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28 and/or 29 if they haven't been requested yet? Thanks!
29 is here, so I’ve done 28! Once again I got carried away. I could write these two being horny for each other forever. Also Kaz is a dickhead cos he’s pining for Inej
28. A kiss that lasts for so long that they're breathless when it ends.
Ever since that night where Jesper blurted out the three little words that changed Wylan’s life, they haven’t been able to keep their hands off each other. So, naturally, Kaz has been keeping them apart as much as humanly possible.
They find each other in one of the Crow Club’s storerooms.
Wylan is busy gathering supplies to restock his workshop when he hears the door close and the click of it being locked. When he glances over his shoulder, he’s met with the sight of Jesper leaning nonchalantly against the wall.
“This one is phosphorous, right?” He asks, indicating the crate to his left. He knows it is, is almost 100% certain that it is despite someone rearranging things again, but he likes this little game he’s playing with Jesper, likes the way anticipation builds between them.
“It is,” Jesper confirms.
“Good,” says Wylan. He opens the crate and takes a few packages, stowing them safely in his satchel before standing. The storeroom isn’t large, so he only needs to take a few steps to be right in front of Jesper. “Hi.”
Jesper smiles at him. “Hi. I have a quarter chime until I have to be on the doors.”
“Good,” Wylan says again, then he steps in close to cup Jesper’s face with both hands and drag him down into a kiss. He parts his lips just enough for Jesper to get the hint and slip his tongue into his mouth, and Wylan groans as desire shoots through him like a bullet.
Jesper’s hands clutch at Wylan’s waist, spinning him around and backing him up against the wall.
“I love you,” Jesper breathes. “Saints, I love you.” He dives back in for another kiss before Wylan even has a chance to reply. He can only clutch desperately at Jesper’s hair, the back of his neck, his shoulders, as Jesper kisses him messily, all teeth and tongue and so fucking good. It sets his blood on fire.
When they next pull apart, both their chests are heaving and Jesper’s pupils are blown wide, no doubt a mirror of Wylan’s own.
At the sound of a cane rapping against the storeroom door, Wylan whines.
“I’m sure you have better things to be doing,” comes Kaz’s unmistakable rasp from the other side of the door.
“Yeah, each other,” Jesper calls back, but he reluctantly lets Wylan go and steps away, not so subtly readjusting himself in his trousers.
Wylan heaves a sigh of the eternally sexually frustrated and picks up his satchel as Jesper unlocks the door to reveal Kaz glowering at them from the doorway.
“You should try getting off some time,” Jesper says and Wylan desperately tries to contain his snort of laughter. “Might help.”
“Careful,” Kaz warns, tone icy. “Otherwise I’ll make you work all of Saturday too, and then you won’t be able to ruin the ambience of the Slat with your…activities.” He glances between the two of them with obvious disdain. “Wouldn’t that be a shame?”
Jesper rolls his eyes. “Alright, I’m going.” He blows Wylan a kiss and then winks at him. “See you later.”
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 27 days ago
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@febuwhump day 24: pinned down Wesper | Six of Crows (Show!Verse) | TW: non consensual drugging febuwhump masterlist
The novice has been acting weird for hours.
They walk along beneath the Barrel’s multi-coloured lanterns in costumes that blend in with the crowd. Jesper rambles on about unimportant things, trying to get a rise out of him or even an eye-roll, but he doesn't seem willing to bite tonight.  
Since their little stint under a rat carriage, Jesper hasn't really known what to do with him. Frankly it's kind of hard to look at the boy without remembering what Jesper had so stupidly forgotten. The way that fluffy bird nest of brown hair looked splayed against a pillow, for one, or the fact his steadfast blushing looked even more alluring when it was the result of Jesper touching him. 
His cheeks are red now, for some reason, even though Jesper hasn't said anything that suggestive since they hit the Lid. Under the Madman mask covering his eyes, the flush stains his supple, freckled skin.
