckle at what they were doing on what day they were doing after all their words about how it sucked so much, well it didn’t suck so much anymore. she kissed caden again, this time she ran her tongue along caden’s lower lip begging for entrance.
kissing melodie had made caden forget everything that had to do with their friendship. this would be jeopardizing all of that, but she didn’t care. right now, she couldn’t care less. the way kissing melodie felt was beyond anything she had ever had. “yeah, that sounds like a plan.” caden grinned, pressing their lips together again, and immediately opening her mouth to grant melodie entrance. if this was what valentine’s day could be, caden could get onboard with that. this was way better than being angry about it. she pulled melodie as close as she possibly could slipping her hands under her shirt and pushing it up slightly as she let her hands explore the other woman’s ribs.
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jj could feel how much emily both wanted and needed her and that sent her off into a whole new dimension and she was so desperate to make the brunette come. she kept up the pace of her fingers as she pushed another finger inside and she kept up the pace with her tongue too as she moaned against the other. she slowed for a moment just to look up and with a smile she spoke. “come for me, come in my mouth.” she could feel that she was close herself but wanted emily to have her release first.
“i’m sure we can arrange that.” jj slipped her tongue through wet folds smiling at the taste of her friend. friend? could they even say they were friends anymore? she moaned into it as she slipped her tongue into emily’s opening before moving up to her clit, sucking and nipping as she flicked her tongue over it. she remained on her clit with her tongue and pushed a couple of fingers inside, this was everything she had ever dreamed of. “you taste so good emily.” she mumbled softly, she knew that she would come soon just from fucking emily and that was special.
emily’s hips bucked when she felt jj’s tongue against her. it sent shivers down her spine, feeling beyond anything she could have ever imagined. she rolled her head back, keeping her hand tangled in the blonde locks as she let out a loud moan. “god, you feel so good, jayje.” pushing jj’s head closer to her, emily started moving her hips, desperate to get closer to the blonde, as close as she possibly could.
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“we were headed in different directions maya. i just thought we’d be better off going our own ways and - i was wrong, okay? i admit that whole heartedly. i was wrong to think that i would be better of without you.” carina allowed maya to pull her down into a kiss and it just felt right, it felt good. it felt like home. “maya, please give me another chance. we can do this right, bella.” she couldn’t be certain that it would even work but she knew that for what it was worth, she really wanted to try. she kissed maya again, not wanting to lose that contact.
“just let me look after you, maya. dio mio.” carina was frustrated, she had no right to be but she was. she laughed bitterly as maya spoke. “you’re right, i love her and i was happy but i’m not in love with her maya, i’m in love with you. i have been happy but i was always happier with you. i love you maya and i will do anything to prove that to you.” she dipped her head to hide the tears that had formed in her eyes. maybe she should just let maya go but she didn’t want to, she didn’t want to let her go ever again. she wiped a stray tear from her cheek as she checked maya’s stats. “just stay for an hour so i can keep an eye on your oxygen levels and i’ll get ortho to check your arm and then you can go.”
“i don’t need you to look after me though. i’m fine. it’s not like i haven’t been through this before. you know that.” maya sighed, keeping her eyes closed with her head on the pillow. she knew she would melt the second she looked at the brunette, especially when she was saying the things she was saying. while she knew carina was the only one she wanted to be with in life, they had broke up for a reason. while maya was still unsure as to why – it had seemed to be something carina felt strongly about, so her change in behavior confused the blonde. “i don’t get why we broke up in the first place then.” maya swallowed, sitting up a bit again before letting her eyes meet carina’s. they were beautiful. they were the only eyes she wanted to be looking into for the rest of her life. seeing tears seeping from them made maya’s heart drop. “hey, come here.” she let go of the brunette’s hand and reached out to wipe the tears from her cheek. “okay. i’ll stay. just don’t cry, please.” she tried to offer a small smile as she let her thumb rub across carina’s cheek, her hand soon dropping to her shirt so she could pull her down for a slow, gentle kiss.
