24 posts
subway sounds so fucking good rn
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childish-ish · 4 years ago
Bro??? Are you me?? Are we secretly the same person split in two?? The way you write is exactly how I would react down to the speech and funny add ons?? Make more?? PLEASE??
you have no idea how happy this makes me :') of course bae 👍🏻 trying out for bo sinclair LMFAO
sorry can you repeat that
sinclair brothers x gn! ghost? reader 👍🏻
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"She's hot." You step around a beautiful wax figure, shiny coils of hair cascading past her melanin-rich shoulders, her thick lips pulled up in a small smile as her dark chocolate brown eyes point to the man directly in front of her, mouth open as if he was in the midst of speaking. "Why'd you kill her? She looks like she would've been really good at making conversation. Like, she looks fun.. you know?"
"Look, look! I'm gonna fucking shove it up his nose!" You laugh, shoving your pinky up the very dead mans' nose.
Vincent slapped your wrist.
"Ow! Fucking bastard! Let's be friends." You held out your hand, with the infected finger you shoved up the strangers' nose. "Wait, how did you touch me." You gasp, dramatically as you step forward, closer to the greasy-haired man. You reach out, just for him to slap your hand away.
"Come on, man! We're best friends now. Hey do you have any living people around here? Like friends or something, besides me of course." You say, smugness laced in your words as you follow Vincent.
You've noticed something; earlier when this masked freak had tried to subdue you, he couldn't lay a hand on you.. he just went right through you. That's actually kinda cool. But how come he was able to slap my wrist? Fucking weirdo. You eye Vincet at the corner of your eye as you walk besides the man. You were about.. an inch or so shorter..
"Oh hey. Who's that?" You point with your whole arm at a man who was leaving the church you had laughed at. To be clear, you had laughed at the church because you had remembered when you had to go because your guardian wanted to do better as a person instead of being a violent dickhead. You walk out to the sidewalk before finally noticing-
"Wait where did you go? Vincent?! VINCENT?!" You began to scream at the top of your lungs, now noticing Weird Ass disappeared from your side.
"The hell?!" A deep guttural 'yeehaw' voice shouted in surprise and maybe a bit of fear behind you. You swing your body around, face to face with a clean shaven man, the one you pointed at!
"The hell?!" You mimick his voice. Truly trying to capture the cowboy esque of his voice.
"You little bitch." He practically growled, making another move to grab you- wrapping his arms around you, just to go right through you.
"Okay, you animal." You snap, shoving the man away. "Bro. You needa' take some fucking chill-pills."
"The fuck are you?!" He shouted in anger, genuinely confused and out right angry at the fact he couldn't understand what the fuck you were and who you were and what the fuck you were doing being untouchable- how could you touch him but he couldn't touch you?!
"Joe mama, L-M-A-O."
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remember! just tryin it out! however if any1 likes this lmao ill do it again.. but longer.. epically..
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childish-ish · 4 years ago
Yoo! *hands you subway sandwich* I absolutely loved the soulmate AU with Micheal making choices for each other. And I was wondering (if you can/want) what would it be like for Billy Lenz.
hii *fucking devours subway sandwich* thank u so much i love u <3 i would love to write for him! sorry if hes ooc :<
sorry it took so long too, i thought it said lOOMIS AND I LOOK BACK AND IT SAYS LENZ LMFAAAOOOOOOOO then i procrastinated xd its super awkward and weird, im sorry!! i tried- i was on major fucking writers block!!
bro u made me eat a bug dont talk to me
soulmate au.. makin choices fo eachother..
billy lenz x reader
also, just imagine like. a party right before christmas and they dont call the police to help them rather do it themselves, but then 1 girl calls and they're on their way at the end.. ya dig? ALSO I KNOW ITS HIS HOME BUT I DIDNT HAVE AN IDEA SO xd
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"Hello?" You answer the phone politely, looking over your notes before closing the book as you wait in silence for a reply on the other line. "Hellooo?" You drag out the 'o' in hello.
"Y/n? Hey, hows'it going. Listen i have this party goin' on and I know you don't have jack-shit to do, so, why don't you come on over?"
Barb! Ah, that bitch.. should i? You thought over the pros and cons as Barb waited impatiently on the other line.
soulmate chooses: go to party.
"Yeah, I'm coming. Streets?" You ask, opening your notebook back up, flipping to a blank page as Barb told you the address. You hang up on the girl and rip the piece of paper off, holding it between your teeth as you lift yourself from your cushioned chair, grabbing your coat that hung on the back and quickly stuffed the address in the pocket of your coat.
eat bug or do not eat bug.
You furrow your eyebrows at the choices. Before choosing 'do not eat the bug'. What the fuck?
Of course you would choose not to eat the fucking bug. You weren't a dick. But your fucking soulmate was. You were totally gonna beat their fucking ass for choosing such choices.
You sigh, grabbing your coat on the way out. Your necessities jingling in your pockets of said coat. You shove your hand in, dragging out your keys, turning around to lock your door. Sighing once more, as you enter your car and start the ignition. You pull out the address. "Can't be too hard, can it?" You mutter, finally pulling out of your driveway.
"Hello!" You wiggle your fingers as a small wave at the unrecognizable woman who opened the door. "Hello." Sge greeted back softly. "Are you a friend of Barbs'?"
"You betcha!"
"Well, I'm Jess! It's a pleasure to meet you.. come on in!" Jess opened the door wider. You see a few other girls chatting lively. A glass or a beer bottle in their hands. You follow Jess.
"Y/n! You made it! Good job." Barb greeted you, immediately handing you a beer you watched her pop open. You grab it, took a gulp, and thanked her.
You spot an ant crawling on the counter by you. Jess and Barb began to argue softly. Background noise.. You debate on whether to wipe it up and eat it. You shake your heads of the thoughts to rid of the possibility of your soulmate choosing-
eat the ant.
You growl under your breath, crushing the ant under your index finger and wiping it off on your tongue. You swallow it with your spit.
Im totally beating my soulmates fucking ass.. you thought angrily, chugging the rest of your piss-tasting beer. Chug, chug, chug! You cheer yourself on.
soulmate chooses: chug.
You chuckle before downing the rest of your cheap beer. Barb hands you another wordlessly. A smirk planted on her lips as she watches you down another.
"You should really slow down, Y/n."
"Eeh come on, Jess." Barb rolled her eyes, tossing an empty bottle into the trashcan. "Her soulmate probably made her chug." Barb defends poorly.
"I suppose.. how about you chug some water?"
"Yeah.. that'd be best. I'm already feeling a fucking buzz!" You laugh, being the lightweight you were.
Soon. You had awoke in a extremely comfortable bed with a small headache.
"It's so quiet.." You mutter to yourself. Dragging your hand over your face before quickly pulling away, realising you already had acne that was beginning to sprout. You stare at the ceiling, glancing at the window. Still night-time. You turn your head to the nightstand. The lamp was on. A small glass of water.
"Awh." You smile at the thought of one of the girls leaving a cup of water for you, quietly closing the door behind them. You immediately sit up and chug the water, tossing in the two pills that lied on a small napkin right next to it. You swallow, lathering the pills up in your spit.
You stretch your arms over your head, before falling back onto the plush mattress layered in bedding. You sigh, before finally deciding that it was time to get up and see what was going on downstairs. If you were even upstairs.. you cant tell. Maybe you were downstairs? You continued your train of thought as you closed the door behind you politely. Not bothering to take the glass with you.
You continue down the stairs, hand sliding down the railing as you slowly step down each step, before noticing the sticky, yet not sticky liquid your hand laid in. "The fuck? Strawberry syrup, L-O-L." You lift it up to your lips, licking. Clearly not thinking as the taste registered.
"Pennies. Blood? Oops." You wipe your fingers off on your shirt, quickly continuing down the stairs. "Baaarrrb?!" You call out, awkwardly. "Oh. Who's the shit-face drunk lying on the floor." You step closer towards the dining area. "Barb? You fucking drunk." You snicker.
soulmate chooses: kick her.
You do so. Not like you had any choice yourself. Kicking her lightly in the stomach, you step away. "What the fuck?!" You shriek, slapping the hand that was placed in your shoulder. You turn around to face a rugged man in a dark sweater and black pants. no shoes? Yet socks on his feet.. "Who are you?!"
The person before you didn't answer before lifting up a single hand thay held a.. glass unicorn? The tip of the horn was covered in a red substance. You could only assume strawberry syrup once more.
"Murderer!" You shriek, grabbing the lamp next to you and chucked it at the offending man who barely dodged it. He screamed back in response before lunging at you; successfully tackling you to the carpet rug.
"I can't believe you, are my soulmate.. well no, i can." You place your index finger on your chin in a thoughtful manner as you stare at the ceiling. "Are you?"
"billy made you eat an ant." he snickers horridly in your ear.
As, Billy, with the biggest cock known to man, squabbled and licked the shell of your ear, muttering about pigs and boobs and pussies, you nod to yourself.
"I can just hand you over to the police, no problem." You hug yourself. "But could I, really? My soulmate. Who has killed people.. Barb. God, you fucking cunt!" You screech, rolling away from him, just to jump back on the wide-eyed motherfucker, wrapping your hands around his neck and your cunt being right over his crotch. Haha.
He gasped for air, short, uneven nails scratch at your hands.
Tables were turned, and you were back on the floor with Billy over you, screaming out profanities.
"I'm sorry, Billy." You apologize falsely. Tears streaming down to your ears, since, you were on the floor.. gravity? "You killed my friend, man. I didn't even know her that long!"
Billy leans over and licks the tears away. You flinch away, before he pulls you into his lap awkwardly, his head dipped down into the crevice of your neck and sniffed loudly before giggling to himself.
"Billy's pretty little pig. Billy's. Pretty pig. Pretty cunt. Pretty, pretty, pretty." He mutters, an odd sense of nostalgia washed over you, catching an odd scent that activated said nostalgia.
"Move bitch. Let me get fucking comfortable." You snap, pulling out of his hold and turning your body around to face him. Crotch to crotch as you wrap your legs above his own.. does this make sense? You wrap your legs around his and he crosses his legs, wrapping his arms around you tightly as you fiddle with his hair.
"Man, you are such a fucking dick. Making me do all those fucking things while i chose nice things for you.." You lay your head on his shoulder. Very much stinky, yes.
"We should dip though. Didn't one of the girls call the police while yo' dumb-fucking-ass was suffocating one?" You pull away, getting a good look at his face.
You wouldn't say he was.. handsome.. but you certainly wouldn't say he was ugly. His skin was.. a sickly pale yellow. His.. fuckimg huge brown eyes stared at you. His cracked lips were curled into a unnerving smile.
soulmate chooses: leave.
"Yeah. Let's go." You stand, offering him a hand.
Billy's blood coated calloused hand makes contact with your own. You gag, covering your lips with your free-hand. "Fucking disgusting." You mutter in disgust, enduring it for the sake of your new partner.
You shove Billy in the back of your car, slamming the door shut and sprinting to the other side, just to slip right before you put your hand on the door.
You swing it open angrily, sitting down and starting the ignition, ignoring Billy's giggles and mutters as he peers out the window like a little kid looking at snow for the first time.
break the window or tap obnoxiously.
You roll your eyes, the hint of a smile plastered onto your lips.
tap obnoxiously.
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childish-ish · 4 years ago
worm on a string
michael myers x gn reader but its platonic
slowly.. comin back,.,. srry for any mistakes lol
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"Kill a motherfucker you know, at the black with the back with a fucking half-a-sack!" You scream along to your speaker, knowing you weren't alone. Maybe if you annoyed whoever else was in your house, they would leave.. or still, kill you. Or did you know them? Gah, who cares. Probs' mike.
"Just a sec- hold up, wait a minute while i get my fucking tools!" You bob your head to the song, overwhelmed by the vigor and caffeine.
"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" You scream, your overly playful feline, jumping onto your back, claws digging into your back. You hiss as you shake off the damn cat; calling said cat a fucking bitch.
"Fuckin' cunt." You exclaim, finally grabbing with both gloved hands and tossing it into the huge pile of leaves you raked. Dead leaves flew everywhere - you watch the cat leap in the air, trying to catch a specific leaf.
"Motherfucker.." You shake your head, placing your hands on your hips as you watch the damn feline paw at another dead leaf. "
"Bitch-motherfucker you know.." you mumble a completely different song, nodding your head twice before sighing, letting your arms fall at your sides. "That's enough of outside time. I'll come back out later.. maybe."
You pull off your work gloves, tossing them onto a lawn-chair and shuffling over towards the table where your speaker and phone resided. You turn down the volume before turning the speaker off, pausing the song on your phone- shoving that motherfucker in your pocket and holding the cylinder speaker under your arm. Finally.. in the house.
A knock came from the front door- you quickly toss the speaker onto a cushioned chair and made a run for it to the door. You wait a moment before peeking out the little peephole. The mailwoman stepping off your front steps, shuffling through her bag. You wait before she was out of sight to open the door.
Unlocking it and swinging the door open, you crouch to pick up the package that rested besides your rug. You run back inside, kicking the door closed-
To the kitchen!
You toss the box onto the island in the middle of the kitchen, throwing yourself towards the knives. You grab a slim knife, throwing yourself back to the box and immediately slicing it open.
