delgad-o · 7 years
sometimes i get distracted by my own cleavage like… nice…….
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delgad-o · 7 years
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delgad-o · 7 years
"Mary, have you been drinking?" Crewe asked raising an eyebrow. He knew she had, it smelled like she bathed in wine. (hearinginskyblue)
Mary swirled her glass in her hand, the liquid sloshing up against the side. She didn’t know why Frankie had invited all of his bandmates over to their house without consulting her first and she was making no effort to hide her disapproval of their presence. 
“What’s it to you, Crewe?”
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delgad-o · 7 years
Jack shrugged, not sure whether Mary just wanted to save him the trouble of showing her around, or if she had no interest in spending time with him.  Sure, they’d gotten off to a prickly start, but he’d thought they could take walks together, or go out for dessert sometime, or any of the other things he’d seen couples doing.  Even if they never fell in love, he’d hoped to at least become friends.
But at least Mary didn’t seem to hate the apartment, and that had to be worth something, right?  “I tried,” he admitted.  “But I guess it wasn’t good enough.”  He nodded toward the note.  “She’ll prob’ly come find you before too long, she’s gotta know everythin’.  But she’s a nice lady.”  After a moment, he added, “…She thinks Pop’s got a steel shop somewhere an’ I met ya at work, so, uh…if ya wouldn’t mind not correctin’ her…it’s just gonna save us both a lot o’ questions.”
Taking her jacket, he nodded, going to hang it in the empty front closet–the boys usually just threw theirs over chairs–and then returned to her side.  “C’mon,” he said, “they moved your stuff up here.”
He led her up the stairs and around the corner, down a narrow balcony hall, to a large bedroom that overlooked the street.  Another bouquet, this one of lilies, sat on the bedside table, along with a bottle of champagne Jack knew was from Race too, and he rolled his eyes.  Mary’s luggage had been placed next to the dresser (no doubt neatened by Mrs. Murphy), and Jack moved her suitcase to the bed for easier access.  “Anythin’ else you need right now?” he asked.  “The bathroom’s down the hall.”
Mary let out a little laugh, the sound strangely genuine as it passed painted lips. “That’s ever Italian woman on the face of the earth. Everyone knew I was getting married before I did. Gossip is our biggest vice.” She admitted before glancing away in an attempt to regain her composure. “But yeah. Sure. I’ll tell her that I met you at work. Just keep her from asking too many questions. I don’t know how long it’ll take a nosy woman to get suspicious.”
The redhead trailed behind him, struggling with the armfuls of tulle and satin, almost wanting to ask Jack for help before thinking better of it. She could handle herself. She was always able to handle herself.
But she wasn’t about to argue when he moved her suitcase to the bed. If she’d been left to her own devices, she’d have ended up bent over the suitcase in her underwear. Mary clicked open the suitcase as it sprung open, a few pairs of stockings and slips popping out and onto the bed. The redhead sighed and began digging through the contents of the bags to find a dress, a slip, and some more casual undergarments than her mother had stuffed her into this morning.
“Before you head out. Help me get this dress off. I’m sewn into it.” She requested, doing her best to temper her tone instead of snapping at him. “Just so you know, my mother went overboard with the wedding lingerie. She must have pictured some sort of passionate ravaging of one another and decided to make me look like some sort of whore to fit the part.”
{a deal gone wrong}
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delgad-o · 7 years
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delgad-o · 7 years
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delgad-o · 7 years
When Mary’s door burst open it nearly knocked Jack over, but he could tell she hadn’t do it on purpose…even though that wouldn’t have surprised him.  She’d been pretty vicious so far.  
He wasn’t sure what to say when she told him her mother wouldn’t want her–asking questions would be prying, and he knew Mary wouldn’t take to lies of comfort.  So he just said, “Uh…well, I can show ya where it is sometime anyway.  If you ever wanna get outta here.”  He’d meant to go visiting, or to do errands in other parts of town, but he suspected there’d be times when she really did want to leave–he’d feel like that, too.  He’d already had about six times like that on the drive over.