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cara led the other by the hand with a smirk, she took her into one of the back rooms where there was a single chair and a couch. she sat the other on the chair and began to dance in front of her. she waved off the security from by the door trusting that this woman wouldn’t do anything to harm her. “what do you want me to do for you? i’m open to just about anything.” she swayed her hips and moved closer, her hands coming to the other’s shoulders.
cara smirked back at the woman as her and her friends sat, she only had eyes on her. everyone else seemed to disappear from the room. she danced like she hadn’t danced before, showing the woman in front of her exactly what she could do. she used the pole as a prop to showcase her very best moves and she looked up with a smile as she caught the woman’s eye again. “come closer.” she mouthed, she wanted her to see it all up close and she could just tell that this woman was enjoying what she saw. cara stopped for a moment, sipping her drink whilst maintaining eye contact with the beautiful woman, she wanted to know her, she wanted to take her off into a private area and make sure it was just her eyes on her. she nodded towards the back rooms suggestively hoping the woman wouldn’t think she was just trying to get extra money out of her. if she paid for a private dance she’d give her the money back later, she wanted to do this.
alex kept her eyes on the woman, not really bothering to look around to see if there were anyone else worth her time there. the woman in front of her was intoxicating enough. seeing the woman mouth for her to come closer, alex couldn’t really help the smirk forming on her lips. she ran a hand through her hair as she got up, making her way over to the other at her friends’ amusement. she gave her a small nod as the woman gestured towards the back rooms, soon standing in front of the other. “let’s go then.” alex husked, finishing her beer and placing it on a table beside them.
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“why not?” caden smirked as her thumb rubbed across her jaw, a small, soft chuckle slipping from her at melodie’s words. she let her hands slip further down the other’s back, eventually resting them on her ass, squeezing gently. when melodie pulled away from the kiss, caden kept her arms around her, holding her close still. “you’re unbelievable.” she mumbled as she let their foreheads rest together, allowing them to catch their breaths. “we should do that again.”
melodie was torn, they would never be able to go back to how they were after this and that worried her a little but what she felt when she had kissed caden was like nothing she had ever felt before. she smiled and nodded in agreement. “we should never stop.” she couldn’t help but chuckle at what they were doing on what day they were doing after all their words about how it sucked so much, well it didn’t suck so much anymore. she kissed caden again, this time she ran her tongue along caden’s lower lip begging for entrance.
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“then i want to go to bed with you every night, and wake up to you every morning.” emily smiled, nuzzling her nose against jj’s. another moan slipped from her when she felt the blonde’s teeth around her nipple. being this close to jj was everything she had needed, everything she had wanted for so long now. with her hand still tangled in the blonde hair, she gave it a light pull as she let out another moan. the brunette didn’t hesitate to lift her hips as jj tugged at her underwear, letting her make easy work of them. as she settled between her legs, emily pushed up on her elbow, keeping her other hand in jj’s hair as a smirk settled on her lips. “i want you to make me come.”
“i’m sure we can arrange that.” jj slipped her tongue through wet folds smiling at the taste of her friend. friend? could they even say they were friends anymore? she moaned into it as she slipped her tongue into emily’s opening before moving up to her clit, sucking and nipping as she flicked her tongue over it. she remained on her clit with her tongue and pushed a couple of fingers inside, this was everything she had ever dreamed of. “you taste so good emily.” she mumbled softly, she knew that she would come soon just from fucking emily and that was special.
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how maya was doing was none of carina’s business. it really wasn’t. even though maya wanted it to be. “i’m fine though, you’ve no reason to keep me here.” maya groaned, rolling her head back onto the pillow as she let out a sigh. "i was just doing my job, carina.” she couldn’t help the butterflies swarming back to her stomach when she felt the brunette’s hand in her own again. it calmed her down somehow. it shouldn’t. but it did. her jaw clenched shut again at carina’s words. it took her a few seconds to wrap her head around what she had just said. “you said you love her. you said she was good to you. that you were happy. so you shouldn’t have done that.” it wasn’t like maya hadn’t done the same thing. well, she had gone home to her own place and not talked to her girlfriend since. she hadn’t – really told her what was going on, but – she was convinced she already knew the blonde wasn’t invested the way she should be.
“just let me look after you, maya. dio mio.” carina was frustrated, she had no right to be but she was. she laughed bitterly as maya spoke. “you’re right, i love her and i was happy but i’m not in love with her maya, i’m in love with you. i have been happy but i was always happier with you. i love you maya and i will do anything to prove that to you.” she dipped her head to hide the tears that had formed in her eyes. maybe she should just let maya go but she didn’t want to, she didn’t want to let her go ever again. she wiped a stray tear from her cheek as she checked maya’s stats. “just stay for an hour so i can keep an eye on your oxygen levels and i’ll get ortho to check your arm and then you can go.”
