90% of writing advice can be thrown out the window for your first draft.
Show don’t tell? Ignore.
Basic grammar and punctuation? Unnecessary.
Physical descriptions of characters? Don’t need to bother.
Solid plot? That’s for later.
The words don’t come as fast when you’re thinking of the best way to put them together. It doesn’t have to be pretty, or much more than inconsistent nonsense. The point is to have it exist.
Effective storytelling is for subsequent drafts! Go write some nonsense!
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A BAD BF/GF/woopletinger Is one who won’t let you talk to that other guy in the room because you two might ‘get along’ too well. A GOOD Bf/gf/woopletinger is one who won’t let you talk to that other guy in the room because you just had six rounds at the dessert table at the buffet, your liable to embarrass yourself into an anxiety fit, and they won’t let you do yourself a let down. instead opting to just hold your sugar high ass and pet you like an over sized puppy and agree with you that while yes purple may actually have a taste, it’s still not a good idea to lick the plastic grapes to find out. Caring is healthy Controlling is not
“My boyfriend/ girlfriend won’t let me…” yikes yikes yikes, abort that relationship
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~The Cage~
((Check out this absolutely gorgeous commission I received from @nnamier of my Xaela shaman, Shoniin Kahkol! I am so in love with this. Thank you so much for your hard work!
If you don’t already follow them, please check them out!))
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(Via @jazephua *twitter)
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Busting Schizophrenia Myths!
“Aren’t schizophrenic people dangerous-” No. Violence towards other people isn’t a symptom of schizophrenia, nor is it common in schizophrenic people. That’s not to say that no one with schizophrenia has ever been violent because of their psychosis, but it isn’t a symptom of or in the diagnostic criteria for the illness, and schizophrenic people in general are no more likely to be violent than anyone else.
“Isn’t that when you have multiple personalities-” No. Schizophrenia isn’t about having multiple personalities - that’s called Dissociative Identity Disorder and is a completely different mental illness. Schizophrenic people might hear one or more voices in their heads and may feel like their actions or thoughts are being controlled by other people/outside forces, but this isn’t the same as having several personalities as it’s always the schizophrenic persons own personality which reacts to these distressing experiences.
“Isn’t schizophrenia when you’re psychotic like when you hear voices and stuff-” Yes, but schizophrenia isn’t “just” about experiencing psychosis (hallucinations, disorganized thinking/speech/behavior and delusions), it also consists of what’s called negative symptoms (lack of energy, lack of motivation, social isolation, lacking or inappropriate emotional responses, lack of ability to feel pleasure) and cognitive symptoms (impaired memory, impaired concentration, learning difficulties, executive dysfunction and impaired working memory). Schizophrenia is a complex mental illness and psychosis is only 1/3 of what schizophrenic people struggle with.
“You can’t recover from schizophrenia, right-” Not true. 25% of the people diagnosed with schizophrenia are symptom free within 5-10 years of being diagnosed with the illness and up to 80% improve with ongoing treatment and support. Schizophrenia isn’t necessarily a life sentence, and while you can’t EXPECT to recover from schizophrenia and while there’s no known cure, recovery is possible for many people with the right treatment.
“Shouldn’t schizophrenic people be locked up-” No. Schizophrenic people are people just like everyone else, and we have the right to the same human rights and the same freedom as other people. We might need to be hospitalized for our own safety sometimes, but we have as much of a right to be a part of and interact with society as everyone else.
“Real schizophrenic people don’t know they’re sick, right-” Some don’t, but at least 45% of schizophrenics are aware that they’re suffering from schizophrenia, so a person being aware that they’re schizophrenic and having insight into their illness/knowing that what they’re experiencing isn’t real or normal isn’t a sign that they aren’t really sick.
“What if schizophrenic people just have special powers-” I’m not going to deny you your right to your spiritual beliefs, but I’m going to insist that you don’t force them onto me or any other schizophrenic person. Just like I’m not gonna show up at a Christians door saying that God isn’t real just because I’m an atheist, you don’t get to tell a schizophrenic person that they can see into other dimensions or talk to spirits. You risk triggering or worsening our illness by sharing your spiritual or religious speculations, so don’t bring them up. Ever.
“Aren’t schizophrenic people dangerous if they don’t take their meds-” No. Anti psychotic meds are heavy medication that impacts your life in many ways, and taking them should always be a free choice. Some people would rather live with their psychosis than take anti psychotic medication, and this doesn’t automatically make them a danger to anyone.
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In dnd, resurrecting PCs becomes so easy at higher levels, and though I think that’s a positive, I really like the idea that dying has lasting consequences or triggers events in a PC. Here’s a simple table of interesting but hopefully not game breaking or character destroying ideas. Thoughts? Improvements?
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I remember about a year and a half ago, where I was in a severe mental decline. I was depressed, I was frantically reaching out for where to go for help. I was on crisis hotlines 6 times in just as many weeks. And I was -terrified-, because at the same time someone in the ffxiv community was in the same mess. And all I saw scrolling across my dash was how much this person was being accused of being attention seeking. Of how they had to be lying and how horrible of a person they must be. How people were going out of their way to dig into this persons life to try and find ‘the truth’.
