7 posts
A blog about my life || She/they
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cheskaxoxo · 9 months ago
Unfortunately, it wasn't this time
You've probably noticed that I haven't posted anything in a while, I was too focused on writing and other things that I forgot about the blog.
I didn't pass the writing contest but that's okay, there will be others in my life. I have to be positive, you know?
But, I did other things!!
For those who don't know, I'm in a small theater and singing company(I'm a theater kid), and I did my first solo a month ago. I'll leave the link here for anyone who wants to see it.
I also play handball at my school, unfortunately we didn't make it to the semi-finals because an idiot group insisted that they had drawn (note: they had accepted defeat but came back with a video 30 minutes later saying it was a draw, biggest lie in the world lol). So we went to penalties and they won (boohoo)
Anyway, life is good for me. I managed to make a timeline and decided what my publication order will be (I'm thinking about publishing on Wattpad, Ao3 or Spirit)
Xoxo, Cheska!!
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cheskaxoxo · 10 months ago
Journaling again
My life was kinda messy so I stopped journaling here, STILL WRITING, though
I'm gonna be more consistent I swear😘
Xoxo, Cheska
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cheskaxoxo · 10 months ago
Day 3
I don't know about you, but one of the things that most motivates me to write is the idea of having a fandom.
Like, people who like me for what I do without thinking I'm weird. People who read what I write and think "Oh my god, I identify so much with this character." This is so exciting !!
In addition to writing Eyes, I'm also writing 4 other books (maybe 5 if I really decide on an idea). But I'm focusing on Eyes because it's a one-and-done and shorter, so I could do it in time for the contest.
Also, I'm on whatt-pad(venusbutnotvenus), I don't write fanfics but maybe, if I don't win the contest, I'll publish my own books there.
I really wanted to be able to write fanfics but I can't write with characters I didn't create, I don't have their puppet strings lol.
I reviewed some of my rules of the universe today after the test, I think I got a 6. Which is good, considering my previous grade.
Xoxo, Cheska !!
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cheskaxoxo · 10 months ago
Tumblr media
I should be reviewing the rules of my universe but I don't know how to do algebraic fractions so I'll have to study😡😡😫😫😫
Xoxo, Cheska !!
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cheskaxoxo · 10 months ago
Day 2
Today I finished chapter 2 but I only did the beginning of 3. I'm studying for math because I got a 0.5 on the last test, and the half point was because the teacher was feeling bad because I really dedicated myself... :(
Changing the subject, my writing is more fluid, I wrote more of the plot, developed part of the protagonists' relationship, added more pins to my pin-to-rest boards, created another character for future chapters.
Tomorrow is my math test, we have 2 every bimester, I'm very nervous but I think I can at least get a 6 lol.
Xoxo, Cheska !!
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cheskaxoxo · 10 months ago
Cross your fingers for me !!
I'm participating in a writing contest at a publisher in my country, and if I win, I'll have my book published !!
And it gets better, the theme is from my favorite genre to write, horror.
I'm going to finish writing Eyes, which in short, is sapphics against demons.
I have about 4 books to finish writing other than Eyes, but they are big and I have to send the manuscript by June 20th. So I don't have much time.
So far, I've written 1 and half/25 (probably) chapters, my plan is to finish by June 10th so I can review and edit calmly.
I'll try to update my progress here every day, as a way of reminding myself how far I can get if I put my mind to it.
Xoxo, Cheska !!
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cheskaxoxo · 11 months ago
Rosemary Water
Hey, this is Cheska and this is my first post!
Rosemary water has GREAT benefits, it helps dry hair, relieves itchy hair and helps with hair growth. Personally, it has helped my hair grow a lot since January.
It's very easy to make, you'll just need water and rosemary. I like to use a little rose because it makes the water pinker and more fragrant, but it's optional.
3 cups of water
2 sprigs of rosemary
Method of preparation:
Bring water to a boil
Add fresh rosemary sprigs
Leave until the sprigs are completely wet and extracted
Wait for it to cool
Transfer to a spray bottle
Spray daily on dry hair or 2-3 times a week on normal/healthy hair
Store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks!
Xoxo, Cheska!!
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