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carina would be lying if she said that maya’s words didn’t hurt her. they did. but she was right, it wasn’t really any of her business anymore. “i’m not discharging you, maya. don’t be stupid.” she called over an intern to get the other woman some painkillers and gently felt maya’s injured arm. she felt terrible for her, maybe this was her fault. “maya, you need to be more careful. i don’t know what i’d do if something serious happened to you.” she averted eye contact with a sigh taking the blonde’s hand again, she gave it a gentle squeeze and rubbed her thumb along the back of it. “i told my girlfriend that i couldn’t be with her anymore after you left last night. i told her i was still in love with my ex.”
maya x carina [ @chis1x1 ]
maybe it was because of the night before. maybe her head wasn’t where it was supposed to be at. maybe she was overwhelmed by her emotions. whatever it was – maya had pushed too far at work. catching a ride with the ambulance to the hospital, she was shoved onto a hospital bed by one of the doctors swarming the ambulance as they pulled up in front of the pit. “fucking hell, i can walk just fine.” maya groaned as she pulled the oxygen mask from her face, only to have the doctor push it back against her. she rolled her eyes as she was wheeled into the pit. the adrenaline rush from the fire has started to wear off, and her shoulder was hurting more by the second. she knew it was dislocated, but goddamn was it supposed to hurt this much? ‘eyes forward and shake it off’, maya thought to herself, trying to stick to her guns. she looked around the er as she was wheeled in, praying to god she didn’t have to see carina around. it wasn’t that often she would be anywhere but her own floor, so maya tried to convince herself the chances were slim today too. she wasn’t really paying attention as the doctor described how he was going to fix her shoulder, her brain was too occupied with worrying about seeing her ex-girlfriend around. it wasn’t until they started wrestling with her arm she slept out a loud groan at the pain. “fucking hell, are you trying to kill me?” she yelled at the doctor, her jaw soon clenching shut as she realized what she had done. “sorry. i’m fine. I’m fine, that feels better. can i go now?” she asked, pulling off the oxygen mask again, only to have is slapped back on by the doctor again. “i don’t like you very much.” she mumbled under her breath, soon letting out a couple coughs.
carina was headed outside, she wanted to get away from everything and everyone for a little while. she could hear a commotion in the er, it wasn’t unusual but as she heard the voice she froze and looked around. sure enough, there was maya. what the hell was she doing here? all memories of the night before out the window, carina ran over. “hey, hey. what’s going on? maya are you okay, bella? what happened?” she reached out her hand for maya’s being careful to not hurt her in any way. she turned to the doctor that was with her and gave a smile. “i’ve got this, you can go.” the relief on the other doctor’s face was obvious and carina closed the curtain around the bed before moving back to check on maya. “are you calm now? you can’t shout at people like that, he was just trying to help you. do you want some pain relief? it looks swollen bambina, you need to take some time off work for this to heal,” she knew that was the opposite of what maya would want to do but she would make sure herself that maya didn’t risk damaging herself further.
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maya x carina [ @chis1x1 ]
maybe it was because of the night before. maybe her head wasn’t where it was supposed to be at. maybe she was overwhelmed by her emotions. whatever it was – maya had pushed too far at work. catching a ride with the ambulance to the hospital, she was shoved onto a hospital bed by one of the doctors swarming the ambulance as they pulled up in front of the pit. “fucking hell, i can walk just fine.” maya groaned as she pulled the oxygen mask from her face, only to have the doctor push it back against her. she rolled her eyes as she was wheeled into the pit. the adrenaline rush from the fire has started to wear off, and her shoulder was hurting more by the second. she knew it was dislocated, but goddamn was it supposed to hurt this much? ‘eyes forward and shake it off’, maya thought to herself, trying to stick to her guns. she looked around the er as she was wheeled in, praying to god she didn’t have to see carina around. it wasn’t that often she would be anywhere but her own floor, so maya tried to convince herself the chances were slim today too. she wasn’t really paying attention as the doctor described how he was going to fix her shoulder, her brain was too occupied with worrying about seeing her ex-girlfriend around. it wasn’t until they started wrestling with her arm she slept out a loud groan at the pain. “fucking hell, are you trying to kill me?” she yelled at the doctor, her jaw soon clenching shut as she realized what she had done. “sorry. i’m fine. I’m fine, that feels better. can i go now?” she asked, pulling off the oxygen mask again, only to have is slapped back on by the doctor again. “i don’t like you very much.” she mumbled under her breath, soon letting out a couple coughs.
