charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
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Let’s Sherlock Holmes the crap out of this!
What do we know? We know that the man was found somewhere in his house/mansion. He has a wife, a maid, a chef, a gardener, and a butler.
It is safe to assume that the man was rich, which means that while the Wife is an immediate suspect, it is highly unlikable that she committed the crime. We learned that she was reading a book, probably waiting for breakfast. After all it is a Sunday, and it is a common day to just stay home, and that’s probably how she found him, walking down to the dinning room, or where they usually eat.
The Cook, we learned that she was cooking, breakfast. You could say that she poisoned his food, but it is highly unlikely that she would prepared 2 separate breakfast.
The Gardener was outside. And considering that it was the wife who made the call we can assume that the murder occurred indoors. So the gardener didn’t do it.
The Butler, his alibi was that he was cleaning the silver. While this is suspicious, and most people think is the butler. This task is not unknown for butlers and maids.
Which brings me to the final suspect, the Maid. Who’s alibi was that she was getting the mail. Which that means that she was outside for a little bit. While, this is not out of the ordinary, and probably a task she has to do everyday. The murder was committed on a Sunday. And Mail is not delivered on Sundays.
Which means that the Maid did it.
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
leaving your room when people are over
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
I had a thought that maybe Nalistri’s actually the son of Lord Selandris’s sister (The one who married into the summer spire) and he’s hated by his “father” because he not only isn’t his real son but adopted and is from two bloodlines? IDK
Headcanon that is probably canon: Winter Wizard (Faramir) Elf Who I Don’t Know How To Spell His Name (Malistri Frostwalker according to the yogs wiki) is not only from the winter spire. His green eyes mean one of his parents had an affair with some other type of elf and covered it up. Either his dad treats him like shit because he’s ashamed of his affair, or because he’s taking out his anger at his wife’s affair on the son. That’s also why he has so many emotions compared to his frostbitten family.
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
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“Why do you beat yourself up so much over little mistakes?”
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
Me: I have this mental illness/disorder that makes certain things very difficult for me
Family: It’s okay!! We completely understand ^_^ We feel bad that you’re having a hard time, and we’ll do anything we can to help! : )
Me: *actually has difficulty with certain things*
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
From now on all my fanfic titles will be worded like click bait YOU WONT BELIEVE HOW THESE ASSHOLES FALL IN LOVE THIS TIME
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
Why does this look like Scott is teaching Mitch to play pool?!
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I legit had a fanfic idea HEHE
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
Females in competitive gaming.
How often do you actually see women in competitive gaming? The answer is… RARELY.
After this past weekend, I realized that in every championship at Blizzcon, there were NO WOMEN competing. And guess what? I wasn’t the only female to have realized this over the weekend.
After much thought and a lot of support. I’ve decided to start up an eSports team named Sweet Synergy.
On our first night of ‘realization’ - over 100 women applied for team spots. The overwhelming support has been IMMENSE. Even a handful of males are pushing our team forward and supporting, asking to be a part of staff and our twitch streams. Of course, a lot of women of all sorts have inquired about the team - but after constructing an amazing staff group so far, we have redirected focus of the all female competitive team from ‘just wanting attention’ to ‘actually wanting to compete.’ In other words, we don’t condone ‘Rated R’ types of behavior in order to get attention.
We don’t want attention, we want representation.
I’m not going to ask my tumblr friends to reblog this, but if you do believe in our team and female representation in the competitive gaming league, then boosting this post will go a long way for us. We are here to voice that we are just as competitive and equal as any other opposite gender competitor. Here are some links to follow if interested: Twitter Twitch Facebook If any girl/woman/alien out there wants an opportunity to join our team, you may click this link that will direct you to our personal fb group page. May we rock the stage next yr at Blizzcon!
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
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Capitalism at its best.  Some role models we should all consider.  I am a fan of Hagen Daz, but after reading this, I need to get me some Cherry Garcia!
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
Good Things that Happened in 2016
·         We’re closer to having successful vaccines for lung and brain cancer.
·         New chemotherapy breakthroughs have increased the 5-year survival for pancreatic cancer from 16% to 27% (and is getting better)
·         Scientists figured out how to link robotic limbs with the part of the brain that deals with intent to move so people don’t have to think about how they will move the limb, it can just happen.
·         Child mortality is down everywhere and it keeps going down.
·         Thanks to the ice bucket challenge the gene responsible for ALS has been found, meaning we are closer to an effective treatment. Let me rephrase that: we are close to getting a treatment for a very bad disease because a lot of people (including really hot celebrities) got wet.
·         A solar powered plan circumnavigated the world.
·         Michael Jordan donates 2mil to try and help bridge connection between police and the community.
·         Tiger numbers are growing.
·         And manatees.
·         And pandas.
·         Pakistan has made strides toward outlawing honor killings.
·         70,000 Muslim clerics declared a fatwa against ISIS.
·         Pokemon Go players went insane with placing lure modules near hospitals for sick kids.
·         California is now powering over 6 million homes with solar power, a record in the US (and that is the tightest shit)
·         Volunteers in India planted 50 million trees in 24 hours.
·         Apparently world crime as a whole has drastically declined as a whole in the last couple of decades.
·         Coffee consumption has been proved to help curtail cancer and suicide rates.