Jesper supposes it isn't that unusual for the kid to be so tense; he usually is before jobs that involve something this illegal. But at the same time, Jesper doesn't really get it. 
The canal splits four or five shopfronts ahead of them, which is where they'll part ways for the next hour to blend into the city's sins. His own heart races as he readies himself for inevitable danger, craving it more and more with each step. 
They come to the place they're due to diverge. Jesper sends Wylan one last glance. “No mourners.”
But all Wylan offers in return is a barely intelligible mumble. 
Jesper's feet stutter, startled out of his own excited anticipation by that lack of a response. Before he can say anything about it Wylan ducks his head and veers away, starting to press through the packed crowd much as he was meant to. Unless Jesper wants to end up on the other side of Kaz’s bad temper, he should do the exact same thing in the other direction. Really, pissing off Kaz Brekker of all people should not be at the top of his list of things to do. 
He shoves through a gaggle of tourists after the novice with his heart in his throat. 
It proves upsettingly difficult to keep the kid in his sights, but the Barrel has always been a maze of canals and they may have done too good of a job blending in with everyone else around them. Why the hell did the novice have to be so damn short? 
Regardless, after only a couple of bridges Jesper loses him entirely. He has to stop at the end of one of Ketterdam’s smaller alleyways and curse vehemently — at Wylan, at Kaz’s stupid plan, at his own fucking idiocy. The last object of his irritation burns brightest like a beacon. Guilt festers. 
From behind him, he hears a rumbling chuckle. 
Jesper doesn’t know what to expect when he looks over his shoulder. 
Jesper creeps closer as subtly as he can, fingers itching to reach for his pistols. Between the looming buildings it isn’t easy to make out detail, but he’s been Kaz’s lieutenant for long enough to recognise the Dime Lion mark from afar. There are two of them crouched on the ground with what looks like a dead body beneath them, except the closer Jesper gets the more clearly he can see the way the third body wriggles and squirms. 
One of the Dime Lions kneels on their chest — they were the one who chuckled — while the second looms over them, pinning their arms down above their head. Beneath the low roll of chatter and mocking laughter, the way they whimper rings clear as day. The familiar glint of a metal gun pressed punishingly against their throat is obvious even to Jesper. This is no boring attempt at a mugging, that’s for—
The toe of Jesper’s boot connects with something hard, sending it skittering across the stones. Jesper freezes. When he looks down a beaked mask stares back at him, right beside an uncannily familiar pair of goggles. 
Understanding is sudden, violent and cold. 
He whips his head back up just for his gaze to land instantly and unsettlingly on the undeniably familiar form of Wylan Hendriks. 
Their eyes meet. Wylan’s lips part.
There is a split second moment for Jesper to make a decision and — useless skiv that he is — he misses his chance. The bruiser kneeling on Wylan’s chest has a pistol pointed in Jesper’s direction before the gravity of his fuck up even registers. Jesper bites down hard on his tongue, hearing nothing but Kaz’s voice in his head calling him a useless waste of space. Or, nothing but that and the sickening echo Wylan’s whimpering. 
Jesper opens his mouth, not sure what the hell he can say to get out of this, right as a jolly, good-natured laugh fills the space between them. 
The Dime Lion lowers their gun, pointing it lazily back at Wylan. “Saints, I never thought you’d show up, Pieter.”
It takes a second for Jesper to realise they’re talking to him, but his stomach lurches as soon as they do. He can see Wylan’s wide eyes staring up at him from the muddy ground, foggy and dazed but still clearly terrified. Now that his mask is off Jesper can see the sheen of clammy sweat on his face. 
“We found one of Brekker’s little lackeys,” the second Dime Lion croons. They trail a tauntingly gentle hand over the curve of Wylan’s forehead. He twitches away and whimpers again, but can’t go far with the weight pressing him down into the ground. “He took so nicely to that brew you made up, don’t you think? Barely even put up a fight when we grabbed him.”
Jesper’s stomach rolls. Whatever brew they might have slipped to Wylan explains an awful lot about the past hour. It’s almost impossible for Jesper not to feel like it’s somehow his fault. 
