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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
Dental implants refer to artificial tooth roots made up of biocompatible metals, such as zirconia and titanium, that support false teeth and tooth bridges. They are surgically inserted beneath the gums in the jawbone to secure the denture and bridges of artificial teeth.
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
Dental implants refer to artificial tooth roots made up of biocompatible metals, such as zirconia and titanium, that support false teeth and tooth bridges.
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive derivative of cannabis infused with various food products and beverages.
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
The majority of the milk in Orissa is sourced from cows and buffalos. Dairy producers in the state have made significant advancements in their production processes, supported by various initiatives undertaken by the Government of India (GoI).
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
The Indian floriculture market is primarily driven by the increasing demand for flowers during wedding seasons and religious festivities
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
Bio agriculture refers to organic or biodynamic farming practices that produce high quality and nutritious produce without the use of synthetic fertilizers or agricultural chemicals
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
The Iraq dried pasta market is primarily driven by rapid urbanization, hectic lifestyles, and western influences. Furthermore, the shifting preference of the consumers towards easy-to-cook food items that require less cooking time and skills is also augmenting the product demand.
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
Commercial printing refers to the process of transferring text or artwork onto a piece of paper or card. It includes a collection of services, including bulk printing, binding, composition, layout designing and press productions.
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
Premium chocolates refer to the edible products obtained by fermenting and roasting good quality seeds that are obtained from the pods of the Theobroma cacao trees.
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
Telemedicine refers to the process of delivering healthcare services over spatial distances using information and communication technology (ICT). It facilitates the exchange of valid information to support research and evaluation, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and injuries, as well as the education of medical students
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
A hybrid cloud is a computational environment that uses a public and a private cloud to allow data and applications to be shared between them. It enables businesses to seamlessly scale their on-site infrastructure to the public cloud to handle any overflow.
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
A solar backsheet stands for the last layer at the bottom of the photovoltaic (PV) panel, which protects and shields the internal components of a solar module.
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency designed to work as a medium of monetary exchange. It is secured by cryptography that makes it impossible to counterfeit or double-spend and renders the currency immune to government interference or manipulation.
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
Electric trucks are electronic vehicles that run on batteries powered by the power grid. They are considered an efficient and cost-effective alternative to conventional fossil fuel trucks as they emit low CO2 emissions from vehicles, contributing to a greener environment. These trucks are extensively used in the commercial sector to deliver cargo due to their increased battery storage capacity.
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
Orissa is situated in the eastern region of India and currently represents one of the largest dairy markets in the country.
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
Apiculture, also known as beekeeping, is the study and practice of cultivating bees on a commercial scale to produce products such as honey, propolis, royal jelly and beeswax.
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chiefcupcakelove12 · 4 years ago
Dental implants refer to artificial tooth roots made up of biocompatible metals, such as zirconia and titanium, that support false teeth and tooth bridges
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