·         Speaking of coffee Starbucks figured out how to donate perishable food in a food safe way.
·         500 elephants were relocated to a better, safer and bigger home.
·         We made massive strides in Alzheimers’ prevention (my grandmother literally told me that scares her more than getting cancer this is very good news)
·         The ozone layer is repairing itself and all the work we did to get rid of those aerosol chemicals was actually worth it.
·         A new therapy developed in Israel could cure radiation sickness.
·         The Anglican church resolved to solemnize same-sex unions the same as opposite-sex unions which required a super majority of all three orders of the church (lay, clergy, bishop).
·         The Rabbinical Assembly issued a resolution affirming the rights of transgender and non-conforming individuals.
·         Precision treatments for cancer are hitting clinical trials and WORKING (as someone who’s had relatives with cancer this is the best news)
·         Dentists are once again providing free care to veterans who need it.
·         The Orlando Shakespeare Festival showed up with angel wings to block funeral-goers for the Orlando Pulse victims, view from anti-gay protesters
·         We may have cured MS
·         Rise Women’s Legal Centre opened
·         Death by heart disease has decreased by 70% in the United States
·         Two brothers saw color for the first time thanks to specially-designed glasses
·         Pope Francis spoke against society’s obsession with physical beauty while dedicating Mass to the disabled community (love that dude)
·         Portugal ran its entire nation solely on renewable energy for four days straight
·         A retiree is launching a project to transport 80 endangered rhinos to an Australian reservation to save the animals from poaching
·         An Afghan teacher has been delivering books via bicycle to villages that lack schools
·         Harriet Tubman is going to replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.
·         200 strangers attended the funeral of a homeless WW2 veteran with no family
·         A teen battling cancer married his sweetheart
·         Bank firm pays for college tuition for the children of employees who died in the 9/11 attacks
·         New medicine has been shown to increase melanoma survival rate to 40%
·         Over 800 Boko Harem Hostages were rescued by Nigerian Army
·         Toys R Us is Offering Quiet Shopping Hour for kids with autism this holiday season
·         Volunteers made special tiny Halloween costumes for NICU babies
·         A 4-year old befriends a lonely man and helped him heal after losing his wife
·         Families grew
·         People survived c ancer
·         People overcame depression
·         Any kind of victory, even if it affects only one person,  is a victory
·         Now for the pop culture good news
·         There’s a new Harry Potter book
·         And a movie
·         Harry Potter has no plans on vanishing with time
·         This sweet father gave candy to passengers on a flight so his little girl could trick or treat on Halloween
·         Kung Fu Panda 3, this franchise is still going strong despite that its about a panda played by Jack Black
·         Jungle Book. The amazing remake none of us saw coming
·         Finding Dory. I haven’t seen it yet but I’ve heard good things
·         Kubo and the Two Strings. Haven’t seen that yet as well but its Laika so I know it’s a masterpiece
·         Deadpool. The beautiful and super accurate R-rated marvel film
·         Captain America: Civil War. Seriously is the best marvel movie yet in my opinion I need more.
·         Zootopia. Oh don’t mind me I’m just a movie that tackled the issue of racism and not only game changed animated films but also made a billion dollars
·         The Hamilton Mixtape is coming out. Which is a bunch of artists singing songs from the musical (Sia, Usher, Regina Spketor, etc.) I’m excited.
·         A personal victory for myself, I joined Tumblr and met angels in blog form so…that’s uplifting.
·         And I met my favorite voice actor at a con which was a bucket list accomplishment.
Good Things that have yet to happen this year
·         Birthdays
·         Doctor Strange
·         Thanksgiving
·         Black Friday
·         Moana
·         Christmas
Good things that have nothing to do with the year but will hopefully make you feel better
·         Puppies
·         Chocolate
·         Rainbows
·         Rain (I like listening to rain it’s one of the most calming sounds)
·         Cartoons
·         Kissing
·         Music
·         Friends
·         FF: If you are a religious person you are an imperfect masterpiece
·         FF: If you are not then you are a splendid coincidence
·         Any year spent with loved ones be they family or friends is a good year. Trust me.
·         ”A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it’s the only weapon we have” –Roger Rabbit
*Plz feel free to add other good news (even if it’s something small like you ate cheesecake THAT is good news)
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
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some b&w scömìche™ lockscreens for y'all ^^
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
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RT Extra Life Poster Giveaway!!
Hi guys! So in honor of the Extra Life stream today, I thought I would do a giveaway of their poster. I will also have a second giveaway for the community poster so feel free to enter that as well! 
Rules / Details: 
- like / reblog to enter
- you DO NOT need to be following me to enter, but it would be greatly appreciated if you did follow.
- only one winner will be chosen (because I’m poor). 
- I’ll be buying from the US / International store. 
- if you win, I’ll send you a message. You must be okay with sharing your address. I plan on sending the poster directly to your address.  
- the giveaway will end at 9pm EST 
- I’ll pick the winner from the post’s notes using a random number generator 
Info / Extra Links:
learn more about the poster here
watch the RT live stream here
support Rooster Teeth and donate to Extra Life here
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charliemarti-blog1 · 8 years
He’s so precious 
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[11/9/16] Mitch’s little speech at their Boston show.  x
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