Forcing himself to laugh anyway, he saunters over. He’s the best damn sharpshooter the Barrel’s ever seen and one hell of a quick draw, but he can’t compete with a pistol basically pressed flush with Wylan’s throat. 
The first clambers to their feet, tipping their head down at Wylan’s vulnerable form. “We saved you the fun part. Guess he’s your prize, ain’t he?” 
“I’ll have him if you don’t want him,” the second adds. “I know you were hoping for Dirtyhand’s sharpshooter.” 
Jesper comes to a stop beside them, looking down at Wylan. How likely is it that he can recognise Jesper behind the mask? Not very.
His mouth tastes like bile as he drops down to kneel astride Wylan’s chest, even more sickening for the way Wylan barely even struggles. Jesper can feel him tugging uselessly against the hands holding him down and stares into his brown eyes, blown wide with fear, trying to think. Rain is soaking into the knees of his trousers. 
What the hell do they expect him to do? 
“Give me your gun,” says Jesper, putting out a hand. 
The Dime Lion on his feet chuckles. “Not bringing out the knife tonight?” 
“Not for this one,” Jesper replies. 
“Shame,” the second one says. They trace a finger slowly over the underside of Wylan’s chin, grinning when he tries to shy away. “He’d look so nice with a nice long cut here, don’t you think?”
“The gun,” Jesper repeats, voice acidic. 
Below his weight Jesper feels the panicked rhythm of Wylan’s breathing as he all but hyperventilates. Whether or not he's been drugged doesn't matter: the fear he feels is obvious, visceral and real. Jesper hates himself for feeding into it, wondering how he’ll ever be able to ask Wylan to forgive him for this.
The weight of a pistol in Jesper’s hand is a deadly reassurance. He spins it, inhales, and shoots both Dime Lions in the same breath. Their bodies hit the floor with a heavy thud that makes Wylan flinch. 
Jesper shoots to his feet as soon as they’re down, hoisting Wylan up after him as well as he can with the way the novice struggles. His whole body is trembling, the back of his costume drenched with rainwater and mud, and he begins to desperately try and shake his head. 
“Please,” he slurs, “please, p-please don’t—”  
Jesper tightens his grip on Wylan’s bicep a heartbeat before he slips out of consciousness and lurches towards the ground. With a sharp curse Jesper grabs him, wrapping an arm around his waist. Wylan is too limp like this, too vulnerable. 
Too damn pretty. 
“Saints,” Jesper finally mutters. He looks up and down the alley, wondering how the hell he’s going to get an unconscious demo man all the way back down to the bottom of the Barrel. 
At least he’ll have a good long while to come up with an excuse to tell Kaz why he bailed on the job.
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 1 month ago
Weak kisses in the morning in bed, when they're barely awake.
Wesper pls 🥺👉👈
Thank you, Lou! I have some very soft Wesper for you
“Mhh”, Wylan grumbled when he felt the blanket slipping away, so he quickly reached out a hand to pull it back up. It was cold outside and still dark, no need to get up right now, especially when he was still tired, and there was a warm body pressed against his back, one arm slung around his middle to hold him tight.
“You alright?” Jesper’s voice was quiet in the darkness of the room, gravelly from sleep, and Wylan knew that he wasn’t completely awake as well.
“Yeah, just a bit cold.” That alone prompted Jesper to pull Wylan even closer, press his nose against the back of his neck. Goosebumps spread from the spot where Wylan’s nose touched him - the good kind of goosebumps, not from the cold, but from how good it felt. “Get some more sleep.”
“Mhh don’t know if I can.” Jesper’s voice was vibrating against Wylan’s skin, making him shiver ever so slightly. “Gotta warm you up again.” His hand slipped beneath Wylan’s sleep shirt, fanning out over his stomach, drawing circles into his skin with his thumb. Jesper’s lips replaced his nose, pressing a soft kiss to the back of his neck.
