chemicon-fr · 3 months
chemicon # 318277 !
i've got a few nasty guys, but one who i think is objectively putrid by 99% of FR users' standards is Secop.
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Free Egg Friday
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in celebration of the gentle revival of wbw, i thought that another old trend would be fun to bring back.
so reblog with your username, id, and your ugliest dragon to enter for a chance at a free nocturne egg! if you don't have an ugly dragon to share, scry the worst one you can think of.
anyways, good luck and i'll pick a winner tomorrow around 22:00 server time!
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chemicon-fr · 3 months
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chemicon-fr · 7 months
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happy valeptimes.
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chemicon-fr · 7 months
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SICK neopolitan colors baby i hatched today, she looks so great with the new genes,,,
she's in my sales tab (which u can find in my pinned) for 500g but i'll take lower offers if you PM me =:o)
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chemicon-fr · 8 months
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cyan/blue/teal g1, currently on the AH for 500g- if you'd like to buy in treasure or for lower, pm me on fr!
sales tab in pinned!
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chemicon-fr · 9 months
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this 3-off XYX i just hatched is currently in my sales tab for 600g, but if you PM me i will take treasure/mixed currency and might also potentially lower the price
sales tab is in my pinned!
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chemicon-fr · 9 months
buy my g1s
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i have a few g1s lying around from NOTN that i think would be much much happier in other homes! some of these are fairly close to XXY/XYX/XXX, so if you like matchier colors, i encourage you to come check them out :))
my sales tab is in my pinned!!
@fr-dragon-sales @fr-boosts
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chemicon-fr · 9 months
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here's bloom, a project dragon based on mooblooms that i recently finished ^u^
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and fluffy, who has recently become my familiar bonding dragon!
Something really awful just happened and I’d rather not share specifics, but I. I would really appreciate a distraction if that’s okay. Can we please share fluffy dragons? Tundras, Gaolers, obelisks, anything with lots of fluff. Some happy, safe, relaxed dragons
(and um. no dragons with the tapir gene, please)
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chemicon-fr · 10 months
trying to become more active in fr community, looking for active accounts to follow
hey! I’ve been mostly slow reblogs here for a while but I want to become engaged in the flight rising community and start drawing art again. I’m looking for some active flight rising blogs to follow/maybe be mutuals with, reblog this on your blog and I’ll follow you.
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chemicon-fr · 11 months
i'm curious about this because i just realized what i do may be not normal
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chemicon-fr · 11 months
getting rid of mass pings is a baaaaaaaaaad idea I hope it gets reversed. but they’re definitely on the right track with this update. I think this really shines as an example that they need player feedback or beta testing before rolling out these kinds of features though, a pretty significant part of skinmaking/dom/hatcheries/g1 sales got overlooked here
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chemicon-fr · 11 months
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soooo fucking cute
orchid/mantis/ultramarine harlequin/sludge/opal, arcane swirl eyes
Let’s Build Your Flight Rising Sona!
Breed: Determined by the breed most prominent in your den + hibden!
Gender: Determined by your gender! ENBY, gender fluid, nonconforming folks choose what feels best!
Age: Choose hatchling if you prefer sunrises, choose Dragon if you prefer sunsets
Primary Color: Your favorite FR color
Secondary Color: The color most often found in your room
Tertiary: Your childhood favorite color
Element: Your flight!!
Eye Type: If your age is an even number, choose from: Bright, Dark Sclera, Glowing, Innocent, Pastel, Rare, Uncommon. If your age is an odd number, choose from: Common, Faceted, Goat, Multi-Gaze, Primal, swirl, Unusual
You get to gene yourself however you want, mix and match to find the best look for yourself! (Also bonus points if you can find your dragon self on the AH)
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chemicon-fr · 1 year
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trying to find this guy a home!!!
he's level 17, fully stoned (elim, haste, rally, sap, berserker, ambush) and partially statted (i was going for the Leviathan Leveler build), and over 4 years old! if you're interested please lmk!!!
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chemicon-fr · 1 year
Flight Rising Survey Time
I’m bored and I want to see who all on FR Tumblr is in what flight!
I’m so sorry Earth/Fire, I had to lump you together bc polls only allows 10 options, if you’re one of those please add which one you are in the tags
Also please reblog after voting so this spreads farther, thank you!!
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chemicon-fr · 1 year
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chemicon-fr · 1 year
Happy birthday, Grimace!
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chemicon-fr · 1 year
As the achievements Elemental Enterprise and Supporting Local Business both require use of the flight specific auction houses, players in various flights have organised a specific dragon for players to buy and then resell with the goal of aiding players in getting the achievements themselves.
Here's links to some of these dragons*:
*I have no way of checking these dragons are all actually currently up for sale in the Flight Specific AH, they all have bios stating they should be or were posted about on Tumblr. Apologies if some aren't up for sale. Feel free to check your flight specific auctions for dragons being sold for this purpose, they should be 10kt+.
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