chairsitters · 18 days
Someone has got to make the Tesla Cybertruck Thomas the tank engine ‘Horrid Lorries’ style adaptation.
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Smashed, broken, burned.
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chairsitters · 25 days
For the next Mario Kart, can we use coins like as a means to change the gravity of our karts?
Let me explain:
Coins in Mario Kart are often used to get a little extra speed, but most of the time it’s useless.
So, why not use the coins as a pay system, where if you have a certain amount you can use them to make a jump that goes to the ceiling. in the process you “pay” 5 coins. This encourages the player to collect more coins and take new routes.
Here’s a visual:
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1st image: you are driving on the bottom part of the track with 10 coins.
2nd image: you pay 5 coins and you jump/ flip on to the ceiling.
3rd image: you are left with 5 coins and continue driving on the ceiling.
The maneuvers are not required but it would be fun to play around with the idea.
Also this does NOT replace the gravity mechanic introduced in Mario kart 8, but more adds on to the concept.
Some retro courses that can work with this idea are:
GCN mushroom city
GCN Wario coliseum
Wii Bowser castle
Tour Piranha plant pipeline
Here hope for the next Mario Kart.
(Mario Kart X, because your ‘X-ing’ across the track)
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chairsitters · 3 months
*guardians reappear and furious fu happened*
Marinette: at least a ‘thank you for reviving the entire order, fixing the temple, and keeping the miraculous safe’ would have been nice.
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chairsitters · 5 months
Got obsessed with pokemon again, so I’m made a water starter evolution line.
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Pokédex entries:
Droolrunt, the puffy Pokémon- droolrunt can drool most of its body fluids if it is excited enough, leading to dehydration. Its body is very buoyant to the point where it can easily float on water without trying.
Pupidrool, the wet mutt Pokémon- when it sees something it loves it will drool uncontrollably. Pupidrool is known to knock over the people and Pokémon it loves.
Maladrool, the subzero Pokémon- maladrool’s coat is extra thick, allowing it to survive in freezing cold temperatures. Its drool has healing properties, so it stores it in a small barrel around its neck.
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chairsitters · 6 months
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Pixls and their abilities:
Dex: basically replaces Tippi, acts as a guide and can tattle enemies.
Crush: flattens you so you can fit under short crevices.
Luz: lights up a room and can reveal hidden objects.
Fierro: causes you to become intimidating towards your enemies, the effect gets stronger the angrier you get.
Batto: basically hits objects like a hammer.
Slip: allows you to slip and slide around the area, effect ends when you press 1 again or crash into an object.
Mighty: gives you the ability to push large objects.
Rayne: makes you cry floods, this ability can put out fires, make plants grow, and push away enemies.
Daizi: causes the nearest enemy to become dizzy and confused, stunning them.
Penni: gives you the ability to write on any surface and draw anything to mark a spot.
Homer: creates a dimensional door back to your home. (Yes he can be used for convenience).
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chairsitters · 7 months
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Myself and the pixl’s names.
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chairsitters · 7 months
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Doodling in class…
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chairsitters · 7 months
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chairsitters · 8 months
I’m making a word:
Opulation- the right to exist.
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chairsitters · 9 months
Another Cookie Run: kingdom OC!
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Meet Diamond Glass cookie!
Skill: Piercing Crystal Charge
Diamond Glass Cookie (DGC) will taunt all enemies toward his crystal covered shield, and gaining a DMG resist buff. Upon his skill ending DGC will charge through enemies and causing a DMG bypass debuff.
Taunt- 4 seconds
DMG resist: +40% for 10 seconds. stacks up x1
Shield spikes: 20% of direct enemy ATK reflected.
Area damage: 350% of cookie ATK
Enemy DMG bypass: -15%
From tales of fighting a cookatrice to sailing the dark Licorice sea, Diamond Glass Cookie is a legend among knights. Most of these rumors tend to exaggerate of what truly lies underneath. With unyielding loyalty to his liege, Diamond Glass Cookie will get the job done flawlessly.
the crystals that grow from his back (are not wings) constantly have be to cut down to a manageable size.
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chairsitters · 10 months
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What could have been.
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chairsitters · 11 months
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chairsitters · 11 months
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chairsitters · 1 year
It buffers
What happens when golden cheese’s digital world needs to update
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chairsitters · 1 year
The sketch design:
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Just add Rosalina’s dress color scheme and voila!
ngl, Rosalina’s outfit would make a great jacket design.
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chairsitters · 1 year
Manga/ Anime idea:
Team Rocket: Grunt
Basically a lot of world building. We follow our MC who joins team rocket because of the benefits and learns to work in the organization (they think it’s pure capitalism). Along the way they get to see the world and it’s Pokémon. The MC loves Pokémon too much for their own good. They’re a HUGE Pokémon nerd, literally a walking Pokédex, and constantly get themselves into trouble while doing their ‘research’. But that doesn’t mean they’re a bad grunt, quite the opposite. their knowledge often helps their group to get them out of trouble or complete missions. They’re nicknamed Dex due to their accomplishments and knowledge. However, there are many mysteries surrounding their past, that will be uncovered more as the story progresses.
Team rocket grunt: what are you doing?
Dex (MC): I’m gonna cuddle with a Sizzlipede.
Team rocket grunt: NO YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!
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chairsitters · 1 year
ngl, Rosalina’s outfit would make a great jacket design.
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