Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

It is almost as big as Kosher!! It took my forever to get her to sit next to the zucchini, she was scared of it!! #dumbass #mylittleidiot #veggiegarden #backyarddiy #doxie #gardeningwithmydog #furbaby #sheissocute #shehatesme #sheissodumb
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I go out of town for a couple of days and this guy went nuts. #veggiegarden #itshuge #supersized #whatthehellamigoingtodowiththis #toomuch #zucchiniboats #ridiculous #backyarddiy #holyshit #holyshitlookwhatidid
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After months of waiting I harvested my LARGE yellow onions. This is the biggest one. I am not sure what happened. #howdidiscrewthisup #wtf #insertsizejokehere #scratchingmyhead #annoyed #backyardgarden #backyarddiy #veggiegarden
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A-Tisket, A-Tasket. An herb filled basket. #yesiknowitischeesy #backyarddiy #backyardgarden #yummy
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My first strawberry!!! Well, the first one the bugs haven't gotten to yet! #diyproject #backyardgarden #backyarddiy #yummy
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How to build a backyard garden. Step 1: dig a big ass hole! Step 2: clean shoes. I didn't really think they my choice of foot wear for this project. #oops #diy #backyarddiy #backyardgarden #ididntreallythinkthisthru #diyproject #imaybeinovermyhead
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I bought this jackass a toy at the store.....she gutted it in the ten minutes it took me to drive us home. #mylittleidiot #nomoretoys #furbaby #littlejackass #iloveherbut #wasteofmoney #itmadeherhappythough #killthetoy #furbabylove #doxie #doxiesofinstagram #doxiesrule #dogstagram #sometimesiwanttokillher #shelovesit
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My babies are growing!!! #ihavenotkilledthemYET #backyarddiy #backyardgarden #homegrown #pleaselive
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Kosher decided to "dry off" in my yard. 😐😆🤣 #mylittleidiot #stupiddog #doxie #dogstagram #doxiesrule #thismoron #suchadumbass #dumbass #doxiesofinstagram #bathtime #spincycle #yarncraft
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The many face of bath time. #mylittleidiot #bathtime #furbaby #shehatesme #doxie #dogstagram #doxiesrule #doxiesofinstagram #furbabybathtime
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Noni and I watching the address to Congress and rocking our white. #addresstocongress #suffregettewhite #resist
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It's snowing!! I love the sound or silence!!! (at Huntington Lake)
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I ran into one of my favorite people on a chairlift. CJ was there practicing for Special Olympics!! I know he is going to kick ass at the games!! #SpecialOlympics #favoritepeople #sohappy #beautifulday #perfectday #oneofthebestpeopleiknow #specialolympicsnortherncalifornia (at China Peak Mountain Resort)
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My dad taught me to ski when I was a kid.....he is still a better skier than I am. #fatherdaughter #ski #skiing #beautifulday #sohappy #somuchsnow (at China Peak Mountain Resort)
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Great day skiing!! So much snow!! #skiing #ski #somuchsnow #sohappy #beautifulday (at China Peak Mountain Resort)
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Fingers crossed these guys grow! #diy #backyardgarden #backyarddiy#growbabygrow
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Today I took both of my grandmothers to see the Broadway musical Allegiance. Today is the anniversary of Executive Order 9066, One of the most shameful things this country has ever done. Around 120,000 American citizens of Japanese dissent were were removed from their homes, forced to give up all of their property, their businesses, their homes, their civil liberties, their pursuit of happiness and moved to what we have called internment camps but should be known as concentration camps. We did this of fear and with no sense of rationale. This is a part of our history that is glazed over in our history books, in our schools, and I know national conversation. It is something that we need to remember so that it can NEVER happen again. #knowyourhistory #excutiveorder9066 #neveragain #notintheseunitedstates #neveragain #gaman (at Edwards Fresno Stadium 22 & IMAX)
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