"be not afrad of storms because you are learning how to sail your ship"
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
"aw her own show would be extremely bloody cute i think." he confesses. "it's unique, too. you've always been creative." he casually mentions as he's moving to walk around again. he enjoyed being on her show, too. she was a good host, and really, it shouldn't have been surprising to him that she had something like that featured. he laughs with her. "If anything, perhaps it can be a special edition episode, maybe." he says with a lopsided grin. the couch. he looks over, blinking at the definitely not couch, but he doesn't say anything, or at least he doesn't try to. he fails miserably. "did... you know cherry, i--" he pauses, thinking for a bit. "i could probably get you a couch. it wouldn't be any trouble of mine."
“i fear if she had her own show, she’d grow more popular than me” a short laugh escapes her lips. “if it’s ever possible, i’m going to have her join me in acting” she hums “not sure how to teach a hamster how to act… but i enjoy doing things along her, hate being separated, sometimes i consider bringing her along to practice, but in the end it doesn’t sound like the best idea”. “she’s iconic, she sure is, i think the world would be better if she was famous” she giggles “ah man, all this talk about berry is making me miss her even more”.
“eh?” she tilts her head “you’d be able to get me a couch?” her eyes light up a bit. “i’ve just been using that mattress as a couch for months” she shrugs “not exactly the richest, nor is my dad, though he helped me get my tv” she points at her tv. “currently lack a lot of furniture… but once i become a successful and rich actress hopefully my apartment will stop looking… like... this…”..
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"In that case, I'll hold you to that honour," she murmured, attention fixed to the console's loading screen. “I’ve probably come across the games a few dozen times minimum in my life but games had never interested me enough to draw my attention out of academics.” Yuxi was probably laying it on too thick, but nothing she said was a lie and was safe enough for the job. A smirk crawled its way on her face as she considered the actress’ words. “Maybe not for you, but i have but a shallow understanding of the mechanics. I know the Pokemon types,” she paused, “but I’m afraid that the most of the burden will fall upon you.”
“i used to love gaming” she nods, “got kinda busy when i moved to live alone though… and lately i haven’t had much time to game, or maybe i’ve just forgotten to game” she shrugs, “don’t really have anything to game on besides my phone” she pouts. “i’m luckily not looking to become a professional gamer, but if today is successful i will find a way to start gaming again!” the blonde nods, eyes fixed on the game.
“i barely know any pokemons, not even going to lie… i know pikachu and uuh, eevee? i might recognize their names again once i see the different pokemons” she shrugs. “eh! don’t put all of the burden on me, i might’ve played before but it’s ages ago! we’re basically both newbies!” the blonde shakes her head “the game does look fun, though it doesn’t look exactly like what i played over ten years ago?”. “i think we get to pick a starting pokemon… maybe… not entirely sure”.
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“not really any furniture?” aeri questioned, taken aback by the response. but as she thought about it longer, there was another thought that popped in her mind that she was inclined to say out loud. “oh yeah, it’s been a while. sometimes it doesn’t feel that way to me because there used to be so many actors who had far more experience than i did but over time it did dwindle down…” she trailed off, reminding herself how it felt strange being one of the actors in lgc agency with the most seniority. “i think around 2021? i joined the acting path practically weeks before legacy was planning on making some changes to their company, so during that time it was a bit worrisome wondering if i could even get any acting gigs.” it’s a time that she doesn’t talk as much with others, especially when so many of them weren’t there to experience what had happened. remaining quiet for a couple more seconds longer, aeri nodded every so often as she took smaller bites of her food. “besides acting, what else would you be interested in doing?” she asked with curiosity, wondering if there were any other types of gigs that the other was interested in pursuing. “i’m sometimes surprised when people have other gigs that they’re interested in besides acting… i think there were a few interested in hosting and the sort, but i’d be a terrible host to be honest.” she let out an embarrassed laugh as she imagined the scenario in her head.
“not really any furniture, no” she shakes her head “i have my bed, and i technically have a couch, or well, it’s just a mattress on the floor, but i call it a couch” she shrugs. “my dad said he’d help me get a tv once it's my birthday, so then i can use my couch by then” she smiles “kind of hope i have a real couch by then though…”. “i’m not exactly rich, neither is my dad, and my dad is the only family i have at the moment” she shrugs “so, i moved out of the legacy dorms before i had the money for furniture and stuff, i got food on my plate and a roof over my head though, so i won’t complain” she stuffs her face with a piece of food.
