cheezitmuncher69 · 7 days
Attempting to cook after forgetting to eat; we're making pizza pockets [rolls?] cause I'm fuckin lazy. and they're far too expensive for what you get; so we makin them the way that makes sense; and is probably cheaper. Now if you're making them from scratch, not including the dough because I don't have the energy for that. You're gonna need - eggroll/rangoon wrappers - Pizza sauce - cheese of your choice - and whatever else you want bro If you're using eggroll wrappers Start with 5 of the wrappers; cut em in fourths; put the filling on the left or right side; leaving about a pinky-nail length; or half an inch for the people needing more exact measurements, before folding it in on itself; get your finger wet and seal the ends. If you're using rangoon wrappers They're pre-cut, so forgo the cutting into the fourths; just get a wrapper; put a lil of whatever filling you make on a side; fold it over and seal with water; or roll it over itself; these are a bit harder to work with; but its roughly the same texture. [note; you can fold it over on itself if you're like me and are prone to dropping crap.. if you drop these they will go everywhere. and as someone with joint issues; its not fun to clean up.] But once they're sealed, preheat about 2 inches of oil to like.. 350. or if you're using an actual fryer that's basically glued to 400; that's fine too. just keep an eye on it. fry it for like.. 2-4 minutes on 400, or 3-5 on 350. pat off the oil, or dont. and there you go. season it if you want; or dont.
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cheezitmuncher69 · 17 days
Pff! yeah; I remember watchin' lil man keith when he was younger; though I'm a middle child so I was either the one watching or the one being watched
Hiya, Micheal! How are doing today? I hope you are doing well.
I'm doin good! Aside from a few bumps with work it's been super low-key! Thanks for asking man, how're you doin?
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cheezitmuncher69 · 18 days
Hiya, Micheal! How are doing today? I hope you are doing well.
I'm doin good! Aside from a few bumps with work it's been super low-key! Thanks for asking man, how're you doin?
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cheezitmuncher69 · 25 days
Tumblr media
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cheezitmuncher69 · 25 days
I wanna know what people assume about me because of my tumblr.
Put an assumption in my ask. I’ll confirm or dispute it. I’m not gonna be mean or anything, I’m just very interested.
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cheezitmuncher69 · 29 days
Michael, What music do you like?
Oh Shit! I love a lot of music, but lemme drop my playlist!
I know spotify is problematic, but i have yet to find anythign better; so here you go!
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cheezitmuncher69 · 29 days
Probably not gonna get much traction with this, but why the hell not? I'm Michael, I'm 25 in headspace Uh; I'm from a mix of the Soft! mod and of course, the BB mod. I'm lookin to have fun here, Give people the stuff I wish I Had! And of course, the whole "everyone's big bro" is literal. Just ask me man! I don't bite, promise! ASKS ARE OPEN!! Taglist -BB Talks - Responses to people & asks! -Everyones Big Bro - General talk! -BB Cooks - Cooking, Or attempting to, I'm broke so it's usually cheap stuff too! - recipies ive tried that usually dont take much energy or effort. but might have some medium effort stuff too. - BB replies - Usually replies to reblogs!
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