A bag of worms! On a string! You vibrate in place excitedly.
A hand was placed on your shoulder - you scream jumping away and swinging your body around to face the owner of the hand.
"Michael! Look- i got these worms and this fucking sickass dead beetle. It's a hercules one, look, dude!"
Michael Myers. One creepy motherfucker who.. sometimes slept in your attic. Did he even sleep? Maybe he just stood in place while doing nothing. Respect.
You toss the bag of worms at his chest, it falls to the hardwood floors with soft crinkling, before taking the bubble-wrapped rectangle box out of the bigger box. You rip off the long bubble wrap, tossing it over your shoulder, tearing into the box. You retrieve a small, clear case with leather lining and - white stuffing around the beetle.
You offer it to him. The worms and the beetle were the only things in the box.
He only stares at you. Creepy ass masked bitch.. you place the case on the counter, gathering the trash and tossing it into the trash. You bend over to grab the bag of worms. Opening it and tossing a few of the small plastic baggies onto the counter.
"Okidokie, Michael,, here. It's your child now. Wait. Do you want to pick a color?"
Michael's large hand edged towards a dark blue worm. He pulled the package open and out popped the worm.
"Ok, cool. This one.. is my child too." You held up a red worm. Michael unwrapped the thin plastic string off the little white card, holding it in the air.
"Bang, bang. Gimme fame, shoot me up to entertain." You hum, dragging your red worm to the couch.
"Ill clean up the rest later." You wave off Michael's stare. "Wanna watch something with me or..?"
Michael sat in the other cushioned chair next to the couch, you grinned, grabbing the remote that was deep in the couch's crevice. Switching between channels before finally landing on Saw 5.
You cuddle into the couch, worm resting on the nightstand cabinet. Michael in the chair over there..
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childish-ish · 4 years ago
ilysm2 <33333333 sorry for bein so inactive LMFAOOOOOOOOO in return heres a tiny litel mf fic 👍🏻
gender-neutral reader yeehaw, sorry reader isnt as feral,, kinda lost my fucking pizazz or whatever,,
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"Ayo, my guy!!" Hidden in the mixed dead and alive brush, was Jason, peaking around curiously, meeting your excited gaze.
"Catch!" You toss a large beetle at him. He swipes it away, giving you a look before pushing through the entrance to your little goblin hide-out.
"I found a kickass ring on one of the campers, look. I found another on someone else, look; we're married now." You show off the back of your grimy left hand to the buff-zombie, offering the other ring to Jason in your right. "Wait, let me propose."
You, on both knees, shuffle onto one, holding out the metal band to the beautiful.. dead man..
"Will, you.. Jason Voorhees.. take my hand in marriage?"
Is this how you propose? Ah, shit. I haven't seen a romance movie in forever, i don't remember..
The man in front of you shuffled, you watch him carefully as he slaps both of his large hands over his covered mouth. He steps giddily in place before holding out his hand and nodding vigorously.
"Amazing." You stand, almost falling as you see wonderful colors blind you before you steady yourself on Jason. "Okay.. so." You slip the ring on his pinkie, the only finger it seemed to fit after trying the other four.
"We're married now. No escape." You grinned, stepping on your tip-toes to give the hockey-masked zombie a kiss on the cheek.
Jason's shoulders bounce up and down before shoving his hands under your armpits and swinging you up and bringing you close to his chest. You get the gist and wrap your arms around his neck. Sighing in his ear in content-
You always told yourself you weren't going to get married after seeing so many married couples fall out of love, but you.. you really loved Jason. The fucking, most prettiest man you've laid your fucking eyes on. He was so.. fucking amazing. You loved him. You wanted this.
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childish-ish · 4 years ago
my mom wont let me get anymore monster :\
pairing: billy lenz x reader
aha, part two of that last one. also im not very good at part 2s if you can't already tell, anywas for uhhhhh @walt25​ this is for u chief
also sorry again if i butchered his fucking uhh personality, its how i now write him lmfao,,, him talking in fucking..... 3rd pov hehe.
requests open....,,,, pleaase,,,,, request a slasher... ... 
also michael x reader and jason x reader fics coming soon lmfao.
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You had to be an absolute fucking idiot to not notice the signs.
I mean - you didn't notice it at first, because you are an absolute fucking idiot - but then you actually saw something - someone, rummaging around in the fridge.
Like any normal - sane person would, you quickly retreat to your room after seeing an unknown man in the kitchen. An actual man with frizzy untamed hair and all-black clothing, save for a dark green sweater. Did he even have shoes on? You didn't really care enough to actually stay and analyze the man.
Again, like any normal, sane person would do, you call the police. You didn't recognize the large body to be anybody of Kappa-Sig, so you immediately dialed the number of emergency - ahaha, just kidding!! You aren’t a fucking normal and sane person! What you do is actually get a camera and step out of your room.
Stepping down the stairs quietly in your socked feet - avoiding the creaky stairs.
Ah, but alas. Once you peek into the kitchen, the male was gone. You drop your camera - screeching in pain as the fucking thing lads on your goddamned foot. "FUCK!" You cried out, crouching and dropping to sit on your bottom.
The other girls were at school that day - some had free periods and doing whatever. You skipped. Knowing you would have to pay something to someone for skipping a singular day.
Later that same day - The Moaner called, shortly after you falling on your ass. You immediately crawled towards the front door and picked up the phone.
The conversation went something like this;
"what did you do to the baby, billy?"
"yeah what'd you do to the fucking baby, billy."
"where's anges, billy..?"
"ayo, wheres anges?! WHO THE FUCK IS ANGES??? you been cheating on me billy?? oh wait if you're mocking a voice of one of your parents - maybe even a babysitter or guardian. then.. anges is your sister. or friend?? dude o-m-g what im like, a detective doin' some detective work n' shit."
"y/n.. where's billy?" he asked in that wailing.. high-pitched voice.
"oh shit, you know my name? ion know bro.. wheres billy? wheres billy..?!" You repeat.
"billy knows what you did last night..." He spits into the phone. "pretty pink cunt. pretty cunt. pretty pretty pretty pretty..."
Anyways. You had called him a little bitch and he hung up. You guess if Billy really did know what you did, he would've had to be there to see it. Somewhere. LATER THAT DAY - Present time.
You had a little alone time despite being alone the entire day. you catch my drift?
You cleaned yourself up and had disposed of the towel you placed under yourself, not wanting to dirty or piss accidentally on your bed.
Soon, you were drawing on the floor, fucking around with waterpaints - when the goddamned phone rang. A string of curses fall from your lips.
As you took a single step outside your room, the ringing stopped for one moment, before starting up again.
Quickly, you step out fully and jogged down the hallway. Peering down the stairs to see a - well. That figure from earlier - from the kitchen. You take two steps down the stairs.
"AYO?" You shout, immediately putting up your defences. "you know, ive read about this somewhere." You narrow your eyes, squinting at the male.
"ayo - ayo chill." You take a stumbling step backwards as he twitched, falling onto your ass, your ankle rolling. You curse before peeking up -
"Oh FUCK - oh FUCK??" You realize, he was halfway up the stairs. Oh my fucking god, where were the goddamned other girls. School still? What time was it? Fuck you don't know.
"Billy.. Billy likes you. Billy likes pretty piggy. Pretty p - piggy cunt." He spits out the last letter.
"You know what Billy. I like you too. You're pretty chill." You let him come closer, dominate hand clenched in a fist by your side. You let him take a few steps closer. The deranged male looms over you. His peach.. sickly yellow skin. Crazy brown eyes peer into your own.
"billy knows what you're doing. billy doesn't like it."
You sweat under the pressure. "What the fuck - ?" You let the curse slip past by your lips as the male falls onto you. You scream in surprise as the male practically dry humps against your hips slowly.
Pushing him away, you hear the front door open.
"Y/n!" You recognize the voice as Barb. The male glares angrily into your eyes, a warning for something, then scrambled off you and quietly scuttles down the hallway. You wonder where he goes.
"Dude!" You shout out from the floor, before pushing yourself up. "Holy shit you would not believe what happened - " You pause immediately. You were sure he could hear you. You change the subject.
"Bro nevermind i’m going to sleep again don’t fucking bother me!"
"I'll tell the other girls then!" Barb called back. You see her wave lazily before she leaves your line of view.
You scrambled down the hallway, to your room.
Where this little goddamned fuck was fucking with your water paints. Once you had entered the room, his attention was solely on your figure.
"OI!" You whisper-shout. His eyebrows jump up in confusion. "Stop fucking with that!"
Billy leaps away, onto your bed. He bounces for a few moments before you drag your attention back to your paints. You immediately began to clean up.
Once finished, you turn your bitch-ass attention to little Billy.
“Billy. How’d you get in the house fool? Oh wait, if you were actually forreal rummaging through out fucking fridge then.. do you live here?”
“billy’s been here forever. billy doesn’t like sharing his house. billy likes you.”
“damn lmao. thanks chief. anyways don’t kill me or ill fucking fuck you over from the other side.”
“billy likes pretty piggy.” he said ferociously.
“cool. anyways,”
you begin to ramble on to the male, asking him questions here and there about why he was there and why the fuck didn’t he kill you, you got the same answers as before, going on and on as you lie next to the seated, criss-crossed legged male, an arm behind your head as you tell him about your favorite shit to do and such.
Soon, it was okay. Billy was chill enough to actually not kill you, he told you in broken words that he lived there like he fucking said before but you don’t listen lmfao, he had hung around you alot when you had gotten home from your classes, sometimes waking up to the male besides you when you wake - you had caught him watching you shower, and offered him a shower as well. With no hesitation, he stripped and hopped it, immediately groping your body as his tongue licked upon the skin on your neck. It was a weird - sexual yet friendly relationship. You literally had no idea where this was gonna go,
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childish-ish · 4 years ago
i accidentally threw away a monster can when i wanted to start a collection and make shit out of them :\
pairing: does it even count? it's not even that long lmao, billy lenz x reader, i promise to make a longer one that will maybe include smut?
tw: uh, offensive language haha
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"Ayo.. the fuck my underwear??" - asking where your underwear went.
You blindly grab multiple handfuls of panties, looking for one specific pair that you wore almost all the time - (they were clean!!! you were NOT gross [youwere]) You could say they were your lucky underwear.
"OI! Barb!" You call, shoving the handfuls back into the drawer and shoving it closed with your crotch.
"Yeah!" She called back, swinging around your open doorway.
"Do you know what happened to my underwear? Like, you know the ones, don't you?" You offer a tight smile
Barb threw her head back with a laugh before leaning back forward and taking a drag of her never-ending cigarette.
"Your little teddy-bear undies?" She teased, pulling up her opposite hand to rub through her bangs.
"Oh put a fucking sock in it thin-lips, have you seen them?"
"No, dumbass, i would've told you wouldn't i?" Would she have? "You probably lost them, maybe going to some guy's house and lost them there!" She snapped, blowing her cancer-air towards you. You fan it away and stick out your tonge.
"l-m-a-oooh, ok thanks babe." You pointed to the door, squinting your eyes and waving your hand at the door in a 'get the fuck out' manner.
She saluted with another snicker before leaving the entrace of your room.
You doubt Phyllis and Clare nor any of the other girls would do something so supposedly heinous.. but.. maybe one of them did steal your underwear.
Fucking, thank whatever you worship the goddamned holidays are near. That means these girlies are setting off to their hometowns or just their home - away from this.. kappa-sig bullshit.
"Well." You let out a deep sigh, "Fuck it." You shrug, before pulling the drawer open and pulling out a pair of black, comfy high-waisted underwear.
You pull off your towel that you wrapped around your waist and lied it on your bed neatly before sitting down on said towel and then quickly slipping on your undies.
And, of course. You had already put on a bra and a huge ass T-shirt and what-not so Barb wasn't seeing you bare-chested. Not that you would've really cared anyways.
You decided to lie on your bed and stare at the ceiling, drowning in your thoughts. What would you eat for dinner? Where was your underwear? Why did you sometimes hear creaky noises? Why the fuck were you still here?
Before uh - before Barb shouted that The Moaner was on the phone.
Without an ounce of hesitantion, you jumped up and ran out the door half-naked. You jog down the stairs and see Barb and the others by the phone, giggling already. Well, of course not the OTHERS but Barb was giggling.
You lean over the railing, listening.
No girl really paid attention that you were half-naked. That was good! You forgot to put on pants, but you also didn't wanna miss the call since he only lasted a few - ten seconds. 15 at most.
"pig-cunt.." More of his odd, croaky laughter, "pig-cunt. piggy cunt." Then, more odd rambling you couldn't make out.
A shit load of snorting and oinking like a pig happend. A bit of, loudly licking his lips.
"suck my juicy cock." he dragged out, in a lower toned voice. You held in a laugh.
Then, laughing, kid-like laughter and coughing. A bit of screaming as well. Then quiet rambling.
"Let me stick my tongue up your naked -" You snicker, your dominate hand covering your smiling lips.
"ill come over and - and you can suck it! suck my fat, juicy cock! cum - cum everywhere!"
It was surprising that Barb didn't retort anything back to the man. She usually was front-center, ready to clap back. Well, your time to shine.