carina was headed outside, she wanted to get away from everything and everyone for a little while. she could hear a commotion in the er, it wasn’t unusual but as she heard the voice she froze and looked around. sure enough, there was maya. what the hell was she doing here? all memories of the night before out the window, carina ran over. “hey, hey. what’s going on? maya are you okay, bella? what happened?” she reached out her hand for maya’s being careful to not hurt her in any way. she turned to the doctor that was with her and gave a smile. “i’ve got this, you can go.” the relief on the other doctor’s face was obvious and carina closed the curtain around the bed before moving back to check on maya. “are you calm now? you can’t shout at people like that, he was just trying to help you. do you want some pain relief? it looks swollen bambina, you need to take some time off work for this to heal,” she knew that was the opposite of what maya would want to do but she would make sure herself that maya didn’t risk damaging herself further.
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maya sighed when carina picked her up, wrapping her arms around her neck as she carried her towards the sinks. she placed her hands on the brunette’s ass, pulling her closer against her. a small groan left her as carina moved away. she knew this wasn’t fair on either of their girlfriends. she knew it was wrong, but everything with carina felt so right. “i know.” she let out a sigh and held on to carina’s hand. “don’t tell me it didn’t feel right though. ‘cause I won’t believe you.” maya said, pushing away from the sinks and turning around to fix her hair in the mirror. “i still don’t really know what that reason was though. but – i’m sure it makes sense in the big picture. i shouldn’t have come after you. you didn’t want me to do it then, so i shouldn’t have assumed you did now.” maya gave her a small smile before making her way to the door. “take care of yourself, dr. deluca.” she gave her one last glance before making her way out of the bathroom.
maya was right, it felt so right and there was no going back from what had just happened but there was still the issue of them both having girlfriends who were in the club behind the door they had just kissed against. “maya, wait. don’t dr deluca me. please, don’t leave like this. i don’t want you to leave like this.” she had to fight the urge to tell maya she was in love with her, she couldn’t do it. not after she’d just told her to leave. “we can be friends maya, it doesn’t have to be like this. i missed you so much.” while carina only cared about maya in that moment, she had to think of her girlfriend, she was a good person and she was completely innocent in all of this. “i’ll see you around, okay?”
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“i didn’t say that.” maya sighed. she had by no means meant to insinuate that carina’s new girlfriend was bad at her job. she had simply felt the need to check up on the brunette. “that’s – nice. i’m happy for you.” she wasn’t. maya really wasn’t. she was jealous. “i just wanted to make sure you were okay. that’s all, carina. i’m sorry i overstepped.” she swallowed, looking down at her arms in an attempt to distract herself from how good carina looked. “it’s fine. i just wanted to check in on you. i’ll stay in my own lane. i’ll just – we’ll leave and go somewhere else. i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” maya offered, looking back up at carina just in time to see the woman moving towards her. she soon felt all of the brunette’s body heat against her. “what are you–” she mumbled just as she felt carina’s lips against her own, her arms wrapping around the other’s waist and her hands settling on her ass as she pulled her closer. maya knew that everything about this was wrong, but she didn’t care. carina was home. carina was the love of her life. that had never changed. their bodies were made for each other, they fit like they were made for each other.
carina smirked into the kiss as she picked maya up and wrapped her legs around her waist. she moved them over to the sinks where she placed maya down gently, moving between her legs. she never broke the kiss once and she didn’t ever want to break it. she wanted to do this forever. she was too deep in the kiss to notice the door open until someone cleared their throat next to them. she pulled away and turned to face the stranger. “sorry.” she mumbled. she helped maya down, giving the blonde’s hand a squeeze. “i have to go maya. they’re going to be wondering where we are…” she pushed a strand of hair out of maya’s face and frowned a little. “we shouldn’t have done that, that was wrong and they don’t deserve this…we need to go our separate ways now. we broke up for a reason.”
