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cbshna · 4 years ago
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cbshna · 4 years ago
There are stories only you have to tell, because there is no one who looks at the world in the way you do. There is no one else who listens to the whispers tucked in a soft breeze or understands the wilting petals whimpering. There is no one who feels the earth in the way you do. You are the one.
Ekta Somera
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cbshna · 4 years ago
“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
As a Gen Z individual, we are born into an age where social media and digital technology have been integrated in nearly all aspects of our lives. While social media has proven to be a valuable communication tool in connecting with each other and sharing information, the long-term psychosocial effects are beginning to become more apparent as social media matures. In comparison to other generations, Gen Z favors social media platforms that contain less messaging and are more visually oriented that is very helpful for expanding our sources of content as a whole. With so much being blogged and written, then curated and shared proactively, the volume of content has grown exponentially. Now, there is no shortage of viewpoints and sources from which we can draw our own conclusions about what is really happening in the world. This tells me that everything has permanently changed and has officially embedded itself in our culture.
In today’s climate of social media, I can say that Generation Z have negatively been affected by social media leading to harm our perception of what the real world is like away from Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Social media and the internet age ruined the senses of reality among us, teenagers, college-aged and young adults by ignoring real-life’s flaws when we take away our cell-phones and smart devices. One of the biggest phenomena that we young people created on social media is virtue signaling to gain attention and the unrealistic beauty standards. There are countless times I’ve seen my friends pretend to be active in social issues and movements just to get likes or a larger following. On the other hand, when I say unrealistic beauty standards, it is Instagram’s realm to be perfect within every single bone structure in our body. The filters and editing software are so advanced you can instantly look like another person where it can lead to serious insecurity issues, low self-esteem, and fear of missing out. As we all can observe, the bar has been set so high for what people are supposed to look like this day in age on social media. The online world is often raw and unfiltered. While several organizations are trying to limit the type of information that is easily accessible online, the internet is still full of inappropriate content. In the absence of any proper regulation, parental control or supervision, gen zers often have easy access to inappropriate material that became an open game to spread rumors, false information or flat out.
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cbshna · 4 years ago
“The Value of Being Media and Information Literate Individual”
Media and Information helps every individuals to cope up in the world. It appears to be a powerful actor of social changes as it is seen and used simultaneously as a tool, a mean of communication, of information and of knowledge. When we speak of media, it emphasizes the ability to understand media functions, evaluate how they are performed and use them for self-expression, while information literacy emphasizes the importance of access to information and the evaluation and ethical use of such information.
As our dependence on technology increases, thinking critically about media and information is a life-long learning skill that supports active and informed citizens who play a key role in ensuring democracy doesn’t die online. Today, we are living in what is known as the “Digital Age” and the only constant is that it will continue to develop and expand for future generations. It is important for everyone to develop and expand along with the media, in order to become a bright sender and receiver of information and to properly understand what is being circulated. It will also enable individuals to process and evaluate online information with discernment. For this to happen, we need to develop media literacy skills that will help in keeping the mind active when looking at different media platforms, instead of keeping a passive mind.
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cbshna · 4 years ago
a body of a beautiful mind, creative, a big heart, emotional and sensitive, sometimes too much, looking for love, a place to call home, a place to feel safe, showing and trying to accept, trying to love, trying to cherish, trying to appreciate.
a body fighting against madness, sadness, anger towards itself, a tired mind, fighting against hurting itself, because there is no other way to get rid of the pain I feel deep inside me, on my soul, in my heart. it is a question and the answer is "it's nothing, my cat scratched me." but the scratches are too even, too many.
fighting against deep, sad, bad, hurting thoughts, hoping, praying, pleading to not give up.
there are more sides than one, but which one do you see?
do I say how I feel, do I act like it's okay, am I building up my walls or do I just ignore everything and try to walk past?
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this picture is one way I can be. one way I look pretty, I don't always, rather never, think like that. too much fat around my stomach, not skinny enough, my thighs are too big, my boobs are not pretty, never have been. my face is not symmetrical, my mouth is weird, one eye is smaller, I don't have a strong jawline, I weighed a bit more, a bit 'too much', all my life.
...and that's okay. all of it is normal.
I go out, I take my bike and drive somewhere, I am moving. I'm doing things for myself. as much as I can do, that is enough.
learning that this is a wrong picture. what our body does almost is a miracle. going through so much, holding us together, keeping us alive. sometimes it breaks easily, but even then, more often than not it is healing itself.
sometimes, what is left are scars build through a fight against our own. not only on our skin. formed by wanting to end it all, too tired, too exhausted to keep fighting, not wanting to keep trying, not wanting to be here anymore, it's deep inside on our souls, on our hearts. hearts that sometimes break too often and makes us feel like nothing is worth anything. but even then...
we're somehow still here.
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cbshna · 4 years ago
I think people would be happier if they admitted things more often. In a sense we are all prisoners of some memory, or fear, or disappointment — we are all defined by something we can't change.
— Simon Van Booy, The Illusion of Separateness
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cbshna · 4 years ago
I always wanted to be extra-ordinary. I wanted to go to the best schools growing up and take the hardest courses to prove my worth. I wanted to always come in top five of my class so nobody would doubt me. I wanted to be good at all my classes so everyone recognised that I was smart. I wanted to have the best boyfriend who would outshine everyone else’s - the kind you see in movies and read about in books. I wanted a perfect friend, who would be the sun to my moon. I wanted a near perfect childhood and a successful adulthood. But now that I think back, and I realise that I was so busy chasing ‘perfect’- I forgot what I truly wanted. I forgot about what really mattered, only remembered what made me look good to others. I forgot what made me ‘me’, but learned by heart what others wanted to see in me. I always wanted to be extraordinarily and now, I am nothing but ordinary.
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