You lean down and offer your hand to Barb. Who gave you a questioning look but nonetheless gave you the phone.
As the male rambled on and on about 'piggy-cunts' and 'pretty pink cunts' as well, you leaned over the railing and held the phone to your lips.
"I'm sure those are just empty promises, but I'm willing to suck your fat juicy cock, homeboy." You grinned smugly.
It was quiet on the receiver's end. Nothing could be heard but Barb's laughter. You did nothing but snicker and recieve a slap to the arm from a smiley Phyllis. Maybe a smile from Jess as well.
"Come on, babe! You were so estatic to tell me about your fat fucking cock, have you got cold feet - now that someone's willing to give you a blowjob? What'll it be, Moaner?" You spoke into the phone. A smug grin planted on your lips as you eyed the ceiling.
"pretty - pretty pink cunt. pretty piggy cunt. piggy cunt. cunt full of - of cum. cu - cum!"
Phyllis gasps and Clare exhales deeply. Jess covers her mouth and Barb laughs once more.
"pig - you - you bitch-pig." Then, he oinked for a good while, you didn't think he would stop. But, he did. Just to tell you that he had a fat cock.
"sssuck my juicy cock." He whispered into the transmitter. You shrug.
"Damn it, babe." You sigh into the phone exasperatedly, "You're really makin' me frustrated with the way you aren't answering me. I hope you're into domination you little cock-suck."
You slap Phyllis back as she covers her mouth, failing to hide her laughter.
"i'll - i'll stick my tongue up your - p - pretty piggy cunt - pretty pink piggy cunt - "
"Well then! Ladies, if you dont mind leaving the house tonight - all of you, me and my beloved are gonna have a night filled with cum and cunts, if you wanna stick around and maybe masturbate to us feel free too - " que the gasps from the cute little girls from all around you.
You grinned, waiting for the male's response. More 'pretty pink cunts' and shit like that - but uh..
Nothing but silence.
"Oh my god! He hung up!" You laugh, weakly handing the phone back to Barb who puts it on the plungers.
"Awh, Y/n.. you really had something with him." Barb jokes, taking a drag of her cigarette.
"Oh yeah? Think he's gonna come and give me some of his juicy cock? Want me to share?" You teased. Lifting a leg like a girl in love hugging the man of her dreams as you lean over the railing.
"Oh, Y/n stop it! You're going to fall, now.." Jess fretted, before leaving to the dining room.
"Naah, i bet hes got some skinny cock. Maybe three- four inches?." Barb rolls her eyes, before swinging around the stairway, stepping up, one by one.
"You doubt the great Moaner?! What if he really has a fat juicy cock?!" You choke on your spit before bursting into laughter.
"Well then.. tell me all about it." You shrug, agreeing before heading back up to your room, with Barb right behind you.
Man, that guy was a riot! Is, i mean. Next time he calls you're gonna be the first, right by the phone waiting for his blubbering.
You lie on your bed, now dressed in clothing suitable for lying on the bed.
Shorts. Like - nice shorts. Not jean shorts - nor gym shorts. Pajama shorts. Fuck, what else would you wear to lay in bed comfortably?
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childish-ish · 5 years ago
scooby-doo theme song!
pairing: michael myers x gender-neutral! reader
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"Like, zoinks, Scoob! I think we ran out of popcorn!" You screech, throwing open the fridge door and almost slipping as the kid you were babysitting excitedly followed after you, hopping onto the island.
"Ruh-roh raggy! Looks like we're dying!" He laughed, responding in the Scooby-Dooby-doo voice. You laugh, nodding.
"Okay.. look kid.. we really need some actual food in our bellies. How about.. some fucking... SPAGHETTI?!" You lightly closed the refrigerator door and make jazz hands, had turned around.
Chad - the first time hearing the kids' name you laughed for a good 5 minutes, you were basically best friends now. Anyways, Chad screamed 'yes' over and over again.
"But wait!! I don't want tomato sauce."
You nod, "I can respect that. Maybe.. just super virgin-y oil-y spaghetti like olive garden makes it."
"I've never been to Olive Garden."
"I'm taking you and your family for olive garden on on somebody's birthday." It was truly heart-wrenching, but you knew not everybody could afford that shit. Shit was expensive. Also - their lasagna was - i dont think i can say anything. I simply, will not. Jk their lasagna is actually kinda not good.
"Aight, we boutta feast." Scooby-Doo played in the background - one of the movies. The animated ones, where Shaggy and Daphne hook up.
"Dun-na-na-naaaa." You sung, pouring the noodles in the boiling water. Two plates on the counter waiting for their demise, along with forks. Two glass bottle cokes were in the freezer - since they were warm. Hella warm.
After cooking up the pasta, you served Chad and yourself a couple of bowls, then fucked around playing hide and seek while the Scooby-doo series played. One of the movies, this time. With John Cena! You think it was called Wrestle Mania or something of the sort - you had no clue. Your thoughts were running by 20 mph.
It was Chad's turn to count - you hide in his parent's closet and wait excitedly vibrating in your spot. You bounce your leg slightly.
You could hear multiple other voices coming from down stairs. You shyly poke out your foot, your leg following your foot and you, following your leg.
You step quietly, on your tip-toes and peek around the corner. His parents were home!
You eagerly slip down the stairs, not actually slipping but stepping quickly.
"Hey Mister and Missus!" You greet cheerfully.
"Y/n!" Chad saluted happily, stepping towards you and embracing your torso.
"Hey Kiddo!" Mister greets, "I'll pay you now?" Mister begun edging his hand towards his wallet. When he sees you made no move to stop him, he nods with a knowing grin and shoves his hand in his pocket.
He offers you a few twenties and you take them, shoving them in your pocket.
"See you this weekend, Nerd." You snicker, ruffling the boys' full head of hair.
"Bye-bye!" He waved, blowing you a kiss. You pretend to catch it and slap it on your forehead before waving to his parents who smiled fondly as they watched you leave their driveway.
Home, sweet home. You thought, tossing your shoes by the door and immediately throwing yourself onto the couch before deciding you would be sort've productive and clean up some.
You sigh, trudging up and into your room.
You were snug under your thick blankets. You never knew when you fell asleep. You just loved sleeping though.
"Simp this, simp that. I simply just want to be in her arms."
"Who's arms?" You perk up from behind the couch. Your friend - not actually your friend, but your friend in your dream you suppose, Dylan. Whom you call Dill. Because Dill Pickle. Also, because Pickle Rick. Anyways - Dill was sitting on the couch, a cigarette in hand as he talked to seemingly no one. Bleached hair all fucked up - soft mocha skin with blemishes and acne scars. You lean over and lick his cheek.
"Haha. I'm Pickle Rick!" You slapped yourself for saying such fucking idiotic things. "Who?? Who's arms do you want to be in??"
"Yours." Dill admitted, before pulling you over the couch with immense strength and licking your nose with his forked tongue.
"Haha, gross."
You held up a hand, putting it to his right eye and stretching the eyelids away from eachother. You lean down and lick his pure white sclera. He moaned and shivered.
What the f - what the fuck what the fuck. What. The. Fuck. You thought, 'screaming' in your head, as he slapped away your hand and pulled you down.
Ah, shit. Is he gonna lick my eyeball?? You thought, watching him with cautious eyes.
Dill suddenly turned serious - his face suddenly turned paper-sheet white. You pull back, where was this going? You thought, unimpressed, as you watch his sclera turn bright red.
Dill morphed into an actual paper. With the lines n' shit - the paper still had lips. Thankfully, no eyes.
Then you made out. Just kidding! No, i lied, you did make out. But suddenly, the paper lurched forward and cut you with their paper arm.
You awake. Breathing out a sigh and turning office your left side. You close your eyes once more before peaking them open. You can see the tree branches outside bob up and down with the wind.
You shiver, before pulling the covers over your shoulders. You take a glance around your room before your eyes landed on the corner where you kept all your laundry.
strangely enough, that pile of clothes did resemble a human.
Did it just fucking move?
What was that in it's hand?
Wanna fucking go?! Out? On a date?
What the fuck, shut up me.
Wait. Wait wait wait. Didn't I just do my fucking laundry?? Oh god. Oh fuck. Oh my fucking god. Wgatt thejcmcwnq. Shut the fuck up stop speaking in tongues. What the fuck thoughts? There's a fucking stranger in our room.
You can feel the eyes of someone trace your facial features. No you can't, that would be fucking awesome though. Anyways. One step - was all it took for you to fucking bolt out of bed in your pink sheep jammies and out the door, tripping on clothes on your way out.
Or - you actually didn't do your laundry. You pause at the bathroom door. You carefully step towards the light switches for the hallway. Were you actually just imagining everything? You did just wake up..
You slowly, but surely, step towards your room.
Stanfing in the entrance of your room like that meme 'me walking to my parents room at 2am to tell them i threw up'. You shakily lift a hand, to turn on your light. You were in the room to do so, so..
There was nothing in the corner. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Zlich. What the fuck is this bullshit? You could've sworn that something was in the corner - what, what the fuck.
You snap your neck turning around. You made eye contact with nothingness. Just kidding! You made eye contact with the holes of some white mask that mocked one of a human face - shaggy, fucking ugly brown hair that needed a fucking brush.
You turn your body around at immense speed and push the stranger away, bolting down the hallway. You couldn't hear the thunderous steps behind you, not that you could ever hear them. You couldn't forget the fucking glint of that kitchen knife. Was that yours? Did he fucking steal that from you?
Shut up! You shout at yourself in your head, running down the stairs. You take a peak behind you - just to see him right fucking behind you.
You chuckle, before running away - the thought of dipping out the door never crosses your mind.
"ALEXA! Play the Scooby-doo theme song!" You shout out, running through the rooms that hand connected - like a game of tag or something. Murder tag. Kill tag? Murder Tag fits.
This is fun! You thought, grinning widely as tears prick your eyes. You will have fun. You are. Honestly? Fuck it, death music.
"Scooby-Dooby-Doo, where are you? We got some work to do now !"
You skrrt around the corner - entering the kitchen. You pull a clever from one of the utensil drawers and wait anxiously -
"Scooby-Dooby-Doo, where are you? We need some help from you now !"
"Alexa. Pause." You whisper to the robot.
You see the blue-coveralls, white mask - brown hair headass in the entrance of the kitchen.
"He - " Your voice cracks horribly and you resist the urge to laugh.
"Hey man.. don't kill me."
You see him tilt his head slightly.
"Were you going to kill me?"
The man shook his head side to side.
"Why the fuck are you in my house then."
He took one step towards you and you drop the weapon - it clattered loudly on the floor. He looked downwards, then back to your own eyes.
"Well. Anyways. If you aren't going to kill me. Wanna watch Scooby-Doo, homie?"
The coverall wearing man shook his head no.
"Want some spaghetti for your travels?"
He nodded yes.
So, basically, from what you gathered, the man couldn't talk. He was very threatning and did kill people. He was the 'Boogeyman of Haddonfield.' How dope is that? A real life murderer in your home. That's kinda sexy, not gonna lie. You stir the pot of noodles, before picking up the wooden spoon you stirred it with, you pull off a noodle on the spoon and fling it on the wall.
"Okidokie! It's ready." You didn't have literally any tomatoes or ground beef - so you made noodles like you did with Chad. MMmmf.f...bbutterrryy,.,.,.
You drain the water, put the noodles in two separate bowls, leftover pasta still in the pot. You pull out the utensil drawer, the dried utensils from the drain in the drawer so you couldn't just pluck one from the drain - you place two forks in each bowl respectfully and take the two bowls to the table.
You sit across the male, immediately digging into the pasta.
"So," You swallow, "Were you actually not gonna kill me?"
He shook his head before he nodded, before fiddling with his fork, twirling spaghetti around said fork.
That means youre in a house with a man that wanted to kill you but didnt. How do you feel?
"Special.." You answer aloud and aloof.
You see the man perk his head up. "Sorry, sorry." You mumble out, waving your hand before you begun twirling your spaghetti into your fork and shoving it past your lips before striking the noodles once more as you chew.
"Goodbye, good sir." You waved, mouth full of pasta noodles as the male stood from his seat and edged towards the back door.
He only nods, and you only watch as he leaves.
You truly, could not believe how fucking crazy you were to play the theme song and not call the cops for this fucking psychopath. He was so out of character too.
Anyway. Another problem for tomorrow.
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childish-ish · 5 years ago
pretty neat
pairing: michael myers x reader
a very fluffy, very short oneshot!
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It was only a few days until Halloween now. You had your costume set and ready to go. You were going to be some sort've monochrome themed clown. No, you weren't. You were just gonna be some classic vampire with the fangs and fake blood around your mouth.
It was 3am, and you were in the middle of your empty driveway, getting soaked in the rain that poured into you. You had your left arm over your closed eyes and your right over your stomach, one knee up and the other resting straight.
Thunder crackled, and rain poured a sliver of a bit harder.
You exhale heavily.
The rain seeped underneath your clothing, it felt like pins and needles if you really thought about it.
You felt weight next to you. Startled, you immediately pull away your arm and sit up, facing the weight.
Why, it was your odd friend who never said his name! The white-masked male casted a gaze at you, before lying himself down.