“woah… you joined the acting path before i even joined legacy” cherry takes a sip of her drink, swirling the straw around once she places her glass down again. “i’m still surprised how i got into legacy… i’d been rapping for like a month before my audition, and i well… sucked total ass at rapping which was what i auditioned with” she shrugs “i say they brought me in due to my potential, but i still wonder how i got in” she hums. “ah, well, i do love hosting, i got to have my own podcast and youtube show before joining the acting path, it was truly the dream, i enjoyed it so much” she nods “i hope i’ll get the opportunity to host more… my dream is to host for an award show some day… it might be far out in the future, but one can hope”. “do you have stuff besides acting that you wanna do?”.
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of course, it wasn't like he had hung out with cherry too often, he was glad they could be considered friends. that being said, it wasn't like he knew everything about her either-- so when she continues talking, he can't help the eyebrow raises that forms on his face, briefly pausing his search to think for a moment. "ah. i don't think i knew that. but you're right, it does. that should be a show in itself." he offers a grin before he blinks, realizing he was supposed to be looking for berry the hamster in the first place. he could have been practicing, sure. but this... was a welcome change of pace, and when a friend calls him in need, who was he to deny that? he had time-- or he'd make time. he checks under the couch again, trying to take off the glasses just meant for fashion. "does she have any favorite places to go?"
“it does, right?” cherry nods, it rhymes, cherry likes how it sounds: cherry and berry. “she guested on my youtube channel for a single episode, seemed like the viewers enjoyed having her on my show” she nods, hands on her hips. “not sure how much i enjoyed it though… i was doing dominos and berry came to knock over everything” cherry pouts at the thought. “she should have her own show, i wouldn’t be surprised if she surpasses me in popularity some day…”. “i’ll have to be careful my youtube channel ‘the adventures of kim cherry’ doesn’t turn into ‘the adventures of berry’” a short laugh escapes her lips.
“well, i can usually always see her from my couch” cherry points at her ‘couch’ which is actually just a mattress laying on the floor, but she doesn’t have the money for furniture at the moment, it’ll become an actual couch someday… maybe… hopefully. “there’s not exactly a lot of places to hide as i don’t really have any furniture” cherry looks around, she’s lived here more than half a year and still her apartment looks so empty.
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i've been wearing extensions a lot lately, should i grow out my hair? or keep the bob? what are you guys thinking (•ิ_•ิ)?
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call it brainstorming
"idea will come, at least i hope so"
cherry was neither good with modeling nor creativity. getting the task of making this vlog, she’d stared out into the air and wondered: how the hell was she going to do it. cherry wasn’t particularly interested in modeling, but she was interested in getting her face and name out there. she truly had no idea how popular she was, her instagram account had hit two million followers, and people on the street sometimes recognized her, but what had she really done? she’d been on variety shows, had her own youtube show, channel and podcast. she enjoyed hosting and variety, of course she did, but she was hoping to do some more acting soon, cherry had figured, did she get more popular, perhaps there was a bigger chance she’d land acting gigs, so she took this mission very seriously.
cherry has never really used samsung products, she’s been an apple girl all throughout her life, so she finds herself in front of a computer, she doesn’t have one herself, so she went to a computer café. she has a lot of tabs open, investigating all of the products she can potentially promote, attempting to come up with ideas of how to promote the different products.
she looks at the phones, attempts brainstorming, she could do something comedic, have a pretend phone conversation with her hamster, or she could test out the camera, have her hamster as her model (if you can’t tell, she kind of wants to include her hamster). her fingers glide over the mouse, landing on the tab of the galaxy watch ultra, cherry has never used a watch, so she’s completely unsure how to promote this one… she could show her honest first reaction to the watch, but she doesn’t have any prior experience with watches she can compare it to, so she closes down the tab, it’ll either be a phone or the galaxy buds, and with that she opens the tab of the galaxy buds. cherry has a pair of airpods herself, not that she uses them that much, she used to use them on her way to school, but since she’s no longer a student, that doesn’t really happen. what would make her buy a product? knowing you can use it? or perhaps, knowing you can use it for something new?
