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“It’s November now and there’s something different afoot. In November, when the nights get long and the days get cold, as we approach the long dark that is winter, we feel that hand following us down the hall. We feel death’s presence and are therefore more alert to our own. November makes us know, at the edges of our mind, that for each of us, looming winter will one day stretch into eternal darkness. So we welcome the dead among us, remember them, invite them back, and we eat and drink and let the boundaries dissolve, and we are more certain that we’re alive. That’s what’s on offer in November. It makes us know, at the edges of our mind, that we still cast shadows, that we are still bones and blood, that for now, for now, our heft is still heated. Feel it?”
Every Wednesday this month, I’ll be writing about the month of November for the Paris Review. Read the first installment here.
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I’ll just leave this here~
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dancing bees young and sweet only seven bees
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New Zealand’s new water safety mascot is amazing and his instagram is a gift
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The conservatory from Practical Magic
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Dad keeps sharing random facts about bees
To treat common mites, beekeepers coat their bees in powdered sugar. This kills the mites but doesn’t hurt the bees, and they will clean it off anyway. It does, however, make them look like tiny bee ghosts until they groom themselves.
Skunks are natural predators of bees. They will grab a mouthful of bees and suck the juices out before spitting out the bees’ carcasses. To keep the skunks from doing this, beekeepers will build their hives high enough that the skunks have to reach their front paws up to get to the hives. This way, their bellies are exposed and the bees are able to fight back and sting them. Either way, bees die. 
Bees are curious, and they may follow you around for a while just to see what you’re doing. Most bees will trail you for a yard or two, but one breed will stalk you for up to half a mile.
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“A lot of Latinos will say it’s important that future generations of Hispanics in the U.S. speak Spanish,” researcher Mark Hugo Lopez says. But, he adds, “the proof is in the pudding. How many of them actually do?”
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Saw this on Essence Magazine’s Snapchat and thought it would be helpful💕
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Snow White theme: The woman who wanted to be young forever.
Her crown, box, jewelries and a little of the dress are painted with gold. It shines as light hit.
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Lioconcha Hieroglyphica is officially my favorite mollusc
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Our DM’s Guide to D&D Classes
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Abbey House Gardens, UK (by Jayembee69)
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This is the NRA and Republicans in a nutshell
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Destroy the idea that you have to be constantly working or grinding in order to be successful. Embrace the concept that rest, recovery, and reflection are essential parts of the progress towards a successful and ultimately happy life.
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Wasps by Edward Julius Detmold (1883-1957)
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by  morililynn
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