beesequi · 4 years
“The Value of Being Media and Information Literate”
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To receive such a response from the people in society it only needs to spread such powerful words and information which could create a paradigm shift of the current situation we are facing today. It takes probably a paragraph or two written and found in different materials for the people to be aware of something and do a reflection on their selves if it has something to do with them. Now, in this era that technological advancements are improving to its maximum capacity in just the ticking of the clock, the spreading of information has fully evolved from word of mouth, newspapers, and to what we call the Digital Media. But, these platforms that this new media is offering to us have made the people forget the purpose of why this new media was made in this digital society—understand, inquire, create, communicate and think critically to craft the basics to become Media and Information Literate; who interprets and make right judgments to become skillful creators and producers of information and media messages in their own right.
The responsibility we are bearing as someone who is a Media and Information Literate is something we should never take for granted. Instead, let us use this wisely to share what we have learned with society because this wouldn’t just be a gain on our part but it makes the most out of it to the people around us. Together, let us take our parts to promote how valuable it is to be someone who is Media and Information Literate. It doesn’t take you to have much to take the part, but bear the vital character of being open-minded, competent, and having critical thought would suffice to carry on the value of being Media and Information Literate.
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hansleygamutan · 4 years
The Value of Media and Information Literature Individual
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Today in modern times. All of us grasp that technology is growing at a rapid pace. It is continually being developed, modified, and advanced simultaneous. This development is parallel to media like Media Platforms and Media Information such as televisions, radios, computers, smartphones, and other mediums that have been created to experience an embellished lifestyle, hassle-free. Since then, it has always benefited us. However, all of us are new to this, so we need each other to liberate ourselves from ignorance. By doing that, all of us are obliged to educate and acquire knowledge about Media Literacy and Information Literacy; these two fields may be different, but when joined creates an overwhelming armament for the betterment use of media, life, and work, as we continue with our journey.
By being imbued with Media and Information Literacy, this will undoubtedly give us an advantage set of abilities to comprehend, interpret, and distinguish the truth from false information to gain accurate data and analyze if it is biased or unbiased and recognizing an untrustworthy and illegitimate business. However, there are contents on the  Internet which is crawling with corruption, scandal, and immorality; we may encounter this sort of thing when we browse. Thus, it is our duty as Literates to supervise and advise the users of the interfaces to always be mindful and vigilant of the contents on the Internet, especially to children whose minds are still innocent and easily influenced by it. Unquestionably, our future is guaranteed guarded as we continue learning about those mentioned above and prevents us from turning into savages on the Internet, minds that are hurt but not too far from saving. Reminder to always, please help one another to mediate a response that will not deviate them from the path of piety.
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charianneyzh · 4 years
"The Value of Being Media and Information Literate Individual"
In today's generation, social media has risen and technology has developed beyond of what we can imagine, and how we communicate has evolved immensely. Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. Where we use different social media platforms as a way of acquiring information, sharing ideas, and connecting with others effectively and efficiently.
As users of social media, it is important for us to be well-informed of what participating online means, to develop a skill to comprehend the information we get and identify false information, and most importantly to act responsibly online. The value of being media and information literate is to be knowledgeable when it comes to using these platforms. We can't deny the fact that social media has made things easier and has been beneficial to us but it also entrusts a great responsibility to its users. Being media and information literate is definitely not just an advantage but also to be one of the cultivators of a responsible generation.
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rocellegrace · 4 years
The Value of Being Media and Information Literate Individual
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A Media and Information literate is someone who can interpret and make informed judgments as users of information and media. We are currently living in a "Digital World" where technologies help us our lives easier. We have seen the beginning of technology and how it developed to its what it is now. Media is one of the things that continued to evolve over the years. Being media and information literate is vital as it gives us advantages in giving and gathering information in different kinds of mediums. One of its values is the keen understanding of the info in media and the ability to use the info in a correct manner. It is also a skill that helps us become a brilliant receiver and sender of information in media and develop critical thinking, and socializing. By being one of the individuals we are able to process information through various types of media and carry it in an intelligent way given the kind of information we have. 
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sittiesohaya · 4 years
The Value of Being Media and Information Literate Individual
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For almost 7 months, we have received a lot of news and information about the current situation of the world. We also share these information to other people for them to be informed. However, it is important to distinguish the difference between a false information and authentic information before believing its content. For us to classify the information, we need to verify and analyze them before going into conclusion. In addition, we need to find out what is the presented information by using critical thinking skills to clearly interpret and make informed judgements.
