chainthatbinds · 4 years
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LOTR + text post
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chainthatbinds · 4 years
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chainthatbinds · 4 years
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chainthatbinds · 4 years
Free will is simply the power to make your own choice. It's the ability to when given more than one option choose the one you like/agrea with the most. This in Essence means that when you approach the metiforicle intersection you can choose to go down one or the other butt you can't just fly away or walk of the path because in this case those arnt the options you've been presented with. In real life one can't become a billionaire because they feel like it the must put in the effort of making the correct choices in just the right pattern that leads to them making millions and then the eventual billions. Free will is just the power of choice not the power of free action. That is all.
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chainthatbinds · 4 years
The fact that he plays Zelda is everything to me right now!! I love Zelda😊 I want to play video games and get drunk with him😂😂
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chainthatbinds · 4 years
The beginning of comically improbable rolls.
My first session of my first campaign. My snarky Drow bard had just met with the rest of the party during a bandit attack. At this point I knew next to nothing about D&D, so I when my turn came up I wasn’t sure what to do.
Me OOC: I can use skills during combat, right? Even social ones?
DM: Totally
Me OOC: Even persuasion?
DM: Yes
Bard: You. Slovenly bandit. You work for me now.
DM: Roll
Me OOC: 20. Whats the significance of rolling that again?
The entire table breaks into laughter. They were on their third session and hadn’t rolled above 13. They had almost had a TPK to a giant rat the session before. I later proceeded to have some of the most comicall rolls for the rest of the campaign. Such as three consecutive 1’s, four consecutive 20’s and an entire session where I only rolled 12’s. A recurring joke at the table was that Lady Luck was my tsundere love interest.
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chainthatbinds · 4 years
“Oh my god, my grandparents were monster fuckers! … They were Bards!”
-Draconic Sorcerer, realizing how she got her powers
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chainthatbinds · 4 years
Proper thanks
The cleric, to his god after a long battle: Thank you for everything
Me, the bard: You’re welcome.
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chainthatbinds · 4 years
Dm: the child starts to scream at the top of her lungs
Bard: I kneel down to her level and scream louder
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chainthatbinds · 4 years
“Why are you wearing that thing on your head?”
“This slime consumed my previous headwear, and thus has taken its place by rite of predation.”
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chainthatbinds · 4 years
me: you hear faint, soft crying from the corner.
half-orc: can i hug her? can i comfort her with my muscular arms-
tiefling: <name>, your gay is showing
(the half-orc is bisexual irl)
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chainthatbinds · 4 years
Our Kenku rogue took a fair chunk of damage, had a handful of hit points left, and our healer wasn’t around. We made it back to town and sought out the local temple cleric.
KR: I was hurt rescuing the child, could you heal me father?
(player hijacking NPC) Father Sanders: I’m sorry, but you’re too far gone. Acolyte, build a fire and fetch the eleven herbs and spices!
KR: *stealth check*
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chainthatbinds · 4 years
For context this is my sister and my first time playing and as such our first combat situation.
Sister: somehow roles three Nat one’s in a row- “HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE? THIS SHOULDN’T BE POSSIBLE!”
Me: dying of laughter
Sister: “we can still win.”
DM(My dad): laughing and turning red “not at this rate.”
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chainthatbinds · 4 years
I'll start by saying life sucks, which is true but with the knowledge I have, I also know that we will all inevitably die and that any thing you accomplish in this life is both meaningful and meaningless. So when they tell you to take the trash out and stop moving everything in the room an inch to the left. Stop and move it an inch and a half to the right, grab the trash and run!
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