celinchen-uwu · 2 years
I really liked this fic and just like the dear author asked for, I’m reblogging this fic with pleasure ^^
Maybe you could do too, if you liked it? ;*
Bad Desire | Sierra Six x gn!reader
Anonymous asked: “Roll me a cigarette and I’ll tell you”  with sierra six?
summary: you and Six can’t stop yourselves anymore, you can’t keep your bad desires to yourselves. 
tws: swearing, smoking 
word count: 1257
Six knew you were in a good mood from the second he woke up, able to hear Bruce Springsteen songs playing on the speaker you kept next to the bed, he hummed softly as he sat up, the duvet pooling in his lap as he looked around and came to his senses; he knew the song was ‘Hungry Heart’, rubbing his eyes as he grumbled and tilted his head back to look up at the ceiling. For the fifth night in a row, he had woken up in your bed, lonely and cold as he looked to the side and found you weren’t there with him, frowning a little as he dared to move over, pressing his face against the pillows and trying not to smile at how much they smelled like you. He hummed along to the song quietly, his smile getting the better of him. 
“Everybody needs a place to rest, everybody wants to have a home, don’t make no difference what nobody says, ain’t nobody like to be alone, everybody’s got a hungry heart, everybody’s got a hungry heart.”
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celinchen-uwu · 3 years
The Darkling x Reader
A/N: Hello again, here‘s another scenario. Slowly i run out of ideas hehe
Summary: Imagine... you are friends with your childhood friend Aleksander Morozova. You were supposed to meet at your favorite place, but someone prevented you from your daily meeting...
WARNING: includes character death
On this beautiful afternoon, you stroll out of your village with anticipation, a slight smile always on your face.
It's time again to meet with your childhood friend Aleksander. Your daily get-together. You always meet at a small tree hut, which stands between two woods, with an adjoining meadow, which you still have to cross.
With your thoughts on him, you step into the forest. Aleksander and you have been friends since you both learned to crawl. You feel nothing but warm friendship for him... you thought until today.
~This morning this girl came running up to Aleksander and asked him if he wouldn't like to do something with her, because she thought he was so 'great'... from that moment on something inside you broke and you felt jealousy like you never felt before.
Anxiously you awaited his answer, more tense than the girl. Aleksander answered her apologetically that he was not interested. There was already someone who had his attention.~
Since his sentence you felt yourself getting even more jealous. All day long you've been wondering who he could be talking about. -It is not proper to have such thoughts and feelings for a friend. I don't want to endanger our friendship because of these childish feelings," you keep reminding yourself.
Suddenly you hear screams. You go in that direction, ready to help. The screams stop and you get a queasy feeling. Branches break a few meters in front of you and you catch sight of a group of men, stained with blood.
Not waiting to hear what they say, you turn and start running. -I have to reach Aleksander, he will help me- you think to yourself. They followed you and spoke in a foreign language.
You almost reach the meadow. With a sharp pain spreading through your stomach, you fall to the ground. Straightening up, ready to call for Aleksander, pain passes through you again. With now two arrows in your abdomen, you repeatedly fall to the ground.
Waiting for the final arrow, you hear more battle cries. "Kill them! Make them pay for slaughtering our friends!" You turn your head toward the action and see a few soldiers fighting the group.
Now that they are distracted, you haul yourself to your feet with a pained expression. With slow, shaky steps you enter the meadow. -Not far now. I just need to reach Aleksander. He can help me-
When you cross half of the meadow, you fall powerlessly to the ground. You leave a trail of your blood. Turning onto your back with a groan, you have already given up hope. Coughing up blood, you look up at the blue sky. All is quiet around you. No more sounds of battle can be heard. Just the rippling sounds of a nearby stream and the gentle sway of the trees.
Your thoughts are with him again. How things could have turned out if you had confessed your feelings to him. Would he have returned your feelings? What would your future look like?
Motionless you lie there. Dying.
Aleksander walks the same way as you into the forest, looking forward to your meeting, not knowing what has happened to you.
When he arrives deeper in the forest, he sees dead bodies on the ground. Creeping fear overcomes him. -Has something happened to her?- with quick steps he walks along the battlefield, imagining the worst scenario.
Reaching the end of the forest, he sees something sparkling in the corner of his eye. With evil foreboding, he walks toward it. Bending down by the small pool of blood, he picks up a silver hair clip. - This is (y/n) hair clip..- he thinks to himself, his bad feeling coming true.
Worried, he follows the trail of blood into the meadow. In the distance he sees a body lying on the ground. Worried and hoping that this is not you, he runs towards the motionless body.
Breathlessly he comes closer and tears instantly come to his eyes, beholding your motionless face with your beautiful (h/c) hair. With a sob he goes to his knees. His hand trembles as heno caresses your cheek. "(y/n)," he says softly. Not believing his eyes. Hoping that this is all just a nightmare.