“You’re already doing that.” Wylan sighed softly, his eyes drifting shut again. To be quite honest, he couldn’t really tell how late it was, if it was still night time or early morning. Most days, Ketterdam stayed quite dark, especially in winter, but since they had no appointments today, they could stay in bed as long as they wanted. “You’re a whole furnace.”
“Is this your way of telling me that I’m hot?” Jesper murmured against Wylan’s shoulder, and he could hear and feel the smile in his voice, before another kiss was pressed against his shirt-clad shoulder.
“Well, that’s not a secret.” Opening his eyes again so they could adjust to the darkness in the room, Wylan carefully turned around in Jesper’s arms, throwing his leg over Jesper’s to be even closer to him. His right hand found its way on Jesper’s belly, thumb slowly stroking back and forth while he reached his left one up to cup the back of his head. “But you’re also warming me up pretty nicely.” Slowly, he stroked his thumb right behind Jesper’s ear, beneath it, then back up, repeating the motion, because he knew how much Jesper enjoyed this. It had an almost calming effect on him, not that he needed it right now, but the deep sigh that fell from his lips was music to Wylan’s ears.
“Good. Can’t let you freeze,” Jesper mumbled, still with a smile on his lips. There was something else he wanted to do, though, something better than talking, and so he brushed his lips over Wylan’s. Just a soft, short kiss, nothing more, but enough to warm him up from the inside. Both of them actually.
Jesper’s hand slipped onto his back, further upwards and between his shoulder blades, feeling his sleep warm skin. With the other hand, he slowly carded through Wylan’s curls, before tracing his fingertips along the shell of his ear, his neck, to his shoulder. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling into the next kiss Wylan bestowed upon him. There was no heat behind them, neither of them initiating anything more for once, just the simple act of kissing each other. Languid, lazy, weak kisses that still managed to make Jesper’s heart beat a little faster, because he loved the man in his arms so much. 
At one point, Wylan only managed to kiss the corner of Jesper’s lips, then his cheek, and Jesper wasn’t sure whether it was on purpose or not, but when Wylan’s head lulled a little against his own, he couldn’t stop himself from chuckling.
“Get some more sleep, darling.”
“Mhm.” A weak attempt to protest on Wylan’s part. Jesper ignored this more or less, hugged him tighter yet again and turned onto his back, pulling Wylan half on top of himself so that his head was laying on Jesper’s chest. There was no sign of protest anymore, quite the contrary, when Wylan pressed even more against him, his own hand halfway tucked beneath his head.
Jesper watched him for a moment before he lifted his head to place a gentle kiss on Wylan’s hair. Sometimes, he couldn’t believe how lucky he was, but this wasn’t some kind of dream anymore. When he woke up - properly woke up - Wylan would still be there.
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 1 month ago
When I’m reading fics, I frequently wonder if I’m a bad friend because if my two friends were pining over each other that hard I would absolutely say something to at least one of them
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 1 month ago
never getting over wylan yelling “it’s only the most perfect example of symbiosis” hoping jesper hears him, jesper who is currently unconscious, hallucinating, and about to die
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 1 month ago
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@febuwhump day 13: "i don't trust anyone else" Wesper | Six of Crows | TW: Drugs; Blood; Wounds/First Aid febuwhump masterlist
Truth be told, Jesper isn’t sure who exactly he expects to be at his door when he hears a knock at three in the morning, but it isn’t his drug dealer.
The night outside is balmy; it’s been a sticky summer. Jesper slouches against his doorframe, tonguing a half-healed cut on his bottom lip. “You aren’t meant to be here until tomorrow.”
“I know,” Wylan replies wearily. 
What little entertainment Jesper had been holding in his chest at Wylan’s novel appearance begins to shrivel. “Don't tell me you're here to stage an intervention. I don't want to have to find another dealer, none of them are as cute as you.” 
A pink flush rises to Wylan's cheeks, but he ignores the latter half of Jesper’s flat-toned jibe. “I wasn't going to. Can— can I come in?” 
