How To Tell If You’ve Been Cursed
The Egg Test
Simply take an egg (obviously from your own chickens is best but uh, Im going to assume most of you dont have one so store is fine), and carefully pass the egg through the flame of a white or black candle to “draw out the bad” and set intent. Then crack into a white bowl.
If you find blood: You’re cursed! Blood is never ever a good thing to find in your eggs, but especially during The Egg Test.
If you find big white clots: The bigger the clot the bigger the problem. It usually means some kind of blockage or obstruction in your life. Sometimes from some form of bad energy. Note: white clots in eggs is very very normal. Only take notice if they are unusually large
If you find egg shell: (Now if you’re really bad at cracking eggs maybe ignore this one) but this is a sign of your generic brand Bad Luck.
If you find a broken yolk: Take notice of your internal and subconcious self. The root of your problems comes from a disturbance within.
If you find something unusual: Listed above or otherwise, cleansing methods (such as a salt bath) will usually clean up most problems. Do your own research for cleansing methods of choice. I would advise not to eat the egg, but rather to pass the egg one final time (in the bowl) over the white flame before disposing off it outside. If you do cook it (because hey, I get it) use protective herbs like basil or rosemary and don’t forget to salt!
If you find nothing unusual: chop onions, mushrooms, and spinach up while heating an oiled pan on medium low. Add the egg to the pan, when a yellow film forms around the side and the egg can be separated easily, fill the center with toppings and flip half over to form an omelet. Cook through, flipping as needed. Season with salt, pepper, fresh herbs, and tomato (salsa if you’re frisky). That’s my favorite way to cook an egg!
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Happy Litha!! 🌻🌞
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@ deionpageart
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Shadow Work Info 🧿🌀🥀
[credit: @risingwoman on Instagram]
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I am making animal crossing tarot cards and no one can stop me
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2020 full moon
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January 10 Wolf Moon ♋ February 9 Snow Moon ♌ March 9 Worm Moon ♍ April 7 Full Pink Moon ♎ May 7 Flower Moon ♏ June 5 Strawberry Moon ♐ July 5 Buck Moon ♑ August 3 Sturgeon Moon ♒   September 2 Corn Moon ♓ October 1 Hunter’s Moon ♓ October 31 Blue Moon ♉ November 30 Beaver Moon ♊ December 29 Cold Moon ♊
Just getting to used my tumblr for notes. also I might start doing full moon tarot reading for practice. I’m gonna make some general full moon tarot spread but if you guys wants a personal reading my DM’S are open. I used to do a lot of personal reading for practice but I’ve stop doing that for a while. I trying to learn my card meaning without checking up the definition and getting more intuitive. 
Urban Witch Journal 🌕
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Message for all Texas/Louisiana Witches:
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please be safe this next week.
Don’t drive into water you cannot see the road through. 
Be safe while collecting storm(s) water
Make sure you have enough water/batteries/candles. 
Above all be safe. Be smart, use common sense.
I’ll try to start a hurricane watch post for people to check in on and keep each other updated. 
Stay safe guys.
(This will be the first time two storms have hit the gulf at the same time O_O )
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Secular Altar Themes
Season: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn
Weather: rain, snow, fog, etc.
Biome: aquatic, forest, desert, grassland, tundra
Element: Earth, Air, Fire, Water
Celestial: Moon, Sun, stars, planets, etc.
Divination: display your methods of divination. If you work with Tarot/Oracle, highlight a certain card and its meanings
Healing: display whatever tools you use for your healing methods
Animal Focus
Color Focus
Crystal Focus
Material Focus: all wood materials, all copper, all glass, all porcelain, etc. Kitchen Witches can even have a whole tea set on their altar to Craft with
Witch Type: if you identify as a specific type of witch, you can coordinate your altar to that. See here for inspiration
Spell Type: love, wealth, prosperity, luck, growth, strength, protection, etc.