When you feel a hand on your cheek you open your eyes with the greatest effort. You look at Aleksander's face in disbelief. Tears came over you at the sight of him. You’re so happy, that you can see him one last time. Smiling gently at him, "Alek..." your voice breaks off for a moment, "Aleksander" "Sshh, don't say anything, save your strength, I will take you to a healer-"
You interrupt him, "no, it's too late, Aleksander," blood trickles from your nose, "I'm dying.“
He shakes his head, another tear flows from his eye. With the greatest effort, you raise your right arm and brush it away, "Before I die, I want you to know that-" "Don't say that! You're not going to die! You can't leave me alone-" With the last of your strength you pull his head towards you and press a kiss to his lips with the most passion you can muster.
When he returns your kiss you couldn't be happier. "I love you, Aleksander," you say as your eyes go black. Your breathing slows down more and more. You feel yourself slipping into darkness. The last words you consciously hear are:
I love you too, (y/n)
Aleksander holds your now lifeless body in his arms. You died in his arms. His tears flow relentlessly. Regretting that he did not confess his feelings to you earlier.
"I will always love you"
After that, he was never the same as before..
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celinchen-uwu · 3 years
The Darkling x Reader
A/N: Aaand another Darkling scenario. Please enjoy :)
Summary: Imagine... you are a sassy girl who was captured by some Grishas and taken to the General. You unleash feelings in him..
You‘re walking on a field of flowers next to a little brook. Your (l/h) flowing in the wind. To others, you look like a wood elf. But in your village you are an outsider.
Not less because of your cheeky mouth... But you simply do not care. You stand up for yourself, no matter what others think of you. Long walks, while the sun warms up your skin, you like best alone anyway. You need your peace and would give anything to keep it. Even if that means being excluded.
You sit down by the stream and watch the little tadpoles, which try to swim against the current.
Lost in your thoughts, you don't notice the small group of Grisha approaching you. You are torn from your thoughts when you are roughly grabbed by the arms. Startled, you look at the two ‚gentlemen’ who have disturbed your peace.
"Hey, let go of me right now! I didn't do anything, so let go you jerks!" You try to kick them and break free, but despite your attempts to get free, they hold you ironclad and pull you towards the forest.
"Come on guys, I'm on your side," you try again. "Where are you taking me? I haven't done anything" After about ten minutes, you've had enough.
"Am I speaking Chinese? Where are you fucking taking me?" irritated, as you finally want to go home, you look at them emphatically. "Just shut up“ one replies annoyed. "Pardon? What nice first words", you say sarcastic, eyes rolling.
Completely confused when you arrive at the camp you ask one last time „Come on guys, i‘m not a Fjerdan or whatever, so you can let me go already...?“
When you enter a tent you do not resist. At first amazed at the size and the magnificent war table lying around. You almost overlook the tall man dressed in black. Almost.
"General Kirigan! We found this girl nearby some village, which has been attacked by rebells“, he says humbly and let go of you. You have no idea what is happening here, all you see is this 'general' looking now at you arrogantly from above. "What? Do you need a photo or what?", you drive at him. -hah, I guess you don't look so dumb anymore!- you think to yourself defiantly as his arrogant look replaces itself with an irritated one. -okay, that look isn't much better.. oops-
The grisha-guy leaves the tent, as the general startet to talk. „Tell me... why were you near the village, as it was burned down? What are you? A fjerdan? A rebell? Why are you the only survivor?“ as he spoke, you hear his voice. Sharp like a blade.
Stunned, you look at him... "Are you kidding me? Do I look like a rebell?"
You straighten up, ready to go, you start walking as the general grabs you by the wrist. You squeal in surprise and look him straight in his black eyes.
It becomes dark around you. His eyes sparkle angrily. In a low voice, he asks you again "What are you?"
"A human being?" you answer sarcastic. Fascinated, you look into his black eyes. The shadows creep across the walls, swallowing any light, but you don't notice it at that moment. You are to drawn in, in his eyes at that moment.
As your faces come closer and closer, and the tips of your noses almost touch, you awaken from your rigidity and jerk back. Overwhelmed and flustered you look at him and turn around. Taking flight, you run out of the tent and dodge a few soldiers. Heart pounding, you reach the forest. All you hear is "Don't let her get away!" as you run deeper into the forest.
You admit you were curious about what would happen if your lips touched. How far it would have gone. You didn't miss the dark and dangerous atmosphere. His looks. As if you were his prey.
~When General Kirigan saw you running away, he felt something he thought he had lost years ago.... he would no longer be able to hold on if he couldn't have you.