It's such a diversion from their normal interactions that, for a second, Jesper is too-caught off guard to be suspicious. A second is all it takes, though, because by then Wylan is through his defenses. He steps back, holding the door for the boy and casting an instinctive eye over the silent street outside. 
Wylan drags himself inside, arms wrapped around his torso. Bright with curiosity, his blue eyes trail over Jesper’s tiny apartment. They don’t linger long on any particular thing, but instead dance across the entire, glorious mess. He gnaws on his bottom lip, probably chewing back some sort of unsolicited criticism about Jesper’s nonexistent tidying skills.   
“So why are you here, if it isn’t to get me to quit my filthy habits?” 
Wylan blinks, turning back to look at Jesper. “Your filthy habits keep me in a job.” 
Jesper sees him open his mouth to continue, but before the words come out a wince replaces whatever he'd been about to say. Wylan lurches forward, knees buckling, a half second away from falling to the floor until Jesper grabs him. 
A fresh wince shoots across Wylan's face. Jesper's hand, wrapped around the boy’s waist, is pressed to something sticky. 
“Saints, what—” 
“I’m okay—” 
“The hell you are,” Jesper bites back. Wylan shrinks down into himself.  
That little flinch gives Jesper the opportunity he needs. He pulls back, ignoring Wylan's protests and weakly scrabbling fingers to pull up his shirt. As soon as he sees the mottled skin and bloodied cuts hidden beneath, he gags. 
Wylan yanks his shirt back down. “Do you mind?”
“Do you?” Jesper replies. “What the hell, novice?”
“It’s nothing—” 
“You can’t seriously think that’ll fly when you show up at my apartment with a stab wound.” 
“It isn’t a stab wound,” Wylan retorts, “it was brass knuckles and steel-toed boots. I'm not even bleeding.” 
“Uh, yes, you are.” 
Surprisingly, there is still enough blood left in Wylan's body to make his cheeks pink. He glances down at his torso as if surprised to realise that the smudge on his tattered shirt is, in fact, his own blood. “Oh.”
Jesper shakes his head incredulously. “Why the hell did you come here?” 
Wylan's lips press together thinly. He has the audacity to raise his chin anyway, like Jesper is the one out of line here. “I don't trust anyone else.” 
Jesper wets his lips. Trust is an ugly, frivolous thing for children, which does not explain the fact hearing Wylan say he trusts him yanks hard at the heartstrings he hasn’t dulled already with gambling, girls and inadvisable use of recreational substances. 
Trust. Saints know that he, of all people, isn’t worth a drop of it. 
But then Wylan's knees buckle again, and he's saved from hitting the floor only by a tightening of Jesper's hands around his waist. The novice bites off a surprisingly foul curse, pretty face screwing up in fresh pain. 
“Saints,” Jesper mutters, helping the boy limp to his sofa. “If I'm the only person you trust, you have bigger problems than a stab wound.” 
“Not a stab wound,” Wylan corrects. His body hits the sofa hard. “And I only need to trust you not to mug me for what little kruge I have left in my pockets.”
“Not like I have your life in my hands or anything.”
Wylan sinks down into the sofa. His breathing is laboured, and Jesper becomes intimately aware of it when he tugs Wylan’s shirt away from his battered body again. The frail shape of his ribs is too pronounced, visible even under all the purpling bruises. 
“Is it really that bad?” Wylan's voice is uncharacteristically small. 
Jesper glances up at him and sees worry in his baby blue eyes. “You'll survive long enough to get me another hit.” 
“Not that you need it,” Wylan murmurs back. 
“I can quit anytime I want, Wylan.”
“I’m sure you could.”
“I get the sense you’re being sarcastic.”
“All I’m saying is that it isn’t doing you any favours.”
“Saints, you’ll definitely be fine if you have the energy to keep nagging me.”
“I’m not nagging you, I just think—”
“Not this again.”
“— that you aren’t admitting why you rely on it so much!”
