cdcave · 5 months
Hello! Today's card is The Chariot.
Major Arcana #7 is all about willpower and control. Once we gain and master the learned skill of self-control, our empowerment can become exponential and we can choose to become unlimited. I see the chariot card as a symbolic twin of the philosophers stone. It is the product of a balanced mind, a synchronized heart, and a body whose urges and impulses no longer call the shots.
The black and white sphinx/horses in the card images represent how the balance of opposite forces in any case results in forward motion, ground gained. We all have dark and light parts of us, masculine and feminine traits in different levels and spectrums. The challenge is to identify, invigorate and cultivate each side within us.
The ultimate culmination of this practice is total inner alchemical union. A harmonious marriage of the orderly, logical, and action-oriented masculine with the intuitive, creative, emotional, spirit-oriented feminine.  
This reminds me of a download I had a week ago or so. I was thinking about how the most divine occurrences i've encountered in my twenty-three years and how ethereal and other worldly I perceive them to be. Those moments feels like perfection where it is as if I have actually left this planet. The experience feels like heaven, yet, I am on earth so it is not "heaven". The phrase "heaven on earth" requires you to be on earth, requires you to be grounded in the mundane day after day so that the witness of the divine can hold such contrast.
Without the structure and rhythmic order of the masculine structures in our world, there would be no place for the feminine spiritual etheric world to contrast. The balance of opposites is what makes anything matter.
This picture describes the differences between your internal masculine and feminine. It also demonstrates how these traits may transform in a wounded state or in an empowered state (The Chariot state).
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cdcave · 2 years
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sun sun sun
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cdcave · 2 years
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colors of life
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cdcave · 2 years
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cdcave · 2 years
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cdcave · 2 years
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3.24.23 ♡ waxing moon in aries 
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cdcave · 2 years
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Circe Invidiosa by John William Waterhouse + Karma, Midnights track 11
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cdcave · 2 years
MERCURY IN THE 4th HOUSE; Observations
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These are the people who have their own at-home library. They have shelves lined with books, and their walls are covered with posters and pictures of their favorite interests rather than family photos. They grew up in a home that promoted intellectual growth. Both of their parents are highly intelligent and always took a logical approach when handling matters, including emotional. Debates and deep discussions were common amongst the dinner table growing up. Their parents always played devil's advocate rather than giving them straight advice, believing that their children are capable of coming to their own conclusions. These types excel within education and academic settings, to them they feel at home here. Teachers and professors are especially fond of people with this placement, oftentimes their personality or appearance reminds their teachers of family members. The value system in which they grew up under has a huge effect when it comes to decision making and on their thought process. They often dwell on the past, which is easy for them to do as they have an excellent memory. They remember every word that's ever been spoken to them since childhood, and these words cut deep. Emotions often get in the way of logic for people with this placement, their emotions and thoughts are intertwined. They have a huge interest in folklore and myths. They are curious about traditions and like to study history. An understanding of politics comes easy to them, and they are rather diplomatic themselves. People with this placement are good at using past knowledge to inform themselves about the future. They’re also the types who get really into crafts when each holiday comes around. They’ll take the time to fold napkins in a fancy way for Thanksgiving dinner, and they get particular over the placement of ornaments on a Christmas tree. (They’re also the most skilled pumpkin carvers!) The aesthetic of their home is rather eccentric. There are a lot of details to take in, these types like to collect many random objects and then present these things around their house proudly. They like to showcase their adventures and personality through the home. At every corner of their house, you will find something that is bound to stimulate the mind. They probably own well over a thousand little trinkets. It is a good idea for these individuals to live in a walkable neighborhood, or in a town that fosters a true sense of community.
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cdcave · 2 years
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(via The Power Degrees of the Zodiac - Astrodienst)
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cdcave · 2 years
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cdcave · 2 years
“The geological stage associated with the most severe and rapid episode of change during this transition from one world age to the next, from a full-blown glacial age into the more or less benign interglacial age in which we are now privileged to live, is called by geologists the Younger Dryas chronozone. A Chron is a subdivision of an Age, which is a subdivision of an Epoch, which is a subdivision of a Period. A chronozone then, is the least span of time in the hierarchy of world ages as represented in the geological time series and is defined by the rocks and/or fossils that characterize this particular span of time, the Chron. At 1300 years in length the Younger Dryas is considered a chronozone.”
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cdcave · 2 years
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i hope this isnt real but omg twitter is hilarious rn
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cdcave · 2 years
“the immune system seems to play a significant role in the start and longevity of eating disorders”--Department of Public Health at the University of Helsinki, Finland
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cdcave · 2 years
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cdcave · 2 years
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cdcave · 2 years
curious to see how this shakes down. i will fight this fight with them.
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cdcave · 2 years
Health Anxiety
I am scared that I may have fibromyalgia and am wondering how common it is, as well as autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis or lupus) following recovery for AN.   
I’m about 1 year into recovery right now from AN, and I am so grateful for growth. But about 2 months ago I started noticing stiffness in my leg muscles and shoulders along with Raynaud’s syndrome (white fingers/toes). 
Since then, symptoms feel like they have worsened to daily  joint pain (thumbs, wrists, neck, shoulders, hips, ankles/feet) and sore muscles/tendons (legs, arms, back, TMJ symptoms, no chest pain).
I never had health anxiety before recovery, but now I cant stop worrying if I did irreparable damage and will have to suffer the consequences my whole life. I have spent prob upwards of $150 this past month on vitamin B, D, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron bc the internet told me deficiencies in these vitamins commonly cause the symptoms I described, and I am desperate. 
I’m torn between seeing a doctor or not because I worry its all in my head, and I can’t bear to pay almost $100 to be told that in a 5-min visit.  I know the mind is so powerful over the physical body, and can’t help but think this chronic pain is from stressing myself out about the pain. But in my hours and hours I have accumulated researching on the internet, I read at least 10-15 blog posts of post-recovery patients who spent years trying to decode the same symptoms as me, and finally learned they had fibromyalgia or arthritis. 
Im just rambling now, but It would mean the world and more if anyone reading this can take the poll or share any related info/stories/suggestions related to post-recovery pain and fatigue (can dm/pm if u want to! I am craving some support from my fellow soldiers right about now♡♡♡
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