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"i think you're one of the most talkative people i know— that's one of the best qualities to have in a work environment like ours," gyuri agrees gleefully, nose scrunching and eyes crinkling at the corners gently as they settle in around the candle making station. "even if it's just small, idle talk, chit chat is better than standing around like a wallflower in silence. nothing ever gets done without a little effort. maybe i should take a page from your book and make myself talk to people even more than i already do!" lips still pulled into a wide grin, gyuri gets to work on choosing her candle ingredients. "they've got so many different things to choose from, i don't know where to start!" before them are a myriad of different glasses for their wax to be stored in, a variety of shapes and colors at their disposal. that, alongside the different scented oils, already has gyuris excitement bubbling over the more she looks. "even ugly candles have some use to them, so no matter how things turn out visually, the end result won't be all bad— we'll still be leaving here with something that smells good. plus, if you really don't like how it turns out in the end . . . just put it in your bathroom, it'll get little attention in there."
“i might not be good at a lot of stuff, but talking is definitely a talent of mine” cherry had never much thought of her talking as a benefit, often more thinking about everything she couldn’t do than what she could do. cherry had been used to being bad at everything throughout her life, it didn’t bother her too much, she was still enjoying life though she didn’t have many talents. legacy and the people in legacy had done good for her, yes, she still sucked at most stuff, but she had found out she had a talent for variety and talking. “ah well, i’m glad my never-ending talking ended up eventually becoming useful”.
“i wonder how they got this idea though? why are we making candles at an event like this?” cherry lets her eyes wander over the colours there are to choose from. “i won’t complain though, this seems fun” she nods a bit. “my apartment desperately needs decorations, i’ve lived there for over half a year and it still looks like i just moved in… even if the candle i make is ugly, it’ll still add something to my apartment” she shrugs. “my initial idea was to have a colour theme for my apartment, but that idea has seemed to go out the window… what colour will you be picking today? i was thinking maybe pink or green”.
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hear me out
"and i'll attempt, and i'll listen, and i'll hope"
cherry had never been the biggest fan of modeling, finding it, well, boring. she enjoyed taking selfies, cared for how she looked, but modeling had never much interested her. still, cherry would attempt her best at this, she wanted to get her name and face out there, figured that might help her land an acting gig, so she wanted this modeling contract, hoped her vlog would go successfully.
cherry starts her vlog in the forest, hair in a ponytail, barely any make up on, training clothes on. “hello everyone!” she finds a place to sit her phone as she introduces herself “this is kim cherry, who cherish you all!” there’s a smile on her lips. “ah if you know me, i’ve never been the best at physical stuff, and often find it boring” she nods a bit. “especially running, i find it boring to just… well, run in silence” she shrugs, “so today i’ve brought something that might help with that!” and up she pulls a pair of galaxy buds from her pocket. “with the galaxy buds i’ll be able to easily listen to music without being afraid some cord will get tangled as i run, so, i’ll be testing out the galaxy buds while taking a run in the forest today!”.
cherry puts in the galaxy buds, shows them off, makes sure her hair doesn’t get in the way so the camera can capture them while she attempts her best at running a little around with them.
“now, i haven’t exactly run far with these, but i am enjoying them quite a bit already” she nods, “they’re easy to run with, and the sound quality is good, they’re also discreet and blend in nicely, you know how some earphones made you look, well, stupid…”. she takes out the galaxy buds, shows them to the camera “these are definitely kim cherry approved” she smiles.
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It wasn't as if Yuxi had anything better to contribute: her first time touching the game was at the Halloween party, so her point of reference was even more abysmal. Of course, she's since looked into the franchise ever since the contract offer in preparation. She may be offline, but she is a professional. "Acquaintances around me did, but I personally never played: games didn't have much of a place in my childhood, I'm afraid," she answered honestly. "My first direct exposure to the Pokemon games was, in fact, at the Halloween party. Best case scenario, that experience will help today." Otherwise the optics would be terrible for her.
cherry was excited about this gig, lately she’d attempted her best to get her face out there, she figured if she gained fans then there was the possibility that the possibility of her landing more acting gigs would be higher. this didn’t really have anything to do with acting, but anything that got cherry’s face and name out there was worth it. besides, it was fun, attempting a game she hadn’t played for ages along a friend.