Aesthetic: whatever you like, Pinterest has inspiration for you
None: no strong theme at all! Just all your materials in one place with a cleared Craft space
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astro notes: scorpios ♏️🥀👀🌪🖤
over the past 10 months i’ve attracted a lot of scorps into my life (thanks 2 my scorpio mars, pluto in 7th, venus trine mars/pluto + scorpio ruling my 2nd in my SR) so here is my giant list of observations i’ve slowly been putting together!!! fuck yea scorpihoes i’ve learned 2 really love u guys xoxoxox i hope u enjoy
🦂 charismatic and witty as fuck ??? more smartass than a gemini. y’all don’t get ANY credit for this
🦂 also savages, can roast tf out of anybody
🦂 scorp women are definitely more hardcore than the dudes, they don’t give a fuck about anything tbh i admire all of you bad bitches 🖤
🦂 easily embarrassed/flustered although they’ll never show it, they’ll just get super moody/defensive
🦂 a lot of them are insecure but they conceal it quite well. majority of their insecurities root from their sexual abilities and they need lots reassurance
🦂 most of their friends are of the opposite sex which can alienate them further from friendships of their own gender due to envy
🦂 people either love/hate scorpios. they have a very strong presence and it can be off putting to some
🦂 luxurious as fuuuuck. the definition of “treat yo self” 🥂
🦂 also ,,,, can we talk about how fucking stylish they are lmao ??? very fashion/appearance oriented. always wants to look good for the occasion (let’s not forget, they’re sister signs w/ taurus after all 🎀 )
🦂 scorpio men are the best coworkers, super fun and laid back. have that “cool big brother” energy. lots of teasing and fucking around @ work heheheh
🦂 they tease the people they care about most, so if a scorpio is always picking on you it’s actually a good sign!
🦂 playful AF!!! lots of joking around w these guys (also the best sense of humour heheh)
🦂 hot/cold relationships with scorpios is not uncommon ??? i think they retreat when things get overwhelming or their feelings get too strong and this can be really confusing to their s/o. most of the time they’re not actually losing interest they’re just getting their shit together
🦂 the type to still be a lil passionate/emotional about their exes. not always because feelings are involved but because when they get involved with someone it’s a biggg deal and they hold on to it for a long time
🦂 probably remember every time anyone’s ever let them down or hurt them and they don’t take it lightly. (only bc they try so hard not to hurt the ones they care about)
🦂 they don’t reaaally have a “type”, obviously they look for certain traits/qualities but overall find all different kinds of people attractive or dating material 😌
🦂 despite the stereotype, scorpios aren’t as kinky as they’re made out to be. actually pretty vanilla for the most part (y’all fuckin love missionary lmao) 😇
🦂 the closer you get to a scorp, the freakier they become. i’ve noticed they really need to trust their partner before they open up sexually and go wild
🦂 also, most of their kinks are based off of what their partner is into because they’re alllll about pleasure 🍆
🦂 BIG BABIES. wanna be cuddled and loved and have their hair played w 24/7 it’s so cute hehehehe 💓
🦂 they have a v traditional approach to romance? kinda old school, wants to be spoiled allll the time 🥀
🦂 not huge into fuck buddies unless they realllly connect w the person. sex is more meaningful for them (unless there’s lots of aquarius in the chart)
🦂 tinder kings/queens. flirting and sexting is their thang (and they’re good @ it too)
🦂 unless there’s a lot of earth to stabilize them, their moods can be really unpredictable and switch up real quickly (they live in their head and they probably thought themselves into a bad mood lol)
🦂 and when a scorpio is in a “mood” ,,,,, their energy fills the whole mf room and nobody can pull them out of it 🙄
🦂 they ask very interesting/personal questions without thinking twice about it? they’re naturally v curious beings
🦂 possessive and jealous as FUCK but they will never ever ever tell you this (their actions/questions give it away) some find it endearing while others are very uncomfortable with it
🦂 scorpio men aren’t very vocal with their feelings especially if there’s a virgo influence in their chart. they show love through their effort/actions
🦂 scorpio women show their love materialistically 💸
🦂 scorpio mars are probably the kinkiest of all scorp placements. scorpio venus value intimacy and loving/soul sharing sex. where as scorpio mars looks for roughhousing, angry or even painful sex!