I never spoke to anyone. I was too scared. Too terrified. What if someone thought that of -me- when all I wanted was help in finding out who I needed to talk to/clinics I could contact and go to.
When were in trouble, the public opinion is that were lying or being manipulating.
Yet when someone actually does commit suicide. -Then- people care and ask themselves, ‘what could I have done to prevent this’ and hold vigils for those players.
You can prevent it by not assuming were lying. You can prevent it by actually helping us when were running up and down the street banging on doors and screaming for -anything- you can give us to help fight off the shadows coming to get us. Give us hotline numbers, ask us for our zip codes so we can find a clinic. You don’t have to be comfortable talking with us, but you can be comfortable enough to tell us where to go to find someone who CAN.
The only reason -I’m- still here. Is because someone, finally, gave me the information to a mental clinic. I went there. I sat down in their lobby. And said I had to be seen, I wasn’t going to get turned away again after begin turned away by 6 therapists because of my insurance company. I told them if they asked me to leave, they were telling me to die.
I finally got help.
Because -someone- cared to open the door, point down the street and go. “There. Run there and the shadows won’t eat you.”
Regarding current discourse on mental health and suicide. This is all I have to say:
Better to be compassionate and find out a person was faking, than wary and find out the person WASN’T.
Be kind to each other, people.
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Demisexual “So you mean a normal person?” Don’t hate on things you don’t understand.
Person: What’s demisexuality?
Demisexual: It means you don’t get attracted to people unless there’s an emotional bond.
Person: Oh, so like, a normal person?
Demisexual: Actually, no, although I can see how you’d think that. Most people don’t have sex with people unless they have an emotional bond with them but that’s not really to do with sexuality, that’s just staying safe and having common sense.
’Normal’ people, although not intending to sleep with someone right away, still know, usually, whether they would be interested in doing that within a short amount of time, sometimes immediately. People come up to me and say “You’re attractive, can I have your number?” after just seeing me from across a bar. They’ve never spoken to me, don’t know who I am but still found me attractive and are thus interested in getting to know me more to see if they’d like to start a relationship.
Demisexuals don’t experience that. We don’t see underwear adverts and find the actors desirable. We don’t look at someone from across a room and think “they’re hot, I wonder if they’re single”. ‘Sex sells’ goes over our heads. Dating apps where you swipe pictures across the screen are useless. We literally don’t get attracted to people that quickly.
Person: Oh, I see. So it’s not just being picky or abstaining from sex, it’s literal lack of attraction?
Demisexual: Yes, you’ve got it.
Person: That must make dating difficult.
Demisexual: It does. Many of us are interested in dating but are limited to people we know emotionally. If someone asks for my number I then have to say to them ‘can we be friends for roughly two to three years, by then I should know whether I find you physically attractive and if I do we can start dating’. It’s sad because I don’t want to get people’s hopes up or seem like I’m leading them on. But I literally do have to know them for a while before I can get attracted to them if I do at all. It also meant growing up was a strange experience because everyone would be pointing out attractive people on TV, in magazines and when walking down the street and I just didn’t understand.
Person: Well thank you for taking the time to explain that to me. I understand now that there is a difference between abstaining from sex and actually lacking attraction.
Demisexual: No problem. It’s nice to be accepted and understood.
Demisexuals, you are real and valid. Just because people don’t understand what you go through that doesn’t mean what you go through is fake. Pride is about respecting and celebrating all sexualities and their nuances.
You should also note that demisexuality is common among those on the autism spectrum. To deny demisexuality is not only illogical but it’s also ableism. You’re erasing people’s symptoms because its convenient for you and because you don’t understand them.
Demisexuals just want to chill and exist. They don’t want fame and to be mollycoddled. They just want awareness and acceptance.
Let’s not hate on people just because we don’t understand.
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In hopes of inspiring younger generations, NASA created this series of gorgeous retro travel posters that encourage you to imagine a future where common space travel is a legitimate possibility. Source
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“How could I forget you? In this winter, you gave me confidence in Heaven.”
Haurchefant Greystone and Language of Flowers: flowering reed, guelder rose, forget-me-not
This piece became one of the finalists at Paris FanFest!! ;_;
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“Forcing of the hand, a whisper in the ear; Spirit of Enabling. Sinister command of what I want to hear. I’m the only one who pulls my strings.” - The Devil by Blue Stahli
“Walk A Thin Line - ‘Eli Thraves’ Promo Art”
This was started late 2018 and I ran into a several issues with it during its conception. I had half of it done before the new year but the lower half was still giving me issues until I figured out what was wrong just recently and FINALLY it’s complete.
I can’t reveal too much about Eli yet as it would be too much of a spoiler. All I can reveal though is that he won’t be prominent in Arc One, but there will be little Easter Eggs throughout Arc One that will show how active he is in the story before he makes his full debut in Arc Two.
