China Moses #singerontheroad
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chinamoses · 2 years ago
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It has been a wild month for me. Being the artistic director of @tahitisouljazz. In the middle of the festival flying to Poland to perform new music with @filharmoniaszczecin with @troy__miller then playing with the great @neworleansjazzorch @adonisrosedrums @jazzdotorg #dizzysclubnyc preparing a set of new music with @rayangry as musical director @nublujazzfestival oct 24th 8pm, finishing my new record with @troy__miller, going to @jazzfmuk awards show… oh and did I mention I have 2 radioshows @jazzfmuk @tsfjazz Music is love and you gotta share the love… I mean we all need love… Check out the playlist of the shows. (I should make one of those link pages.)
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chinamoses · 2 years ago
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7-9 October making my Dizzy’s Club NYC debut with @adonisrosedrums ! (That cat in the red shirt wants to come to @jazzdotorg #dizzysclubcocacola also!) Join us! 2 Sets every night! NOJO7 is the septet of the @neworleansjazzorch with @aminascottmusic @johnmichaelbradford @terrancetaplin @ricpascall2 @ryanhanseler we will be playing songs of their NOJo’s album “Petite Fleur” Table seating almost gone!
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chinamoses · 2 years ago
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it feels surreal. it feels like it was a dream. bringing a piece of new orleans to tahiti. it was so beautifully intense. i am grateful for all of our volunteers. the audience. our tech crew. the artists. the conservatory te fare upa rau. our sponsors. the associations. the children. the teachers. the hospitality staff. the weather. the mishaps. them changes. the smiles. the astonishment. the horns. the low end theory. the flowers. the sand. the fenua. we managed to pull of something folks keep on saying is not possible. and we will keep pushing to pull it off. i am not giving up. this is what i am here to do. I have found my purpose in helping make this happen. music is love. and one thing i am going to do is share the love! māuruuru @tahitisouljazz ( still can’t get over the fact that i am an artistic director of a boutique eco responsable black american music festival in one of the most beautiful places on earth)
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chinamoses · 2 years ago
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have to break my b&w flow for these moments caught by the brilliant i have been tearing up for the past 10h. since i left the hotel at 2am on a 30h travel journey back to @tahitisouljazz there is something special about @troy__miller and i can’t quite put my finger on it. just like @marshallmusic , troy has believed in me, my story, my lyrics, my melodies, my vision and has enhanced my musical life. (which is basically my life) in 2012 when i got the first invitation to perform with a symphony, i thought it was a fluke… here i am 10 years later premiering songs from my upcoming album “it’s complicated…” with @filharmoniaszczecin ! and as troy said to me last night “you did this” and yes that’s fricking right i did! with a little help from my friends. so many people. and i don’t take it for granted. me the awkward bubbly black chick. the artist who has been carrying around the weight of imposter syndrome since the first note sung. the black woman who often feels like she is the last to be picked… well i don’t feel it no more. nope. i have a story to share. more to learn. and also to pass down. because truth be told not to many black american woman running around performing their original compositions with orchestras around the world, that are indie artists and self produced. like for real can i just take a minute and thank my mom, betty, dinah, roberta, joan, blanche, patrice, terri, dianne, angelique … can i just…
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chinamoses · 2 years ago
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@adonisrosedrums finally gets to meet and work with the bid band for @tahitisouljazz
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chinamoses · 2 years ago
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this is the smile of a human who is previewing her new repertoire with the @filharmoniaszczecin and @troy__miller conducting. september 25th. by the way troy produced the record and did arrangements. and also by the way @mike_gorman_music did some new arrangements. and also by the way i am still an indie self produced artist. yep. my own label. no manager (not by choice). only @dennismeentz booking. investing that concert money into my talent because if you don’t no one will. remember that. photo @vincentcharrue @perpromoteremiliaromagna grazie per tutti! 🙏🏾🖤
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chinamoses · 2 years ago
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go to the beach if you can. and always hang out with @martinebarratpicturegirl so she can share her stories reach you how not to be scared of the birds. #martinebarrat photo @martinebarratpicturegirl
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chinamoses · 2 years ago
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this combo needs a tour. cue “just family” by my momma @deedeebridgewater i just wanna share my gratitude to @musikfest_bremen for giving us the space to do this. the travel gods may have been against us with @mikekingkeyz @dubonbass @5hekwoaga being delayed a whole day and having to fly via istanbul to get there and for my bags to be lost (still) by @airfrance / @delta but the music is the magic… always and forever! added @josiahwoodson @cammyg1 @vincentcharrue to the mix. what a dream crew!