He was upwards planking.
You couldn't help but snort at the male. He was so intimidating - but to see him lying in the rain, just so done with everything it seems like, was very an odd sight to see. So you could help but laugh, but you decided to let it out anyway.
With no dignity and newfound vigor, you found yourself holding your cupped hands to the rain, letting it pour into your hands before throwing it onto him.
You watch with wide eyes as the male sat up with lightspeed and snapped his jead towards you. The rain eased up.
Laugh piling upon laugh, you fall backwards onto the grassy lawn, snickering as you peer up at the man who loomed over you despite being several feet away.
You gasp, water being thrown on your face.
You guess it was some sort've distraction, because when you went to rub your eyes, you were tackled to the earth floor.
Laughing lightly as you peer up at the male, just to cover your eyes with a small whine when a raindown slipped down his mask and into your eye.
You scream in your mind, internally asking the white-masked man to get the fuck off - and as if he heard your thoughts, he gets off.
You laugh once more before rubbing your eye one last time before standing to your feet.
As you peer up into the pitch black eyeholes of his mask, you snicker before walking past him and to the entrance to your home.
As you place your hand on the doorknob, you wonder if you should invite him in, get a towel maybe?
"Hey - "
But, alas.
He was gone.
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childish-ish · 5 years ago
pairing: michael myers x reader
soulmate au: soulmates that make choices for each other.
part one. part two. tw: smut - sort've, ooc michael myers
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You were taken down the street - to that one house - one you've explored before with Cheesebird. It was abandoned, and somewhat nice looking. You remember distinctly that Cheesebird picked the backdoor lock and slid in. You following, and tagging the wall with sharpie.
You wonder if you're going to pass the wall. It was upstairs..? Maybe. You forgot.
The streets were .. empty to a degree. There were a few houses with lights on - and now you were wondering, did Cheesebird text you? It was way past trick or treating curfew.. she probably did. :(
Maybe if your bitch ass soulmate wasn't such a bitch ass, you could've stolen your phone from the living room like a NINJA or something. But you couldn't.
soulmate chooses: stay silent.
"Fuck..." You can't scream.. super loud. But it was something at least. Michael squeezed your torso with a single hand tightly and you gasp slightly out of shock.
"Easy! I'm not fucking going anywhere.." You scoffed, rolling your eyes. Laying limp in his arms, passing exactly two houses with lights on. FUCK! if only they looked out their FUCKING window, amiright??
Where was this gonna lead? Hm? Tell me.
Michael had entered the house, going in through the back door. It was dark, so you really couldn't see the wall you tagged. Michael had carried you up the stairs and into some bedroom. You blink, admittedly trying to adjust your poor eyesight to the darkness.
You heave - being thrown on a musty springy bed.
"Are soulmates really supposed to be doing this? Look man - you're a fucking psychopath and I'm cool with it. You're my soulmate. Take me home and we can talk." You sigh, looking into the black holes of his stupid looking mask.
"Maybe go on a date, shawty, know what I'm saying?"
You were greeted with silence.
Like the P in Pterodactyl.
You awkwardly avoid eye contact and peak out the window, from the side. It was a full moon! Maybe some werewolf and human are getting it on. You turn back to the man looming over you. You could see his figure. Buff - thick. Probably has a nice ass too. Maybe it's flat - who knows.
Your eyes dart back up to his creepy, white mask. The moonlight shined on said mask, making the masked man even creepier.
You, once again, avoid eye contact and gaze at the wall. It was musty. Dark grey, very dark grey. You shiver, before letting out a shriek - a large, heavy piece of fabric was thrown onto you.
"Oh.. shit, thanks soulmate.." You cuddle up to the copper smelling thing. What even was it? You know it wasn't a piece of his clothing - you gape - what was he doing - what was he doing. What Was He Doing.
He had unzipped his coveralls. Exposing his chest that was clothed by a white T-shirt.
You couldn't help the quiet, anxious laugh that escaped you.
"What are you uh.. doing there buddy?"
You watch as he ties the sleeves around his waist. You couldn't help but blush - was your creepy little fantasy coming true? Getting touched gently by a man in a mask - some weird kink of yours - the mask thing. Not getting touched.. well maybe getting touched too, yeah. You had always read about sex - x reader fanfics, not Wikipedia shit.
You liked the nice stuff. Vanilla sex.. maybe even a little bit of humiliation. Maybe even a touch of.. noncons- shut up whore. Shut up. Shut the FUCK up. Anyways. Hello everybody, I'm Markiplierrr.
You feel your face grow uncomfortably hot as your thoughts trail back to your supposed kinks for no apparent reason and spring up off the bed to be pushed down harshly, "Ah! Fuck.." You emit. You sigh, laying down fully. You snicker slightly, having thought about how your words had sounded like sex noises. Well - hey. Since we're on the topic once more!
Look - about sex, you're aren't a virgin. You had somewhat of an idea of what to do with girls - with your fingers, maybe some kitten licks with your tongue. It was easy for guys.. just grab the dick and pump - maybe trace some kisses along his neck. No way were you going to let some guy put his stinky dick in your vagina - guys don't wipe their peehole after they piss. That's gross.
Fuck.. sometimes, okay.. sometimes you play with yourself. Watch all types of porn genres on your laptop on an incognito tab, and just go crazy. So.. you know where your clit is - after exploring.
Thank god - no choices came up when you were doing the deed - WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT MASTURBATION AND FUCKING SEX, YOU'RE BASICALLY KIDNAPPED RIGHT NOW!! You scream at yourself, throwing the fabric off yourself.
You burp, some sort of stupid distraction for the guy for you to at least sit up maybe?
Haha! Just kidding. He didn't even fucking flinch.
The male collapsed next to you, making you shriek and jump away. The bed bounced slightly - squeaking under the weight of you both. You turned your head to him, awkwardly looking him in the.. in the holes. Michael threw a single arm around you and pulled you in close into his chest. You did not like the smell of the odd - plastic-y, rubber mask. You hated it.
Michael had squeezed you tight into his chest, and you gasp for air.
Where were you? He screamed. Where.. were you?
You pull up your hands, placing them in his chest awkwardly and pushing him feebly.
He squeezed you closer and you gape, arms squished into his body as well as your whole ass fucking body.
Michael abruptly pulled away. You watch with confused eyes as he stood where he once was, looming over you, legs on each side of your knees.
Your hoodie! Ripped. He had leaned down and just - just fucking ripped your hoodie into two.
"Bro! What the fuck?!?" You shout, in obvious distress. You liked that hoodie! What a fucking bitch he is! Harumph! I say, Harumph! You sit up, tossing a heated glare at the man before eyeing your hoodie ripped in two. The bottom was ripped, all the way up, just below your breasts. Your grey T-shirt exposed.
You were pushed back, the springs letting out squeals, you, as well, let out a small shriek as the male, once more, ripped your clothes.
Michael had loomed over you, close to kabedon-ing you. He bunched up your grey shirt in his fists and pulled his fists apart. Letting out a splitting noise that made your eardrums burst at how loud it was - no, i’m joking, it wasn't that loud, but it was that quiet.
You felt disgusting. Your exposed your midsection.. your odd fantasies swirling around in that grey pink thing in your skull.
You inhale deeply, face burning uncomfortably. Your fantasy was coming true! Oh how you yearn for this absolute stranger's touch..
"You're a fucking.. bitch.." You griped, lips pulled up in a sneer as you grip your hoodie in your fists. Feeling an uncontrollable rage churn inside you, knowing yourself, you wouldn't do absolute shit but talk shit.
His cold hand traces your stomach, and you unconsciously squeeze your belly in. It tickled - you suppress a smile.
The black eyeholes of that creepy.. white mask darted to your own.
"Fuck you.. bitch..." You say quietly, gazing at the ceiling, eyes rolling closed.
"YO!" You shriek, throat grasped in a calloused hand, your hands dart up to the thick, large hand that squeezed at your throat threateningly, you pull at the hand, clawing.
You gasp, "Bro! How could you?" You ask in a solemn tone, eyes growing teary for more affect.
Michael didn't seemed to care.
"Michael. Hey. Hey dawg... let go." You asked, choked up.
He did so, after quite awhile, maybe 2 - 3 minutes?
Well, anyways.
"Dude.. why couldn't I just get a fucking person with chill as a soulmate.." You griped, eyes rolling to the back of your head to check if a brain was still there, crossing your arms over your chest like a pouty little brat in a daddy x minx! bratty! reader.
"Instead i got a fucking murderer with no chill - " A single hand, was placed gently on your throat. Ghosting - over said throat.
Your eyes dart open and to Michael's eyes. The holes black as the nothingness void frightened you - you gulp.
"Sorry.. murderers are sexy!" You shout, anxious, your statement quite true. "So are.. masked men?" Well, that was hella true. You'd fucking bow to a masked woman. Maybe a man too, you guess. Masks were just fucking hot. Mask Kink Gang Arise!
Michael rolled his eyes, internally asking why this person specifically with that kind of attitude was his soulmate.
Michael casts a gaze or the window before turning back to his soulmate. He, truly couldn't believe that his soulmate was someone who made him steal a car.
He was thankful, in a way - it was a long drive.. imagine walking. Still, Michael couldn't believe you were here. In Haddonfield. What a coincidence, right? His home - ish, is the same place you live, truly - a coincidence!
Oh. How you charm him with your shrieks..
Your eyes widen - why, a choice came up!
be gentle or be unruly.
You, obviously pick gentle.
Michael casts a gaze at you - one of bemusement and disappointment. Er - not that you could see. Michael scoffed unbelievably quiet, rolling his eyes before unattaching his hand from your throat, slowly, once again trailing down your chest, down your midsection, and to your crotch, where he unbuttoned your pants and pulled them off slowly, down to your knees.
"cunt." you whisper. "Hey, can we cuddle. I want to Cuddle."
You were quit willing to do fucking anything but fuck. You cant help but want to at the same time. But, this wasn't going to happen. Maybe.. just maybe, you'll go back home and just.. vibe? Yeah. Just hang out. Maybe do a one-sided conversation as well..
You felt a little cold.. you had tossed away that fabric thingy, didn't you? Yeah..
His mask darts back up, facing you. An odd look crossed your face. "What? There's nothing wrong with being comfortable." You griped.
He hooks his fingers under your black high-brief underwear. It was sort've uncomfortable feeling your underwear taken off with your butt glued to the bed.
He slipped a hand in between your legs - you gasp, ready to shriek. You let out a small - odd noise.. some say it was similar to a faraway squeal. Others say the exact same thing. Because that's what it was.
You shiver, pushing your head into the springy, flimsy bed as he slipped a finger between your folds. "Bro I don't like this.." You breathed gently. Lids blocking your vision.
You feel him trail a single finger down, finger swiping over your clit that was hidden by the hood-
"Oi, oi.. weren't you in some institution? H - how do you know where the clit is?" You ask with a small, breathy laugh. All you received in response was stillness. Not a lot of guys did their research on the female genitalia. Reminder that i said 'not a lot', which means some guys actually do research.
I guess Michael is one of them.. you thought. Or he fucked someone and did research that way...
"The first guy I've ever had sex with didn't know where the clit was, and thank god man - i didn't want a little finger poking at me, so we just made out- "
Michael's left hand shot at your neck, going straight for the jugular. You were how old? You gasp - definitely not expecting that. His actions were clear. You knew what to make out of it. 'shut the fuck up'.
Pretty fucking rude, dont'cha think? Even when you picked be gentle. What a fucking rule-breaker.
"WHOA!" You shrieked, a thick-ish, cold finger touching your little peepee head. You can't lie - the clit - the whole clit, looked like a dick. Like a miniature cock. And only the head peaked out, and that was the clit. Crazy right?
"Hey! Hey, hey, hey.. your fingers are cold" You whined, pulling your whole body away, just for the large male to grab you by your thigh, squeezing tight, and pull you down, having removed the hand from your throat - oh fuck.. that was sorta.. hot. SHUT UP YOU DON’T WANT TO BE HERE. YOU WILL NOT FUCKING HAVE SEX. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.
"Get the fuck off." You asked him, lowly. "Get the FUCK OFF ME!!" You begun to shout, struggling to sit up. You didn't want this. You didn't want this. You didn't want this. You didn't want this to happen when you immediately met your soulmate.
You wanted to go on a date! Maybe watch MOVIES or maybe fucking play GAMES or someshit. NOT fucking THIS.
"MICHAEL!" You scream.
You yelped, "CUDDLE!! Let's cuddle!!"
He pulled back, hand scrunched up into a fist.
"Come on man.. we're soulmates that met for the first time.. can't we do this when we get to know each other more? Please..?"
Holy shit. He doesn’t even know your name! You stifle a snicker, holding up the pouty lips and puppy dog eyes.
Michael didn't seem to care, but he shrugged slightly - you saw it! He shrugged, you swear! He hooked the high-cut briefs under his index finger and pulled them up, resting them on your hips.
"Thanks homie.." You sighed, shutting your eyes before popping them open.
"We can go to MY room and cuddle. Its much more comfortable, you see." You bargain, bottom lip between your teeth, awaiting his response, despite knowing the man couldn't talk.
To your absolute surprise - he nods! Only once though.