“eh! cleo! you’re missing out” she shakes her head “i’m happy i’ll get to introduce you to the game today then” her eyes linger over the game. “to be honest though… this looks a bit different from the pokemon games i played over ten years ago” she bites her lip. she turns to look at yuxi “we’ll figure it out together! sounds like neither of us are professional gamers, but it can’t be that hard… right?”.
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the joke was cute, he had to admit. it was always interesting, wondering what pets could be up to. he couldn't help but snort a little in amusement, shrugging as he moves to check under the couch. he couldn't have a pet, of course, which slightly pained him, but maybe they should actually have a debut first before he worries about the little luxuries in life, as his mother likes to put it. he looks over as she speaks about things, offering a nod in agreement. "that sounds like a good idea. i'm not sure what hamsters really like, but of course you know her better than i do." he tries to offer a soft smile, hoping to calm the worry he was starting to sense. "really? why'd you name her berry?" he asked, truly curious.
cherry has never felt as responsible as when she got her hamster. cherry doesn’t care what she puts into her body, she’ll eat whatever, but for berry she’s carefully investigated what hamsters should eat and how much. she spoils berry more than she spoils herself, her hamster quickly climbing the ranks of being cherry’s favourite, still not able to beat her girlfriend though, but cherry doesn’t get to see her girlfriend often, and it’s comforting having berry around.
“i’m very glad google exists, i daily google like a million things about hamsters, i really want to give her the world, she’s made my life better” cherry smiles at the thought of berry, dearly missing her pet, even if it hasn’t been more than some hours since she last saw her. “not sure” she shrugs “berry used to be a nickname of mine actually, i think it might be because it sounded cute? cherry and berry, that sounds like an iconic duo”.
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Kyoka is stupid, because she's the exact type of person to react with her body before her brain even processes the information and overthink on what should be underthought and underthink on what should be overthought or whatever the right words are. So really, it comes to no surprise that when she sees a blob of blonde fall into the water, Kyoka is already jumping in too before she even registers that wait, maybe jumping in water with her jacket on isn’t the brightest idea. Spitting out a mouthful of hair (she can’t really see she’s squinting so much), “So, why did you jump?” Not her proudest moment, not even close.
it should be tested, someone should test it, how is cherry still alive? thinking about it, perhaps cherry isn’t unlucky, but actually lucky. all the stupid situations she’s put herself into, and still survived, isn’t that some sort of luck? you could say she’s unlucky for constantly falling, or you could say she’s lucky for never breaking a bone. it’s a great question that will have your brain working, is cherry lucky or unlucky?
though cherry is surprised about falling straight into the water, she can luckily swim, definitely not the best swimmer, but good enough to make sure she won’t drown from situations like these. she grabs onto the bridge, pulling herself up. seeing someone else completely wet as well, she wonders “did you also fall into the water, or did you attempt to save me?”. “falling into the water during winter though… not my smartest moment” it’s freezing “i might not have died from drowning, but i might die from freezing”.
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given their impromptu premise and playful characters, rowon decides they’re now the comic relief duo. he imagines some sort of funny soundtrack playing over their scene as a look of oh shit, i’m in trouble! splits across his features at cherry’s threat. “hey, hey, heyheyhey —” with his chair already tipped on its hind legs, rowon strikes a deal with good ol’ gravity and falls back in his attempt to get away from the crumpled piece of paper ( unlike him, cherry looks very determined to shove it in his ear ). his face immediately twists to that of pain. “boyeon, boyeon — help. i think i twisted something, ow —” he rolls over on his side and reaches a hand towards cherry dramatically. but worry not, rowon is not genuinely hurt. not even in the slightest. it’s fortunate, he thinks, that he actually paid attention during the how to fall part of stunt training.
cherry’s always felt like she does the unserious characters better, feeling more confident in this role they’ve given her, her and rowon seeming to be the comic relief duo. she might not have gotten the lead role, but she’s having fun, acting along a friend, though it’s more improvising right now, something cherry is completely unsure about where her talent lies.
standing up, about to shove paper into his ear as well, she sees him falling, almost looking like slow-motion in her eyes. she stares at him for a few seconds, and then she returns to her chair, once again sitting down. “looking at us, i get why we’re in here and they’re out there” she sighs. “i’m not going to help you up, if i’m lucky you’ve gotten too hurt to show up for work tomorrow and i’ll get a break from you”.
she looks at the stack of paper shortly before returning her eyes to rowon “now get up! if anyone comes in and sees you they might think we’re both slacking, when in reality you’re the one pulling me down!”.