But for now, they were stuck with each other, so he led the way up the steps and unlocked the door for her.  He’d done his best to clean up before Mary’s arrival–as best as he could growing up without a woman’s influence, and with all the boys tramping in and out–but right now the floors were shining and every surface was dusted, and a vase of roses sat on the entryway table.  “I hope you don’t mind that I tidied up,” read the note from the elderly woman who lived above them.  “Welcome home to your bride, and may you have many happy years together.”  There was also a bottle of wine–“the more you drink, the less you’ll remember,” Race had written helpfully, and Jack crumpled the note before Mary could see it (he hoped).
But despite those touches, and the couple of paintings he’d hung on the wall for a lack of anywhere else to store them, the apartment didn’t really feel like a home, and he wasn’t sure that was going to change anytime soon.  “…Can I take your coat?” he asked finally.  It felt strange, playing host in their own house.
“I’m sure I could find it myself. You don’t have to worry about me.” She assured, waving her hand dismissively in his direction. Although, his choice of words was strange. Get out of here instead of go visit home. It was curious, but Mary wasn’t sure if it meant anything or he just hadn’t been thinking when he’d said it. And judging what she’d experienced so far, she was partial to assuming the latter.
The redhead did her best to climb the crumbling concrete steps up to their door without tripping over her dress or train. She hated this fucking dress. Why couldn’t she have just worn a white dress she already owned? 
But her annoyance tapered somewhat when he let her into the small apartment. It was immaculate in every way, obviously scrubbed from top to bottom. Her mouth hung open a little as she relished the heavy smell of Pine Sol in the air. She took a few more steps into the foyer, blinking in surprise as they approached the beautiful bouquet of roses. 
“This is...” She wanted to say better than she expected, but she knew she was likely already pushing her luck. “It’s really clean. Did you do that? Or did...?” Mary caught sight of the note and her amazement faded somewhat. Jack hadn’t been the one who polished the floors until they shined, just for her. But even that was momentarily forgotten when she spotted the bottle of wine. 
Oh thank God.
Mary slipped off her jacket, holding it in an extended fist as she offered it to her husband. “I’ll go change and get started on dinner. I might send you out for some things. If you think you can handle that. I just don’t know where the stores are around here.”
{a deal gone wrong}
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delgad-o · 7 years
idk man. But I 300% see that happening
jersey boys superhero au
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delgad-o · 7 years
I was thinking of Poison Ivy too, cause of the hair but??? Idk man. She’s an antihero/villain and I can’t see it any other way.
jersey boys superhero au
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delgad-o · 7 years
Mary is Catwoman and I will not accept anything less
jersey boys superhero au
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delgad-o · 7 years
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delgad-o · 7 years
Sighing in frustration, Jack clamped his mouth shut–apparently there was nothing he could say to change her mind, and he guessed he couldn’t blame her.  Still, it was awfully discouraging to hear things like that from his wife.  What if they never worked things out?  Could they really get through their whole lives being suspicious of each other?
Jack got out of the car, then came around to open Mary’s door for her.  “It ain’t too far from the subway,” he offered quietly.  “You can visit home if ya want to.”
Mary had already unlatched the door before Jack had the chance to reach it. She’d slammed her shoulder into it to unstick the latch but kept a tight hold on her seat to keep from tumbling out. Manicured hands hitched her dress up above her knees as she eased herself off the running board and onto the curb. It was obvious that she hadn’t been even remotely expecting someone to help her.
But his quiet, almost tentative words caught her attention and her head swiveled in his direction. 
“Is it really? Although, I gotta doubt they’d want me around. My ma has been looking for someone who’d take me for years. I doubt she’d be thrilled to have me back.”
{a deal gone wrong}
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delgad-o · 7 years
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delgad-o · 7 years
just because i HOLD BACK
            doesn’t mean i’ve gone SOFT
                             i have RESTRAINT
                                   but i could still CRUSH YOU where you stand
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delgad-o · 7 years
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delgad-o · 7 years
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delgad-o · 7 years
Your writing on Mary is great. You might think " no it's not" but it is. It is great. You are great!
Thank you, dear. I feel like garbage about everything. But I’m glad you like her at the very least.
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