"yay!" You shake your fists in the air, an awkward smile planted on your lips as you do a slight worm wiggle.
Your fixed your hoodie closed before Michael helped pull up your pants, letting you button them and shit before yanking you up and throwing you over his shoulder once more.
Your head almost gets banged on the doorway - but thankfully you moved your head right before the deed was almost done.
I wonder if my mom is home.. you thought, a dazed look crossed your face. Well. Anyways, Michael made it out to the front lawn, the clicking of his shoes when they made contact with the concrete sidewalk made you feel somewhat uneasy for some reason.
Michael let you walk on your own when you reached your front yard. Your mom still wasn’t home yet. It was a normal occurrence for your mom to stay at work - taking other peoples shifts and such. You’d have to ask if she ate today.. 
You pull out a spare key from under the random red candle that was hallowed out, inside was an empty pill bottle with the spare inside. You unlock the door, taking a long time since you still couldn’t unlock doors correctly after all this time.
You push open the door with a exasperated sigh, yanking the key out of the keyhole and putting the key back into the candle, placing the candle in its correct spot before finally walking inside.
“Ay yeah.. just make yourself comfortable. Let me clean up before i show you my room n’ shit.” You say, holding out your hand, placing it on the wall besides you just to quickly realize that it wasn’t a wall - it was Michael’s chest, “Shit, sorry. Hit the light behind you??” You immediately pulled away your hand and scratched the back of your head to play off your obvious embarrassment.
Michael did so without a word. You grabbed your phone from off the floor from off the floor and switched it on to look through your notifications. One from your mom and a few messages from -
“Oi! What was that for??“ You berate Michael, him having plucked your phone from your hands. “Man..“ You just decided to toss the pizza boxes into the oven and grab a water bottle and reflect on Michael’s actions. You sigh before capping the bottle and leaving the kitchen. Your phone no where to be seen in Michael’s large, calloused hands.
You pay no mind, despite wanting to scream your fucking voice box out, you keep on going.
You turn your head a little, just to see if he was really following you - he was. You internally sigh before asking Michael to hit the light.He does, and you continue up the dark oak stairs with a nice sheen.
“Get ready bro.. its gonna fucking blind you.. with fucking awesomeness, bro!! Let’s fucking goooooo!!!” You lift your foot, planning to kick in your door before standing on both feet and placing your hand on the nice matte black doorknob, twisting, pushing in, and almost falling if it weren’t for your quick feet. You quickly switch on your quirky neon lights that outlined the roof of your room. Giving off a nice blue color. You grabbed the remote off the nightstand and fiddled with the colors, before pressing plain blue.
You fully enter your room, tossing the remote back on the stand and placing your hands on your hips as you blow out a sigh, looking at all the dirty clothes and socks and other random shit. A small scrape catches your ear -
"Oh hey, let that sink in." You pointed to your window, where a matted-fur black angel was scratching at the window.
You turn your back, fiddling with your dirty clothes that were lying on the floor right next to your bed. You could practically feel the questioning eyes of your soulmate. Did you seriously name your cat 'That Sink'?
"No i didn't name her That Sink. It's one of her many names, okay." You throw open your closet door, and throw your clothes onto the floor of said closet.
You sigh, closing the door and turning to your bed - to which you step over to, and throw yourself onto. You cuddled into your comforter and pillows. Especially the body pillow of some random anime girl with huge boobs. You did some research and thankfully, she wasn't a loli. You wonder why people sexualize young girls in anime? Then decided to turn on your little radio. Soft tunes filled your pale painted room.
Michael was holding That Sink. She purred so loud - shit sounded like a fucking motorboat.
“Anyways, man.. I got school tomorrow.. do you actually wanna cuddle, or?”
The white masked man that was covered in all types of grime that was holding That Sink nodded once.
“Hey quick question.. do you know sign language?”
He left a blank space on that question, you nod in understanding before kicking your shoes off and kicking them into place neatly by the foot of your bed and jogging towards your closet.
"Hey could you not watch me?" You turn your head towards the man, meeting his blank gaze. He gave no redponse, but turned his head away and picked up some book of yours.
You sigh, pulling the doors open then pulling off your hoodie, tossing it onto the floor, then pulling off your shirt, tossing it onto your hoodie, then pulling on a nice, pale maroon that gave you sweater paws. You pull the sweater that was filled with cold sweetness over your head and shooting your arms through the sleeves.
You moved on to your pants; peeling those badboys off and pulling some pajama shorts, slipping those suits on before finally declaring you were done.
You make a beeline towards your bed, jumping onto said bed, and getting under the covers immediately.
Michael stands at the foot of your bed. That Sink jumps into your nightstand and climbs her way down to your torso, where she lied down.
Michael, once again, made no move but gestured towards the window. You nod, with a small, 'see ya', blinking sleepily.
Just as he placed his hand on the door knob, you call out to him - startling That Sink.
"Oh hey, my phone? Can i have my phone back?"
It was pretty fucking stupid to take some shit that doesn't belong to you away from their owner. Now fucking own up you stupid fucking bitch.
Michael shrugged, and patted his chest before dipping.
You sigh with a roll of your eyes. Listening in for any noises. You can't belive this shit - honestly, some fucking bitch just took your shit and dipped, without cuddling. To be perfectly honest, you could go without the cuddling of a dangerous psychopath who almost raped you. You thought you weren't to specific with your words 'get the fuck off', because the male, didn't immediately get the fuck off. Why were you talking like it was the most common thing to happen you stupid bitch? Because.. it felt sort've.. right. He's my soulmate.
"That's enough of that, then!" You mutter to yourself, before ultimately falling asleep. Aha! Just kidding you didn't sleep for another hour. In that hour, you let That Sink out and ate cereal, and watched vanossgaming's prop hunt on your laptop. Then, you went to bed, for real this time.
You woke up from a sleepless night. His touches lingering on your body. You felt absolutely disgusted with yourself, but lived on. You got dressed after stripping down, had tossed the clothes somewhere noticeable to clean up after school.
Pulling out a pair of socks with you hurriedly put on, along with some bleached pants and a large T-shirt that hung down to your mid-thigh. You liked loose clothing to be honest. No harm done. You slipped on your sneakers, going to grab your phone just to realize Michael had taken it with his bitch ass -
"Oh, fuck! Sick." You grabbed your phone, which had found its way on the charger, planning to forget to thank Michael and never say anything about it, and headed out to the bathroom.
After brushing your hand and teeth - of course, not with the same brush, you headed out fully, jogging down the stairs and looking for your backpack and keys.
After slipping on your backpack and shit, you liked for the pizza boxes - did you put them up or did Michael throw them away? Who knows. You check the oven - thankfully they were in the oven.
You walked, since the bus didn't come to your house. Also, it was Michael's choice.
You enter the school, jogging down the hall and muttering multiple small 'hi's' to your distant distant friends. Usually, you would go straight to the meet up place to see Cheesebird, but because Michael chose 'go straight to class', you had to go straight to class.
You sit in your assigned seat after waving a hello to your teacher, the piss yellow desk mocking you. You forgot to do your morning piss. Fuck. Now you gotta fucking ask the teacher.
You peak up from the said desk, just to make eye contact with Cheesebird who walked through the door.
"Hey, fucker. Why didn't you answer my texts?" Cheesebird chastised slightly, once she got nearer. She sits at her desk and tosses her backpack under the desk and begun picking at her neon green / neon pink nail polish.
"What? I didn't get any texts?" You immediately pull out your phone and go to Cheesebird's contact. "Yeah.. No messages." You show her your screen, your last conversation shown and no early texts were sent.
Cheesebird was flabbergasted to say the least, she pulled out her phone from her neon pink Hello Kitty zip-up jacket that was over a human rib cage tank top. Along with white jeans with black splatters and Gir themed sneakers.
"I texted you 15 times!" Cheesebird said, surprised and a little bit angry.
"They went through.. well. Fuck. Anyways, what do you wanna get for lunch?"
soulmate chooses: pizza, yogurt, and milk.
"Pizza." You shrug.
go to the school or go to the nearest house.
You hummed, before picking house. You didn't want him to go to no fucking school. Despite it not being yours - maybe it was your school. Who the fuck cares, now he's in some house scaring the shit out of people.
It wasn't a second layer when the homeroom teacher walked in, her preppy voice cheered you up - despite not being sad or anything.
"Hello class! I hope you had a wonderful Halloween!"
A chorus of 'you too's' echoed throughout the filled classroom.
"Thank you. Today will be no different from yesterday. A free day once again!"
Boisterous shouts filled with excitement were called out throughout the room. You nodded, before standing to move your desk to connect with Cheesebird's desk.
You spent the period clowning around and talking with cottagecore girls in your class, whom you never spoken to before. Kinda cool. Well, you got their numbers and planned to go to some boba place down town to hang out on the weekend.
Math was scuffed, English was sexy, geometry was okay, lunch was yummy, and - well.
Timeskip to gym, you're now in the fucking locker room throwing your clothes into your backpack and finally slipping on your shoes to finish off your gym look. You wait for Cheesebird to finish putting on her own gym clothes.
Once you exit the lockers joking about many heffley, once you spot what was out to fuck with - you immediately go for the jump ropes.
Few minutes later, exactly six minutes.
You heave, sweat dripping down your temple as you jump over the rope before stopping abruptly.
"This shit hard.. wanna go sit on the bleachers?" Cheesebird asked, hands on her knees as he gasped for air, her face was a bubblegum shade of pink.
"Hell yeah brother."
You put the jump ropes in there rightful places before heading over to the bleachers, climbing up and surfing in the top step before immediately talking about how hot Pyro is from TF2
"Oi, oi." Cheesebird poked at you. "Wanna hang out after school?"
soulmate chooses: hangout with Cheesebird.
"Yeah. Where are we going?"
Cheesebird took a small minute to produce an answer, and in that single minute, you shoved your books into your locker and slammed it closed.
"How a walk? Downtown..?" She supplies the answer, and you agree.
"We gonna stop to drop our shit off or what?" You give her a friendly push.
"Hell yeah brother!" She nudged you back with a laugh.
"Aight then.. let us go!"
Then Cheesebird pulled out her phone as you begun to walk down the hallway to the exit. You didn't know what music app she played from, but she played music freely.
You assumed she played from SoundCloud, but she could have a free trial..
Ah, who the fuck cares.
Cheesebird played low glitch music. Maybe.. a bit of fucking - goddamn. What was it?? You didn't know. All you know is that she played some glitchcore music and a bit of MSI.
After walking and joking about having an impotent penis, you finally made it to your home.
"Oh hey! My mom's home.." You cheered. You couldn't wait to see her. You eagerly rush up the driveway and to the back door, to lay to pull out the key from under the candle.
You rush into the kitchen, looking for your mom just to see her tired figure eating a sandwich with a crisp coke can by her side.
"Hey honey! Cheesebird, you as well.. how was school?" She spoke with a lazy grin.
That certainly didn't stop you from speaking in a large, boisterous happy manner.
"It was good! How was work mom? Was this all you had to eat today? Want me to order something?"
You watch as your mother paused in her movements. Eyes wide before she bursted into laughter.
"I'm fine honey! Work was tiring as always. No this wasnt all i had to eat, I had some chicken strips from some place downtown.. no you don't have to order something." Her delighted laughter filled your ears.
You grinned cheekily, feeling proud of yourself for making your mother laugh.
"Well, I'm off to work again. I'll text you later babygirl!"
You offer another grin as she throws her trash away, having used a nakin as a plate for her sandwich and chips.
"Bye .. mom." You called after her. Hearing nothing but the door slam closed.
"Damn bro.. are you okay?"
"Yeah. Let's just drop our shit off in the living room. Fuck changing."
What seemed like a minute later, you were at some happy bar-place where kids were allowed. As you pass by multiple tables getting through, you were looking around, noticing how kids actually weren't here.. your eyes fly back to Cheesebird, who was leading you through.
You watch as a man's hand flew down to Cheesebird's butt. Grasping it in his hand. His friends begun to laugh. You could hear Cheesebird gasp. You slap the man with no hesitantion. His glasses clatter onto the table.
You grabbed the man's full head of black hair and slam his head onto the table with full force after smacking away his beer glass.
You lift his head just to slam it back onto the table. You can feel droplets of - blood spatter onto your bare arm. Oh. You broke his nose.
You can hear Cheesebird's soft words in your left ear. You took a single glance at her, seeing her eyes overloading with tears, yet they held themselves back instead of falling. Strong woman. Yet not strong enough to stand up for herself. You can hear screaming in your other ear.
"You stupid piece of fucking shit! I bet your mom fucking hated you!!" You scream over the music.
You can see at the corner of your eye, his male friends stand from their chairs, holding out their hands as if to gently push you away.
You did nothing but pull up the weak man's head and slam it back onto the table. Again. Again. And again.
You saw nothing but red. Such a fine.. ruby red color. You felt hot.. like you were burning up. Were you? Oh, what's this? Is your nose running? Were you sick? Crying? Was it snot? What the fuck is it?
That's blood, stupid.
"Why am i bleeding?"
- Was your first question. Not 'why am i in the bathroom getting treated by a androgynous person with a tearful Cheesebird by their side?'
