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cecilia-stars · 1 day ago
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redraw of my mafuyu theater drawing from last year to celebrate the songs first anniversary :3
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cecilia-stars · 1 day ago
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bitter choco decoration redraw!!!
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cecilia-stars · 1 day ago
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cecilia-stars · 2 days ago
mizurui kiss 💜🩷
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cecilia-stars · 4 days ago
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cecilia-stars · 4 days ago
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a bunch of hermit stuff including wxs au…. and also mizurui
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cecilia-stars · 6 days ago
What is genshin lore even about 😭
(CW: unhelpful tongue in cheek. My best attempt at "accurate" but it depends which in game lore you trust.)
Firstly, Teyvat has its own "laws", so write that down.
Among the greatest of these laws is Fate, which the god of wisdom calls "the ultimate knowledge" because we... we don't know the future? Fate cannot be changed; also, Fate can be changed, and subverted, and superceded, if you try hard enough. Fate is inscribed wrITTEN in the sTaRS of the (false?) sky, which seems to be where the Shades live.
Fate is also the Ley Lines, which are memory, which is artifacts; memory is also Ararakalari, which is good for defeating Big Iron Chunks. If you don't have Ley Lines, use a dying angel and a cursed immortal soldier to make your own. If you don't have these, an Alberich will do, too.
Another law of Teyvat is stop trying to make gestalt consciousnesses. It didn't work for King Remus, it didn't work for Rene de Petrichor and his Narzissekreuz Ordo, it didn't work for King Deshret— or did it? Historians disagree on the exact manner of his demise—so no, you may not hire postdocs for your rebranded sentience slurry. For all we know Gosoythoth is a gestalt consciousness. Gosoythoth is of the Abyss. Haborym tells us the Abyss has no innate intelligence, though perhaps it's more accurate to call it a non-sentient animalistic intelligence. There's also the Abyss Order, which doesn't appear to be affiliated with the Five Sinners, but is affiliated with the former royalty of Khaenri'ah, a nation which I am not going to mention again due to commitment to the bit.
Teyvat, everyone agrees, is a continent of seven nations. (Well, seven nations plus an autonomous Snezhnayan protectorate(?) that's really well known for using moon magic or something. But that's a retconned protectorate so despite it probably being the grave of one or more moon sisters, good luck finding any mention of Nod-Krai outside of limited-time events. As Haborym once said: "Oh, them?, yeah, they seem cool. I guess go check them out in version six? There's plot stuff there, and yeah it's a detour that the pre-1.0 roadmap never mentioned but the journey is what matters.") The seven nations are were administered by seven Archons, who each sit on one of the Seven Thrones and each have their own Gnosis an average of one Gnosis. The Gnoses are the bones of the Third Descender. Who was that, you ask? Anyway, the Thrones and Gnoses correspond to the Seven Elements. The fact that there are seven Elements appears to be a historical contingency, based on the political division of the powers of Light back in Nibelung's reign, when he and his seven Dragon Sovereigns once ruled the world.
This was long before the days when the divine envoys walked among humanity.
If the phrase "divine envoys" made you jump in your seat, you have issues. You know who else had issues, eventually? The unified civilisation that once spanned Teyvat: a seeming federation of city states that predated the Seven Archons, containing a mix of humans and divine envoys (angels?). They were created by the Primordial One, who #descended upon Nibelung's dragon civilisation declaring terra nullius and won the ensuing war. TL;DR, they got colonised. (...though "colony" implies an imperial core, whereas the Primordial One was seemingly acting alone. Sometimes eldritch entities just show up in Teyvat from the implied void between worlds, like a cosmic whale seeking magic water. Actual example btw.)
The Primordial One may have been Phanes. (Who? Great question.) Phanes(?) had four shades, including Ronova, who controls death (not to be confused with the Big Dipper star "Beidou"), and Istaroth, who was the moment, who was every moment. (Tellingly, she was Kairos — details on subtleties here.) Phanes(?) and its shades also created the so-called Human Realm, with the subjugated Dragon Vishaps mostly confined to their native Light Realm. There was also the Void Realm, likely the aforementioned void between worlds, some of which is likely the so-called Abyss. Anyway Phanes(?) had a plan for the humanity it had created. It loved them dearly. Luckily the path to temptation had already been sealed, whatever that means.
Everything changed when the Second Who Came arrived. This Second Descender may have been the [artifact leaks] who intended to [artifact leaks] [artifact leaks] but instead [artifact leaks]. Either way, this Descender brought forbidden knowledge: likely just the kind censored by the Shades, but maaaybe the Abyssal kind that killed two gods millennia later.
War was rekindled. Phanes's(?) faction, the eventual victors, quashed heresy with a rain of Divine Nails: a mix between kinetic bombardment and AoE terraforming!curses. Humanity's world got flip-turned upside down. In the case of one Liyue city, literally upside down...... or was it everyone else who got flipped? #specialrelativity Tsurumi got shrouded in a fog of menace., seemingly unrelated to the time loop some millennia later. Sal Vindagnyr got a permawinter, and the princess could not complete her mural even as the priest made his pilgrimage. Byakuyakoku fell beneath the sea, where they invented Greece and child scapegoats. Sumeru's original forests turned to desert. (Speculative: Fontaine got FRIKEE'd, a technical term for getting displaced several nautical miles into the air and not coming back down.) Mondstadt doesn't appear to have been directly nailed but it's also developmentally centuries behind all its peers, as if someone took an industrial revolution setting and then added the blandest medieval fantasy elements to it because BotW comparisons sell.
