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A little personal piece about scars.
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A new name might feel weird at first, but that doesn’t mean it’s the wrong one for you! 
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17 years later I’m still wearing the same busy jackets as when I was 5. It’s funny how some things carry over with us after we transition. There’s a misconception about transgender people in that once we transition, our interests, hobbies, fashion, personality, and every other aspect of our beings will change. Effectively, the person who we used to be has died. However, this isn’t the case for most of us. We’re still the same person. 
The gender binary denies the existence of trans people and thus to transition, our past selves must cease to exist. Despite this, our experiences and worldviews carry over and while being openly trans can shape who we are, our past experiences do as well. Once or twice a week, someone will ask me why I didn’t change my name. Simply put: I don’t want to hide who I am and my name doesn’t cause me dysphoria. By “carrying over” these aspects of who I am, I hope it’s possible to communicate the many different possibilities of trans experience.  It’s certainly a privilege to live openly trans but nonetheless we need to un-gender names and all of these aspects of life that society deems to be gendered. Even busy, colorful jackets.
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Sorry this is kind of sloppy, I tend to do vent art quick, and I’m still getting the hang of comics…
I’ve been having trouble with a forgetful friend, and my own self esteem
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Sorry for the wait, y’all! I was on vacation. 
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“Virginia Democrat Danica Roem has been called a man by conservative opponents attacking her views on LGBT rights as she campaigns to become the United States’ only transgender state legislator.
Roem does not shy away from her gender identity. In one campaign ad, she applies makeup at a bathroom mirror and takes hormone pills. But rather than focus on the politics of running as a transgender woman, she prefers to discuss traffic gridlock and other issues in the Nov. 7 election for the Virginia House of Delegates.
“Transgender people are just as qualified to say, ‘Hey, I can’t stand being stuck in traffic right now. I have some ideas to fix this,’” said Roem, a 33-year-old journalist. “We can be leaders on transportation. We can be leaders on economic development, and yeah, we can be leaders on civil rights too.”
U.S. elections this year could double the country’s number of transgender officeholders, currently at six, according to the Victory Fund, which works to elect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender candidates. The group has endorsed eight transgender candidates up for election this fall.”
(read more)
Remember to vote on November 7th!
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How am I going to transition in front of crowds of thousands of people every night? How am I going to go through this thing that’s unbelievably awkward, intimate, personal, that I don’t want to do? Can I snap my fingers and be done? And there is no done, of course.
Composer and LCD Soundsystem synthesizer player Gavin Rayna Russom discusses her relationship to music, shifting gender identity and how each has informed the other in a successful and deeply introspective career.
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Photo: Mark Horton/Getty Images
Gavin Rayna Russom On The Dialogue Between Creation And Identity
(via npr)
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I can’t believe I’ve made it this far in my life to get this tattoo 💉
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How are we telling Zo's story?    Zo and Director Sam Hampton sat down with Professor Susanne Unger's Sex, Gender, and Culture class at American University to share some clips from A CHANGE IN THE FAMILY, and students were invited to ask Zo questions about his experiences. This sort of direct impact is what we're looking to make. And you can help us make it: 
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Anyone else feel incredibly awkward when you speak to someone you knew before you transitioned, but they were never informed about it?
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“It is revolutionary for any trans person to choose to be seen and visible in a world that tells us we should not exist.” -Laverne Cox
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It’s official – bipartisan legislation has been filed in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to block the unpatriotic, unconstitutional ban on open military service for transgender Americans! Read more!
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