"Hey.. what's wrong?"
"What's wrong?!" She shrieked. You wince, but smile nonetheless.
"You had gotten into a nasty fight with some guy. I'm the boss of this establishment, nice to meet you, I'm Alex." They gave you a soft smile as the finished sticking a bandaid to your cheek. Black hair tied up into a messy bun and a button up silk shirt along with leather pants. You couldn't see their shoes, but you just know they were cool.
"I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you.. too."
"Well. I'll leave you two be." They left the bathroom. You stay still, waiting for your opponents next move.
"FUCK!" You shriek, you just know a large handmark will be bulging from the side of your face.
"Thank you, Y/n." Cheesebird's delicate voice filled your slightly ringing ears.
"Hey, hey, no problem!" You grinned, hopping off the sink beforr wipping out a sharpie and immediately tagging the mirror.
"Well.. that guy was arrested for manhandling a minor. He called me a cunt.. not so happy - "
"Is he still here?" You immediately drop your weapon and step towards the bathroom door littered in all colors and writings.
"No i don't think so.. his friends left. The place is gonna close in a bit.. wanna go to the park?"
"Oh boy! Would i?!" You gasp, with a snicker right after. "Of course I would!"
It was a few hours from that now. Maybe - maybe 3 hours of just clowning around in the park and fucking around with frogs and bugs. After deciding it was time to head back, you part ways on the driveway and wave goodbye to Cheesebird as she left.
Once you drug yourself back inside, you took care of the mess in your room before stripping down and putting on, yet again, another sweater and sweats. Along with socks. Can't forget socks.
And since the day was still young, you decided to clean up the house a bit. Just for your lil' ol mom.
You jogged towards the kitchen and grabbed the broom and dustpan from the pantry and begun sweeping. You wonder why you haven't actually seen her in the past 2 days, despite seeing her that day.
She texts you! Calls you too.. maybe.. maybe she's just tired. Probably why she seemed so.. dry when you talked today.
Speaking of which, your phone vibrates in your sweater pocket. To which you pull out and review your notifications as you hold the broom stick with one hand.
Your mom was working late again. You know what that means! Party time! Just for you! Maybe some neighborhood cats as well.
enter through the back door or enter through the bathroom window
"Hah!" You go with bathroom window. You shuffle quietly down the hallway, snickering quietly as you wait for that big ass fucktard to go come in through the window.
You just made him go through someone's window.
Oh well! You weren't seeing anybody come in so might as well just go back to the kitchen right?
Fucking, wrong.
"Oh - fuck?" You shrieked, nose getting squished into a hard wall. "Fucking shit.." You hold your nose, voice slightly nasally as your squeeze your own nose out of frustration.
"Oh.. oh fuck." Your eyes widen in shock as said eyes trail up the beast of a man. How could you forget the other fucking bathroom up-fucking-stairs? Goddammit.
"Oh." You spoke. Just a simple little 'oh' and nothing else before you brush past the male.
"I was gonna order pizza again." You inform him blatantly, stepping back into the kitchen to resume sweeping. You didn't know if he followed you, but you just spoke because he was just in the hallway - right next to the kitchen.
You pick up the dustpan that was filed with dirt and dust and crumbs, throwing the said garbage into the garbage.
You put the dustpan worth the broom in the pantry before turning off the light and dipping.
"Yo!" You shout, almost swishing your nose into Michael's chest yet again. "You need to watch where you're going." You informed him.
soulmate chooses: make spaghetti
"Ah. Shit, forreal?" You complain, looking up at the man. The black void you call his eyeholes eye so as scary and unnerving as ever, so you turn your head with a large sigh before muttering out a high pitched 'i guess, man'.
"Are you gonna help me?" You ask him, leaning on the island in the middle of the kitchen.
He did nothing but stay still, so you took it as a hard 'no'.
You sigh as you pull a large pot from the bottom cabinets, and turned on the faucet and begun filling it with water before placing the heavy pot on the burner, and setting it to boil.
Michael handed you the packet of spaghetti. You nod as a thank you.
After a good while, the noodled were made - and just the noodles because you didn't want to fully make spaghetti. The choice didn't specify so you didnt have to make the tomato sauce and shit.
Suck it, Michael.
You twirled the spaghetti onto the fork and shoved the noodles into your mouth. Humming in delight, yet in fright as Michael did nothing but fucking glare at you.
"YOU WANT SOME OR WHAT?" You called towards him, despite him being a few feet away from you.
To be clear, you were eating your spaghetti on the counter. So, envision this; you, leaning on the counter with a plate of buttery noodles in front of you with a stainless steel fork buried underneath the spaghetti- but not the whole fork, just the part with the 4 prongs. Oh - can't forget Michael Myers staring at you as he stands in the middle of the doorway that enters into the hallway!
nod yes to the spaghetti or shake your head no to the spaghetti.
You couldn't help but laugh at the choice, but chose nod yes.
You pulled a plate from out the upper cabinets and put some spaghetti onto said plate before handing it to Michael.
You finish your spaghetti as his own stays forever cold. You shrug it off, scraping his spaghetti into a tupperware along with the rest of the pot. You had no idea what to do. What to say now. What do you want me to say!? You screamed, staring at his blank black eyeholes.
"Wanna cuddle?"
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childish-ish · 5 years ago
AYOOO you guys want a part 2 or was i just supposed to do that w/o asking,, pl,, please let me know,,
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childish-ish · 5 years ago
pairing: michael myers x reader
soulmate au; soulmates that make choices for each other.
part two!
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"Bro. I got this bitch ass pimple on my face - what should I do?"
soulmate chooses: let it do it's thing.
"What a bitch. When i meet my soulmate I'm gonna fucking punch 'em in the fucking neck." You sigh, then snicker right after - "If i can even reach them."
Usually, you start off your day with a huge huff of cocaine and a box of Kelloggs™ cereal with the milk with the purple lid. Just kidding! You don't eat Kelloggs, instead, you eat Lucky Charms! Mostly for the marshmellows. Anyways.
You get dressed. Having been naked and looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror, contemplating on whether popping the 3 pimples on your face - one above your eyebrow, very - not visible. Another on your cheekbone - the other on your nose. You popped the one on your nose and washed your face, yesterday, so two pimples.
Anyways. You dress in regular jeans, pull over a plain grey t-shirt over your head, and slip on some socks, then your sneakers, then a hoodie. You checked over yourself and decide you look hot as fuck, and step to your bed, pull off your phone from your charger, shove that bitch in your pocket - and leave.
soulmate chooses: take a bus to school.
"Awh! They care about me <33."
"Hm." You look over the choices you get to pick - buy a donut or have a balanced breakfast.
"Haha!" You laugh, clicking on the 'balanced breakfast'. "Homeboy gonna eat good tonight. Whether they fucking like it or not."
You exit your home, keys in your pocket, and a lollipop in your mouth. You totally forgot to the brush your teeth, but gurgled some mouthwash hoping it would be enough.
You jog towards the bus, enter said bus, and sat next to your friend.
"Hey, kiddo." She waved. Neon pink hair clashed with black hair as it fell over her left blue eye, a major contrast to her paper white skin. She wore a black hoodie with some red symbol, something to do with creepypasta, black pants with large rips, fishnet tights under, and regular ol converse. Red, to be exact. Converse Chucks, to be exact.
"Shut the fuck up, don't call me that." You pull out your phone and lean down, entering your password as the bus begun to move.
"Ah, babygirl, you know that turns me on, aha - " She bites her lip and rubs her hand together like she was rubbing in hand sanitizer.
"Ah, right. I love you."
"Ew." Cheesebird laughed. Some random ass nickname you gave her because she didn't like her name.
soulmate chooses; go to classes
"Ugh." You roll your eyes - had thought about skipping class.
You look over your choices. steal a car, or walk.
Well. You don't want your soulmates feet to hurt.. so. Steal a car.
After the bus pulls up to the school, you exit with Cheesebird. You're a Senior in highschool.
You enter first period. Homeroom.
You sit in your assigned seat, thankfully, next to Cheesebird. You two discreetly passed notes, never getting caught - only once by a substitute.
"Hey, so, i know a neat place to go trick-or-treating. You up for it?" Cheesebird asked, placing her Gir themed backpack next to her feet, under the piss yellow desk -
You shrug. The day carrying on, kind've. You're in fourth period. Gym, when Cheesebird asked you the question again.
"Honestly, I'm thinking of starting in tonight. I have this fucking weird ass bad feeling.." You rub your bare arms, feeling unusually comfortable in the red booty shorts the gym made you wear.
"I can respect that. After i get all my candy, I'm gonna dip over to your house, is that okay?" Cheesebird asked, fiddling with a lollipop stick. She ate the lollipop already, stealing it from someone's backpack because of her soulmates choice - so the stick acted as a candy cigarette of some sort.
"Yeah, that's chill. What are you gonna be?" You swing your legs back and forth. Ankles crashing against the bleachers, giving you a dull pain.
"I'm gonna be a goblin. You know, if i were to guess what you were going to be, you would be a fucking astomi. Cause like, I'm gonna be a goblin.. and you're basically a goblin.. and i don't like talking.. except like, with you." Cheesebird explained awkwardly. She begun to chew on her lollipop stick.
"Yeah, i got it." You chuckle.
soulmate chooses: apple, water, and chicken nuggets.
"Oh, sick." You nodded.
"Oh, did your soulmate choose something? What was chosen your majesty?" Cheesebird asked.
"I got chicken nuggets for lunch. Want them?" You ask, looking over the freshmen that chose to play volleyball on one side, and basketball on the other.
You turn to Cheesebird, watching her eyes peek up.
Her eyes flick to you, and she nods with a smile, "Thanks bro!"
"Ah, yeah." You breathe, "No problem."
You look over your choices. clever or chef's knife.
You make a look, furrowing your eyebrows and jerking your head back slightly before choosing chef's knife.
"Another? What'd you choose?"
"My choices were clever or chef's knife." You tell her with confidence.
"Holy shit - your soulmate is a cooker! Lucky.. mines a fucking idiot."
You snort. "Lucky you.. mine could also be a murderer." You shrug.
"Hot." Cheesebird wiggles her eyebrows at you. "Oh, dude! Remember that guy - Boogeyman of Haddonfield?"
"Dude, they say he escaped some institution! They might cancel Halloween cause of his bitch-ass." Cheesebird rolled her eyes and leaned back.
"Ah, what a fuck. If it actually gets cancelled, you wanna come over and watch some movies? Maybe order some pizza?" You offer.
"Oh fuck yeah man! Thanks." Cheesebird laughed, clapping you on the shoulder once.
"No problem!" You say enthusiastically, punching Cheesebird on her bare upper arm.
"Ow! Fuck.. you whore." Cheesebird sucked in a breath.
You laugh, quieting down and patting ehr on the thigh. "Wanna go to the lockers? It's almost time to go. Like, 15 more minutes.." You say absentmindedly, gazing at the red blinking numbers.
"Oh yeah. Let's go." Cheesebird was ready to hop off. You count down to 3 to 1 and jump off the bleachers with Cheesebird, jogging across the court and entering the locker room.
soulmate chooses: wash face
I didn't even do shit, though? You shrug off the thoughts and get undressed after putting in the combination for your little locker. After shoving your gym clothes into said locker, you pull on your clothes, slipping on your shoes easily and picking up your backpack. You jog over to the bathrooms, go to the nearest sink, and splash your face.
You look up - the choices; grab a water or get a beer.
You choose water. Gotta stay healthy.
You wait by the gym doors for Cheesebird. And, hooray! She comes. Don't take that out of context.
Lunch speeds by. So do your classes. After school, you walk home with Cheesebird and say your goodbyes. You pull out your keys, inserting the key and unlocking the door.
You enter, closing the door behind you. You toss the keys on the stand next to the door and kick off your shoes, throwing off your backpack and jogging to the living room. You recieve a call from your mom. Saying that she was gonna be late. Maybe coming in around midnight or even later.
soulmate chooses: order pizza.
"hey cool."
And, you do just that. You call some pizza place with breadsticks, grab some money from your room and jog back downstairs. You watch Adam Sandler movies while you wait for the pizza.
The doorbell rings after 15 minutes of waiting. You jump up and run to the door. Opening it and seeing a cute pizza boy.
"Thanks." He salutes, recieving a tip from you.
You call back a 'no problem' and shut the door, placing the pizza on the table in front of the couch. You lie down, pulling a blanket over you.
soulmate chooses: take a nap.
You feel so.. tired now. Fuck it. Let's go to sl-
You awake. The T.V. off, lights out, and warm-ish pizza. You were obviously disoriented. You go to pull out your phone from your back pocket once you sit up.
The brightness blinds you - you quickly put it at a lower brightness.
You yawn, vision vlurry before it subsides and you quickly look over your notifications. A text from your mom 'hey honey, gona b stayin l8r than usual luv u'. You smile, rubbing your eyes and holding your phone with one hand.
You stand, flashing your flashlight. You drop your phone - gazing at the large figure in front of you.
"Who.. are you?" You take an anxious step back, you can feel a stream of cold sweat stream down the side of your head - from your temple. It was fucking disgusting. So.. so dark.