Hence, being a media and information literate individual is important in this generation. It will give us an advantage in today's time in terms of giving and gathering information as users of social media. A society that practices media and information literacy will not just benefit ourselves and our society in improving our quality of life, but it will also enhance our critical approach in making an informed judgement. Lastly, it will surely make each one of us a more responsible individual in the online world.
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carlenziee · 4 years
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“The Value of Being Media and Information Literate Individual”
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mcaterial · 4 years
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donfilomeno · 4 years
"The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual."
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"Stop, Look and Think"...or might as well think twice before cracking and firing up those keys then striking that send button. Apparently, this phrase is practical but quite neglected yet unexercised among Internet media users consequently leading the system through series of confusions; ergo, it provides a place for false informations. In this case, the flow of communication and information has been disrupted and disordered. Then, fire starters have become a trend, destructive criticism strikers tear individuals, rise of false informations becoming beliefs, and many more toxicity have spread around the digital media. Moreover, humanity should be responsible for the action and be liable for the cause, although that would be inevitable to reduce the cost. In fact, to combat these issues, having the ability of being literate is inadequate but it should be empowered, by engaging the people to encompass the ability of being a "Critical Thinker" which is essential to the 21st century as a media and information literate.
The Internet plays a major part of this digital era and anyone of all ages can access, participate and engage with media use. In addition, these users should be oriented to be a Media and Information literate, which is the "combination of knowledge, attitudes, skills, and practices required to access, analyse, evaluate, use, produce, and communicate information and knowledge in creative, legal and ethical ways that respect human rights” (Moscow Declaration on Media and Information Literacy, 2012). Through MIL (Media and Information Literacy), it aims to develop, encourage, support individuals and societies to be "Critical Thinkers" leading to better understanding in the importance of building communication and information. With that, these individual users will be able to distinguish real from false informations, make informed constructive criticisms, and respect information that means it allows each and everyone to express their ideas, opinions fully without any judgment or prejudice. Furthermore, yielding responsibly creative producers and consumers of media and information and this is a significant growth. Overall, the value of MIL is much more than what people think, with MIL it gives a new hope for the people against the toxicity around the media.
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Don Filomeno Marfori B. Agus
Retrieved from: https://www.ifla.org/publications/moscow-declaration-on-media-and-information-literacy
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mairhelleclarisse · 4 years
"The Value of Being Media and Information Literate Individual"
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    Media and information are always tied-up together. Media contain information while information are being disseminated through media. The two play a vital role in the daily lives of every individual in a way that they depend here in regard to the current happenings in the world, may it be locally, nationally, internationally and globally. Media and information have the powerful force that could shape the society and influence peoples' perspectives and opinions on a particular matter. However, not all information in media are all verifiable and reliable. With that, having the knowledge of rightly distinguishing false information from accurate ones makes you a — Media and Information Literate.
    Living in a world incorporated with technology, information tend to spread freely, quickly, and easily. Media and information literate is a crucial aspect that people must learn today. Being a media and information literate makes an individual be aware and be cautious of the details that they will give and receive to and from media. Nonetheless, what really makes it significant to the life of each one? Simply because by being so, every mankind would have the ability to have informed judgements and not just directly believe on something that is being fed in the media.  Stand with ground, have a conscious mind, and acquire living with genuineness.
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quenniecarl · 4 years
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗕𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗮 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗟𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗱𝘂𝗮𝗹
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Photo by Elijah O’Donnell
October 24, 2020— Red is the color of the extremes—from the blazing fire and surging blood—it is one of the superlative colors there is in a spectrum. It is an intense color that can represent both the cupid and the devil, as stimulating as it is, it can be a passionate love that can shift quickly into rage and violence (Bourn, 2011). This color can be found just anywhere in some point of a man’s life most obviously and unconsciously in Media and Information, and how communication shaped the minds of the general public and the society. Media and Information are constantly reforming and evolving from its birth since then, it has dominated and affected the ways of living in crucial points inferring the red color as its most adapted common reaction and emotional effect.  Come to think of how a single news headline can make the people divide and debate strongly according to their reason—that is how exactly the red color exposes itself among people. Individuals are always susceptible to fallible knowledge and whether they intended or not to come across faulty links, there are few of the articles curated with false information and selfish motives that can uproot reactions. To catch the feel of Media and Information is inevitable, and to  know the truth requires more than comprehension to save one’s self—literacy.