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emily bit down on her lip as she watched jj throw her shirt to the side. she was beautiful. everything she had imagined and more. a grin spread on her lips as she helped pull her own shirt off, tilting her head as she looked down on jj. “is this what every morning with you is like? ‘cause if it is – i want it.” emily grinned, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to her lips, one hand rubbing her neck as she did so. a moan escaped her at the feeling of jj’s tongue sneaking into her mouth. she sighed as as jj flipped them over, a smirk on her face as she felt her lips move down her neck, another moan slipping from her as a hand tangled in the blonde hair in front of her.
“morning and night.” jj teased, if emily wanted her this way she could have her whenever and wherever she wanted. hearing emily moan was like hearing the most beautiful piece of music you could ever imagine. it was the sweetest symphony and she would never get tired of hearing it. she continued on her downward trail of kisses, moaning as she got to emily’s breasts. she drew a nipple in between her lips and bit down on it, looking up with a smirk. she licked and sucked until her need for more became too overpowering. she moved her kisses down once more until she reached emily’s panty line. “these need to come off, lift up.” she pulled them down and pushed the down the brunette’s long beautiful legs before taking her place between her legs. “tell me what you want.”
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“well, i live here too, so – i think i’m allowed to go out and get drunk when i want to. it’s – it’s been five years.” maya swallowed. five years was a long time, and it probably meant she should have gotten rid of the butterflies in her stomach by now. they should have left a long time ago. they should have left when they broke up, and maya thought they had. seeing carina again though – looking as beautiful as she did – nope. they were very much still there. she watched as the woman moved closer, and crossed her arms tighter to keep herself from reaching out and touching her. the last thing she wanted to do right now was open the floodgates. “i’m okay. tired though. work’s been kicking my ass.” maya swallowed at the nickname coming from carina’s mouth. it was one she had never thought she would hear again, at least not directed towards her. it felt warm. it sent a shiver down her spine. it made her feel all kinds of things. she tried to avoid the compliments from carina, not really knowing what she was supposed to do with them. “you – look really good too.” maya chewed her bottom lip as she eyed carina. she really did look so good. if anything she looked even better than before. she knew she shouldn’t be looking at anyone who wasn’t her girlfriend, but – she didn’t care. this was carina. this was – used to be the love of her life. maybe she still was? no. ‘stop that. eyes forward.’ maya thought to herself. “wow. okay, um – i just wanted to make sure you were okay. you looked upset and your – um, she wasn’t following you, so i just – i don’t know, i just wanted to make sure you were okay, i guess. i’m sorry i overstepped.” maya raised her eyebrows at the aggression from the other woman. the end of their relationship had been riddled with arguments and telling, and she remembered exactly why they had broken up now. the tone of carina’s voice made her stomach drop to the floor. “look, i’m sorry. i just thought someone should check up on you.” she could still read carina like an open book though. she wasn’t really mad, was she? she was scared. scared of her feelings. just like maya had been in the early stages of their relationship. just like carina had been at the end of it. “i’ll stay away if that’s what you really want.” but something told her that wasn’t what she wanted at all. it sure as hell wasn’t what maya wanted.
the way maya looked at her reminded carina of why she had fallen in love with her in the first place and that was terrifying, her girlfriend was literally just outside and so was maya’s. they couldn’t do this. whatever this was. “she didn’t follow me because i told her i was going to the bathroom, there was no need for her to follow me. are you trying to say she’s a bad girlfriend? because she isn’t maya…she’s perfect, she’s beautiful, she’s kind — i love her.” she wanted to add that she wasn’t in love with the woman somewhere the other side of the door, in fact she was pretty sure she was in love with the woman who was currently stood in front of her, the woman that she thought she had left behind five years ago. feelings stirred in her lower belly as she looked at maya again, the eye contact lasted for just a second or two too long and carina was completely hooked again. she wanted maya, she wanted her desperately. “no, don’t go. i’m sorry maya, for everything. i moved on…i love her,” it was as if she was trying to convince herself but it wasn’t working and despite her words she closed the gap between them and caught maya in a searing kiss. that was all it took, her heart beat in that moment only for maya and she forgot instantly that she wasn’t single and that what she was doing was wrong. she pushed maya up against the door, the kiss hungry and it more than made up for the last five years that they had missed.