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PESTER, PESTER | @cherrylgc
amusement tugs at his lips as he reads the improv scene they’d given him and cherry. shin kijoon, huh. this character seems less mischievous and more playful and juvenile, a slacker, someone who more-or-less stumbled into this position because he watched one too many crime thrillers and decided he wanted to be that! the one who kicks ass and saves the day! … but was struck by the reality of a day-to-day constable, i.e., the dreaded paperwork. with that backstory in mind, rowon starts off the scene with an exaggerated sigh loud enough so that his partner in crime, cherry – no, boyeon – can hear his grievances. “why do they get to be out there doing all the fun stuff while we’re stuck here with paperwork?” he tips back in his seat and rolls a piece of paper between his fingers until it forms a small ball. he tosses that in cherry’s direction. “it’s not like there’s a shortage of petty crimes. check this —” rowon lifts the torn up page and pretends to read off of it. “on the first of february, witness attests to seeing a man, early thirties, stealing a bike, riding it down the block, then abandoning it. who even does that?” rowon lets out a scoff and tears off another piece. this one hits cherry’s shoulder. “boyeon-ah.” another hits her chair. “hey, min boyeon.” the last one hits the side of her head. close enough to her ear. they’re just going to have to edit that in.
cherry is excited to actually act, not that she think she’s that talented yet, and she sure still has a long way to go, but it’s still fun, a year on the acting path and it finally feels like she’s kind of getting somewhere. there’s a general idea of what they’ll be acting, but not written down in details, cherry has had to remember what they're supposed to do, but she hasn’t stayed up remembering specific lines.
“eh, kijoon-ah, this is how people start out, we’re here filling out the paperwork and soon we’ll be, uuh” she scratches her blonde head “stopping people from stealing bikes” she shortly looks at rowon before rushing through a stack of papers.
“hey! i’m trying to concentrate, your paper shooting isn’t helping right now” she looks at the papers for a bit before pushing them away with a sigh. “then again, yes, why are we the only ones doing all this work? i’m sure had we been the ones seeing that bike thief we would’ve stopped him within seconds!” she nods before pulling the papers closer again with a sigh escaping her lips. her focus quickly interrupted by another piece of paper “ah!” she stands up, ruffling through her hair, or ear, or head. “if you shot as well with a gun as you do with paper perhaps we could be out there!”. she takes a piece of paper from the stack, crumbling the paper, “now come here so you can feel what it’s like to get thrown a piece of paper into your ear!”.
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pokemon, let's go!
as much as cherry was excited for this gig, getting to model a bit along a friend and play a game she knew she used to enjoy, it’d also been a while since cherry had actually played the game. during legacy’s halloween party she mainly found herself talking or eating, not spending much time gaming, now she’d been called back to do exactly what she’d done so little of: game.
it was an opportunity to get her face out there, and cherry needed that, so of course she’d take the opportunity. she leans her head a bit, eyes widening a little “eh! the graphic is amazing, much better than what i was used to as a kid”. “it’s been a while since i gamed, but this game is a classic, it’ll always be fun, no matter where you are in life or how old you are”.
“did you play as a kid cleo?”.
written for... @lgcyuxi
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dom made a face. to be fair, he’s always making faces, but this face in particular had his nose scrunched, brow furrowed — “that’s a great idea.” yes, even though he looked disgruntled, he was very pleased at the idea of using gochujang, which he’d been putting on everything lately even when most things did not call for it. ( his most brilliant creation was mac ’n cheese with a heavy gochujang drizzle, a recipe he would share with cherry if he wasn’t so embarrassed by it ). while the actual seasoning packet was melting away underneath the ramen, dom popped open the lid to the red container and dug a spoon into it. “you said honey? and salt? isn’t water enough?” that’s how he’d been making his ‘gochujang drizzle’ — just heaps of red pepper paste and hot water. no, he did not learn this from anyone; it was his own culinary discovery.
there’s a smile on her lips, she taps her head “this brain can be used for something you know”. she feels a bit proud of herself, perhaps her cooking skills are improving.
they can’t possibly mess this up she tells herself, and it’s going well so far she further thinks in her mind. “they should put us two on masterchef or something” she says, finding the honey, salt and gochujang. “if today is a success, and i think it will be, we can continue learning to cook together” she places her hand on her hips “we’ll be professional cooks in no time”.
