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“One of the worst feelings is being in your own house and feeling like you need to go home”
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The human instinct has always been to come home.
Clementine Von Radics // Buzzcut Season; Lorde // unknown // Runaway; Aurora // Blythe Baird // Homeless; Madisen Kuhn // ao3 // @seashellronan // Wish That You Were Here; Florence + the Machine // When Will I Be Home; Li Shagnyin // Eclipsed; Sangram Majumdar //
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more major arcana. The Magician [April] and The Hermit [Harper].
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plants where plants shouldn't be is my favorite 🥺
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oh I think I forgot to post this but it's more of minecraft au harper. and a friend's character. they are just vibing. [click for hd as usual]
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Women in STEM (sorcery, thaumaturgy, enchantment, magic)
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lil doodle of yet another au version of Harper. this one just goes by H, and is my character in a minecraft rp server I'm in.
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Abandoned power station on the lake.
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Iron Ore Mine Hopper, Suisnish, Isle of Raasay
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Reblog if your inbox is always open to:
Memeless Asks
Headcanon Asks
IC Anons
OOC Anons
Anything and everything pertaining to your muse and how you depict them.
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bonus: glowy version!
also click for hd because tumblr doesn't know how to not display things blurry
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finally finished this! here's the Borderlands AU version of the Cataclysm girls!
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finally finished this! here's the Borderlands AU version of the Cataclysm girls!
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Elsewhere is actually pretty boring, Harper realizes. It's been days - not many, but enough that she's lost count - of wandering through the humid nothingness, and she doesn't feel like she's any closer to getting back. At least she isn't alone out here, though. Someone else, on the opposing team, had been swept away a few innings before her, and as she wanders they've occasionally gotten near enough for her to see them through the haze. Her head spins, and after stumbling and almost falling H-rper realizes she's starting to get scattered. She looks around, trying to pull herself together. As long as she walks against the current, she's going in the right direction. Hopefully. She notices a shape through the fog. It's that other player, the one she's been seeing nearby every now and then. She decides to head toward them, noticing that they seem less scattered than she is. You want to walk together?, she asks, her voice falling flat against the dense fog. The other player - what was their name? - nods, holding out a hand to her. H--pe- takes their hand, and feels a bit of strength returning. Suddenly, the immateria swirling knee-deep around her legs doesn't seem to be pushing her backwards quite as hard. They continue walking together, H--pe- occasionally starting some conversation just to hear some sound other than the waves crashing. (The two of them end up both signing rather than speaking, as she doesn't like the way her voice sounds in the fog, and they apparently just don't talk even normally.) She normally wouldn't talk to someone from her rival team, but there aren't any better options in this part of Elsewhere. Their name is Apr-l Rem--gton, she learns, and they used to be a pitcher until the week before, when a particularly bad reverb day had shuffled them into their team's lineup. Their team's been hoping to land a will that'll put them back in the rotation, as they like to go hiking on the days they aren't playing, and they haven't been enjoying having to come to every game. Not only that, but they're just not the greatest batter. Getting swept Elsewhere was almost a nice break for them, though they won't miss it when they're back with their team. Eventually, the immateria goes from knee deep to mid-calf, and then to ankle-deep, and soon H--pe- and Apr-l are stumbling into the middle of a game. It's been quite a few days, and their respective teams are playing each other once again. This time, though, there's no flooding, only a trickle of feedback making its way around the stadium. H--per's barely had time to pull herself together, still waiting for her first turn at bat since returning, when the feedback starts getting louder, echoing around the stadium and in her ears, and she notices that she and Apr-l are both beginning to flicker. The feedback flares, wrapping around her in piercing waves, and when the flickering stops she's standing in Apr-l's place in the outfield, and they're looking around from where she'd been sitting. One of her new teammates - that's a strange thought, that she's on the same team now after seasons of somewhat less than pleasant rivalry - waves at her, a welcoming smile on their face, but their grin falls and turns to worry as the feedback starts to swell in dizzying tones again and H--per presses her hands over her ears. She doesn't feel any flickering this time, but she still presses her eyes shut. When the feedback fades to minimal again and H--per opens her eyes, she's still wearing the same unfamiliar uniform, still in the same place, still looking at the pitcher's mound, but now April's standing there, the ball that's now in their hand already starting to take on an iridescent blue sheen as they prepare to throw a pitch.