You see the glint from his hand - a knife. A knife. A knife. A knife. He has a knife. He has a knife. He has a knife. Run. Go. Run. Go. Go. Through the backdoor. Now. Fucking GO!
You turn on your heel and bolt through the living room and through the kitchen. Why did you even fucking ask that? 'Who are you' - like?? You don't know him, and he's in your house. Like?? You should've just pulled a knife. Just kidding! You would've been too fucking pussy to do that :\
You inhale and exhale heavily - otherwise known as breathing. You were really close to hyperventilating - but somehow, you slow down your breaths as you quietly slip through the backdoor.
All you wanted to do - you sob in your mind, was eat some fucking pizza - you heave, as you shuffle towards the backyard entrance, that lead to the front yard. And maybe watch some fucking pornhub.. all my plans.. ruined.
soulmate chooses: go back inside your house.
You choke. Eyes growing uncomfortably hot, your bottom jaw trembled as you clench your arms, hugging yourself. Was this - this fucking stalker your soulmate?
You did have control of your body as you calmly walk back through the gate. Your eyes well up, tears blurring your vision. You wipe the tears away and wipe them on your hoodie harshly. You trace therock trail that lead around the corner of your home.
You enter through the backdoor. Closing it behind you gently. You huff, and turn around.
You immediately make eye contact with large breasts that were covered by a dark blue fabric. A zipper in the middle and a single pocket.
"So.." You begin; voice cracking. You feel your face grow hot out of embarrassment. After clearing your throat and looking into the black holes of the mask that mocked a human face, covering the whole ass fuckin head of the tall, buff male, you instantly feel small. You rub your hands together, clenching your hoodie in your hands now.
"Uh.. what's uh - what's your name?" You come to a realization of how fucking stupid that was. Asking a large scary man what his name was - he's your soulmate! A part of you pleaded for some reason. Anyways, we live for the confidence.
You gawk at the man - wasn't he "Michael Myers? Killed - killed.. four teens back in -" you couldn't remember the year. All you could honestly think about the man that was looming over you threateningly. Where the FUCK was your mom?!?
He painstakingly slowly brought up a hand, and dropped it onto your shoulder. You feel tears well up in your eyes once more as you shake under his hold.
"H - hey.. aren't we uh.. soulmates? Sh - should you really be h - HOLDING me that tight?!" You squeak, now trying to pull away. "I'm - not fucking going anywhere - "
The Boogeyman brought up his other hand and let the hand fall on your other shoulder, the hold gradually getting tighter.
You could barely see his actual eyes, due to the not-so-bright moonlight. Despite this, you see some irises..
"I - i.. I go to school.. " You blurt, "I - I have a f - family."
He didn't respond. You get anxious quite quickly due to the circumstances. You feel your eyes well up as he fucking gripe you tighter before picking you up and throwing you over your shoulder like a dead body. His actions were clear - they said 'you aren't fucking getting away'.
He held you with one arm, caging you in over his shoulder. You sob softly, but couldn't help but admire his nice ass as he walked towards the front door.
what's to become of me?
You thought. You couldn't scream - could you?
You couldn't believe you missed Halloween for this shit. You could still see some kids - they would probably run away due to their fragility.
Fuck this. We are not fucking dying. We're soulmates. But what kind of fucking soulmates does this shit? I wish my soulmate was Adam Sandler.
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michael: you the bitch thats been making HEALTHY decisions for me??
you: no..?
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childish-ish · 5 years ago
Im so bored right now dasdw, idk if you do songfics, but how about a Thomas Hewitt x Reader songfic with Tag You're It?The song fits perfectly with him!!
my first attepmt at a songfic. hope you like it??
TAG, you're it!
pairing: thomas hewitt x reader
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He chased me and he wouldn't stop
You felt like throwing up. Tears streamed down your cheeks, dirt mixed in with said tears as your bare feet clap against the hot texas road. You couldn't stop. You couldn't. You would die. You couldn't stop. You can't. You won't.
You stop apruptly before puking or your guts in front of you. Some of the vomit splashed on your ankles. You gag, before more came up, you lean over and vomit out your roadtrip snacks.
Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it
You were pushed down on your knees, you couldn't believe you couldn't not hear the fucking chainsaw behind you. What the fuck. You keep quiet, unable to use your voice anymore. Your knees were pushed into your vomit. You internally gag - you could feel it rush up your throat but you force the vomit back down.
Grabbed my hand, pushed me down
The man who you saw slaughter your friends grabbed you by your scalp, digging his thick fingers into said scalp.
Took the words right out my mouth
You could hear incomprehensible rumbling from the man. Despite you wanting to scream out - PLEASE! DON'T KILL ME! You still couldn't use your voice. What is this bullshit?
Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it
He hoisted you up, over his shoulder awkwardly, before he adjusted you so your stomach was resting on his shoulder. Thomas, himself, was surprised you didn't scream. Well - now, at least. He had finally caught you. Why didn't you scream? Hadn't you seen his face?
Can anybody hear me when I'm hidden underground?
"P - please, bro.." Thomas could hear you gurgle. He ignored you, not that he could answer, and picked up his weapon that he dropped in order to adjust you -
Can anybody hear me? Am I talking to myself?
"Please don't kill me.." You say, voice raspy. You cough and decide to stay quieg. The tears don't stop. Though, it's not like you have anything to live for. After your dad 'accidentally' ran over your beloved animal pet, you got into a huge fight with your parents. They told you they didn't want to see your face again. This, of course happened many times, but this time you didn't want to come back this time. So you got on the circus ride. With your friends. But they're dead now. What do you have left? What do you have left?
Saying, "Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it"
You lie limp in his arms as he drug you to his home. Hearing him mumble. You couldn't help but compliment the place, despite its' raggedy appearance.
He's saying, "Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it"
You were thrown onto a hard table. You gasp at the pain, clenching your stomach in your arms. You hug yourself, to give yourself some sort of comfort in your last moments.
You could see the bodies of your dead friends. How'd they get there? Wasn't the guy carrying you only?
You snap your neck towards the still male. Wouldn't you be dead? What the fuck was he waiting for?
You see a clever in his hands - wondering how it got there before your eyes dart back to his face. He seemed to brace himself.
You snicker internally before muttering out a 'Hey on with it' as you lie back. Your watch as the large, odd masked man lifted the clever over your legs before slamming said clever down. But not on your leg - you sit up, looking at the male curiously.
He shrugged slightly before mumbling incoherent words. "Can i.. can i live?" HOLY SHIT! are you fucking stupid? Why would you FUCKING ask that?!
Yet - to your surprise the male shrugged.
"I can. I will." You informed him.
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hey, sorry if its not what you totally wanted :\ i could make another?? also sorry for mistakes!
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childish-ish · 5 years ago
top ramen
pairing: jason voorhees x gender-neutral! reader
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You chomp on a piece of jerky, pulling it away one you get a nice large piece in your mouth. The crinkling of the paper jerky bag made you feel somewhat giddy - you had no idea why it did though.
Currently, you're walking on the side of the road back to the camp where your beloved resides. It took a few years, but you were allowed out of the camp to get what you need and such - since Jason couldn't provide pads nor tampons / shavers - since you couldn't always use his daggers and shit - it always nicked your fucking face! You appreciated the thought, though.
You swallow the fully chewed jerky, right as you swallowed - you hear the screeching wheels right behind you - like, not right behind you, but on the road behind you.
You turn your head, facing the vehicle behind you. You wave, smiling. Sharp fangs protrude from your gums.
Some girl's head leaned out the window, brown hair and tan skin, bright honey brown eyes. She was pretty.
"Hey! You need a ride?" She called out to you kindly.
"Oh! Holy shit, thank you!" You shuffle forward towards the van.
"No problem! Where you heading?" She asked, as you neared the car doors.
"You know that camp - Crystal Lake? I'm gonna tag the counselors building." You pat your back pack, in a cup holder, was white spray paint you stole from dead tourists.
"Dope! We're heading there too, going camping!" She grinned, "Just go in the back!"
The back door was slid open, revealing a pale, round face and oval shaped face with mocha colored skin.
"Hey!" The pale-faced one held up a hand in form of greeting.
"Hey-o!" You waved, waving the one with a jerky in hand.
"Just take a seat, dawg!" The mocha-skinned male smiled. You nodded, and hopped in, sitting in a window seat.
"Dude, you just grazed my dick! This means we're dating." The pale-faced one hollered with a laugh, a huge blush spreads over his cheeks, nose, then covers his whole face, "Sorry, i literally forgot you were a stranger.." He apologized, sheepishly.
"Ah, it's okay. I'm Y/n." You smile, before shoving a whole jerky stick in your mouth.
"I'm Benjamin! You can call me Ben, or Jamin." The pale face one smiled, holding out his hand. You promptly ignore his hand and nod.
"I'm Darcy." The mocha-skinned male saluted. You nodded.
"My name's Darcy too! But you can call me Shey. It's my middle name." The driver smiled - looking at your through the mirror. She was a girl - blonde hair and peach skin.
"My name's Melly. Kinda like 'Smelly' but you call call me whatever!" The girl in the passenger seat smiled, turning to you to do so.
"Dope. So.. have you guys heard of the kid that died in that camp?" You asked, a ghoulish grin takes place on your lips.
Jamin snorted loudly besides you.
"That retard that drowned?"
Your eyes immediately grow dull, and stayed sharp, trained on Jamin's form. Who grew anxious under your dark gaze. Your smile dropped as you waited for his next move. You would say something - like; 'shut the fuck up before i fucking pull out your teeth and only leave one left, you fucking disgusting whore'. But you can't - you didn't want them to drop you off.
"Ben! Shut the fuck up, you fucking whore! I'm sorry, Y/n." Shey said, apologetically.
"Naah, it's cool. Not really, but what am i to say? Your fucking car." You snicker, a dark undertone hidden beneath your words.
The car goes quiet, and you almost laugh aloud.
"Jason.. Voorhees. A disabled child who was drowned in the Crystal Lake while the counselors did nothing. His mom went crazy, killed all the counselors." Darcy explained solemnly.
You snicker. "Pretty cool, huh? They say he haunts the land. Killer in the forest - oooh~" You mimick a ghost noise.
"Ah, yeah." Darcy responds.
The car went quiet, and you made it to the Camp, after parking the car on the side of the wide trail.
"Well, thanks guys." You smile, kindly, you suppose.
"Hey, yeah, anytime! Be safe out there." Melly saluted, a pale brown back pack on her back.
You take your leave and begun running once you were sure you were out of their eye sight, stopping every now and then. You passed the sign, 'Camp Crystal lake', and ran even faster.
You stop at the doorway of the house where Jason had kept his moms' head in the bathroom - where you stayed was under the house - in a little sewer-like home.
You collaps on your knees with a thud, before letting your back pack fall to the ground, on your calves.
You stood, your backpack dropping to the floor before you turned to the outside, and instead of seeing nature, you see large breasts in your face.
"Jason.." You heave, before falling onto the male, specifically in his tiddies; who caught you and held you up, going his hands under your arm pits after dropping his weapon. You listen to the loud clatter it made when it connected with the wood.
"We.. we have.. some new campers, Jason." You managed to get out, lolling your head back before you settle your head straight to look him in his mask holes.
Jason huffed, before hugging you to his chest and promptly drowning you in his tits. You snuggled and let out a 'mmm' despite being out of breath and kinda dehydrated. :\
You swing your feet back and forth, both legs at different paces. You were sitting on the pier, waiting for your large BF to fucking come over. You, honestly, didn't mind waiting. You take a sip of your water bottle before tossing the bottle cap in your mouth and chewing - definitely not gonna swallow it, that's for sure.
You were sure there were bugs in your hair. Beetles? Ants? Flies? Gnats? Probably gnats.
You slap your forehead - you pull away your hand and make eye contact with nothing on the palm of your hand. "What the shit, dawg?" You mutter.
You hear loud chatter and laughter - it was the people that drove you here. You couldn't fucking wait.
You grinned, before spitting out the bottle cap into your hand, and fixing it so it could twist onto the bottle correctly.
You begun trekking around the lake to the other side. You were in fucking awe on how they didn't see you on the pier. Ah, shit. Jason. Naah, it's okay. He would take his sweet time any way. You mostly hung out in the night time. Fuck the day time.
You duck down, hiding behind the tail grass and leaves that belonged to the trees.
You rustle them lightly, it wasn't heard - you eye their sweet up, which was a bit nicer than most. They had set up large tents, a small wood pile with a cooker over it in the middle of all of them. They were gonna start a fire soon. Shit - obviously.
You waited in the grass, until it was sunset. You had eaten a few bugs, to somewhat tarnish your hunger.
The fire crackled quietly, and you rustle the leaves, to get a rise out of one of them. You did - it was Benjamin.
He neared your hiding spot. When the male was right in front of you - you pop out. The male screams as your held up your hooked hands and bared your teeth.
The male kept screaming - when his friends looked over they screamed too, before making a run for it.
"Jason?" You ask, turning around to face his large breasts. The hockey-masked man was holding up his machete, and you dodge before he swung down, leaning forward and effectively cutting Benjamin's neck.
You step forward through the grass and begun running after one of the girls - Smelly?
Once she was in your sight, you run faster.