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Photo by Wherbson Rodrigues
To be or not to be—Literacy is not a matter of how you do it but a decision that you will be. The first step of being a literate individual is a personal choice, of that will and persistence to find the truth, and to be responsible and well-informed. One’s worth in encountering Media and Information cannot be measured by your weighted literacy but rather it is by how you value literacy when brought up to analyze communication. To be a literate who walks in the light of the truth is surely fulfilling than to be doomed to fight the false causes and empty fears. One who can evaluate and remains to be literate, can also create and produce Media and Information in the standards and ethics that can contribute greatly to the society. The importance of being a Media and Information literate is that each one is held accountable for the individual and communal actions, and has the power to regulate and ease chaos in miscommunication.  Information is easy to grasp and hard to compromise for a noble literate. 
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Photo by Karol D
ʙᴏᴜʀɴ, ᴊ. (2011). ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴍᴇᴀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍᴇᴀɴɪɴɢ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ʀᴇᴅ. ʙᴏᴜʀɴᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ. ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇᴅ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʜᴛᴛᴘꜱ://ᴡᴡᴡ.ʙᴏᴜʀɴᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ.ᴄᴏᴍ/ᴍᴇᴀɴɪɴɢ-ᴏꜰ-ᴛʜᴇ-ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ-ʀᴇᴅ/
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hafizasantican · 4 years
“The Value of Being Media and Information Literate Individual”
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Photo by Newsroom
“Literacy is the road to the human progress and the means through which every man, woman, and child can realize his or her potential.” -  Koffi Annan
In this asymmetrical generation, media, information, and technology have been part of every individual in a society. Due to continuous advancement of modern technology,  we became dependent that truly affected the digital lives and the well-being of an individual. In this fast pace of evolution and advancement,  media and information continuously change our lives to a high extent. It developed and shaped the world to what it is now and is continuously growing more fearsome and misleading. With the numerous media and information around us, we procured our presumed liberty to choose information that we can share and disseminate for other people. Nevertheless, it is important to evaluate and distinguish the distinction between false and authentic information most especially that false information is relevant nowadays. Furthermore, these information can tremendously affect the potential and growth of an individual. It transpire, inspire, and unveil the truth which is the essence of Media and Information Literacy. Additionally, a media and information literate individual has the power to make a difference and be different. Through this, we may be able to create a ripple effect and influence others to act like one. Thus, being media and information literate is very relevant in the 21st Century which enables us to perceive and act to the things differently. 
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According to the philosopher Karl Popper, “True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it.”
They say ignorance is a bliss. However, ignorance can be  a curse too. It prevent humans to evolve and progress. Thus, it must be eradicated. This can only be done when we are individuals who are capable to know, understand, learn, critically criticize, and analyze. Thus, being media and information literate is important. It will enhance the critical thinking skills, analysis, and growth of an individual. Moreover, it can influence the way of living and improve the quality life in a society.  A media and information literate understand what knowledge is needed and what it possess also, disseminate and harness every information just and efficiently. By doing so, we may influence others, promote awareness, and make the cyber world uncrippled and prosperous once again. A world full of enlightenment, knowledge, and advertence.
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jaybellefaith · 4 years
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“The Value of Being Media and Information Literate Individual”
Most individuals have computers, laptops, tablets and even smartphones nowadays. Communication has been made simpler by these devices. Nowadays, from anytime, anywhere, you can browse the internet. Such devices have made life more pleasant. There are several methods by which technology has made life simpler, but we must be careful to use it as a media user. Not only do we need to take care of our gadgets or devices, we need to be mindful and vigilant of how we use the media and the internet at the same time.
Being literate in the media and knowledge needs respect and self-control. We have to be vigilant about what we say and share on social media. We have to be sufficiently accountable for any act we do. Many users of the social media are simply illiterate and not accountable. We tend to neglect the correct actions and clear labels that we have to uphold as an individual because of the independence and freedom that we have. Much of the time, the freedom we have is abusive and, unfortunately, we are not aware of it.
As we learn media and information literacy, let us take this opportunity to really access ourselves and be introduced to the reality that media and information have a major factor that will affect the enhancement or status of an individual, society and the growth of a country. This will train and encourage the development of our character, actions and skills that we can apply in our daily lives, especially in our future. Let us be wise in every act, movement and decisions that we are going to do not just online. Let us be accountable enough so that we can call ourselves literate in the media and information.
#Grade12ABM1 @blogcoversandpagesworld
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allysaclaire · 4 years
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“Think before you click.” heard a thousand times yet not practiced by many, so simple yet hard to understand; a value that should be embodied by an individual who meddles in the world of Social Media. Nowadays, people post anything they want without thinking twice and they use the internet in a wrong way; that is why Media and Information Literacy is important. An individual who is literate enough allows himself to learn, unlearn, and relearn, as per what Alvin Toffler said. Media and Information Literature tells us that everything has consequences if the freedom of making a choice is not well practiced. It requires a lot of skills and critical thinking to be a Media and Information Literate, we all have to take that tiny little baby steps to achieve that goal.