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Decay and Duel for Harper!
✿ - DECAY - an old memory, from childhood perhaps
"I've found you a job." Harper doesn't react, waiting for her father to finish talking. He doesn't like to be interrupted. "It's at the same place I work, but with a different boss. Someone I know pretty well. I had to pull some strings to get you this position - it's paid, mind you, not an internship - so I hope you appreciate it." She wishes she could appreciate this, but the thought of working at a desk all day doesn't exactly fill her with enthusiasm. "Now, this is a professional workplace, so you might want to get a more professional haircut... ah, who am I kidding here? I know you like having your hair that long, and that... individualistic... look. You might want to try channeling some of that individualism into ambition, though. I've gotten you a foot in the door, but you'll need to really put your weight into it if you want to get a leg up on your competition." "Alright, I get it," Harper says. "I'll go to physical therapy for my legs! You don't have to hint at it all the time. Can we go back to talking about the job?" "I was talking about the job." Harper makes sure he can't see her face before rolling her eyes. "Well, anyway, I know you have what it takes to succeed here. And I'd like to see you actually show some of that drive for once. You can do it, son. Make me proud." He pats his hand on her shoulder in what was probably intended to be a reassuring way, but all it does is make her cringe away from the touch, discomforted by the feeling of skin against her scarred back.
⚔ - DUEL - a meeting or relationship that was important to them
Harper barely makes it into the old factory before her pursuers do. She scrambles up a flight of stairs, bobs and weaves past machines and weapon parts, and nearly smacks into what looks like the one remaining way to reach any higher floors - an old and rusted ladder. She pulls herself up the ladder as quickly as she can without using her left arm, and allows herself a moment to rest in the vestibule space above before finding a better hiding spot somewhere higher up in the abandoned factory. At least, she hopes it's abandoned. It's not abandoned. Someone's standing at the top of the small sunken area she's in. She catches a glimpse of tangled dark hair and intensely blue eyes, before her eyes shift to their hands. She knows enough sign language to understand what they're saying, despite what looks like a grenade in one hand complicating their gestures: "Get out." And she responds, "I'm not getting out of here now, there's- I'm-" She sputters, half-incoherent with fear, pointing below her where a distant yell echoes through the lower floors of the factory. Then all at once the sound isn't distant at all. Harper makes a small scared noise, trying to wedge herself into the side of the vestibule in a vain attempt at hiding from her now rapidly approaching pursuer. The stranger stares at her for a moment, before raising the grenade in their hand. Harper sees a flash of blue in the split second before she squeezes her eyes shut, and hears, first the sound of something falling quite quickly through the air, then a few moments later the sound of an explosion from below. Shards of shrapnel fly past her, one grazing her neck. She opens her eyes just in time to see the ladder, weakened by the grenade and weighted by debris, snap off at first one anchor point, then the other, and fall away onto the scorch mark below. Harper glares at the stranger angrily, her eyes focused as close to their face as she can make herself look. "Well, now I can't get out of here! Great plan that was, you complete... who the hell are you,  anyway? They don't say anything, but instead jump down into the recessed area she's still in, and pick her up bodily, lifting her up til she can pull herself over the top onto the floor and allowing her access into the factory proper. Before she can even thank them, they're off into the depths of the building again. She isn't even sure where until she sees the bright blue depths of their pupils in the darkness. "Well, that was weird. And now I'm trapped here and probably still being chased." But she stops to let herself breathe anyway.
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