chessversesaga · 10 months
The mission
The sun was setting over the camp, casting a warm orange glow over the bustling tents and campfires. Arran walked through the rows of soldiers, his eyes scanning the familiar faces as he searched for a particular individual. Rhys, the man who had brought him here.
As Arran pondered where Rhys might be, a voice called out to him from one of the tents. He approached the entrance and saw Rhys sitting inside, along with the quiet young man he had met earlier. The young man's eyes met Arran's, and he felt a shiver run down his spine. There was something unsettling about him, something that suggested he was not what he seemed.
"Arran, come in," Rhys said, gesturing for him to enter.
Arran ducked inside the tent, his eyes fixed on the young man. "What can I do for you?" he asked, trying to hide his unease.
Rhys smiled, his eyes glinting in the dim light. "We have a mission for you, Arran. A mission that will earn you some answers, should you succeed."
Arran nodded, realizing that they were wanting him to prove to them that they could trust him. "What do you need me to do?" He asked, both anxious and nervous.
The young man spoke up for the first time, his voice low and steady. "We need you to retrieve an artifact from the ruins of an ancient castle. It's a dangerous task, but we believe you're the only one who can do it."
Arran's mind raced with questions. What was this artifact? Why was it so important? And who was this young man, really? But before he could ask any of them, Rhys stood up, his movements fluid and graceful.
"You'll leave at dawn," Rhys said, his eyes locked on Arran's. "And you'll need to be careful. The road to the castle is treacherous, and you never know what dangers lie within. I will give you some supplies and a weapon and armor.
Arran nodded, his heart racing with anticipation. He had a feeling that this mission would change everything. But what could he do? He had to trust Rhys to be trusted, didn't he?
As he left the tent, Arran couldn't shake off the feeling that he was being watched. He looked around, but the shadows seemed to move of their own accord, and he couldn't quite pinpoint the source of his unease.
He shook his head and headed to the mess tent, knowing he might not have much to eat on the way to the old castle.
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chessversesaga · 10 months
The Stranger
Arran sighed as he walked through the middle of the camp. His questions are still unanswered, and Rhys seemed to be avoiding him now that he's on his feet. He grunted as he bumped into a quiet young man who was dressed in a lighter blue than most in the camp. The young man looked up at Arran with a pair of piercing blue eyes, and Arran can't help but feel a sense of unease, as he feels those eyes judging him, looking for a reason to be suspicious of him.
"Excuse me," the young man said, his voice low and hesitant. "Have you seen Rhys anywhere?"
Arran shook his head, feeling a sense of confusion over why this man was looking for Rhys. "No, I haven't seen him since he brought me here. Why do you ask?"
The young man hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I need to speak with him. It's urgent."
Arran nodded, feeling a sense of concern. "I understand. But can you at least tell me your name?"
The young man looked at Arran for a moment before shaking his head. "I'm afraid not. I can't reveal my identity to anyone."
Arran felt a shiver run down his spine at the man's words. But before he could ask any more questions, the young man turned and made his way towards Rhys's tent.
Arran watched as the young man disappeared into the tent, feeling a sense of unease. Something's not right, he's up to something he thought to himself.
As he continued to walk through the camp, Arran couldn't shake off the feeling that there's something more going on here than meets the eye.
It bothered him, it really did, though he couldn't understand why. He continued to walk through the camp, trying to ignore his thoughts and the nagging feeling that he was being kept out of the loop about something big.
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chessversesaga · 10 months
Hey guys, sorry about forgetting about posting yesterday's update. I haven't really had time to work with it due to being really really busy with the book I'm writing. Hopefully I get around to it next Sunday, and again, I apologize.
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chessversesaga · 10 months
Safety and healing.
The sun had set hours ago. The darkness was oppressive as Arran and Rhys arrived at Rhys's camp. The guards instantly stood, alarmed at the sight. Rhys sighed. "It's Just me with an injured young soldier." He said firmly. They nodded and let them through. Rhys led Arran towards the heart of the camp, steadying him as he stumbled . As they walked, Arran couldn't help but notice the way the soldiers and medic immediately snapped to attention as Rhys approached. It was clear that Rhys was a man of great authority and respect, but there was something else there too, what it was, he couldn't place.
