chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
Memorable Moments From This Semester
I knew this was my last semester heading into it, so I wanted to get the most out of it. I think I did for the most part. Here’s how it went down.
1) Running the Annapolis Running Classic half marathon.
The race itself was amazing, but hard. I ran a pr of 6:52/mile which I am still stoked about. With the four months of training and focus it was a great result to head into thanksgiving break with.
2) Going to a Navy football game with the men’s hoops team
Coach Goodman had the team and myself over his house for some grub and then he took us to the game. Going to a Navy game was always on my bucket list and I’m glad I was able to check it off.
3) Getting a job and celebrating with co-workers
Making my job official was special, but the CRM office made it more special. These guys are like my second family and being able to sign off on a full time job with them to celebrate was a great time.
4) Broadcasting all the overtime thrillers
I was able to call three overtime winners for us, probably more this semester than the past three years.
Just a couple days left in the school year and my college career. I’ll have some good posts coming in the next couple days.
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
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Last week I gave my poster session on my senior thesis which was a business plan on a full-service tailgating business. The Business Management department had around 15 total seniors who presented their capstones so it made for a great event.
I was lucky enough to have some great friends come and show support. Speaking of my business plan, I actually handed in the final copy today! It was a huge relief to get in turned in and to know it was over. 4 months, 50 pages, and a lot of discussion between Dr. Bauer and myself and it’s all over. 
The entire experience was a fun yet challenging one. 
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
Have You Seen This?
I recommend taking this quiz. What do you do over the weekend? Find out where you fall with your answers. 
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
Thanksgiving Break
Back at it for two more weeks of class. Then it’s all over. Crazy to think about. On a more fun note, Thanksgiving break was amazing. Here’s how it went down.
Got back home Tuesday afternoon. Nothing exciting, got some work done until everyone came home for dinner. 
Wednesday- hit the gym in the morning, got a nice 10 miler in. Was able to grab breakfast at home with my mom, then dashed to talk to two of my sister’s high school classes. Talking to high school students was a great experience. 
After that, went to the barber, got a quick shape up. Drove home, grabbed lunch and went to Parisi’s Speed School for a meeting. I handle all marketing for Parisi’s (which I love doing). After the meeting, went home and was done for the day, nothing crazy after that.
Thursday- Thanksgiving was amazing. Went to the gym with my dad, and then had family over. The picture below is of my sister and I.
Friday- Went to one store (Modells) for Black Friday. Does anyone just go to people watch? 
After my long shopping trip, grabbed some great leftovers and watched college football for the rest of the day.
Saturday- GAMEDAY. Ohio State v.s. Michigan. Had family friends over for the game. Tailgated in the morning, and enjoyed great football all day long.
Drove back that night. Here we are now.
I’ve always loved Thanksgiving break. It marks the start of the holiday’s as classes come to a near end. 
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
Skills Gained Outside The Classroom
I’ve been lucky enough to gain some valuable experience with my campus jobs and activities. 
Starting my freshman year, I began to work with the Athletics Communications office as a PA announcer and broadcaster. With this position, I became a better public speaker and more confident in myself when talking in front of a large group of people. 
I also have worked for the paper all four years, where I learned to polish up my writing. Was also able to pick up some experience with interviews after starting The Elm Sports Network.
Junior year is really where I picked up the skills necessary to get a job in marketing, specifically digital. While working with the CRM office I was able to gain a further interest in marketing, which has been the most meaningful.
Flash forward to senior year, I’ve been able to mount a vast range of skills before graduation. Opportunities=experience. 
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
What I’ll Miss Most #1
If you guys don't know yet, I am graduating this December. With only a few weeks left in the semester, I am starting to reflect on the things I'll miss most. Number one is something that will be hard to walk away from. 
My job with College Relations and Marketing
I started working with the CRM office my Junior year and it has been one of my favorite and most meaningful experiences at WC. Without this job, I probably wouldn't have become so interested in marketing (specifically digital and social). 
I'll miss my awesome co-workers and supervisors. They have taught me so much and allowed me to take on projects that have developed my knowledge in marketing. The best part is I was able to build their trust. If I ever had an idea, not once did anyone object to it. Instead, they helped me with it and gave me guidance.  
Everyone in this office has made my time at WC amazing. I will always cherish the relationships I have made.  
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
What The Two Weeks Before Thanksgiving Are Like
After three years, I can safely say that the final two weeks before a break can be full of studying, papers, assignments, etc. 
A lot of exams come up for pretty much everyone. If it isn’t an exam, it is a project or paper. It can be tough to juggle which is why it’s important to stay on top of any work that you can.
I don’t think I will be really jammed with work since I did just that. Although the hard work definitely makes the time home that much sweeter (and the pumpkin pie). 
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
Are you coming Saturday?
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the open house Saturday. There will be . a lot of fun and informative sessions/events. Be sure to stop by the bloggers table before you get lunch.
If you haven’t signed up yet. No problem. You can here: https://enrollment.washcoll.edu/register/novoh
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
Favorite Class This Semester
This is a tough one to choose, but I would have to go with Strategic Management, which is an upper-level business class.