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caden wrapped her arms a little tighter around melodie’s waist as they moved to the music. it felt comfortable until their eyes met. her eyes looked like they were terrified. gorgeous – but terrified. cade offered a small smile when she felt her hand on her face in an attempt to relax the other. she slipped her hand under melodie’s shirt, rubbing circles with her thumb at the skin she found on her hip. she was soft. so soft. it wasn’t like caden hadn’t seen melodie before. but had she really seen her? it didn’t feel much like it right now. today was supposed to be about escaping romance and love, but – this didn’t have to be that, did it? it could be just – company. right? she didn’t know, but she leaned in and pressed a deep kiss to melodie’s lips, her other hand resting on the woman’s neck.
it was like being in a movie, when they kissed the whole room spun around them and melodie held on to caden tighter for fear of losing her balance. she’d never thought of caden this way, sure if there was any girl in the world that could turn her world upside down it would be caden but it wasn’t exactly something that she had expected to happen. “maybe we shouldn’t.” she mumbled as she pulled away. “i — um — we — fuck it.” she pulled caden back in, her hands exploring the entirety of the others torso. she lost her breath from kissing caden and had to pull away again, she took a deep breath with a nervous laugh. “that was unbelievable.”
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maya hadn’t really been out like this in what felt like forever. work had been busy and she had been exhausted by the time she came home every day. it was fun, but everything hadn’t been going great lately, so she would really rather be curled up on the couch at home, or maybe in bed. maybe even go for a run. really just somewhere her girlfriend wasn’t. even if that sounded completely wrong. trying to shake the thought, she downed the rest of her drink, setting it down on the bar as she had a look around the room. her girlfriend was out on the floor dancing with some friends she had found at the bar. a small chuckle slipped from her at the ordeal as she shook her head, before scanning across the rest of the club. and there she was. carina. she hadn’t seen her in a long time. years even. several. her jaw clenched for a second, a frown spreading on her face as she saw the brunette running off to the bathroom. as if on instinct, maya pushed away from the bar and followed her into the bathroom, opening the door quietly in an attempt to not startle the woman. seeing her by the sinks, maya’s jaw clenched again as she crossed her arms, leaning one shoulder against the wall by the door as she watched her for a second. she was as beautiful as she had always been, maybe even more. the past five years had been kind to her. taking a deep breath, maya let out a sigh, figuring the least she could do when she had stalked carina in here was to look out for her. “you okay?”
carina’s heart rate soared as she heard the familiar voice of her ex, she turned to look at maya and couldn’t help but smile. she looked absolutely out of this world and the flutter of butterflies in her stomach only grew the more she looked at her. carina sighed and nodded. “i’m fine, i guess i just wasn’t expecting to see you here and especially not with someone else, i mean, it’s the first time since — well since we broke up.” she had no right to be jealous, did she? she was there with someone else too and she was pretty happy with how her life was at the moment, she was doing good things in the hospital and she was happy with her relationship but seeing maya stood there brought so many old feelings back up that she never expected to feel again. she felt remorseful of their break up and she was regretting everything that had happened to get them to that point. she moved a little closer to maya, her instincts to reach out and touch the blonde absolutely unbearable, but she refrained for fear of what would happen if she did so. “are you okay? you look good bambina, still, i mean. you’ve always looked so good.” she unintentionally licked her lips as she looked her ex up and down. this was wrong on so many levels, she shouldn’t be looking at her this way. “i should probably go,” she pointed to the door, she wanted maya to move, she’d never be able to leave with her stood in front of the door. did she even really want to leave? no, she was just scared of the inevitable, she was scared that everything she was feeling again was going to come to something that they wouldn’t be able to come back from. she thought about her girlfriend out on the dance floor, had maya seen them together? had maya seen how different it was with her? she looked back up at maya, a frown turning the corners of her mouth down. “why did you follow me? you have no reason to be in here, we’ve been apart for five years maya and you just — i need to leave, can you please move.” she wanted to cry, she wanted to scream at maya for being there but she couldn’t. not here, not now. she just wanted to run away and not turn back, she wished she had never come in here, she should’ve stayed in the club where she wasn’t alone with someone who she had once classed as the love of her life.
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