Jesper heaves a grand sigh, but there’s a smile tugging at the corner of his lips from the sweet familiarity of it all. “I’m not a junkie,” he says, mostly out of principle, “and you’ll be fine. Just try not to bleed out on my sofa.” 
“Doubt it would show up below all the other stains,” Wylan mumbles. 
With a laugh, Jesper rises up to his feet. Truth be told the actual wound isn’t quite as bad as he initially thought, but the blood has smeared and still pulses at the seam of Wylan’s body. Jesper isn’t convinced he knows how to bandage up a wound properly, or that he has any first aid supplies, but he does know he’s willing to give it a damn good go. 
He trusts the little bastard too much not to try, at least.
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 1 month ago
Would love a snippet from Time for a Spare Prayer!
Hiiii! In honour of my favourite holiday yesterday, here’s some slightly desperate romance from chapter 7 ❤️
“Wait, wait, wait— d’you really want this?” Wylan pulled back to ask. “Treasure?”
The whimper was almost inaudible, and Jes turned his head to press his lips into the cool anaemia of Wylan’s hand. Like a balm to his racing thoughts.
“It’s… it’s probably not what Kaz had in mind when he told me to rest. I suppose.”
The short curls around the shell of his ear were softer than lamb’s wool under Wylan’s finger tips, and he stroked from his jaw to the nape of his neck. Jesper smiled, and it clenched like a vice in his chest. He didn’t dare to think about all that happened. Not to mention all that was yet to come— his father’s latest murder attempt, Colm finding him, Jesper and Nina healing him… Colm rejecting all of them.
And now, in a few short hours, Jesper was going into the belly of the beast. For him.
Maybe a distraction was best for both of them.
He cleared his throat, and couldn’t help feeling like he was terrible at this. Not to mention, he probably still wasn’t healed enough to properly fulfill the offer. “Would a distraction help?”
Jes’s smile bloomed warm and dazzling, his eyes soft. “Distraction? Darling, you’re only ever the main event, you know that.”
Wylan could only hope the force of his exasperated eyes outweighed the blush in his cheeks.
His sharpshooter got the message. With a sigh that only sent him sagging deeper into Wylan’s embrace, Jesper took the merchling’s hand in his rougher one, pulling it away from his hair to kiss at the delicate pulse in his wrist. He looked utterly exhausted.
“I don’t care what we do, Wy. I just need to share a heartbeat with you for a while.”
Thanks for playing 🎉❤️
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 1 month ago
Truly love your wesper drawings!!! You mentioned taking suggestions so may I just say forehead kisses? The best kiss imo.
Regardless you have a gorgeous style that captures those two boys so tenderly and perfectly and I will always be excited to see more!!
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You asked, I tried
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 2 months ago
What I'd Do For You
read it on AO3 at by Pen_n_Notebook Jesper will do anything to protect Wylan. He'll shoot anyone who threatens Wylan's safety, no questions asked. But that doesn't stop him from having questions. Mainly, why would anyone want to to kill Wylan Hendriks? Words: 4103, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, Kaz Brekker, Prior (Six of Crows), Miggson (Six of Crows) Relationships: Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck Additional Tags: Boys In Love, Jesper Fahey Loves Wylan Van Eck, The Crow Club (Six of Crows), Panic Attacks, Guns, Gun Violence, Non-Graphic Violence, Show-Canon Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, Wylan Van Eck's Backstory read it on AO3 at
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 2 months ago
9/14?? For Wesper prompts??? Or just 9!!
9 is here, so I’ve done 14. This one was a lot of fun, just a little reimagining of some of Crooked Kingdom before the auction, but with show Wesper. I hope you like it!
14. “I’m yours. I’ll always be yours.”
“Time to go,” Kaz says, inclining his head towards the door.
Wylan nods, his expression grim, and picks up his satchel, sparing a glance to Jesper and Colm as he does so.
“Wait,” Jesper says, catching him by the elbow before he turns to go. From the corner of his eye, he sees Kaz scowl. “I just need a minute, okay?” He can’t let Wylan leave, not like this. Not when it might be the last time they ever see each other again.