🦂 it takes a long time for them to open up and when they do it’s in little tidbits here and there, they’ll casually bring up a huge secret or something deeply personal about them and you’ll just be sitting there in awe (seriously one of the best feelings is when a scorp opens up to you 😭❤️)
🦂 if they’re into you, they definitely remember all of the tiny details you’ve told them and they’ve stalked your social media about 4 times today 😇
🦂 scorpio risings are the least intimidating of all scorpio placements and are actually quite chatty
🦂they’ll ask you questions they already know the answer to (esp scorpio venus, they’re always testing their crushes to see their response)
🦂 will say/do anything to get what they want, I’d love to say they don’t lose interest but idk man it depends on how evolved they are ,,,,, just like aries, they live for the chase 🤷‍♀️
🦂 probably the most emotional sign but they work sooo hard to cover it up and make sure nobody knows. v easily hurt and when they hurt its deep af :(
🦂 they love anything that’s soft/comfortable/expensive/pretty looking 💰💘
🦂 scorpio moons love horror/gore, especially cult classics
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💀What I’ve Learned About Curses💀
As the title states, this is what I’ve learned. It is all based on my experiences, opinions, and personal knowledge. Most of it comes from my grimoire.  Edited 6/24/2019 What Is A Curse?: A curse is a type of spell a person can cast on you. It can cause misfortune, health issues, financial issues, relationship issues, even in some cases death. What About Hexes & Jinxes?: I also want to define hexes & jinxes before we get too into this.  • Jinxes • Temporary, can last hours, are just meant to cause a bit of bad lack but nothing too serious, are for a bit of fun or to teach someone a simple lesson.  • Hexes • Also temporary, but have greater effects, they’re a lot more curse like in that they can teach more vital lessons and can cause things like sickness.  • Curses • Permanent, can cause death, they’re for the worst, nastiest people, and the most intense situations.  In other words, they’re all negative spells. Just 3 different levels of them. The main difference is curses are permanent, the others are not, and a jinx certainly wouldn’t cause death or permanently effect someones well-being.  Are They Okay?: I used to wonder this myself and have seen TONS of people ask it. It’s a matter of morality. I can’t tell you what to believe or think. It’s about you and your path.  How Do I Know If I’m Cursed?: There are symptoms, I’ll go over all the ones I’m aware of. • Bad Luck/Misfortune  • Lack of motivation  • Nightmares • Bad Omens • Personal items going missing  • Plants dying • Fatigue  • Health issues/sickness • Financial issues All and any of these things can happen, they will come along suddenly and have no other explanation other than a curse.  How To Test If You’re Cursed: Okay, you’ve identified you’ve got some of the symptoms, you can’t find any other reason or suspect someone specific has cursed you. The next step is testing to be sure. Here are my personal favorite ways to test for curses. The Egg Test:  Break an egg, what you find inside will give you insight.  • Blood  • You’re cursed  • • White clots/chunks • There is no curse, but there is something clotting you or your life up • • Broken yolk  • There is no curse, but you have inner turmoil and need to work on it • Divination Test: Ask whatever forms of divination you may have if you’re cursed.  Deity Test: I don’t do deity work, but I also imagine it’d be an option to ask your deities if you’re cursed.  What To Do Next?: Alright, so you’ve looked at the symptoms, they’re unusual for you. You did the tests, you’ve come to conclusion you’re cursed. Now what? • Cleansing  Cleansing is one of the foundations of witchcraft, use your favorite forms of cleansing to cleanse your space. This is a default for many witchy issues or situations anyways. But it’s a good reminder.  • Crystals  Use crystals as sources of positivity, luck, healing. To combat the symptoms of the curse. Also any crystals you can keep near you for protection will help too.  • Salt bath This a method of cleansing yourself, it may get the curse off of you. It may also help if you found something unusual in your egg (that is if you did the egg test).  • Warding  This is another thing that’s very common and simple, but effective, ward yourself and your space to make sure nothing else that’s bad or unwanted gets in. •  Deities  You could ask your deities to help remove the curse or ask them what you should do about it.  • Other witches Ask other more experienced witches what their experiences with curses are and they they recommend, get some feedback. Posts like this are nice but so is talking to someone and hearing their experiences!  Here’s some types of spells you could use to help you! Spells: • Return to sender spell • Protection spell • Remove curse spell (of course)  I’m sure I’ll add more to this in the future. I hope someone learned something! Enjoy! Have a lovely day (right after I just went on about curses and death for quite a while) 💖
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