As they reached the medic's tent, Rhys called out for the medic to tend to Arran's wounds. The medic, a tall, muscular man with a shaved head and a stern expression, immediately dropped what he was doing and rushed to Arran's side. Rhys watched with a keen eye as the medic carefully examined Arran's injuries, his face a picture of concern.
"What do you think, Medic?" Rhys asked, his voice firm but not unkind.
The medic hesitated for a moment before answering. "I'll need to clean and bandage these wounds, sir. He'll need to rest for a while, but he should make a full recovery."
Rhys nodded, looking relieved. "Good. See that he is taken care of."
The medic nodded and began to work on Arran's wounds, Rhys turned to him and smiled. "I'll get you something to drink. You must be thirsty after your journey."
Arran nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude towards Rhys. Rhys walked towards the campfire, Arran couldn't help but wonder who this man really was. He had seen the way the soldiers and medic had reacted to him, the way they had seemed to instinctively follow his orders. It was clear that Rhys was a man of great power and influence, but there was something else there too, but what it was still eluded him.
As Rhys came back with a wooden cup of water, Arran couldn't help but ask the question that had been burning in his mind since they had arrived at the camp. "Rhys, who are you really? You seem to have a lot of power and influence here, but I can't help but feel like there's something more to you than meets the eye."
Rhys smiled, his eyes glinting in the firelight. "Ah, Arran, you are perceptive indeed. But that, my friend, is not something I can trust you with just yet."
And with that, Rhys left the tent and went to chat with the soldiers more, leaving Arran with the healer, his questions unanswered.
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chessversesaga · 11 months
Okay, from now on, I will only be posting on Sundays. This is so I will have time to work on it more. Thank you for your patience.
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chessversesaga · 11 months
The rescue
Arran's legs burned as he ran, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He could hear the knights closing in, their armor clanking and their shouts growing louder. He knew he couldn't keep this up for much longer.
Suddenly, a group of knights dressed in red appeared from further in the forest, blocking his path. Arran's heart sank as he realized he was cornered. He showed his hands, letting them know he was unarmed, but it was no use. The knights were too strong, and didn't seem to care that he wasn't armed.
Arran fought valiantly, but it wasn't long before he lay on the ground bloody and defeated. His vision blurred as he felt his consciousness slipping away. The knights closed in, their swords raised high, ready to deliver the final blow.
Just as they were about to strike, a man in his mid-forties, dressed in a vibrant blue and gold cloak, appeared out of nowhere. his eyes seemed to gleam with a fierce determination as he stepped between him and the knights.
"Leave him be!" the man shouted, his voice ringing through the forest, his hand firmly on his cane like it was a weapon
The knights hesitated, their eyes on newcomer. It was clear they didn't know who he was or where he'd come from.
"Who are you?" one of them demanded.
"My name is Rhys," the man replied, his voice calm and steady. "And I'm here to put a stop to this senseless violence."
They smirked, the man didn't look like much, and being in his forties, they were confident that they could take him.
With a swift movement, Rhys drew his sword from the cane that doubled as a scabbard, catching them off guard as he charged them. They were soon retreating, having been overpowered and out maneuvered by the older man.
Rhys turned to Arran, offering him a hand up. "Are you alright?" he asked, his blue eyes concerned.
Arran nodded, still trying to process what had just happened. "Yeah, I think so," he replied, his voice shaking, hand taking Rhys's offered hand.
Rhys nodded, gently pulling him to his feet and gently placing Arrans arm over his shoulder so he could better support the young man. "Good. Let's get you back to my camp. We can treat your wounds there."
Arran nodded, grateful for Rhys's help. As they made their way through the forest, leaning heavily on the older man, he couldn't help but wonder who this man was and why he chose to help him.
He would have to wait and see, but for now, he was just grateful to be alive. And as he limped along, leaning on Rhys for support, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, things were starting to look up.
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chessversesaga · 11 months
Escaping the battlefield
The sun was setting over the blood-soaked battlefield, casting a golden glow over the chaos and destruction that lay before him. Arran had managed to evade the knights initial attack, but now he found himself surrounded by armored figures, their swords and shields gleaming in the fading light.
As he dodged around them, barely managing to avoid their weapons, Arran's mind raced with thoughts pulled into this world with him, Maria, Ivan, Lukas, and possibly Magnus as well. Though he'd not been with them when they'd ended up on the battlefield. he couldn't help fearing that they'd fallen to their pursuers blades.
