cherr-yblues · 4 days
Now THIS is what I mean when I say realistic minecraft!!!
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spring morning walk in the rocky mountains
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cherr-yblues · 6 days
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maybe I should start doing some pony commissions again!
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cherr-yblues · 10 days
Wow ur fucking vile
Counter question: Which part of my account specifically was the inspiration for this? Cuz I've got like a lot of vile stuff on here
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cherr-yblues · 18 days
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Acrylic on paper horse study.
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cherr-yblues · 18 days
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cherr-yblues · 26 days
Crating a little guy
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He collects random stuff and makes things :)
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cherr-yblues · 1 month
Peach doodle on the iPad app Freeform which I just discovered
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This thing got so laggy when I lined the colored one… but I love the style! Very fun app
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cherr-yblues · 1 month
Rare American healthcare system W
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cherr-yblues · 2 months
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How To Find A Sea Unicorn (reupload)
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cherr-yblues · 2 months
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Rarijack you will always be famous 🙏
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Now I finished the show and I edited the ship template a little more. Added some notes and headcanons.
I listed rarity being more jealous, she has multiple episodes dedicated to her issues but then i saw rolloercoaster of friendship and calm down applejack, nobody is taking your girlfriend from you. So little edit on that one.
Rarity has gift giving as a love language and applejack’s is acts of service. Both got words of affirmation in common. Rarity loves being praised and applejack is happy to tell her how amazing she is all the time.
AND most importantly, rarity has never been in a lesbian relationship before. She’s dated only stallions and always sulks about how her relationships never work out. She’d definitely be the kind of girl that’d say “applejack why couldn’t you be a boy, you’d make the perfect boyfriend for me” before she realized being gay is a possibility and applejack would be pining after her ‘straight friend’ and all her friends would be facepalming because it’s so obvious, until she accidentally confesses to rarity in a element of honesty moment and-
I’d love for applejack to be a super kind and patient gf, helping rarity navigate thorough queerness and giving each other unconditional support 🫶
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cherr-yblues · 2 months
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cherr-yblues · 2 months
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Book horse!
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cherr-yblues · 2 months
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cherr-yblues · 2 months
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I hc that fluttershy actually has a pretty low amount of Pegasus dna. The primary reason she was born a Pegasus is because of a spell many Cloudsdale parents use to ensure they’re born as pegasi so they can live there. Mainly, she has a lot of unicorn dna, and also a large portion of earth pony. This is why she has a lot of unicorn traits, like a long tail, cloven hooves, and her lighter frame comes from her unicorn side as well, rather than her Pegasus side. Her earth pony side is also why she has an earth related talent, and the unicorn side explains why that magic is so powerful. Whereas most ponies talents, even earth talents, are things like farming or gardening or singing or dancing, a talent that allows communication to ALL animals is considered to be very potent magic.
Many cloudsdale ponies are heavily mixed, which is why more often than not, the spell is used. In families who decide against the spell, there is a high rate of cloudsdale foals not being born as pegasi. The reason for the mixing is because of cloudsdale’s close proximity to ponyville, which has all types of ponies but especially earth ponies, and further back in history there were a lot of unicorn x pegasus families because the magic of unicorns was used to make cloudsdale, pulling clouds together with their magic to form a city, meaning there was a lot of communication between unicorns and pegasi.
This also affects rainbow dash, who’s noticeably part earth pony! This is common in strong fliers, like wonderbolts and other stunt ponies, because the hardiness and muscular structure of earth ponies enhances the strength of their wings and lets them endure crashes better.
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cherr-yblues · 2 months
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I used to not like Twilight
I thought her design was stupid and that she was annoying
Maturing is realizing how goated she is
Im working on how I imagine pony genetics work in my own imagination of my redesigns- how different genetics from each type of pony mix and how they present in the mane six to enhance their talents. To me, Twilight is a nearly full-blooded unicorn, her lineage living in the very unicorn-heavy canterlot for many generations. This is part of why her magic is so strong, and also why she shows so many classic unicorn traits. Cloven hooves, long tufted tail, feathered feet, beard, etc.
The feathers on her feet and beard naturally grow much longer, but she trims them for convenience :) especially since they started growing even longer after becoming a princess.
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cherr-yblues · 2 months
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Gen 1 designs of princess Celestia and Luna, both came out adorably gorgeous
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cherr-yblues · 2 months
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My favorite ref that I’ve ever made I think
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