The ruins of the unified civilisation litter Teyvat and their architecture can be found everywhere — they loved their Celtic knots. For the low cost of some petrified Moon resin that apparently only Descenders secrete, you can poke at their old Irminsul shrines (their Leylines now infested with monsters) for access to the memories within the Leylines.
According to Wolfy, who is a fictional character and also real, the Envoys were cursed in various ways, largely being turned into Seelies: shadows of themselves forever guiding lost travellers home. (According to Fischl, who is also a fictional character and also also real, the kingdom of eternal darkness that is shrouded from the heavens shall eventually re-emerge and punish the wicked usurpers: this is foretold by Fate.) There are various exceptions: Nabu Malikata; Yohualtechutin. The one mentioned by Wolfy is Nicole Reeyn, who is the second-most Seelie coded character in the game because she likes being a good guide.
Seemingly later there was the Gnoses and the Archon War (at least in Liyue and Inazuma) and then there was nobody left who shared the memories of osmanthus wine so dear to Morax, besides the several dozen illuminated beast vassals, in his employ, and also Marchosias, who got Rukkhadevata'd, a term that is the opposite of getting Arama'd. (Arama was an Aranara but then they had to be a worldtree. Rukkhadevata was
More recently, there was the Siege of Poisson. Parsifal was there [citation needed][disputed]. Possibly because of this, Tenoch and Bosacius died soon after, and a whole lot of Hilichurls got made. Stars fell from the skies, and according to the promotional Xbox wings one of them was once the scion of a glorious kingdom.
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cecilia-stars · 16 days ago
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cecilia-stars · 7 months ago
god this scene was so symbolic in the books. poetic, really. like chuuya's angel wings disappearing and him falling from the sky?? and then dazai catching him and basically taking away his pain? like that's a roundabout way of saying “did it hurt when you fell from heaven” but more accurately it's like. you were hurting. you fell from heaven and i caught you
but it's even more than that. it's dazai, the so-called demon, who always felt separate from others, catching chuuya, the boy who was told he wasn't human at all despite his raging humanity. it's dazai's smile at chuuya, his relief that all had gone well, looking as far as he possibly could from the demon everyone says he must be. it's chuuya, corruption gone, nullified by the only person who could, realizing it really didn't matter at all if he was "truly" human or not if he felt and fought and lived like one, safe in dazai's arms. it's like they were saving each other in a way, like only together could they be truly human and truly themselves.
it's chuuya, jumping to save his loved ones and protect everyone without a second thought, despite his struggles over his own humanity, despite knowing he'd never know if he made the jump. he realized it wasn't what really mattered to him.
it's dazai, entranced by guivre, in how easily it wiped out everyone in its path, enacting mass death just like that, realizing this could be the moment he'd been waiting for his whole life. a painless death, neat and clean; in a second he'd just be gone. and it's dazai, turning away, defeating verlaine to save chuuya; if he was gone then chuuya would have no chance of surviving, and he couldn't bear the thought.
everyone around dazai distrusted him, made him out to be "other". they were astonished by his capabilities, suspicious of his motivations, distrustful of what he stood to gain. yet the entire time, dazai's true motivations were the farthest they could be for a supposed demon; every plan he made, every action he took, it was all for chuuya. he cared about him in a way that no one would think possible from him. he only started fighting verlaine to help ensure chuuya's humanity, and he was ready to give it all up for the same. and when he helped defeat verlaine, it was to make sure chuuya would survive, even disregarding his own lifelong wish for it. and to chuuya, everyone overcomplicated dazai. he was sometimes a nuisance, always his partner, and often much too intelligent for his own good, but never the demon he was said to be.
and when everyone doubted chuuya's humanity, to dazai it was laughable. chuuya was the most human human dazai had ever known. he was so painfully human, in every word he spoke and every single thing he did, burning with passion and caring so much, caring too much. if chuuya of all people wasn't human, then who was?
they were so similar and yet so different, dazai and chuuya. on the surface, they clashed more than anyone, their personalities and tastes worlds apart. yet only they could see each other for who they really were, trusted each other to lengths unimaginable, understood each other in a way no one else did. they would do anything for the other without a second thought, and believed in each other when no one else did. partners, in every sense of the word.
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I've recently read Stormbringer and it's done things to me. I also Really wanna see it animated
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cecilia-stars · 9 months ago
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manifesting firefly! ✨
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cecilia-stars · 9 months ago
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Returning color to my world
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cecilia-stars · 1 year ago
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cecilia-stars · 1 year ago
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cecilia-stars · 1 year ago
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I can’t tell if you’re sad or smiling
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cecilia-stars · 1 year ago
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cecilia-stars · 1 year ago
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i am leading you by the hand / into the night where lanterns shine bright
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cecilia-stars · 1 year ago
my friend took in a stray and she’s the cutest kitty ever but he named her oil so whenever he sends a picture of her me and my other friends look like we’re roleplaying as the US military
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