Despite the knights that surrounded him, Arran knew he had to keep moving. He couldn't let the knights capture him, not now, not when he was so far from home. So, he did the only thing he could think of, he ran.
He dashed through the trees, dodging low hanging branches and leaping over roots, his heart pounding in his chest. The forest was dense, and the darkness was closing in quickly, but Arran didn't look back. He couldn't afford to.
As he ran, a question echoed in his mind - would he ever find the four again? Would they even still be alive? The thought of facing the battlefield alone was daunting, but Arran knew he had to keep going and hope the others were still alive, somehow.
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chessversesaga · 11 months
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Ai generated art of my grumpy boy Magnus.
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chessversesaga · 11 months
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Ai generated art of Lukas. The generator did a good job portraying him.
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chessversesaga · 11 months
Into the Chessverse
Arran sighed as he met the three he's to be rooming with, Maria from Greece, Ivan from Bulgaria, and Lukas from Sweden, were all abuzz with excitement. Althor, their energatic host, had also invited them to his tournament, promising an adventure unlike any other. As they waited for the others to arrive, they couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous anticipation.
Finally, the last player arrived, a tall, dark-haired young man named Magnus from Norway. Althor greeted them all with a warm smile, his piercing brown eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity.
"Welcome, my friends," he said, his voice low and soothing. "I am Althor, and I am your host for this tournament. You have all been chosen for your exceptional skill in the game of chess. But this tournament will be unlike any other you have ever played. You will be tested, not only in your knowledge of the game, but in your courage, your wit, and your ability to work together."
As they followed Althor through the winding corridors of the castle, the players couldn't help but ponder his words about courage, wit and working together. They know that two of those don't generally go together in chess, and wonder why he'd bring that up. They also pondered why they needed five people for four player chess.
They snapped out of their ponderings as they arrived at a large, oak-paneled door. Althor pushed it open, revealing a spacious room with five large, luxurious beds, and a roaring fire burning in the fireplace.
"This will be your home for the duration of the tournament," Althor said, his smile warm and welcoming. "Make yourselves comfortable, and get some rest. Tomorrow, the games will begin."
As the players settled into their beds, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. They had all been drawn to this tournament for different reasons, but they all shared a love of the game.
Arran sighed as he looked at the others, all kept awake by their thoughts. Maria sighed, "So what brought you guys here?"
Ivan rolled over at that leaning on his elbow and supporting his head on his hand. "My brother, Bo. He disappeared after being invited to a similar competition in Spain five years back. They say the plane he and his friend were in crashed, but there was no wreckage, no black boxes found, not even a single hint there was even a crash. Whatever it was that happened, I know he's alive out there somewhere. This may be my chance to find him." He said solemnly.
Maria nodded. "My mom has surgery coming up, and I need the funds to help her pay for it."
Arran nodded at that. I did it so that I'd be let back into the chess team, and to grow it so we can add four player chess into our group. Before you ask, I was kicked out for using tactics that were questionable to the group. Althor gave me the invite right after and the president said that if I can prove my tactics work, I'm back in the club. Though he also said to be careful as he had a bad feeling about the whole situation.
Lukas spoke up next. "Me, I just like the game. Have since I was a little kid. I came to prove to my family that it's more than just a useless game."
Everyone looked at Magnus, who was on his side, back to them. He glared at them over his shoulder. "My reasons are my own, and no one else's. Now get some sleep, or you won't be ready for the tournament tomorrow.
The others nodded at that and continued to talk, figuring he was probably just tired and didn't want to talk.
As they talked and shared stories, a strange smoke like fog began to fill the room. At first, they thought it was just the fireplace, but soon, the fog grew thicker and more menacing. Suddenly, they found themselves transported onto a medieval battlefield, surrounded by knights in armor and archers with bows.
"What the hell?" Lukas yelled, getting the knights from all four sides' attention.
"Way to go Lukas." Ivan grumbled.
Maria fidgeted nervously at that. "What do we do, and where's Magnus?"
Arran looked around at that, taking note of several good hiding spots. "Maria, there's a village nearby. If the three of us distract them, do you think you can reach it?" Softly as the knights start fighting each other again, each side trying to draw closer to them and the others trying to beat them back to confront them themselves."As for Magnus, he may not be here."
