cece-knows · 3 years
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! Love y’all!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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cece-knows · 3 years
If you are doxxing people over what you believe to be the sexuality of a fake character because someone else doesn’t have the same views ... PLEASE GET A LIFE !!!! This is the lowest of the low !
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cece-knows · 3 years
You took a screenshot of a personal message in a group chat and posted it without asking... then want to basically put us on blast .. not cute ... please never talk to me again
So I was doing some research related to Lord Heisenberg (like ya do) because I was looking at the whole “N@zi Heisenberg”... situation and I had the thought: during the end of the war the German army was so desperate that they began recruiting children as young as 10– but mostly around 16/17– into some of their units— namely the SS Panzer Tank Division, the Volksturm (basically the German version of GB’s Home Guard), and the Luftwaffenhelfer (which was an auxiliary to the regular Luftwaffe/air force), the last of which specifically took on the connotation of conscripted child soldiers.
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cece-knows · 3 years
Karl was a baby during WW2
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cece-knows · 3 years
Here are some facts for y’all since some trolls have been coming for the Heisenberg tag claiming he’s nazi because of the dog tags he has and his last name being of German descent.
Fact 1: The dog tags you see around his neck were used by the Germans in WW1 starting in 1916.
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Fact 2: Heisenberg has been with Miranda since he was a child. Miranda lost Eva in 1919 and began her experiments shortly thereafter.
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Fact 3: Lady Dimitrescu was turned before Heisenberg which is why she calls him child. Dimitrescu was turned at some point in the 1940s or 1950s fully grown and during WW2.
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Fact 4: Heisenberg is a German name, but the Heisenberg family from which Karl is a descendant of was present in Romania prior to his change. He inherited the factory that was already built in the village in Romania by the time he was born. This means that he did not immigrate from Germany.
So in conclusion Heisenberg’s family was present in Romania prior to the start of WW2 and he was taken for experimentation by Miranda around the same time or shortly after Dimitrescu was turned during the war. The dog tags are most likely either a relic of WW2 he found aesthetically pleasing or, more likely IMO, a product of WW1 that came with his family when they settled in Romania. Also I will again point out that while Heisenberg is 100% a villain/bad guy he NEVER experimented on living subjects like the other lords or Nazis. His army is built from the dead bodies that have piled up under Miranda’s own neglect. Thank you that is all~
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cece-knows · 3 years
"I think Karl Heisenberg is a nazi because of his name and Dog Tag"
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cece-knows · 3 years
If you support disabled people, please stand with us against Discord’s redesign.
...and do more than reblog this post about it.
Chronic migraines. Dyslexia. ADHD. Autism. Vision impairment. Visual sensory processing disorder. Colorblind. & Neurotypical. Abled.
These are aspects of people that are affected by Discord’s new update to its color scheme and font, and there very well could be more I didn’t mention. Yes, you read it right, abled people and neurotypical people too. You are not immune to eyestrain.
What are the issues?
A font which is both overly uniform and overly squished, with many letters that have essentially the same silhouette as others and could easily be flipped and look the same as another. ▻ This is dyslexic-unfriendly, as well as generally harder to read and an issue for people with visual impairments who may find that letters bleed together or that their eyes ‘skip’ over letters or words at times.
A color scheme that is so highly saturated that it both immediately draws your attention and also makes you want to immediately look away. ▻ This is generally unfriendly, affecting people with sensory issues the most (ADHD/Autism, migraines, processing disorders), but it’s also colorblind-unfriendly. Due to the differences between the colors being exclusively the part that changes the named color (hue; “green” vs “blue”) instead of both that and the colors being different intensities (saturation; “neon green” vs “leaf green”), they look practically identical.
Aren’t there more? No. This is pretty much all that was changed.
Discord changed TWO THINGS and pretty much managed to land every single person possible to genuinely hurt with a visual design change that doesn’t add or remove any elements. Including abled and neurotypical people!!!
