chadsugg · 5 years
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I turned 33 a couple of days ago. Age seems to bring clarity (sometimes). This year it did so in the form of me deciding I’m not going to let my anxiety control me as much anymore, creatively. There are genuinely many reasons I haven’t released much new music or anything the past few years, but one of the biggest is simply that I’ve let my head win. “What if I’m no good at this anymore? What if people hate it? Who even cares anymore? This sucks. This song fucking sucks. This is all bullshit, people are going to hate this.” It’s a cycle. So, those thoughts?... Yes, they’re still 100% there. Do I believe them? Most of the time, no - I know it’s quite literally all in my head. But when the time comes to push forward and create or release something, they’ve just won for a while now. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been writing this whole time. My phone is full of demos; has been for a long time. CS songs, Backseat Goodbye songs, spoken word, note apps full of poetry and lyrics. Anyway, the point is, I’m going to push past this bullshit anxiety and just create again. If people like it, awesome. If they don’t, that’s fine too. I’m just at a point where I’m going to try to create for myself, like I did back when this all started. And I’m starting this, well, now. Going to start posting lyrics, videos, art, whatever, leading up to the release of 3 new EPs I have planned for the next few months.
Side note, this really isn’t a post digging for reassurance. My head has always been this way, but like I said, I’ve just let it win the past few years. I’m good - and, I’m excited to get back to where I have been creatively. Talk soon <3
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chadsugg · 6 years
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Here’s the first piece in my new series of special Halloween “alternative” ads for my brand new graphic design studio Expo 86. Imagine this showing up on your doorstep 😍// Basically, I had an idea the other day of what if Target released full circulated ads or catalogs for just Halloween. Then that turned into, WHAT IF THEY WERE ADS FOR RATED R HORROR FILMS 👀. • Please feel free to reblog. MANY more to come!
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chadsugg · 6 years
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Out November 2nd, my new full length album - “Isn’t This What You Wanted?” // It’s an album about death, cancer, the loss of all hope and belief in anything, and then somehow finding the love of my life in the middle of it all. This album is going to fucking hurt, okay? But it’s also going to be a spark - because I’ll be damned if I still can’t find the good in it all.
❤️ Chad
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chadsugg · 6 years
Genuinely checking to see if any of my followers are actually still here.
So if you’re reading this please feel free to like it so I know you’re here <3
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chadsugg · 7 years
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Day 87 // A Year of Pretty Lies by Chad Sugg
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chadsugg · 7 years
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Day 86 // A Year of Pretty Lies by Chad Sugg
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chadsugg · 7 years
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Day 85 // A Year of Pretty Lies by Chad Sugg
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chadsugg · 7 years
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Day 84 // A Year of Pretty Lies by Chad Sugg
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chadsugg · 7 years
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Day 83 // A Year of Pretty Lies by Chad Sugg Today feels like an appropriate time to start posting again. In light of tomorrow's inauguration, I feel like there needs to be a little more of this put out into the world.
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chadsugg · 8 years
I like to imagine 2017 is going to be like the scene where Max and Goofy actually get onstage at the Powerline concert. ✨✨✨
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chadsugg · 8 years
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I wrote a song about myself that’s also directly about Jack and Marla from Fight Club. It’s appropriately titled “Jack & Marla”, and it’s on my new album.
Feel free to go listen.
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chadsugg · 8 years
It’s been a while.
In an effort to get the hell away from scrolling through the enchanted hell that is my Facebook feed, I’ve found my way back to Tumblr. I always say I’m going to start posting more here, then I never do. So, let’s try this is again, because I feel like even if you don’t need this right now, I do. <3
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chadsugg · 8 years
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Day 81 // A Year of Pretty Lies
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chadsugg · 8 years
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Day 81 // A Year of Pretty Lies
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chadsugg · 8 years
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Earth sucks right now. Here's a brand new mini print from my new shop to remind you it can get better ❤️ Now @ // WWW.GOODGHOSTS.CO
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chadsugg · 8 years
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Day 78 // A Year of Pretty Lies By Chad Sugg
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chadsugg · 8 years
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Day 77 // A Year of Pretty Lies By Chad Sugg
This doesn't happen often, but I had a dream last night and woke up with these words in my head. Wrote a note in my phone at about 3am to remember.
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