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honestly a big indicator of a good game for me is the ability to just chill in it. if you can enjoy yourself just stopping to take in the scenery and listen to the music and ambience, or hanging out on the title screen, or ignoring the main gameplay to go off and screw around picking flowers, or even just mousing over all the menu options for the tactile feedback, chances are it’s a good fucking game
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LF Roleplay Contacts! And a new FC!
It’s the start of the new year and soon to be my 3rd year playing this game. I’ve recently been making a massive push to find RP contacts and deep dive more into this community. I have a masterlist line up for my other characters, but I’m looking to put out my main first and foremost~
I’m also looking for find a new FC for my character here, so preferences will be found at the bottom after the Bio!
Signal boosts appreciated~
Hyrtsolk Ketenlonwyn
Character Background
Born during the annexing of Doma and raised in a family whose line has been long filled with war veterans, politicians and public officials. Hyrtsolk Ketenlonwyn led a rather strict, yet spoiled upbringing. Astute, high strung and frequently self indulgent. Her parents extended tough love and a reality check for the young woman - forcibly conscripting her into the ranks as an Architectus to work on Baelsar’s Wall. But little was known that she would experience the calamity that was the Battle of Carteneau.
Hyrtsolk now travels the vast lands of Hydaelyn, continuing her journey to becoming a renowned bioengineer…All the while, her homeland and family is calling for her return.
General Information
Age: 25
Birthday: 8th Sun of the 4th Umbral moon
Race: Garlean-Hellsguard
Gender: Female
Sexuality: She’s still discovering herself.
Personal Information~
Profession: Apprentice Bioengineer
Residence: Travelling Tent, anywhere on Hydaelyn.
Birthplace: The Blindfrost Sea
Patron Deity: Come on.
Physical Appearance~
Hair: Naturally, blonde. Currently it has been for a few years dyed blood orange with autumn yellow highlights.
Eyes: Baby Blue
Height: 7’8
Build: A toned, hourglass figure.
Distinguishing Features/Marks:
Birthstone and aetherical ink tattoo - A persian blue birthstone based upon her forehead. The birthstone itself is part of hellsguard culture, and Hyrtsolk displays it with pride.
Aetherical ink tattoo - The shimmering birthstone is adorned with a unique tattoo infused with aetherial ink that helps conduct her aether more efficiently.
Neck scarring - Hyrtsolk has received deep, glaring scars around her neck which presumably look like claw marks.
RP Hooks~
Garlean Citizen - Hyrtsolk grew up frequently travelling between Garlemald and Doma under the empires rule. Perhaps you were a school buddy - or childhood friend. Maybe she bullied you because you were a filthy Peregrinus!(Slaves and/or people of annexed territories.) Or you had a nice Kimono belt and she decided to ‘borrow’ it permanently. Perhaps friend of the family? We can get some of that pre-established relationship going and throw each other ideas!
Baelsar’s Wall - Hyrtsolk spent her late teens conscripted at Baelsar’s Wall as an Architectus before the calamity. Perhaps you were work colleagues? Maybe she trod on you and made your life a misery because you were filthy Peregrinus! Again, hit me up with some of that pre-established relationships, thoughts and ideas and see how we get around it!
Femme Fatale - A observing person would ask, where does a woman who lives in a tent, find the gil for such lavish items and an expensive? Her secret is to simply get someone rich enough to pay for her. Hyrtsolk has made it an artform seducing rich folk out of their hard earned gil, utilising her natural beauty and silver tongue to acquire a lifestyle unobtainable by normal means with half the effort. Perhaps you were one of her victims? Getting revenge for a friend? Or maybe you were one of her next targets? Let’s get something going~
Free Companies
For dear Hyrtsolk here, I’m looking for an FC that might be science and engineering focused, bonus points if it’s a more Garlean oriented FC! Hell, if your FC has a few Garlean role players, I’m more than keen to see what you’ve got going there.
I have an eye out for any FC’s outside of my preferences that might catch my interest. If you know of anywhere, I’m always able to seek them out if you point me in the right direction!
Another big point is, I’m from the UK, so EU friendly FC’s are at the top of the list. Though if we’ve got a 5 Hour timezone difference (Looking at you East Coast) then I’ll be able to take some liberties.
Contact Information
World: Balmung
Timezone: GMT (UK people where ya at?)
Discord: Drop me a message and I’ll give it to you if you’re interested!
A majority of my scenes are in discord because of timezones and schedules. I can also do docs. I’m also making push into in-game RP a lot more since I don’t do enough of it, but all are welcome!
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When you pick up a sword for the first time you will be slow and awkward. This is frustrating, but refuse the temptation to try and become a “faster” fencer. Chasing after speed is like trying to catch smoke. If you try and pursue speed, all you will accomplish is haste. Haste is the enemy of 1st class fencing.
Speed is a lie the untrained mind tells itself when it sees an action it cannot follow. The truth is a combination of timing, control, and fluidity. Fluid motion, even done slowly, will always arrive before a hasty strike. Control will allow you to move without wasteful motion that will slow you down. Timing will eliminate the need to move fast almost entirely. There is no need to get somewhere fast so long as you get there at the right time.
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