Discord is currently a good number of people’s lifeline and way to connect with others. And with this change, they just made using their app hurt. They know that we can’t leave their app without leaving our friends and communities behind. They know that if they can just sweep this under the rug, they won’t have to do a thing.
...So we can’t let them.
Why would Discord do this?
It’s actually fairly simple. Discord was hemorrhaging money from its very conception. Discord only exists because investors think it’ll make money in the future. If Discord doesn’t do as well, investors will push to make it “better” or they’ll drop their funding. Discord was probably forced into this situation, they probably knew exactly what would happen.
We have to show their investors that Discord was right.
What can we do to fix this?
Reply to Discord’s tweet about the design change. ▻ It gives Discord more attention, and if any complaints are acknowledged they are directed to Discord’s accessibility forums.
ONLY post on Discord’s accessibility forums. ▻ It gives Discord stats to work with, but it also means the outcry isn’t public. We need everyone to see this, not just Discord.
Reblog this post. ▻ Spreads the awareness, and all.
Retweet, reply to, and/or like this tweet: https://twitter.com/KarklesMarx/status/1393223369571586053 ▻ This tweet is part of our and our friends’ initiative to get this big and get this public.
Make your own posts about it on different social medias. ▻ Tumblr, Twitter, Discord servers, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, whatever ground you have, use it. You can help make this change too.
Find other people doing the same thing. ▻ One initiative is never enough. Look for other people making posts like these and boost their posts too.
IF YOU KNOW ANOTHER LANGUAGE, MAKE POSTS OF YOUR OWN BOOSTING IT IN OTHER LANGUAGES. ▻ Please. There are probably a lot of people we haven’t reached because this is an all-English post.
Wait, don’t you have pictures of what’s going on?
We do. They’re under the cut, to prevent causing issues for people reading the post.
This compilation post of the smaller problems: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/1500001066342-Fix-Your-Stuff-or-ALLOW-CUSTOM-CLIENTS-or-BOTH-
Images that show some of the changes:
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[Two screenshots of the Discord icon on an IOS device. One is a cool indigo gradient, the other is a solid, brightly saturated indigo.]
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[The words “gaming central” twice in Discord’s new font. One is bold, the other is not.]
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[The words “reddit fart reddit smell” in Discord’s new font. Underneath, the highly saturated indigo as seen in the icons, stretching across the screen to indicate new messages.]
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[Discord’s old indigo, icon, and stylized font displayed above Discord’s new indigo, icon, and stylized font.]
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cece-knows · 3 years
This is last time posting and entertaining the thought of this shit
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cece-knows · 3 years
Us when people are calling Karl a nazi:
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cece-knows · 3 years
As a German, seeing y’all throw around the word “n@z!” About a character that capcom literally said “his persona is made off of FRANKENSTEIN!!” Is very disheartening because this man had only a German name and some dog tags.. this is upsetting that y’all feel comfortable throwing that word around
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cece-knows · 3 years
Just my thoughts on the situation!!!!
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cece-knows · 3 years
Can y’all stop saying Karl is a n@zi ... literally y’all have dog tags and a name and y’all wanna say it’s n@zi stuff... can y’all just stfu 😂
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cece-knows · 4 years
just to be clear, the fact that music was nominated for a golden globe is absolutely disgusting. every single (adult) involved in that gross, ableist movie should be sickened by themselves.
for those of you who don't know, music (2021) is a movie being directed by sia about a nonverable autistic girl. not only does it not include any actually autistic people in the movie itself but it also only took advice from autism speaks which is looked at as a hate group by the majority of the autistic community. leaked scenes have also shown the movie glorifying prone restraints which are incredibly dangerous and have resulted in major injuries and even death to disabled people as recently as last year.
autistic people just like me have been incredibly outspoken about how harmful this movie is but the allistic have been mostly silent. we are already seeing reviews calling this movie 'inspiring' and important' and it's absolutely horrific! we need your help calling this out. please stand with us and call out this disgusting display of disrespect to autistic folks.
💛 - your local actually autistic pal
p.s. please, please reblog if you aren't autistic.
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