Media and Information Literacy enables us to be aware of our surroundings, that social media is not merely a place where we are entertained and attain the freedom to express ourselves; instead it is a place where we could learn from each other. We are responsible of gaining and giving information that is right and accurate. Media and Information Literacy develops our analytical and critical thinking that would make our economy and country thrive. Respect is always the key of a media and information literate, without this, peace would not be evident in this world. Remember to think before you click, your life depends on it.
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irahmarie · 4 years
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“The Value of Being Media and Information Literate Individual”
           The word literacy describes the capacity to read and write.  While Media and Information Literate is the capacity to understand, analyze, and interpret the messages that they are sending. As a student and an individual, MIL gives importance in our well-being since it widens our knowledge with the information given. Most importantly, being a Media and Literate Individual that truly knows its role, will be able to know what is right and when the media publishes something, will be able to know if its credible and will not get misled.  "Children and young people not only need to be able to read for information; they also need to be able to work out what trust they should place on the information and to identify when and how people are aiming to persuade or influence them." Curriculum for Excellence (2009) Literacy across learning Principles and practice paper
          It is really essential for everyone to be Media and Information Literate Individual for us to be guided and detect what are the facts and is relevant. This is crucial for everyone since we are all members of the society and not to mention, we are in the 21st Century and the Mass Media platforms today are bigger compare before, even kids have Facebook accounts. Fake news are also rampant these days and in order to avoid this is to become a Media and Information Literate. In conclusion, media literacy is an essential skill in the digital age or this will make us ignorant.
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ichbinzie · 4 years
“The Value of Being Media and Information Literate Individual”
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Photo by Archer Inventive
A shield is more than protection in war, a gear of might, and not a mere material for a defense. An uncommon weapon for some, but as important as a sword for few and more than what it seems, a shield does not only mean a material thing, but it is more like an ability in the form of media and information literacy—a skill, a form of a shield that acts as protection, as nothing more is common than false information. However—what is more than awareness is being media and information literate—beyond circumspection, nothing less than well-informed. Just like a shield, it is less important to many. However, its value will always be crucial as it is not only defined as a skill but also is identified as a barrier against widespread false information because, nowadays, more people are becoming vulnerable. That is why being a media and information literate individual is like a knight with a mighty shield able to fight through the war, able to survive through and rise.
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Photo extracted from https://computer.howstuffworks.com/keyboard.htm
Presumably, the media and information today are by far at their greatest. However, these are becoming more fearsome and untrustworthy as they evolve. That is clear to say that media and information literacy demand our attention. Furthermore, it might be far-fetched to say that Leslie White’s idea of innovation as the mother of necessity is true (1949 , as cited in Ferrante, 2006), but media and information literacy is more than innovation necessary for cognitive identification of laid information, which speaks for the necessity to counter gullibility. However, as the world advances more through science and technology, innovating more the communication we have so far, it is conclusive that knowledge and literacy should meet the advancement halfway—because knowledge and literacy are as much as important as the development of the world. Hence, it is ideal that as much as our world develops, our intelligence and ability shall synchronize with it allowing us to value more media and information literacy and making us a media and information literate individual.
Ferrante, J. (2006). Social Change with Emphasis on Global Interdependence. In Sociology: A Global Perspective (6th ed., p. 571). Belmont, CA, California: Wadsworth.
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libraimej · 4 years
"The Value of Being Media and Information Literate Individual"
Being a Media and Information Literate is a skill. Navigating the web, knowing the background of each website, learning how the web works, and how each platform works. Most people don't know how to navigate the web nor any knowledge. Most people just use the browser and websites for entertainment not knowing the people who use it, what they use it for, what the developers intention is, and sometimes the knowledgeable people exploit the algorithm and fool the others who don't know anything of the website. Being a Media and Information Literate is a skill and knowledge that these people have, obtain, and learned. People these days blame the web even though not knowing anything therefore, people are easily deceived. 
 A person who knows how the web works can use his/her knowledge to its full capabilities, it is up to the person to use it for good or not. A media literate person should help or teach other people to navigate, learn, and analyze the web, how it works, and how people use this particular website. Today, information is spread via web, people who doesn't have any knowledge are informed falsely. People can post false articles, edit videos. People without the knowledge share these false information and videos, also informing those people who doesn't have the knowledge. In this day and time it's just swindling in another level. If people can avoid, analyze, and understand lies before the internet then, people can also avoid it now. If people can help and teach one another, people will understand more about the internet and the web. Technology and Web are not hindrances, it is innovation, people just need  to know and understand how it works.
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