“Jes?” Wylan asks, slipping a cool hand into Jesper’s. “What is it?”
“I…” How can he put it into words? That despite everything that’s happened, the Ice Court, that sickening moment when he thought Wylan had died aboard the Ferolind, the tailoring, there was only ever one thing that Jesper was sure of, one spark inside his chest that never died, that kept glowing and burning through all the fear and the hurt. “I love you,” he says in the end, and watches as Wylan’s eyes turn impossibly soft.
Wylan reaches up to cup Jesper’s face with one hand. “Jesper…”
“I love you, and I never stopped loving you. I really hope we don’t die tonight.” At that, Wylan huffs a laugh, but Jesper continues. “I’m yours,” he says, turning his head to kiss Wylan’s palm. “I’ll always be yours. As long as you’ll have me.”
Something flickers in Wylan’s gaze then, something steely and sure, a burning that matches Jesper’s own. “I will have you, Jesper Fahey.” He stretches up and seals his lips against Jesper’s for just a moment, then pulls away. “I love you too. Don’t die.”
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 2 months ago
Every time hopeisbloody updates on ao3 an angel (read:me) gains its wings
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 3 months ago
Jesper: I love when a man is a little bit cunty. Not mean or rude or anything like that. Just bitchy
Wylan: Hi ✌🏼
Jesper: Perfect
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 4 months ago
Jesper: Ive had 9 cups of coffee today and now I can see through time and I might be inside out. I have no blood left. Just vibration. Im going to alphabetise the alphabet (it’s all wrong I’ll explain later) then going to fight the moon.
Wylan: I think you need to be sedated
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 4 months ago
objectively hilarious that they chose the dynamic of agatha and rio to have agatha holding the power AND wanting rio to leave her the fuck alone because it couldve so easily been a "i am killing all these people to forcefully get the attention of the cold distant force of death that i am in love with" but it is instead "killing is my most favorite hobby ever, only downside is that it constantly reveals my location to my bitch ex wife who keeps begging me to get back together"
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 4 months ago
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ammonium nitrate | hanahaki au, 20k, complete
His first thought, when the taste of bitter rust and crumpled petal hit him, was: I’ve drowned before. His second thought was: What am I doing here? ----------- Or, a hanahaki AU where Wylan coughs up jurda blossoms, Jesper comes home from six years of Grisha training in Ravka, and the blood on Kaz’s gloves is definitely not from planning a coup.
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 6 months ago
i think strange and off-putting wylan is the best. you know how he is in those fanfictions where he just. stares. and creeps people out. in the inside, he's having ten different panic attacks, but on the outside it's all just big blue bambi eyes and an entirely unresponsive demeanor. things happen around him and he doesn't react. he doesn't move. he doesn't blink. he just stares. he's weird and there and that's it. jesper instantly needs him carnally and all he did was look at him blankly and ignore him from then on. nina finds him hilarious. matthias finds him a lil weird but also the most normal person in the crows. inej gives him a knife to protect himself but he's already got a whole lot of bombs hidden in his little gay satchel that he's told no one about and will bring out in the middle of a random fight where he will romantically lock eyes with jesper and then blow up a bunch of people. kaz glares at him and wylan just looks back without flinching so kaz hires him because how the fuck??? how??
idk i just love off-putting wylan he's my favorite
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chartreuseorigami-fandoms · 6 months ago
Thalia's point of view must be so surreal because imagine the horror, the tragedy, and the cruelty, of dying... but then not. but you're not alive either. At least, not in the way you used to be. You're more or less caught, trapped, in this liminal state of being. You're still growing... but when you wake up you're not the age you should be. And suddenly, the little seven year old girl you helped protect and cared for and treated as your little sister is practically your age now. And your best friend, a boy that was a mere two years older than you is now a grown man, hardened and distorted by the very hate you saw the beginnings of. that you commiserated with.
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