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chinamoses · 3 years ago
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i have come along way from these mtv france pre blue note records days. i loved this shoot so much with @liroyspirit dress was from that lily allen @newlook collection ( thank you @frederique_stephanie) necklace from @ginetteny (still have it today) miss my locks though. sometimes it’s good to acknowledge the whole path taken.
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chinamoses · 3 years ago
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i have the pleasure of presenting you the 2nd edition of @tahitisouljazz produced by @2dz_drole_de_zebre the theme this year is bringing a bit of #neworleans to the #fenua and thanks to @adonisrosedrums & @neworleansjazzorch it is gonna be possible! will come back soon will the full program of this boutique environmental themed festival of black american music in a bit but for now just check where the stage is! big thanks to the @intercontinental for providing us a dream setting to spark up conversation about the environmental actions being taking by some beautiful humans. (at InterContinental Tahiti Resort)
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chinamoses · 3 years ago
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when asked for an italian newspaper what i am made of… #milliejackson #prince #sisterrosettatharpe #carleenanderson #atcq #dinahwashington #livingcolor #joanarmatrading just so many artists i have studied listened to lived with their art… so many. grazie per tutti 🖤 #chinamsoes #singerontheroad
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chinamoses · 3 years ago
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happy birthday to my dear sister Tulani. my goodness how i love you so. admire you so. you do so much for everyone, your family, our family, the arts family and you do it with so much love, heart and elegance. you are one multi talented being. absolutely brilliant, witty, kind, curious, resourceful, inventive, imaginative, so many things… i admire you so, and i want to offer you a cocktail & hug in person because i am at a loss for words. we definitely do not see each other enough. we definitely do not talk enough. we definitely do not celebrate you enough. i know you are with your beautiful family… just wanted to say it out loud. happy Tulani day.
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chinamoses · 3 years ago
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a piece of #tahiti is always with me. thinking of the sis’ who offered me this paréo. thinking of all of my friends of the #fenua and i can’t wait for the second year of @tahitisouljazz all artists are confirmed. just waiting for when i can announce it! 📸 @donwill
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chinamoses · 3 years ago
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never in my wildest dreams did i think i would premiere my new album produced by @troy__miller with the @filharmoniaszczecin this group of songs were created by my newly divorced, newly 41, newly moved to a new country - self and @olirockberger ( there’s gonna be some real life talk in this session, trust) me (sleepless night 4am somewhere on the road in a random hotel room): how on earth am i gonna showcase this new music with all that’s going on in the world? like does it even matter anymore?the world is on fire. does art even matter ? where is the place for it? for joy? how did we get here? is this how… life( hands you a gift ): here. it’s ok. keep going #singerontheroad #chinamoses
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chinamoses · 3 years ago
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an ode to my heart, my little brother @gabe_zinq i only have one this to say: I BELIEVE IN YOU! you are in such a beautiful space right now. so take that leap. and rest assured your family at large won’t let you fall. we got you. not gonna blow up your spot but… we are not the same people we were yesterday, no one is. don’t let your past hold you hostage.
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chinamoses · 3 years ago
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🧿 infinity 💙 photo shoot with @murielle_kabile_dhc_official for her #divinityofblack series. when #muriellekabile asked me to pose for her i told her “posing isn’t my forte” she said:”you are my queen of infinity” infinity something i can’t even imagine. something one can’t even really see. as i sat with a starry sky of cowry shells behind me. in the deep turquoise kimono inspired dress and coiffed with a crown of braids of all blues made meticulously from murielle’s hands. trying to imagine infinity. thoughts of all of those who have lived their lives through art, creation and imagination seemed infinite. then again as humans our lives are not. but maybe this drive within us is. the desire to communicate and play with what the earth has given us is. i sat. i don’t enjoy posing. but murielle’s laugh is infectious. her drive inspires me. and maybe this is me taking a step into the infinite of the creative flow. to live by it. to respect it. to honor it. in its infinity. merci murielle to render me regal. “all shades all hues all blues” (at Infinity ∞)
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chinamoses · 3 years ago
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my name on a bus stop in Manhattan!!!! stop it! july 14th tomorrow join me @joachimgarraud @franceinnyc to celebrate #bastilledaynyc2022 @summerstage @centralparknyc FREE ENTRY it starts at 5PM
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