You successfully tackle the female, holding her down with your body weight as she struggled to kick you off. She called you names, screaming and crying.
You did nothing but laugh.
"Thanks." You sat in her lower back as she wiggled, and grabbed her left arm, pulling said arm back and shoving her head down.
You pull back her arm further and listen to her wretched screams. Her screams mixed in with your laughter. It was all fun and games until you were kicked off her forcefully, which elicited a distressed shout from you.
It was the other girl - what was her name? You don't remember.
You were sit up before the female pushed you back - your head hitting a rock. You cried out huskily, you had no time to breath before she begun to fucking obliterate you. You held back a sad smile and closed your eyes, playing passed-out.
You feel her get off your torso after giving you one final punch to the face, and ask Smelly in a kind, hoarse voice. "Are you okay?"
It wasn't long before they begun screaming. Blood spattered into your bruised face.
Well. It took awhile, but you were now sitting in their spot with Jason beside you, roasting marshmellows on a thin stick over the fire, despite the fact that the male couldn't eat. Could he? You didn't know.
"I love you, Jason." You hum.
He huffed before placing his marshmellow stick on the ground, before throwing a leg over the log he was sitting on. He faces you. You turn to him with a look of confusion plastered on your face.
He leaned forward and downwards, grasping your face in his dirty hands. You grinned cheekily, still holding your marshmellow stick over the still-going fire.
"I'm okay, Jason. We have some medical stuff back at home!" You excuse your injuries with a smug grin.
The male shook his head and huffed even louder before touching your busted lip lightly.
"Ah." You hiss lightly, pulling back before resting your head in his hands.
You could see the worry in his eyes, despite not seeing his eyes at all. You shove yourself forward and place a kiss on his bloody mask that was covered in dirt and grime that it collected over the years.
Jason nuzzled your nose slightly, and you giggle before pulling away from his hands and leaning downward to place your marshmellow stick down.
You throw your leg over the log and scoot forward, knees touching Jason's knees. You sigh, before falling forward. Jason catches you in his breasts.
And there you stayed. The fire crackled lightly, grass and branches danced with the wind. You nuzzle your bloodied and bruised face into Jason's jacket. He pulls you forward awkwardly.
He huffed lightly.
You chuckle before mumbling out another 'i love you'.
The night ended in stealing all their shit and moving the bodies and taking care of all tents and the car. Needless to say, it was fun with company.
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childish-ish · 5 years ago
YO i was worried it like, wasnt enough! thank you! uhh,, YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!
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childish-ish · 5 years ago
In true Jenna fashion (@ Michael): why does he put up with me???? ThANK U FOR THAT I LOVE IT!!! AAAAAAA ❣️💘❤️💘💙❤️💜
YOOOOO 💖💕💖💖💓💗💓💗💖💞💞💟💟💕❣💓❣💓 you're fUCKING WELCOME BRO
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childish-ish · 5 years ago
OKAY SO, I was watching Jenna Marbles' (I HOPE TO GOD YOU KNOW HER) I Want a New Face video and like, what if, Michael Myers with an s/o having that fucking energy and he catches them putting on caveman prosthetics in their face for shits and giggles.
YEAH! i don't watch her regularly, but i do like her videos! she's funny as fuck, HERE you GO lmaowkdmkwmx
new face, same bitch
pairing: michael myers x reader
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Michael knew he was fucked. Absolutely fucking fucked. Unbelievably fucked. Fucked so hard, he couldn't fucking walk. No! I'm joking, it wasn't that bad - but i guess when you have a crafty fuck for a significant other, it was bound to happen, sometime, he supposed.
The male dressed in dark blue coveralls and plain black boots with his signature white mask with brown hair stood in the doorway, watching you cackle like a villain as you apply concealer over the CAVEMAN #1 Rubber Wear that was plastered on your forehead.
You grinned, checking yourself out in the circular mirror before spotting - "Michael!" - at the corner of your eye. You gasp, a bright smile planted on your lips.
Despite the man wearing a mask that concealed his identity, you could tell that he had a perturbed expression right under there.
"Do love me?" You ask, in a deeper voice as you stood.
Michael made no move. You chuckle.
"Okay! Get out! I'm not done, it was supposed to be a surprise!" You scream.
Michael shut the door, with himself on the other side. You grinned before picking up the sponge and dabbing the concealer on your face and where the rubber wear™ was, trying to fade it into each other.
You had no i-dea what your were doing. No fucking clue - whatsoever. You never really played with makeup besides the occasional lipstick and maybe eyelashes or maybe even eyeliner. MAYBE those three, but that was it. You never fucked with concealer or the powder or the foundation or the fucking - whatever! You had no clue what you were doing!
You laugh, looking at your bulging forehead and odd cheeks bones.
You look positively fucking sexy. You'd totally bang yourself. Masturbation? Now - maybe some lipstick. Or.. maybe eyeshadow? Fuck, maybe just the lipstick.
You put on some vibrant red lipstick on your lips. You pucker your red lips up and stare yourself down in the mirror.
"Time to go fuck with Michael." You grinned devilishly.
"M - MICHAEL! Hey, Michael - MICHAEL!" You shouted, fully aware of how the man loves the house to be quiet and peaceful.
Michael glared daggers into your own eyes. You squint, before making your best attepmt at puppy dog eyes.
"Michael.. do you love me?" You attach yourself to the large man. You grinned and squeezed his torso, chin on his chest. He looked visibly uncomfortable.
You rub your hands on his own rubber mask, "Michael.." You whispered, edging closer.
"Am i pretty?!" You shout, apruptly grabbing his shoulders and shaking him back and forth.
You were pushed off his lap and onto the floor with a dull thud.
Tears stung your eyes as you dramatically look back at him like that meme 'the mosquito looking at me after i slapped the shit out of it' but you were facing the floor.
"Michael.." You whispered. You stood, rushing towards the bathroom where you had done your makeup, your face tucked in your elbow as your other arm trailed behind you.
You made sure to slam the door closed, locking it after. You make eye contact with your reflection with yourself in the mirror. You wave and blew a kiss.
You sit on the closed toilet seat and stifle a laugh, before you turn to the small circular mirror and your makeup bags n' shit. You wanted to take a shower. Like, right now. But you can't! All your shit was in the room! All your.. face stuff. For your face.
You know?
Oh. That sucks.
A low, loud knock resounded throughout the bathroom. You snicker, before shaking away the expression and whimpering, faking it as if you were crying.
You pull off the CAVEMAN #1 Rubber Wear off with haste, screaming out - it was really in your forehead huh? You sigh before biting your bottom lip and taking the thing off.
The entrance of the bathroom was broken into - you scream, really scream, "MICHAEL! WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Michael looked somehow confused. He stood up straight and nodded over to the rubber thing on the counter.
You give him an odd look, "I didn't want to wear it anymore." You douse a little makeup pad in makeup remover - you know, for a bitch that doesn't wear makeup, your sure have a lot, don'cha?
You give your face a good wipe down, making sure you got all the places n' shit before you finally look back at the coveralls dressed man.
You stick out your tongue childishly before crossing your arms.
"Haha, just kidding." You chuckle, standing up fron the closed toilet seat, taking a few steps forward towards Michael.
You throw your arms around the man and pull him forward, breathing in his odd scent that was a mixture between cologne and some kind've copper. Blood. Sexy!
"Did you like it? Want to have smex with it on?"
Immediately after your query, Michael gave you a hard, stern glare through his masked eye-holes.
"Okay! Damn. Want me to throw it away?" You laugh, shoving your face into his chest.
Turns out, you did have to throw away CAVEMAN #1 Rubber Wear. And! You did take a shower! :)
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sorry for any mistakes homie!!
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childish-ish · 5 years ago
hewwo, Romanova here! ·w·, I dont know if you know about silent hill, but recently i've been searching about sh and Lisa Garland and well, I loved Lisa's death scene (if you didnt see it, search it on yt PLEASE, Im crying someone help me). So, I thought of an scenario with Michael Myers where the reader is dead but nobody (even herself) knows (everyone thinks she's alive but in reality mikey is keeping her alive with his 'love') but then the reader notices that she's dead (dont know how but +
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OKAY SO, ive watched the movies and stuff, but only remember bits and pieces, i deadass only remember pyramid-head and the nurses and the merry go round thing, so,, sorry if this shit is botched! also, watched her death scene, pretty cool! not cool how HARRY fucking pushed her away. i dont really know if harry is a good guy or whatever but fuck harry lmao
walking dead girl!
pairing: michael myers x dead! reader
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Y/n fiddles with her belt loops, obvious boredom etched onto her face. She pulls her hands away from her belt loops and sighed, throwing her head back onto the couch.
"Hey.. mike." She spoke up from the couch. The masked man peered over at you, concerned in the slightest at your odd, unknown tone.
"I love you." Y/n giggled breathily, closing her eyes.
She peeked her eyes open to make eye contact with blue-grey eyes that looked dark.. dark grey beneath the mask right in front of her own.
She grinned before throwing her arms up, and around Michael's neck. She pulled the larger man forward. Michael awkwardly settled himself on her lap.
He tilted his head slightly before digging his masked head into her neck.
She sighed lightly.
"It's so fucking cold.." She complained in his ear quietly.
Michael only tightened his grip before pulling away apruptly, standing in front of her, gesturing a 'i'll be back'.
Y/n waited. Goosebumps covered her clothed arms. "Mmm.." She rubs her hands together before spotting Michael at the corner of her eye. He was holding a large, dark grey blanket that had one side with fluffy white fabric.
Y/n giddily laid down on the couch longways, a couch pillow that was under her head now discarded on the floor.
Michael lied down, making sure to cover his loved one up before covering himself. He lied on his back while Y/n was in between his left arm and body, a hand on his chest, dozing off slightly in his.. his armpit area.
Despite the everlasting warmth Michael's body have off, and the warmth of the fluffy white sided blanket, she couldn't help but still, feel a bit cold. She sighed, before rubbing her eye and letting said hand rest on Michael's chest. Y/n nodded off.
The next morning, the two were tucked in bed, courtesy of Michael carrying his beloved to the room since she didn't wake up to his hard nudges.
While the masked man was still in bed - Y/n questioned if he was actually asleep as she started over at the male. A slight - snore came from the male. Y/n snickered, before throwing the cover off of herself and throwing her legs off the side of the bed. She stood and stretched before situating the blanket back in its place.
She neared the window, peering out. She taps her finger in the sill, pursing her lips. Apruptly, she pushes away and yawns. Staring off at nothing for a good few minutes before she decided to go to the bathroom.
Y/n sighed, letting her head fall back, letting the hot water descend down her neck and down her body.
She turned her back to the showerhead and let the water run on her hair. She scratches her right arm. Y/n scratches what seems like a scab. She brung her arm up to her face.
What the fuck is this? She thought, staring at the oddly large eschar on her forearm.
Y/n ignores the scab, probably some skin rash or someshit. She got skeptical when she saw another. And another - and another.
She dries herself off and gets her undergarments on, before drying her hair - with another towel.
She exits the bathroom and immediately rushes to the closet and pulls a loose ling sleeve off a hanger, along with some sweats Y/n pulled out from the dresser from within the closet.
She sighed, before laying back down on her side, above the blankets. Y/n reaches a hand back and pulls her phone from the nightstand.
After entering her password, she goes to the search engine and types in 'weird scabs on my body'. So.. the scabs were either some skin cancer or some flesh eating bacteria of some sort.
"Hm." She hums, before an arm was thrown over her chest. She turned her head slightly and made eye contact with the same, blue-grey eyes that looked a darker color from within the mask.
Michael pulled your closer and y/n chuckles before pulling away, just to tackle his body.
Y/n sighs, resting her chin on Michael's chest. She pushes off her beloveds chest and immediately rushed to the bathroom. She gagged, and lurched forward. Contents of yesterday's dinner were now in the toilet.
Michael was at the door. Watching her. She flushed the toilet and stood, staggering slightly before catching herself on the counter. Michael eyes her as she washed her mouth.
It was then, Y/n noticed the odd paling of her skin and the sunken tired eyes. She watches her mirrors reflection. Why the fuck does she look like this?
"M - Michael?" She asked quietly. He couldn't help the disgusting churn in his stomach when she sounded so small and tiny. He didn't like that.
"What's - " Y/n choked, "What's happening to me..?" She felt the sensation of something trailing down her face, she immediately brought a hand up and touched the spot where the sensation was - Y/n pulls her hand away and gazed at her damp fingers.
"Blood?" She asked with a breathy laugh - as if someone was playing a joke on her. "Blood?" Y/n repeat, louder, looking over to Michael who stood by the door.
"Michael.. what's going on?" She inquired frightfully, knowing fully the male wouldn't respond either way.
Y/n hugged herself, a poor attempt to keep herself warm.
"Michael.. d - don't leave me!" She cried, seeing his hand in the knob. What? What was happening? Why did she sound so.. fucking weak?
Michael flinched away - an out of character thing to do. He rushed forward and pushed back his worries and took the crying female in his arms.
She lets her tears flow down her cheeks - the blood getting everywhere on Michael's clothing.
"I love you."
A low rumble in his chest made her grin, despite the monstrosity on her face.
"I love you too."
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