“wouldn’t it be kind of bland if we just did gochujang and water?” she tilts her head to the side “i vote we should at least put honey or sesame oil into it too”. “also i was thinking, should we cook some eggs to? can’t have ramen without eggs”.
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now this, was the stupidest yutai had ever acted in his life. he can't blame anyone but himself for acting out of frustration, with a hint of panic. if yutai had it his way, he would prefer to have gone unseen, but being caught in the middle of the act and now having to explain his stupidity was damaging his ego. "wouldn't the whole trainee system get in trouble if I walk away now?" he could just see the lecture happening right in front of him. if he doesn't speak up now, it will land even harder, and the man could not stomach that. with a long sigh, he picked up the drink that he was going for in the first place. cracking the lid open, yutai took a long sip with a hand on his hip. "are there even cameras in this part of the hall?" he muttered, glancing up at the ceiling and looking over his shoulder. no, he can't run. "this is probably the most annoying thing that's happened to me in years." or possibly the most embarrassing as he stood there in front of the other as the drinks gathered around him. "i would greatly appreciate it if you didn't say a single thing about this, even if I end up paying for my mess."
“ah? you think so?” she pouts, takes another sip of her iced tea. “were you around when those trainees got caught kissing and every trainee got punished for it” she places a hand on her hip “could we get a collective punishment again, but just from this?”. cherry hated the punishment they all got when two trainees were caught kissing in the halls, and she was quite annoyed, though she new she was probably stupid enough to do something alike, luckily her girlfriend wasn’t stupid and she was probably the reason they never get caught.
“no idea” she looks around “i can’t spot any, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any” she shrugs. “at least you got your drink” she points at the others drink “and uh, do you want me to pay for this?” she lifts up the iced tea she’s taken.
“your secret is safe with me” maybe she’ll let her girlfriend know, and her dad, but besides that it’s safe with cherry. “now uh, what’s your plan? do we both leave and pretend nothing ever happened or do you just admit it was you who did all this” she tilts her head a bit. “couldn’t they just put the drinks back on their place rather than making you pay for them all? it’s not like there’s something wrong with the drinks that fell”.
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sehun remembers that detail last minute too, the fact that he’s unaware where everything is inside of cherry’s house. though, it’s enough that he hears her loud enough to do as she says, stalling towards one’s voice. the first person — or rather, thing he meets is not cherry, but the little animal that she warned him of, rolling towards where sehun’s paused in his path, the ball that encases the hamster bumping up against ankle. “oh,” it’s … cute. and sehun can’t help but pick it up into arms, comfortable against figure before he pushes past the bedroom door. there cherry lies, squashed under a box, which is most definitely a rare sight as much as it is a hilarious one. a thread of silence stands between them, where sehun just stands — hamster in hand and staring right at cherry’s state. then a cough sounds, broken like it was meant to stay hidden in the depths of his chest; bursting into a bubble of laughter. “sorry—” cut off by another snort, patting at his own chest to calm himself down from the comedy, taking a deep breath in. “god. okay. wait, can i take a picture first?”
it’s not that uncomfortable to be laying here at least, she could be stuck worse places, right? at least she’s not stuck in a tree (again). though being stuck in public might make it quicker for her to get help, here, in her apartment, under her bed, she had to call over a friend and wait for them to arrive. she feels incredibly stupid, above stupid, and laying here she wonders how she managed to get herself into this situation.
she hears sehun enter her room, and there’s a relieved breath of air escaping her lips. “you’ve found me at last”, finally, she’ll be free. “you’re free to take a picture, then you can show me and i can laugh at myself” she couldn’t exactly see herself, but she could imagine it, and in her head she looked very stupid. “better not blackmail me with that picture though” she adds. “now when you’re done taking pictures, please do help me, i’ve been laying here stuck for too long”.
#it's been put in...➔ queue#cherrylgc#lgcsehun#other side - sehun#shine bright on ! thread#this side - what an idiot
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