-Run as fast as you can. When I see you again... feel you again... you’ll be mine. Little elf- ~
Rushed, you run on, shuddering at what would happen if you stopped. -I don't want to give up my freedom... if he finds me, this is truly my end-
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celinchen-uwu · 3 years
The Darkling x Reader
Summary: The Darkling saves you at the last moment from a Volcra. Somehow he looks familiar.
A/N: Hey my fellas, i thought i write a little The Darkling x Reader story. This oneshot has nothing to do with the show or the books, just a little scenario. It’s my first one so your feedback would be nice :3
You can give me requests if you want..anyways enjoy~
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In the last seconds you can duck from the razor sharp claws of the monster, which is attacking you from above.
How did you get in this situation?, you think to yourself. Actually it should have been a cozy evening, but now you're running for your life, in this eternal sea of shadows. Disoriented and clueless what‘s happening. The only thing you know is, if you’re stop running, you‘ll die.
~It was a pleasant spring day. The sun shone down warm on your face. You were walking home from work, ready for a nice and cozy Netflix and chill evening with your best friend, as it suddenly started raining heavily.
Quickly you searched for a shelter, to protect you from your the rain. After a few minutes it rained even heavier. You texted your friend, that you‘d be arriving much later than you expected, because of the rain.
When after 10 minutes there was still no improvement to be hoped for, you moved on. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair was stuck to your face when you saw a puddle that showed a strange darkness. A burning curiosity overwhelmed you and you walked spellbound to the puddle.
-Indeed. How can it be that this puddle shows a seemingly different world than it‘s physically possible? - you thought to yourself. As if in a trance, you crouched down. Your hand was magically attracted and when you touched the puddle, you fell into the gloomy darkness.
You screamed until your lungs hurted. -Is this my end? Am i going to die like this? It can‘t be, it‘s impossible, i have to be dreaming. Did i have an accident? Am i lying in a comatose? Yes.. yes, it has to be-, In the middle of your thoughts you hit a huge thing.
You drew in your breath, distorted with pain.
-This can't be a dream, if this shit hurts so damn much-
Shocked, you looked at the object you had landed on. A gray flying monster. "Holy shit, what the hell?!" it slipped out of your mouth. In turn, it screamed at you and tried to throw you off its back.
You cling tightly onto its back, hastily rummaging in your bag for a useful item, to defend yourself. Triumphantly, you held your pen in the air and rammed it into the creature's skull with the strongest force you could muster.
Twitching and with a last dying screech, the monster crashed with you on its back. The impact was ‚softer‘ than you could have hoped for. -Wow, didn't think it would be that easy ^^-, you thought to yourself with relief, as you saw more of these monsters rushing at you.
You quickly pulled your pen out of the head of the now motionless creature and picked up your bag from the floor. With the devils themselves behind you. With one final thought you stormed off....
-Fuck!- ~
During your escape you have reviewed your ‚warm reception‘. Pumped full of adrenaline, you run breathlessly through the darkness.
Suddenly you are knocked over from behind with such a force that you fly a few meters further. Your bag is thrown away by the violent collision with one of these things.
Shakily, you pull yourself back to your feet and face the thing. Blood is running out of your newly gained laceration, down your face. It roars at you and all you can think about is getting to your pocket to defend yourself. With a big leap, you dodge the thing and frantically search for your bag. As it tries to attack you repeatedly, you can't dodge it without another wound. It has scratched your side. - Fuck, luckily it only got me superficially-.
Again you stand up to dodge. It still managed to ram you. Now you fly to the ground with a hard bang.
Terrified and unable to stand up, you scramble away from the monster. As it jumps towards you, you bump into a can. It's your pepper spray, which must have fallen out of your pocket. -Please God, oh please make it work, I beg you- is your thought as you spray the content right into the monster's eyes.
It howls and jerks away from you. As you quickly turn around, you discover your bag and a thick branch. You grab your bag and reach for the branch.
"If I have to die, then you will die with me! Did you hear me, you disgusting beast!", and with these words you throw yourself at the blind monster and hit it as hard as you can. You throw yourself at it with battle cries and you both overturn.
Suddenly, something brushes you. The monster now on the ground, motionless. Trembling and exhausted, you look to the right side. A gorgeously tall man dressed in black stands beside you. Offers you a hand. When you take it, he pulls you behind him, into the daylight.
First blended by the sudden light, you blink your eyes shut. Slowly open the eyes again, you see your savior. A handsome man with eyes so dark as the shadows. Distracted from this feeling that you kind of know him, you can’t hear him first, as he opens his mouth to say something.
Coming towards you, he kisses you without warning. Startled, you want to pull back, but the more intimate the kiss becomes, the more you get the feeling that you know him.
"(y/n) I thought you were dead. I‘ve missed you so much, darling". After these words he kissed you again and held you close to his body, as if you would disappear again if he didn't hold you tight enough.
For years now you feel complete again, the lost piece regained.
„Nothing will be able to separate us again.“
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