Theriantok is very heavily centered around ableism and fatphobia. Transphobia and racism too but thats a conversation for a different time.
Much of theriantok is based around quadrobics and masks, not that this is a bad thing by itself! But it leaves open little room for people trying to spread information!
The algorithm pushes out people with pretty scenery, good quality, a nice mask, skinny body and very good quads.
This leads younger therians, (who are oft3n actually otherhearted) to only see that side! Only seeing past lives and connections, only seeing skinny bodies doing perfect quads with very palatable feelings.
Animal urges are demonized, doing messy quads is ugly.
Being fat gets you nowhere, your just cringe.
If your delusional in any way they hate you, and say your promoting delusions.
You must be sane, you must be skinny, you must be pretty.
I hate this culture on tiktok, i want to SEE my fellow freaks and creatures, animals who arent fully sane and their therianthropy stems from delusion. Animals who run around in the mud and growl at strangers.
I want animals like me.
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catfriendlysaluki · 2 days
In hindsight, I do wonder how often my hooves were misinterpreted as paws (though I do get paws as well). For the longest time, I was reluctant to consider being any herbivore (despite many signs) which could have influenced that a lot.
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catfriendlysaluki · 2 days
I love that I figure out I'm a donkey and then I'm fine with that for a day or two and then my response to the conclusion is to grill myself and try to debunk everything about it and deny it is a thing. To just say I'm only a dog and that's all. Old habits. I grew up with a bit of grilling (been around since 2011 or so), in parts of the community known for rigorous questioning protocol.
To some, I was a teenage "fluffball" and that knowledge is also a lasting thing in my psyche. It's so bad that I'm trying to say I'm otherlinking as a donkey when, actually, that's absolutely not the case. Besides that, I'm a donkey as much as I am a dog even if I was 'linking as a donkey. I can't even say I'm not a donkey because it actually feels off and upsets me just like when I say I'm not a dog.
I don't know. This is rambly and I'm sorry. Got a lot on my mind about this.
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catfriendlysaluki · 4 days
This is a very random thought, but I lowkey miss the simple times when being a therian meant simply to be intrinsically an animal in any extent and "psychological" and "spiritual" were only the theories one held about the origin of their therianthropy.
I don't know, I just feel like we unnecessarily complicated the matters for ourselves. I feel like a lot of people out there (especially on theriantok, but I saw this on youtube and in discord servers too) wouldn't jump into the "it's just a spiritual connection" bullcrap if the community didn't attach those two theories to the definition at whatever point.
I'm an animal. It's what I believe to be, regardless of how I explain it or how is it expressed, or to what extent or on what level that is.
I feel like a lot of people would get mad at me for wording it this way, for no real reason. I would understand it outside of the community, but fearing stating something as obvious in spaces I considered safe, a part of the community, is a little saddening.
Besides this point, I would really like to know where did the whole connection thing come from in the first place.
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catfriendlysaluki · 4 days
you guys who are using "TikTok therians" to mean people who think being a therian is an aesthetic and not an actual nonhuman identity have forgotten the days when "tumblrkin" was the word of choice for that group, huh?
not to be salty but can we maybe say what we actually mean instead of calling an entire platform fakers for the sake of shorthand
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catfriendlysaluki · 4 days
It's CRAZY how people are so adamant on hating on folk who use the term 'transspecies' on themselves. Like, for one, this term wasn't made to mock or shame trans individuals, nor is its usage. You all realize most folk who use this term are in fact trans themselves, right?
"But the term species dysphoria mocks trans folk!" My littermate in therianthropy no the fuck it does not. There's more types of dysphoria than just gender dysphoria. Also, 90% of therians/otherkin use this term anyways. Why is it suddenly harmful when someone who's transspecies uses it?
"But they make us look bad!!" I hate to break it to you, but literally anti-kin will hate us regardless. Even if you're the goodest of boys, even if you kiss their asses n sing them high praise, they will still hate us. Division between our community is what they want. Divided we fall. They're banking on you turning against you're own in the hopes that they're able to eradicate us.
And dont even pull the bullshit ableist ass phrase "Well THEY believe they're animals and I DONT so," because one, yes the fuck you do that's what the term "otherkin" literally means and two, you're REALLY showing your ass by openly admitting you view people with delusions and mentally illnesses as lesser than you. Congratulations! You are ableist!
It's fine to not like the term personally but you do not get to growl n snap at folks who use it. You do not dictate a person's identity. Mind your business
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catfriendlysaluki · 6 days
There's a really funny dichotomy regarding alterhuman playlists that I've seen, though it's likely due to the amount that these genres engage with sentiments aligned with alterhumanity more than some others do. So what predominantly occupies YOUR playlist?
This is a judgement-free poll btw I'm not saying it's bad to fall into either of these categories!! I just think it's interesting :}
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catfriendlysaluki · 6 days
I'm gonna 'link donkey. Has enough of an "I am" feel to probably class as a theriotype but I'm gonna play safe and label it as a 'link. I am just very unsure if it is really a theriotype. Oddly, it feels more right than my attempt to link my hearttype did right off the bat. I'll just be both a saluki and a donkey (a dogkey???). That's it.
I am some flavor of donkey alterhuman and have no idea what it falls under exactly...
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catfriendlysaluki · 6 days
I am some flavor of donkey alterhuman and have no idea what it falls under exactly...
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catfriendlysaluki · 7 days
do you guys ever get species envy. like gender envy but in the alterhuman way
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catfriendlysaluki · 10 days
Tired of this "therianthropy IS NEVER fun!!!" talk, what about those of us who do find it extremely fun💔💔
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catfriendlysaluki · 10 days
being a canine is a spectrum
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catfriendlysaluki · 10 days
I don't know why I can't 'link panthera as a genus at the very least. It just feels wrong to say I am a cat in any capacity beyond "almost-cat". I have the behaviors & react instinctively in a feline manner at times & it is nearly identical to therianthropy in that regard but I'm just not a cat. I can't get it to click right in my brain despite the connection being there.
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catfriendlysaluki · 10 days
This probably won't make much sense but as a dog therian, I can't help but relate to "Burnin' For You" by Blue Öyster Cult. It's hard for me to explain. It's more what is meant by burning for someone. Dog love, dog devotion.
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catfriendlysaluki · 10 days
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catfriendlysaluki · 10 days
Have you ever wondered how racial identity may factor into one’s alterhumanity?
I know I have, so I wrote an essay on identifying with one’s race as perceived in human society while being alterhuman and/or nonhuman.
I could never separate myself from my blackness simply because I am a draconic polymorph, but that does not make me any less of a draconic polymorph either.
I am Black, draconic and polymorphic, and each of these details hold great importance to my being. Race isn’t exclusive to just orthohumans, y’know!
You can read Alterhumanity in Color: Exploring Race Outside of Orthohumanity here!
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catfriendlysaluki · 10 days
there's no such thing as a 'fake therian' by the way. some people's types are involuntary and that's okay. some people's types are chosen and that's okay. sometimes people's types are influenced by their mental health and that's okay. sometimes people do it just for fun and are funlinks or stels. some people have awful species dysphoria (in which case, i hope they feel better soon) and that's okay. some people don't have any species dysphoria at all and that's okay. point is there's no rules to therianthropy or alterhumanity. the only 'rule' is literally that you, in some way, aren't a human.
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