Strategic Management is my favorite class for a couple of reasons. I’ve had Professor Bauer at least once per year and he is one of my favorite professors. Bauer brings a lot of real-world experience from his past job experience from tasty kake.
When you go into this class, you know you are getting something meaningful when you walk out of the door.  
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
My Last Broadcast
Last night I called my final broadcast at Washington College. Where did the time go?
It feels like just yesterday when I was sitting in the chair practically shaking from being so nervous during my first broadcast freshman year. I can truly say that being able to broadcast so many games at WC has been one of the most fun experiences of my time here.
Having parents and fans come up to the booth during halftimes or in between games has really made me appreciate the work I have put in while calling games.
In the future, I definitely will look to call some games as a freelance gig. It’s a real fun hobby and I want to thank Goose Nation for giving me the opportunity. 
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
Tutoring Centers/Academic Skills
The Academic Skills Office is a GREAT resource for any student. I remember coming to visit as a high school student and sitting in on a meeting with the office and hearing about the resources they had available. 
My freshman year, I used the tutoring center a lot for an econ class. Since I had no real background in econ, it was very difficult but the tutors were awesome and were able to make the material more clear. 
Tutors are available for pretty much any class. Even if you are on the edge about signing up for a tutor, its important to remember that all tutors are students who want to help you as much as possible. 
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
My Open House Experience
I had a very different open house(s) experience than many others since my sister was a student here at the time. When I was looking at schools, I had around 7-8 that had been on the radar. It was the visits to WC that sold me.
I came to one open house, accepted students day, and a visit on a Friday where I sat in on classes, met with professors, and other offices like Academic Skills. During these visits is where I recognized the small school feel, which I loved.
But back to open houses. The two big open houses I went to for WC were awesome. I was able to meet with professors, sit on on sessions regarding my business major, etc.
The best part about an open house is you really get to see what WC is all about. Everything and everyone is in one place. Be sure to sign up for one and see for yourself. 
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
You Will Find Your Passion
Coming into college, I knew I wanted to go into business, but wasn’t sure which field of business. Then, throughout my Sophomore year I had an interest in pursuing a career in broadcasting. That passed over in a year. So where am I now?
Towards the beginning of my Junior year, I started to grow an interest in marketing, specifically digital. I began to read more and more and started doing some marketing projects for the school. Since I really enjoyed that, I took on a marketing internship with an agency and a gym. Loved it. Was hooked.
Here I am in my Senior year with a true passion in digital marketing. Everyday I am doing something regarding digital marketing. This includes projects for the agency I interned at, to launching new campaigns for Parisi Speed School. 
Alright enough about me.
The point of this blog post is to show that you may have more than one interest or passion, and that is FINE. Experiment around, see what you really, really enjoy. Something that does not feel like work.
When you go to College, that’s the time to do exactly that. Try new things, see what you like, do not be afraid to find a new passion. 
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
Fall Break Recap
So I’ll start by saying that I did not go home for Fall Break. My folks were out in Ohio, so I ended up going home the weekend before. 
I worked for the marketing office on Thursday and Friday, and broadcasted soccer games on Saturday. On Thursday morning I also met with a business in town that I am doing a freelance project for.
It was a nice Fall Break and I got a lot done. Now is the stretch before Thanksgiving Break so it’s time to work. 
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
Application Tips
It can seem very stressful to have several different applications to fill out in a short amount of time. I can make an ongoing list of tips to help, but there is ONE that will be a big help.
Set short term goals. Example: Fill out one application tonight. Write one essay tonight. That’s it. Focus on that one task and put your best effort into that.
The next day, set another goal and accomplish it. Do it for a week and next thing you know you accomplished a great deal. 
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
One Thing I Wish I Knew
Before choosing Washington College there isn’t too many things that came surprising to me. BUT, while looking at other schools, and including WC, I do wish I knew more about what the town had to offer.
It is important not to spend all of your time on campus. Everyone needs a little getaway and reset from just being on campus. I do wish out of all of the schools I looked it, not many talked about what the downtown and surrounding areas had to offer. 
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chiricoscorner-blog · 7 years
My Chat With Prof Bauer
Professor Joe Bauer teaches a couple of business courses and is also my thesis advisor. It seems just like yesterday when I was a freshman sitting in his marketing class. At that time, I had no idea of the relationship that I would develop with Professor Bauer.
I will never forget the Thursday morning when he handed back our first set of exams. Surprisingly, I received a C+, and immediately became disappointed in my performance. Did I cry about it and mope? Of course not.
That next day I was talking with Professor Bauer about what I did wrong, how I can improve, etc. I had no prior contact with him before that and I will never forget the words “I expect better from you.” coming from him.
To keep the story short, I ended up doing well in his marketing class. I believe I’ve had him for 3 or 4 different classes and all of those courses have ended up being my favorite. 
It was that chat during my freshman year that brought me closer with Professor Bauer. It is something I will never forget. 
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