She nodded, accepting that. "I should be able to."
Arran nodded. "Good. Lukas, you take the rock pillars, Ivan, those bushes. I'll take the forest."
They nodded and the three boys make a ruckus as Maria takes off for the town, the boys only splitting up when the knights are almost upon them, heading to their areas to hide. All of them hoping everyone in their group manages to survive wherever it is they've ended up.
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chessversesaga · 11 months
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Maria and Ivan. AI generated art. Enjoy them.
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chessversesaga · 11 months
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An ai generated picture of chess club president and friend to Arran, Viktor. I hope you guys enjoy him as much as I do.
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chessversesaga · 11 months
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The mysterious Althor. Also ai generated. And there's much more to him than meets the eye, a secret he keeps locked away.
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chessversesaga · 11 months
The sun had just set, casting a warm orange glow over the bustling city as Viktor navigated the sleek black car through the crowded streets. In the passenger seat, Arran sat silently, lost in thought. The two friends had been close since childhood, and Viktor knew that Arran's invitation to the prestigious global chess tournament was a dream come true. But Viktor couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.
"Are you sure you want to go through with this, Arran?" Viktor asked, his brow furrowed in concern. "I don't trust Althor's motives. Why would he invite you, of all people, to this tournament?"
Arran looked up, a hint of excitement in his eyes. "I don't know, but I can't pass up this opportunity. I've been playing chess since I was a kid. This is my chance to prove myself."
Viktor sighed. "I understand that, but be careful. There's something strange about this whole thing. I can't quite put my finger on it."
As they pulled up to the imposing building, Viktor's unease grew. The towering structure seemed to loom over them, casting long shadows that stretched and twisted in the fading light.
"I'm serious, Arran. Be careful," Viktor repeated, his voice low and urgent. "I have a feeling that we're walking into something much bigger than just a game of chess.
Arran nodded, his expression sobering, knowing Viktor wouldn't say anything unless it was really bothering him. "I will. I promise."
As he watched Arran step out of the car and made his way towards the entrance, Viktor couldn't shake off the feeling that something was about to happen, something different. Something dangerous.
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chessversesaga · 11 months
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My main character Arran generated using an AI art generator. I hope you guys like him.
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chessversesaga · 11 months
The invitation. 
Arran sat nervously in the dimly lit clubroom, fidgeting with his pawn-shaped paperweight as he awaited his fate. The chess club's president, a stern-faced man named Viktor, stood before him, shaking his head in disapproval.
"Arran, I'm afraid we have no choice but to ask you to leave," Viktor said, his voice dripping with disdain. "Your lack of skill and poor sportsmanship have brought shame to our club. You're simply not good enough to compete at this level."
Arran felt a lump form in his throat as he watched his dreams of becoming a chess champion crumble before his eyes. But just as he got up to leave, the door burst open and a flamboyant figure strode in.
"Wait, wait, wait!" the man exclaimed, his wild blonde hair bouncing with each step. "I couldn't help but overhear your plight, young Arran. And let me tell you, I have a proposition that could change your life forever."
The man introduced himself as Grandmaster Althor, and explained that he was hosting a global chess tournament. 
Viktor frowned. "And what of his tactics?" He questioned, not liking Althor one bit, and in truth, he was suspicious of him. 
Althor chuckled good naturedly. "Perfect for four player chess." 
Arran and Viktor exchanged glances at that. They'd heard of it, but the chess club was so small that they'd never considered the four player version of chess in their club. 
Viktor sighed at that as Arran clearly wanted to go. "Very well, if you succeed, you're back in."
Arran's eyes lit up at that as he was eager to prove himself to the world that he could do it. That he could win, and hopefully bring more people into the club in doing  so. 
Althor clapped happily at that. "Wonderful." Gives him a paper with an address on it before looking at Viktor, "Make sure he has everything he needs." Before leaving and shutting the door behind him. 
Viktor and Arran looked at each other, then back at the door before Viktor stood up. "Well, we'd better get you ready then." Walking towards the door, Arran followed, eager to prepare and wondering just how well he'd actually do. 
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chessversesaga · 11 months
4 Player Chess - Chess Terms - Chess.com
This is the version of chess my chessverse saga is based off of.
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